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Inhibitors of 5α-steroid reductase are drugs used to treat androgen-dependent conditions including prostate diseases and androgenic alopecia. Finasteride was the first on the market and is currently the most widely used inhibitor. Dutasteride was the second inhibitor to be approved and has a similar safety profile. Common adverse events of treatment consist of sexual disorders and a negative affect balance. It was described that the prolonged use of 5α-steroid reductase inhibitors in patients with alopecia can cause persistent side effects called a post-finasteride syndrome (PFS), that is not just a simple coexistence of events, but rather a definite syndrome with an iatrogenic background. PFS occurs in susceptible individuals even after small doses of the drug and can last for a long time after the discontinuation of treatment. A deterioration in the quality of life in affected individuals does not justify use of the drug. Wider recognition of PFS symptoms, its incidence, course, prevention, and treatment possibilities will allow the indications for drug use to be reconsidered and treatment to be more personalized. Knowledge about PFS will also help to provide the best treatment for affected individuals and to properly educate patients before obtaining an informed consent for therapy with 5α-steroid reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Governance, from local to global levels, relies increasingly on private governance arrangements. Private actors, specifically corporations and civil society organizations, increasingly design, implement and monitor rules and standards that guide and prescribe behavior in a range of policy areas, including sustainability, banking and international security, to name a few. Even though the involvement of private actors in global politics is not a new phenomenon, the creation of cooperative arrangements in the form of organizations that lead to private regulation – thus complementing traditional ways of political influence – is relatively novel. This paper focuses on private rule-setting organizations that have emerged in the global governance of sustainability. It starts from the observation that, despite seemingly performing similar roles and functions, organizations differ both in terms of outputs they produce as well as rules of participation and decision-making. Accordingly, the paper evaluates whether organizations providing a more inclusive and participatory approach in relation to others have different implications for the quality and relevance of rules (outputs). Hence, it aims to shed light on the way private rules and standards are decided and the associated implications, in view of their increasing role and relevance in sustainability governance. In more detail, we contend that there is no linear relation between democratic legitimacy and effectiveness. While inclusiveness and representativeness in the standard-setting process will probably lead to more stringent and comprehensive rules, those regulatory systems with high stringency will be the ones least taken up. Empirically, the paper illustrates its argument with a comparison of five private rule-setting organizations that have emerged in the global governance of fisheries sustainability: the Marine Stewardship Council, Friend of the Sea, the Aquaculture Stewardship Council, the Global Aquaculture Alliance and GlobalGAP.  相似文献   

Prior research has not adequately considered that disablement occurs within a web of relationships that provides socioemotional resources to and/or places demands on older adults. Drawing on the stress process and life course perspectives, we considered the social context of disablement by examining the influence of marital quality on the association between disability and loneliness among married older adults. Using data from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, we found (1) functional limitations were associated with higher levels of loneliness; (2) neither positive nor negative marital quality mediated this association, contrary to the stress-deterioration hypothesis; and (3) positive (but not negative) marital quality moderated this association, consistent with the stress-buffering hypothesis. These associations were similar for women and men. Our findings indicate the importance of the social context of disablement, as interpersonal resources offer protection from the deleterious socioemotional consequences of disability.  相似文献   

The authors use Canadian data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study to examine six instructional methods that mathematics teachers use to introduce new topics in mathematics on performance of eighth-grade students in six mathematical areas (mathematics as a whole, algebra, data analysis, fraction, geometry, and measurement). Results of multilevel analysis with students nested within schools show that the instructional methods of having the teacher explain the rules and definitions and looking at the textbook while the teacher talks about it had little instructional effects on student performance in any mathematical area. In contrast, the instructional method in which teachers try to solve an example related to the new topic was effective in promoting student performance across all mathematical areas.  相似文献   

There is little research on the relationship between welfare policies and immigrant entrepreneurship. Accordingly, this paper examines changes in three welfare domains: child-care, health/medical insurance, and unemployment insurance in the context of France since roughly the 1980s, but with a focus on the 21st century. Given changes in French welfare policy, I show that immigrants' greater access to fluctuating, sometimes declining, but overall increasing spending in the three domains, can be positively correlated with slowly increasing immigrant entrepreneurship since the early 2000s. However, I also argue that welfare policies do not seem to have a significant effect on the levels and survival of immigrant-owned firms in France. The findings of this paper should nonetheless be taken with extreme caution in light of the obstacles to analyzing this relationship. As a consequence, I provide an assessment of three possible research designs as a route towards better understanding this relationship.  相似文献   

Urban small water bodies, such as ponds, are essential elements of human socio-economic landscapes. Ponds also provide important habitats for species that would otherwise not survive in the urban environment. Knowledge on the biodiversity of urban ponds and the relationship between their ecological value and factors linked to urbanization and socio-economic status is crucial for decisions on where and how to establish and manage ponds in cities to deliver maximum biodiversity benefits. Our study investigates if the pattern of urban-pond biodiversity can be related to different socio-economic factors, such as level of wealth, education or percentage of buildings of different types. Because of lack of previous studies investigating that, our study is of exploratory character and many different variables are used. We found that the biodiversity of aquatic insects was significantly negatively associated with urbanisation variables such as amount of buildings and number of residents living around ponds. This relationship did not differ depending on the spatial scale of our investigation. In contrast, we did not find a significant relationship with variables representing socio-economic status, such as education level and wealth of people. This latter result suggests that the socio-economic status of residents does not lead to any particular effect in terms of the management and function of ponds that would affect biodiversity. However, there is a need for a finer-scale investigation of the different potential mechanism in which residents in areas with differing socio-economic status could indirectly influence ponds.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is rapidly increasing, yet the prevalence of single order and time point studies likely miss important temporal effects of urbanization on entire communities. We studied three sites along a rural–urban gradient in the Seattle metropolitan area with three sampling periods from 2009–2011 to examine how arthropod communities respond to increasing levels of urbanization in a similar habitat type through time. Consistent with previous studies, urban areas contained altered environmental conditions relevant for litter arthropods, and arthropod biodiversity decreased with urbanization. However, urban arthropod biodiversity was not influenced by environmental measures, supporting the idea of an “urban-filter”. Urbanization was not a factor influencing how communities responded to the effect of time, suggesting that other factors (e.g. disturbance) may ultimately be more important for determining patterns of biodiversity through time in urban areas. Finally, our study illustrates urbanization forces can structuring entire arthropod communities similarly through time, having important consequences for our understanding of urbanization’s temporal effects and indirect influence on community interactions and ecosystem processes. As the effects of urbanization will inevitably vary through time, we suggest that multiple time point studies are required to increase our ability to accurately describe arthropod community responses to increasing urbanization.  相似文献   

What sexual experiences qualify as "having sex"? We investigated two assumptions apparently underlying research on how individuals make these judgments: that individuals have clear definitions regarding what qualifies as sex and that these judgments depend on how closely the activity being assessed matches their definitions of sex. Using open-ended questionnaires, 100 students, 51 women and 49 men, described their experiences that were "almost but not quite sex" or "just barely sex" and situations where there was uncertainty or disagreement about whether the experience qualified as "sex." In contrast to the above assumptions, many respondents expressed ambiguity about their definitions of sex, and their decisions about labeling an experience as "sex" often seemed influenced by the consequences of applying this label.  相似文献   


Urbanization is a disturbance process that can select species and result in biodiversity homogenization. Despite this, urban green areas shelter nature and are also important to human welfare. Epiphytes are an important functional group present in such areas, that are rarely studied. We evaluated the vascular epiphytic component in 26 urban green areas in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and tested hypotheses related to the anthropogenic disturbances: 1) the community of epiphytes in urban green areas presents low richness and diversity of species; 2) there is low beta diversity due to flora homogenization represented by a reduced set of more tolerant species to disturbance. A total of 2288 trees (1563 representing phorophytes) and 110 epiphytic species were sampled. Six species were dominant, resulting in low diversity values, but some green areas had relatively high richness. The similarity found between the majority of the sampled areas suggests that epiphytic flora is subject to homogenization due to environmental filters. We found a high richness of species without adaptations to the epiphytic lifeform (accidental epiphytes) (42% of total sampled). Some results suggest that more comprehensive ecological and/or floristic studies about the epiphytes in the urban environment are necessary, such as Orchidaceae as the second richest family (since it is often poor in urban areas). More information about the species distribution patterns are necessary, both regarding the anthropized environments and the relationships with exotic or native phorophytes, as well as to enhance the knowledge of the ecological functions played by the epiphytes in these places.


Kowarik  Ingo 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(3):445-455
Urban Ecosystems - Urban ecology is a well-established integrative discipline with many historical roots. One of the eminent pioneers of urban ecology is the German ecologist Herbert Sukopp, who...  相似文献   

This study conducted a systematic review of the ways in which Contingency Theory of Accommodation has been developed over the past two decades. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we analyzed the trends (e.g., journal, publication volume, research contexts) as well as the theoretical and methodological approaches utilized in Contingency Theory studies. Findings from a content analysis (N = 223) conclude that the theory has established itself as a dominant framework for crisis communication scholarship and shows clear patterns of epistemological advancement. However, the most pressing challenge for future scholarship is the need to revitalize the theory by incorporating more diverse conceptual approaches and further methodological sophistication in measurement for the 86 contingency factors.  相似文献   

"This paper examines how living in a single parent family affects intergenerational marriage patterns regarding preferred family size. Data collected from 1,300 college students at a large midwestern [U.S.] university provide further evidence of a positive relationship between number of siblings in one's family of origin and preferred marital family size. However, this relationship does not hold for all groups. Factors affecting preferred family size differ for males and females from intact and nonintact family structures. The positive relationship between size of family of orientation and family of procreation holds only for individuals from intact homes."  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment shapes tree communities, including those found in altered landscapes such as urban forests. However, little data exists on local- and broad-scale tree seed immigration and recruitment in these communities. Interspecific competition and seed predation are two major causes of recruitment failure for plants. In North American urban forests, these pressures may be exacerbated by an altered disturbance regime and prevalent invasive species combined with dense populations of rodents and browsers. Preliminary investigation in an urban forest on the eastern shore of Lake Erie indicated very low long-term tree seedling recruitment in the mature canopy stands. Our competing hypotheses were that seed establishment (habitat suitability) and seed limitations (seed availability) explained the tree recruitment failure. We tested seed establishment using field experiments (burning and vertebrate herbivore exclosures) and seed limitation by introducing native tree seeds. Moreover, we tested also seed limitation by examining local and regional seed input using seed traps. We found that seedling recruitment increased significantly with experimental reductions in predators and competitors, suggesting strong biotic establishment limitations in the urban forest. In addition, seed rain correlated significantly with immediately proximate parent plants, but no species arrived beyond what occurs within 50 m of the experimental plots. Essentially, then, the existing canopy species are not replacing themselves and extant seeds are not immigrating to replace them. At the patch scale, habitat quality, particularly seed predation and browsing, as well as competition from nonnative understory shrubs, constrained native tree recruitment in the urban forest. At the landscape scale, the evidence of poor long-term seed recruitment and the lack of long-distance seed input also suggest low native tree seed availability. The tree recruitment failure suggests that, in the absence of active management, this urban forest may eventually convert to an invasive-species dominated urban shrubland.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact that different methods of assessing child maltreatment history may have on adult participants. A total of 334 female undergraduate students were randomly assigned to complete a retrospective measure of child sexual and physical abuse in one of three conditions: paper-and-pencil questionnaire, face-to-face interview, or computer-administered survey. Disclosure rates of abuse, psychological distress and mood change, preferences for assessment format, and perceptions of confidentiality were examined across the three assessment formats. Although disclosure did not vary by condition, participants with a history of abuse reported more distress and mood change than did nonvictims, particularly in the computer condition. Nevertheless, the computer condition was rated as the most preferred format and was viewed by participants as the most confidential means of assessing maltreatment history. Participants reporting abuse through interviews were more likely than those in other conditions to state a preference for another type of assessment format. The implications of these findings for abuse history research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze students’ academic results following the introduction of a continuous assessment system in Higher Education. This study examines a large sample that consists of third-year students’ grades across nine subjects in the Bachelor of Business Administration program at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Specifically, this paper studies the relations among three types of grades (i.e. final exam grades (FEGs), continuous assessment activities grades (excluding the final exam) and GAGs, which are calculated as the weighted averages of the FEGs and the continuous assessment activities grades) and the influence of the number of students who actively participate in a subject and the date of the final exam on students’ grades. Generally, this study reveals a positive effect of continuous assessment activities on students’ academic success. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant positive relation between the number of students who actively follow a subject and their GAGs. Finally, the earlier the students completed the final exam, the higher their grades were on this exam.  相似文献   


The article describes an educational and artistic project in Poland where individuals with sight impairments could learn more about visual arts through guided city tours around their greatest monuments, appreciation of art pieces and meetings with artists. During workshops, they could test their own artistic skills by creating tactile drawings, pottery sculptures, photographs and tactile picture book. The effects of their attempts were presented in a temporary exhibition in the contemporary art gallery (with an associated educational program). The exhibition was a significant experience both for the artists with visual impairments and the visitors. Through analysis of the structure and content of the artworks, the gallery visitors could understand more about the situation of people with sight impairments as they struggle with everyday tasks and how creative they are.  相似文献   

During the last decades, urban consolidation has been developed to minimize spatial expansion of cities, yet very few studies investigated whether it would actually reduce some negative effects of urbanization on biodiversity. In this study, we compared the invertebrate assemblages associated with two distinct urban forms (compact vs. conventional), focusing on two arthropod taxa often used as bioindicators, and dominant in urban habitats: spiders and carabid beetles. The following parameters were estimated: assemblage composition, species richness, activity-density total, per species (excluding seldom-recorded species) and per size class. The field collection was performed in 2009 using pitfall traps randomly set in hedgerows within 6 sites (representing 251 traps). A total of 4,413 spiders belonging to 117 species and 2,077 adult carabid beetles belonging to 39 species were collected. We found few significant differences in carabid beetle and spider assemblages between the two urban forms. The species richness of both groups was independent from the neighborhood design. Only four species of carabid beetles and ten of spiders significantly reacted to the neighborhood design, and no difference was found among the two designs for all other species. Large carabid beetles were more abundant and small spiders less abundant in the new neighborhood design compared to the conventional one. For both carabid beetles and spiders, no difference in assemblage composition was found between neighborhood designs. We therefore conclude that urban consolidation, by permitting a higher human density with similar arthropod assemblages, could contribute to reduce biodiversity loss in cities.  相似文献   

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