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Urban development either eliminates, or severely fragments, native vegetation, and therefore alters the distribution and abundance of species that depend on it for habitat. We assessed the impact of urban development on bird communities at 121 sites in and around Perth, Western Australia. Based on data from community surveys, at least 83 % of 65 landbirds were found to be dependent, in some way, on the presence of native vegetation. For three groups of species defined by specific patterns of habitat use (bushland birds), there were sufficient data to show that species occurrences declined as the landscape changed from variegated to fragmented to relictual, according to the percentage of vegetation cover remaining. For three other groups (urban birds) species occurrences were either unrelated to the amount of vegetation cover, or increased as vegetation cover declined. In order to maximise the chances of retaining avian diversity when planning for broad-scale changes in land-use (i.e. clearing native vegetation for housing or industrial development), land planners should aim for a mosaic of variegated urban landscapes (>60 % vegetation retention) set amongst the fragmented and relictual urban landscapes (<60 % vegetation retention) that are characteristic of most cities and their suburbs. Management actions for conserving remnant biota within fragmented urban landscapes should concentrate on maintaining the integrity and quality of remnant native vegetation, and aim at building awareness among the general public of the conservation value of remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

Urban areas are increasing in number, extent, and human population density worldwide. There is potential to mitigate negative impacts of urbanization to native pond-breeding amphibians by providing habitat in both remnant natural and constructed wetlands. This study examines amphibian use of potential breeding sites in natural and constructed ponds in a large metropolitan area to investigate habitat characteristics that are associated with successful breeding. I surveyed 62 ponds over three breeding seasons in Portland, Oregon, measuring eleven habitat characteristics that may influence their successful breeding: pond depth, nitrate level, aquatic refugia, aquatic vegetation, surrounding vegetation, pond permanence, presence of fish and of introduced bullfrogs, surrounding road density and forest cover, and whether they were constructed or remnant natural ponds. Five of the six native pond-breeding species that occur in the region were regularly found breeding in city ponds. Surrounding forest cover and amount of aquatic vegetation were highly associated with breeding, indicating that preserving and planting vegetation likely benefits urban amphibians. Non-native bullfrogs were not associated with native species richness. Surprisingly, whether a pond was natural or constructed was also only weakly associated with native species breeding, and the trend was towards higher presence for all species in constructed ponds. This indicates that novel, human-dominated areas can provide habitat for these species. Consideration of habitat characteristics associated with breeding success in urban pond management will likely benefit native amphibians in these rapidly expanding landscapes.  相似文献   

Exotic trees can sustain native birds in urban woodlands   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Native landscaping has been proposed as a means of increasing native bird diversity and abundance in urban landscapes. However residents’ preferences for vegetation are such that exotic plants are often preferred over natives. We investigated the extent to which native birds foraged in three common native and three exotic tree species in mixed urban woodland during four seasons. We predicted that native birds would spend more time foraging in native trees, and that food resources provided by deciduous exotic trees would be more seasonal than those provided by non-deciduous natives. Native birds spent a lot of time foraging in two of the native tree species, but very little time in native red beech (Nothofagus fusca). They used exotic oak (Quercus robur) throughout the year, and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) seasonally. Oak and European beech (Fagus sylvatica) were used by the largest number of species overall, because they attracted both native and exotic birds. With the exception of tree fuchsia (Fuschia excorticata), which produces large volumes of nectar followed by fruits, all tree species were sources of invertebrates for insectivorous feeding. Seasonality of use was high only in sycamore, indicating limited support for our second prediction. We show that being native doesn’t necessarily entail being a good food source for native birds, and popular landscaping exotic species, such as oak, provide foraging opportunities across all seasons.  相似文献   

We collected ants from six urban and one forest land-use types in Raleigh, NC to examine the effects of urbanization on species richness and assemblage composition. Since urban areas are warmer (i.e., heat island effect) we also tested if cities were inhabited by species from warmer/drier environments. Species richness was lower in industrial areas relative to other urban and natural environments. There are two distinct ant assemblages; 1) areas with thick canopy cover, and 2) more disturbed open urban areas. Native ant assemblages in open environments have more southwestern (i.e., warmer/drier) distributions than forest assemblages. High native species richness suggests that urban environments may allow species to persist that are disappearing from natural habitat fragments. The subset of species adapted to warmer/drier environments indicates that urban areas may facilitate the movement of some species. This suggests that urban adapted ants may be particularly successful at tracking future climate change.  相似文献   

Despite the clear importance of conserving biodiversity in urbanized areas, research on how bats are influenced by urbanization has is only recently catching up to the more established body of research for urban birds. Much of the extant research has been limited to urban parks and other natural areas. Here I present the results of an acoustic survey of bats throughout the agricultural/forest/suburban/urban mosaic of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Activity indices by each of the six recorded species (Eptesicus fuscus, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasiurus borealis, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Myotis sp., and Perimyotis subflavus) were used as response variables with land cover variables in a series of statistical models. Because bats may perceive the landscape at different scales, candidate models included land cover variables within 100, 500 and 1,000?m of the sampling location. Activity of L. noctivagans was negatively related to the amount of impervious surface and open habitat in the immediate landscape. L. borealis activity was positively correlated with immediate tree cover and with impervious surface at the 1,000?m scale. Tree cover and proximity to water were positively related to activity levels of Myotis sp., L. cinereus and P. subflavus, but only the latter was influenced by the amount of surrounding impervious surface. These results suggest that a one-size fits all approach to bat conservation in human modified landscapes is not appropriate, but also that certain species appear to do well in urban environments provided that there is sufficient tree cover.  相似文献   

Invasive species have been causing important and irreversible impacts to native species and communities of ecosystems. They distort ecosystem functions by degrading forest lands, wetlands, and agricultural habitats and replace the native vegetation and reduce biodiversity, forest productivity, and suitable wildlife habitat. To address disturbances caused by invasive species occurrence, further information is needed regarding the occurrence, extent, and dispersal of invasive species and how land use may increase the spread of these species. The objective of this study was to find the frequency and dominance of three invasive species common to riparian areas of east Alabama: Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), Elaeagnus pungens (silverthorn), and Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow tree). Surveys of these species in riparian forests in and around Auburn, Alabama were conducted to show the relative extent of these shrubs and their relation to urban land use. It was expected to see the highest levels of invasive species in the city center with decreasing levels radiating outward into rural areas. Another objective was how urban land use may affect the presence-absence and prevalence of these non-native plant species within study sites. The results showed that around the city center and suburban lands, cover of both Chinese privet and silverthorn tended to increase. In contrast, Chinese tallow tree density percent cover showed an opposite trend with landscapes close to city center often having slightly less cover. This study shows that urban land use may be an important association with distribution of invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Often used as a mitigation tool to landscape fragmentation, urban riparian corridors also suffered from the effects of the urban expansion. This study explored the relationships between plant riparian communities and two major environmental variables (land cover, soil characteristics) and analyzed the floristic change along an urbanization gradient. Fifteen sites were surveyed on both riverbanks of two riparian corridors characterized by contrasting water regimes in Strasbourg, North Eastern France. Data of spontaneous species abundance was collected from 180 quadrats using (i) all plant species, (ii) herbaceous stratum and (iii) ligneous stratum (bush and tree). The diversity and compositional patterns of riparian plant species were analyzed within each corridor according to three levels of urbanization (urban, suburban, peri-urban). Relationships between riparian communities, land cover and soil chemical properties (pH, nitrogen and carbon content, moisture) were established by between-class co-inertia analyses. Land cover emerged as the main factor explaining changes in riparian communities along the rural–urban gradient while soil chemical properties discriminate water stress and fluvial dynamics of the two corridors. Similar compositional patterns were found within the most urbanized sites with the establishment of ubiquitous species. The herbaceous stratum is best linked to the level of urbanization, whereas the tree stratum is primarily correlated with corridor attributes (hydrological regime, soil properties). Although riparian species and communities are mainly determined by land cover, urban riparian corridors maintain native biodiversity up to the urban center.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in urban forests and the levels of biodiversity they contain. Currently there are no spatially explicit maps of tree species richness in urban areas. This research tests and identifies GIS and remote sensing metrics (climate, area, productivity, three-dimensional structure) hypothesized to be associated with species richness in native forests and identifies methods that can be applied to predict and map tree species richness in cities. We quantified tree species richness, floristic composition, and structure in 28 1-ha plots in the city of Los Angeles. Climate and remote sensing metrics from high-resolution aerial imagery (10 cm), QuickBird (60 cm), Landsat (30 m), MODIS (250 m), and airborne lidar (2 m) were collected for each plot. There were 1208 individual stems and 108 trees identified to species. Species richness ranged from 2 to 31 species per ha and averaged 17 species per ha. Tree canopy cover from QuickBird explained the highest portion of variance (54%) in tree species richness followed by NDVI from Landsat (42%). Tree species richness can be higher in residential urban forests than native forests in the United States. Spatially explicit species richness maps at 1 ha can be created and tested for cities in order to identify both hotspots and coldspots of tree species richness and changes in species richness over time.  相似文献   

Urban forests have garnered increasing attention as providers of an array of beneficial ecosystem services. However, urban forest ecosystems are highly complex and heterogeneous systems whose structure are shaped by interacting social and ecological processes. Approaches to reliably identify and differentiate these processes could be valuable for addressing complexity and reducing uncertainty in decision-making in urban forestry. The purpose of this study is to identify and quantify a range of social and ecological drivers of urban forest species composition, distribution, and diversity. This was done using hierarchical cluster analysis and discriminant analysis with empirical plot data describing the tree species composition in Toronto, Canada. Tree density and imperviousness were by far the most influential drivers of species composition. Increasing imperviousness saw not just reduced tree density but a decline in native species abundance. Additionally, single-detached housing, homeownership, and income were closely associated and explained higher tree densities and abundances of native species. However, income had a lower than expected influence on urban forest species composition given its importance in canopy cover research. Continuous forest patches were highly distinct compared to the remainder of the urban landscape, which highlights the ecological distinctiveness of residual forests within cities and lends support to their conservation. Increasing the understanding of social and ecological drivers of tree species composition, distribution, and diversity within cities is an integral part of urban forest ecosystem classification, which can be a valuable decision-support tool for ecosystem-based management in urban forestry.  相似文献   

Negative environmental impacts of golf courses have received more attention than positive ecological contributions. We studied the mature tree communities and their legacy effect in a historical urban-fringe golf-course site in Hong Kong covering 170-ha with well-managed natural-cum-cultural landscape. Some 44.3 % of the site is covered mainly by large trees forming a mature peri-urban forest. The 94 species in 35 families offer a high species diversity exceeding local secondary and climax fengshui woodlands with notable rare and protected species. Tree species composition, richness and legacy effects brought by anthropogenic and natural factors were investigated by three habitats with varying naturalness and three golf courses with different age. Landscape zone is remarkably heterogeneous versus other microhabitats (fairway and woodland) and the heterogeneity of tree communities amongst the three courses is relatively weak. Synergistic operation of natural regeneration (natural legacy effect) and anthropogenic management (anthropogenic legacy effect) has fostered diversity accumulation. On the one hand, temporal changes in landscape fashion through a century and variations in site management have driven and maintained species diversity. On the other hand, the founder effect of inherited and cultivated species, as well as successful invasion and establishment of native species, have imposed floristic imprint and inertia on woodland habitat. The findings suggested that urban golf courses can serve as potential hotspots for biodiversity conservation within urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

Human-dominated environments are often subjected to increased nutrient and moisture regimes which have the potential to influence the flowering phenology of plants. Protracted flowering periods within urban landscapes may result in increased food resources, in the form of nectar, and this high resource availability may support a high density of nectarivorous birds within cities. In order to determine whether there was a difference in the productivity and flowering period associated with urbanisation, we compared the number of flowers produced and duration of flowering period for three species of native tree that were present in streetscapes, remnant vegetation and continuous forest. We also recorded the presence of nectarivorous parrots at flowering trees to determine if the presence of nectarivores was associated with flower productivity. All three species in streetscapes produced more flowers and flowered for longer than in remnants and continuous forest. The number of flowers per tree significantly predicted the presence of nectarivorous parrots in streetscapes. This study demonstrates that the flowering phenology of plants within streetscapes can differ from continuous forest, with remnants appearing to be intermediate. This increased flower productivity within urban landscapes may be partially responsible for the high abundance of nectarivorous parrots within some cities.  相似文献   

Tree planting and reforestation initiatives in urban and peri-urban areas often use tree distribution or “giveaway” programs as a strategy to increase tree cover and subsequent benefits. However, the effectiveness of these programs in terms of increasing overall tree cover and providing benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities has been little studied. We assess these programs by exploring community participation in, and barriers to, an urban tree distribution program in Fort Lauderdale, United States and the role socioeconomic background and tree functional types have on participation. We use a mixed-methods approach, panel data, choice experiments, and econometrics to quantitatively analyze respondent’s ranking of program options. High income, White respondents had the highest level of awareness and participation while low income, African Americans (AA) had the lowest level. Monetary rebates were perceived as positive and significant as the compensation value increased to US$8.00 - $12.00. Fruit-bearing and native tree functional types were more preferred than flowering or shade trees. Latinos, AA, and high income respondents preferred fruit trees, while White, high income preferred native trees. Overall, low income respondents perceived the greatest barriers towards participation. 20% of Broward County residents who participated in the survey were aware of the tree giveaway programs and 13% had previously participated. Findings indicate an adaptive governance mismatch between program objectives to equitably increase city tree cover via planting shade trees versus individual’s knowledge and preference for other tree types and functions. Results can be used for developing and evaluating reforestation initiatives to equitably increase tree cover and improve the governance of urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

Coastal vegetation is under increasing pressure with the expansion of urban developments, tourism, population and changing climates. This study sought to examine the effects of fragmentation on the threatened plant community, Coastal Moonah Woodland, in southern Victoria, Australia. We examined the effects on community composition of surrounding land use (urban, rural, native vegetation), remnant size and environmental attributes at three spatial scales. At larger scales, geographic and environmental attributes, such as annual rainfall and temperature, were important drivers of community composition. At finer scales, remnant size, disturbance, weed invasion, connectivity, and immediate surrounding land use impacted more on community composition. At these scales, increasing native vegetation cover in the landscape, remnant connectivity and size positively influenced community composition. If coastal development continues at the current rate, all but a few remnants of this community will be surrounded by the urban landscape. Thus, planning for the integration of these remnants in the urban landscape through long-term management plans and community involvement is essential for the survival of these remnants.  相似文献   

We analyzed how urbanization in a desert ecosystem affects avian distribution at two distinct scales. At the regional level, we compared how urban land use configuration, relative to its surrounding agricultural fields and desert, affected the distribution of native and exotic species. While exotic species are isolated to the city; native species actively utilize the entire region, even occurring at higher densities in the city than in some areas of the desert. We also used this approach to compare four foraging guilds of birds: granivores, nectivores, omnivores, and insectivores. Granivores occurred mostly in agricultural fields and in the surrounding urban areas. Nectivores and omnivores occurred throughout the region, but mostly within the city. In contrast, insectivores occurred mostly in the desert. At a more local scale, we tested how the abundance of native species, exotics species and the foraging guilds of birds responded to vegetation cover measured at varying spatial scales (0.1 km–10 km). Bird guilds responded to vegetation at different scales, depending on the association between their life history and vegetation. Granivore abundance was most strongly correlated with vegetation at relatively fine spatial scales, followed by nectivores and omnivores at larger scales; whereas insectivores did not correlate with vegetation at any scale. Exotic and native species showed strikingly opposite trends in their association with vegetation. Native species showed the best fit at the smallest spatial scale and became insignificant at larger scales, whereas the highest correlation of exotic species with vegetation was at moderate to larger scales. While guild relationship with vegetation appears straightforward, the differences between exotic and native birds may indicate a complex response to environmental factors. Possibly, native species are more sensitive than exotics on vegetation abundance for food and shelter, which in the desert is highly variable depending on water availability. In contrast, exotic species, tightly connected to the urban infrastructure, likely respond to the enhanced and homogenized resource abundance characteristic of desert cities. Our results suggest that relationships between birds and vegetation may bear important information that can be revealed when considering smaller class levels than total species diversity.  相似文献   

Ecological integrity in urban forests   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ecological integrity has been an umbrella concept guiding ecosystem management for several decades. Though plenty of definitions of ecological integrity exist, the concept is best understood through related concepts, chiefly, ecosystem health, biodiversity, native species, stressors, resilience and self-maintenance. Discussions on how ecological integrity may be relevant to complex human-nature ecosystems, besides those set aside for conservation, are growing in number. In the case of urban forests, no significant effort has yet been made to address the holistic concept of ecological integrity for the urban forest system. Preliminary connections between goals such as increasing tree health, maintaining canopy cover, and reducing anthropogenic stressors and the general notion of integrity exist. However, other related concepts, such as increasing biodiversity, the planting of native species, and the full meaning of ecosystem health beyond merely tree health have not been addressed profoundly as contributors to urban forest integrity. Meanwhile, other concepts such as resilience to change and self-maintenance are not addressed explicitly. In this paper we reveal two camps of interpretation of ecological integrity for urban forests that in turn rely on a particular definition of the urban forest ecosystem and a set of urban forest values. Convergence and integration of these values is necessary to bring a constructive frame of interpretation of ecological integrity to guide urban forest management into the future.  相似文献   

The capacity of small urban park to serve as urban habitats are rarely explored. This study analyses the characteristics of small urban parks and their potential to support urban biodiversity and ecological functions. Nine small urban parks were studied in Malaysia in August and September 2014 using the combined field survey method of structured observation and field measurements. The measured variables were divided into three broad categories of physical characteristics, species richness and human factors. Bird species richness and abundance were used as the indicators for assessing biodiversity. Pearson correlations and multiple regressions were conducted to analyse the relationships between variables and to identify which variables had a significant effect on bird species richness and abundance. The results demonstrated that park area and vegetation variables ( e.g. the percentage of tree canopy cover, open grass/ground, native-exotic plants) are the important predictors of bird species richness and abundance. The percentage of canopy covers (negative relation) and park area (positive relation) are the best predictors of bird species richness in small urban parks. Meanwhile, the best predictors for bird abundance are the percentage of canopy covers (negative relation) and native vegetation species (positive relation). Human activities and park surroundings have a marginal effect on the presence of bird species in small parks. Based on the findings, we provide two general recommendations that could probably increase bird diversity in small urban parks: (1) the park development and management plan should incorporate a social-ecological approach that can benefit both city-dwellers and bird species, and (2) findings from the study should be used to rethink the planting design and composition of especially newly established small urban parks.  相似文献   

Vegetation has gained importance in respective debates about climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities. Although recently developed remote sensing techniques provide necessary city-wide information, a sufficient and consistent city-wide information of relevant urban ecosystem services, such as carbon emissions offset, does not exist. This study uses city-wide, high-resolution, and remotely sensed data to derive individual tree species information and to estimate the above-ground carbon storage of urban forests in Berlin, Germany. The variance of tree biomass was estimated using allometric equations that contained different levels of detail regarding the tree species found in this study of 700 km2, which had a tree canopy of 213 km2. The average tree density was 65 trees/ha per unit of tree cover and a range from 10 to 40 trees/ha for densely urban land cover. City-wide estimates of the above-ground carbon storage ranged between 6.34 and 7.69 tC/ha per unit of land cover, depending on the level of tree species information used. Equations that did not use individually localized tree species information undervalued the total amount of urban forest carbon storage by up to 15 %. Equations using a generalized estimate of dominant tree species information provided rather precise city-wide carbon estimates. Concerning differences within a densely built area per unit of land cover approaches using individually localized tree species information prevented underestimation of mid-range carbon density areas (10–20 tC/ha), which were actually up to 8.4 % higher, and prevented overestimation of very low carbon density areas (0–5 tC/ha), which were actually up to 11.4 % lower. Park-like areas showed 10 to 30 tC/ha, whereas land cover of very high carbon density (40–80 tC/ha) mostly consisted of mixed peri-urban forest stands. Thus, this approach, which uses widely accessible and remotely sensed data, can help to improve the consistency of forest carbon estimates in cities.  相似文献   

Increased urbanization typically leads to an increase in abundance of a few species and a reduction in bird species richness. Understanding the structure of biotic communities in urban areas will allow us to propose management techniques and to decrease conflicts between wild species and human beings. The objective of this study was to describe the structure of the bird community in an urban ecosystem. The study was carried out in the city of Taubaté in southeastern Brazil. Point-counts were established in areas with different levels of tree density ranging from urban green spaces to predominantly built-up areas. We looked for a correlation between the richness/abundance of birds and the size of the area surveyed, the number of houses, the number of tree species and the number of individual trees. The results of multiple regression showed that bird richness had a direct relationship with vegetation complexity. The abundance and diversity of tree species were better predictors of bird species than the number of houses and size of the area surveyed. We discuss implications of this study for conservation and management of bird diversity in urban areas, such as the need to increase green areas containing a large diversity of native plant species.  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment shapes tree communities, including those found in altered landscapes such as urban forests. However, little data exists on local- and broad-scale tree seed immigration and recruitment in these communities. Interspecific competition and seed predation are two major causes of recruitment failure for plants. In North American urban forests, these pressures may be exacerbated by an altered disturbance regime and prevalent invasive species combined with dense populations of rodents and browsers. Preliminary investigation in an urban forest on the eastern shore of Lake Erie indicated very low long-term tree seedling recruitment in the mature canopy stands. Our competing hypotheses were that seed establishment (habitat suitability) and seed limitations (seed availability) explained the tree recruitment failure. We tested seed establishment using field experiments (burning and vertebrate herbivore exclosures) and seed limitation by introducing native tree seeds. Moreover, we tested also seed limitation by examining local and regional seed input using seed traps. We found that seedling recruitment increased significantly with experimental reductions in predators and competitors, suggesting strong biotic establishment limitations in the urban forest. In addition, seed rain correlated significantly with immediately proximate parent plants, but no species arrived beyond what occurs within 50 m of the experimental plots. Essentially, then, the existing canopy species are not replacing themselves and extant seeds are not immigrating to replace them. At the patch scale, habitat quality, particularly seed predation and browsing, as well as competition from nonnative understory shrubs, constrained native tree recruitment in the urban forest. At the landscape scale, the evidence of poor long-term seed recruitment and the lack of long-distance seed input also suggest low native tree seed availability. The tree recruitment failure suggests that, in the absence of active management, this urban forest may eventually convert to an invasive-species dominated urban shrubland.  相似文献   

Urban tree cover: an ecological perspective   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
Analysis of urban tree cover is generally limited to inventories of tree structure and composition on public lands. This approach provided valuable information for resource management. However, it does not account for all tree cover within an urban landscape, thus providing insufficient information on ecological patterns and processes. We propose evaluating tree cover for an entire urban area that is based on patch dynamics. Treed patches are classified by their origin, structure, and management intensity. A patch approach enables ecologists to evaluate ecological patterns and processes for the entire urban landscape and to examine how social patterns influence these ecological patterns and processes.  相似文献   

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