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Structural elements as barriers against wear in urban woodlands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of structural elements of woodlands (trees, rocks, topography, etc.) on the spatial distribution of wear was studied in 30 sites in the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa, Finland. Discriminant analysis showed that the size of the adjacent human population and structural elements within study sites were important in distinguishing sample plots with a lot of path area (6 m2/30 m2) from those with little or no path area (>6 m2/30 m2). The higher the structural elements, the more effectively they functioned as barriers against wear. Thickets of small trees (dbh > 10 cm), topographical elements, and fallen trees seemed most effective, and big trees (dbh 10 cm) least effective as barriers. It was concluded that natural barriers could be used to limit wear in urban woodlands.  相似文献   

Variation in densities of native and exotic urban-adapted birds across suburban habitats may reveal levels of adaptation that predict vulnerability to habitat modification over time. We investigated the densities of the eight most common exotic and native birds in a southern hemisphere city across suburbs of varying housing density, vegetative cover and garden vegetation characteristics to determine whether avian population densities are maintained across variations in habitat structure that mirror current temporal trends in land use and landscaping/gardening preferences. We also tested whether densities of birds in residential areas bordering undeveloped patches were higher due to spill-over from patches. Densities of all four native species were highest in undeveloped patches and these species were largely absent from high density housing areas. While densities of two exotic species (blackbird, song thrush) were slightly higher in suburbs with greater vegetation complexity, they were still present in higher density housing suburbs in significant numbers. Common starlings were similarly abundant across all residential habitats and house sparrow density increased in higher density housing areas. Blackbirds appeared least vulnerable to housing densification and landscaping and gardening trends because they were abundant across all habitats, including undeveloped patches. Densities of native birds were higher in residential areas bordering undeveloped patches indicating spill-over was occurring and emphasising the role that patches could play in boosting city-wide native bird abundances. Native birds are vulnerable to reductions in garden size and vegetation complexity that should have little or positive effects on populations of common exotic species.  相似文献   

Trees in urban ecosystems are valued for shade and cooling effects, reduction of CO2 emissions and pollution, and aesthetics. However, in arid and semi-arid regions, urban trees must be maintained through supplemental irrigation, in competition with other water needs. Currently, a comprehensive understanding of the factors which influence water use of urban tree species is lacking. In order to study the drivers of whole tree water use of two common species in the Los Angeles Basin urban forest, four sites in Los Angeles and Orange County were instrumented with sap flow and meteorological sensors. These sites allowed comparisons of the water use of a native riparian (Platanus racemosa Nutt.; California sycamore) and non-native (Pinus canariensis C. Sm.; Canary Island pine) Mediterranean species, as well as the spatial variability in water use under different environmental and management conditions. We found higher rates of sapflux (J O ) in native California sycamore as compared to non-native Canary Island pine. Within each species, we found considerable site-to-site variability in the magnitude and seasonality of J O . For Canary Island pine, the majority of inter-site variability derived from differences in water availability: response to vapor pressure deficit was similar during a period without water limitations. In contrast, California sycamore did not appear to experience water limitation at any site; however, there was considerable spatial variability in water use, potentially linked to differences in nutrient availability. Whole tree transpiration (E) was similar for the two species when water was not limiting, but Canary Island pine was able to withstand unirrigated conditions with a very low E. These results add to the currently small pool of data on urban tree water use and ecophysiology, and contribute to establishing a more quantitative understanding of urban tree function.  相似文献   

Corney  Helen  Neave  Melissa 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(2):235-247
Urban Ecosystems - The restorative qualities of nature (amenity values) have been explored for their benefits to human wellbeing. Yet methodology to assess restorative qualities is generally...  相似文献   

In urban areas the density of breeding tits (Paridae) is generally higher and reproductive performance lower compared to rural areas. To explain these landscape differences several hypotheses have been proposed, e.g. differences in habitat quality, inter- and intra-specific competition, predation and food abundance. How breeding performance of birds within remnants of natural vegetation in urban areas is affected by adjacent matrix has been less studied. We performed an experimental study in four urban woodlands surrounded by three types of habitat matrix: residential, high-rise building and grassland/golf course. We placed 300 nest boxes for tits (great tit Parus major and blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus) in 15 transects that were 200 m long, extending from the adjacent matrix 150 m into urban woodland. Density of breeding great tit pairs was highest in residential areas and hatch date was earlier in the residential habitat compared to the other two habitats, however, nestling condition was lower in residential areas. Hatching date was earlier but hatching spread (heaviest nestling/lightest nestling) higher in the three types of urban matrix than inside the urban woodlands. In contrast to previous large-scale comparisons of urban and rural matrix, we almost exclusively found differences in qualitative measures (nestling condition and hatchling spread) at the small scale in which this study was conducted. Adjacent matrix affect great tits breeding in remnant urban woodlands, thus we suggest that management of the surrounding matrix should be included in conservation plans for urban woodlands.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fragmentation (edge effects and patch size) and trampling (path cover) on carabid beetle assemblages in urban woodland patches in Helsinki, Finland. We expected that (1) open habitat and generalist species would benefit and forest species would suffer from increased woodland fragmentation, and (2) most carabid species would respond negatively to increased levels of trampling. A total of 2088 carabid individuals representing 37 species were collected. A cluster analysis distinguished sites in the interior of large woodland patches, with low or moderate path cover, from the other sites. The other sites did not cluster meaningfully, suggesting increased variation in the carabid fauna with increasing human impact. All species and ecological species-groups decreased with increasing distance from the edge toward the woodland interior and with increasing patch size. This pattern is in accordance with our expectation for open habitat and generalist species but opposite to what we expected for forest species. The reason for these surprising results may be that (1) the species we collected are not true forest interior species, (2) urban woodland edges are optimal habitats for many forest carabids, or (3) edges are actually sub-optimal, and high catches simply reflect increased activity of beetles moving away from the edge. Trampling did not have an overall negative effect on carabids as hypothesized. Species associated with moist forest habitat responded as predicted: they decreased in abundance with increasing path cover. Furthermore, open habitat species decreased with increasing path cover but more straightforward than we had predicted. Model elaboration, by dropping the highly trampled sites from the analyses, suggested that our data of high trampling may be too scarce: the results without these sites were more in accordance with our predictions than with the full dataset.  相似文献   

Wading birds (i.e, Ardeidae: herons, egrets, and bitterns) are a guild of waterbirds that forage in coastal habitats which in the US and Europe are often located in close proximity to urban centers. However, the use of urban marine habitats may have consequences for bird populations, as birds can be subject to stress from increased levels of passive and active human disturbance. We examined the effects of human disturbance, available foraging habitat, and prey abundance on wading bird density and species richness at 17 urban coastal sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA. The sites represented a gradient of immediately adjacent residential and commercial land use (e.g., 0.0–67.7% urban land use within a 30.5 m buffer of the sites) within an urban matrix (i.e., all sites were located within a suburban center with a population of about 85,000 people). Wading bird density (0.62 ± 0.12 birds ha−1) and species richness (average 4.49 ± 0.37 species across all sites) were not influenced by passive human disturbance as measured by the extent of urban land surrounding a site. However, wading bird density and species richness both decreased significantly as active disturbance (i.e., number of boats moored or docked upstream of the site) increased (r = −0.56, F = 6.85, p = 0.019 and r = −0.73, F = 16.6, p = 0.001, respectively). In addition, both density (r = 0.72, F = 16.2, p = 0.001) and species richness (r = 0.72, F = 16.2, p = 0.001) increased concomitantly with a prey index that combines the density of fish and invertebrates on which the birds feed with the amount of available shallow water foraging habitat at a site. Our results suggest that wading birds i) may not be negatively affected by urban land surrounding estuarine foraging areas in and of itself; and ii) may be utilizing urban areas in the absence of high levels of active disturbance to take advantage of potentially enhanced prey resources. In the case where the benefits of foraging at a site outweigh the costs related to human disturbance, urban marine habitats may need to be considered for restoration or protection from further increases in active human disturbance.  相似文献   

Urban conditions are known to affect tree growth, but not all trees respond similarly to presumed stress. I test a hypothesis that successional status of hardwood tree species, rather than taxon, will differentially affect tree size relative to age, in forest versus street plantings. In central Ohio, USA, samples (N = 230) representing 15 native tree species were matched for size between rural woodlot and city street-side conditions. Their girth was measured and their age determined by a count of annual growth rings. Age and size data were analyzed by a general linear model. Most urban trees had smaller trunk diameters than rural conspecifics of the same age. However, trees of early and mid-successional ecologies, despite smaller girth, showed no reduction in growth rate over time. Late successional species appeared to be affected by proximity to impervious areas, showing reduced growth rates, and by inference,reduced ultimate size.  相似文献   

The impact of park trees on microclimate in urban areas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trees in cities have an important positive effect on people’s lives. One such positive effect is the amelioration of microclimate. The aim of this research is to assess the correlation between parameters that affect the microclimate of parks during the summer. We measured air temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation in the sun and shade of the trees in urban parks in Thessaloniki, Greece. The results indicate that: the air (A) temperature reduction percentage (dTair%), air relative humidity increase (dTRh%), discontent index reduction percentage (DI%) (cooling effect) and solar radiation (L) percentage that passes through the trees’ foliage to their shade creates an exponential function of dA% = a.e-bL. These functions are also applicable to the limiting variation values of the parameters. If we use L = 0 (meaning Lightsh = 0, which is the case for an extremely dense tree), then the values that we expect from this particular parameter are the maximum possible. These maximum values are a characteristic feature of the parameter variation for this particular research area. These maximum values for the trees in the parks of Thessaloniki are: maxdTair% ≈ 24%, maxdRh% ≈ 41% and maxdDI% ≈16%.  相似文献   

There are a variety of land use types in urbanized areas that may have different effects on the ecological characteristics of patches of natural vegetation. In particular, residential housing and industrial land-use may have different effects on adjacent forest communities. We tested this hypothesis by examining the vegetation of forested wetlands in a densely urban region, northeastern New Jersey. Wetlands embedded in industrial areas were much less invaded by exotic plant species than were wetlands embedded in residential areas, as reflected in the number of exotic species, the fraction of the total flora that was exotic, and their frequencies of occurrence. Few other structural characteristics of the vegetation differed between the two types of urban areas. We suggest that the management of land adjacent to forest edges may explain this surprising result. The low rate of invasion of wetlands within industrial areas suggests they could have high conservation value in urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

Detecting the scales at which birds respond to structure in urban landscapes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Little empirical information exists about how birds respond to urban landscape structure across multiple scales. We explored how the variation in percent tree canopy cover, at four different scales, affected the abundance of bird species across various urban sites in North America. Bird counts were derived from previous studies, and tree patches were measured from aerial photographs that represented areas of 0.2 km2, 1.5 km2, 25.0 km2, and 85.0 km2. At each of the four areas, we conducted regressions between bird counts and percent cover of various tree patch sizes. From these analyses, we determined the area (called the best prediction area—BPA) and the patch size (called the best patch size—BPS) that accounted for a significant amount of the variation in bird counts, beyond the variation accounted for by these parameters measured at other scales. BPA and BPS were calculated primarily to take into account the high degree of collinearity that existed among the amount of tree canopy cover measured across the four scales.We calculated BPA and BPS values for a variety of bird species and ascertained whether larger species had relatively larger BPS and BPA values. In the spring, middle-sized to large birds (16.6 g–184.0 g) had relatively larger BPS values than did smaller birds (3.2 g–16.5 g), but in the summer, the largest birds (61.7 g–576.0 g) had small BPS values. Spring BPA values showed a similar result but summer BPA values did not. A majority of birds of all sizes had summer BPA values at the finer scales of 0.2 km2 and 1.5 km2. Overall, body size was an approximate predictor of the area and patch size at which a species responds to trees in a landscape, but many exceptions did occur. These exceptions could be related to a variety of factors, one being the difficulty in relating human-biased measurements to avian measurements of a landscape. The method described in this study will help researchers design multi-scale studies to address the effect of landscape pattern on different animal species.  相似文献   

Urban afforestation improves life quality in urban centers providing social and environmental benefits. Understanding growth of urban trees exposed to air pollution will support planning, managing and expanding urban areas. This approach intends to determine growth patterns of urban trees to support future urban planning. Non-destructive samples were collected from trees of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze in Araucaria city, Parana State, Brazil. Growth rings were related to pollutant concentrations and meteorological series. Growth reduction was observed except in the border areas of the city. Trees established during or after the period of industrialization incentives were most affected by air pollution, indicating that immature plants are more vulnerable. Sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide significantly affected growth of smaller trees. Those greater than 60 cm dbh did not demonstrate significant correlation with any identified pollutant. As the trees established before accentuated urbanization were less affected by air pollution, it is reinforced the importance of preserving remaining urban trees. We suggest that planning urban afforestation should precede industries placing. When urban planning is impossible, new planted trees should not be expected to grow as in free pollution areas, but they will still present satisfactory diameter increment, contributing to improve local urban environment.  相似文献   

In semi-arid cities, urban trees are often irrigated, but may also utilize natural water sources such as groundwater. Consequently, the sources of water for urban tree transpiration may be uncertain, complicating efforts to efficiently manage water resources. We used a novel approach based on stable isotopes to determine tree water sources in the Los Angeles basin, where we hypothesized that trees would rely on irrigation water in the soil rather than develop deep roots to tap into groundwater. We evaluated the oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotope ratios of xylem water, irrigation water, soil water, and groundwater in a study of temporal patterns in water sources at two urban sites, and a study of spatial patterns at nine urban sites and one “natural” riparian forest. Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that despite frequent irrigation, some trees tap into groundwater, although in most species this was a small water source. Some trees appeared to be using very shallow soil water at <30 cm depth, suggesting that these mature urban trees were quite shallowly rooted. In the natural site, trees appeared to be using urban runoff in addition to shallow soil water. We were able to identify tree uptake of precipitation at only 3 sites. The results show that some irrigated trees utilize groundwater and do not rely solely on irrigation water, which may make them able to withstand drought and/or water conservation measures. However, some irrigated trees may develop very shallow root systems, which may make them more susceptible.  相似文献   

Trees are thought to be important for supporting urban biodiversity. However tree species differ considerably in the numbers of invertebrates they support, with potential consequences for higher trophic groups such as birds. In this study the influence of native and non-native trees on the abundance of insects (Hemiptera) and the incidence of insectivorous birds (Paridae) were investigated in the southern English town of Bracknell. The number and species of tree were recorded from each of 17 roundabout and parkland sites. Tree beating was used to sample arboreal Hemiptera and Paridae were recorded either with point counts and transect walks, depending on the size of the site. Due to the great variation between tree species, there was no overall significant difference in species richness or abundance of Hemiptera between native and non-native tree species. However, individual native trees had more species and individuals than non-natives. The proportion of native trees at Bracknell sites was positively related to the abundance of both Hemiptera and the number of Paridae observed. The consequences of vegetation type for insect abundance indicates that in order to sustain and enhance urban biodiversity, careful consideration needs to be given to species of trees present in urban areas.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Rainfall interception is an important part of the urban hydrological cycle. Understanding is limited about the role of urban trees and other vegetation in the interception...  相似文献   

Mediterranean landscapes resulted from complex land uses that produced a mosaic of extensive crops, grasslands, scrublands and scattered woodlands. During the twentieth century the decrease in traditional agriculture triggered a decrease in open habitats and an increase in forests. In the meantime urban centres grew dramatically. Both spread of forest and urban areas have been suspected to participate in the decline of typical Mediterranean bird species and, in general, to cause faunal loss. However, modern cities offer a variety of landscape types and, in the Mediterranean, their value for native bird species has been little assessed. We compared the bird communities from an urban landscape, including built up and natural or semi natural units within the limits of the city of Montpellier, to the bird communities from non-urban habitats (cropland, grassland and woodland) located nearby but away from direct urban influence. Fifty four percent of the bird species recorded in the non-urban habitats also occurred in the urban landscape. On average, estimated species richness in the urban landscape was similar to values obtained for non-urban habitats. Within the urban landscape species richness was lowest in the dense historical centre and highest in the residential areas. The residential areas and urban woods were suitable habitats for most generalist species but also for several more specialized species recorded in the non-urban habitats. Some species actually reached their highest observation frequency in the urban landscape. Urban landscape was least favourable to the same farmland and open-habitat specialists that have been negatively affected by agricultural abandonment in the region. Finally, five of the species common in the urban landscape had an unfavorable conservation status in 2004 in the EU. This study emphasizes that Mediterranean urban areas have the potential to host a diverse native bird community. Finding ways to improve their carrying capacity for the local avifauna might be a worthwhile objective for animal conservation.  相似文献   

Urban marine habitats are often utilized by wildlife for foraging and other activities despite surrounding anthropogenic impact or disturbance. However little is known of the ecological factors that determine habitat value of these and other remnant natural habitats. We examined the preferential use of urban marine habitats in a northeast US estuary to try to elucidate the factors driving enhanced foraging activity at these sites. Using a bioenergetic model, we compared energy intake to energy expenditure and examined differences in behavior and foraging success of great egrets Ardea alba at three urban and three rural salt marshes in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA. Mean per site available nekton energy averaged 4.44?±?0.97 GJ site?1 and was significantly higher at urban than at rural sites. While energy expenditure by birds was similar across all sites, mean strike and prey capture rate were significantly greater at urban sites, and 70.1?±?12.2 % of strikes by egrets at urban sites were successful. Egrets foraging at urban sites consumed significantly more energy (23.2?±?6.62 W bird?1) than those at rural sites. Model results indicated a net energy gain by egrets foraging at urban sites, versus a net energy loss at rural sites. Our results may help explain previously observed increases in the numbers of egrets foraging at urban marine habitats, and help provide input into decisions about the extent to which these areas should be considered for restoration or protection.  相似文献   

Today’s urban green space is exposed to a constant flow of newly introduced exotic plant species, resulting from multiple, intentional and inadvertent introductions. A substantial share of introduced plant species are represented by potential invaders of plant communities, which allows considering that the risk of rapid dispersion by aggressive plant species to be today’s most serious threat to the urban biodiversity. Alien plant species with a short life span (monocarps, therophytes, annuals and biennials) are the most successful invaders across anthropogenically transformed landscapes. These species can have a significant impact on the functioning of previously disturbed ecosystems. At the same time, it is still unclear which mechanisms enable short-lived monocarps to invade under specific conditions of urban forest interiors. Therefore, I have conducted a literature analysis aiming at identifying possible biological and ecological determinants of monocarpic plants’ invasive success in urban woodlands. The analysis was made at three qualitative levels taking into account characteristics of the urban environment, those of different types of urban woodlands as well as traits of non-native monocarpic species. Considering the city level, the main ecological factors are the high level of human-induced disturbance and propagule pressure on the urban-woodland interface sites. The level of invasion as well as invasibility of urban woodlands is mainly determined by the landscape context, whereas the habitat type, species composition and spatial structure play a less important role. In the forest environment, where competition for light and nutrients is the main shaping factor of the phytocoenosis, short-lived alien species must possess a certain level of competitive ability. These findings indicate that this ability may be due to such traits as high fecundity rates, effective dispersal mechanisms, early germination, high rate of growth and the overall big size of plants, presence of autonomous pollination and high shade-tolerance.  相似文献   

Banks  J.C.  Brack  C.L.  James  R.N. 《Urban Ecosystems》1999,3(1):35-43
Canberra, the capital of Australia since 1911, has been developed into a modern city from its original site on a nearly treeless plain. Today the city has about 300,000 inhabitants and 500,000 trees. The authors were requested by the managers of the urban public tree resource to survey their asset and to develop a computer-based system that would aid them in anticipating future maintenance requirements and its costs. This paper reports on our response. We have surveyed 3,000 streets and parks in the city, noting the species, number, and condition of every public space tree. We have also obtained the dimensions of sample trees, noting their total height, maximum crown width, height of maximum crown width, diameter at maximum crown width, and height at crown break. A management system has been developed using Microsoft AccessTM.Using standard regression techniques available on the package JMPTM, we found that total tree height was related to age for all species and that all other parameters of interest were related to height or transformed values of height. We assumed a sigmoidal growth curve and calibrated 114 height/age curves to cover the 165,000 trees of the 340 species we have in our database. As well we used the data on tree condition to determine the rate at which populations change from healthy to stressed.By interviewing foremen and supervisors we were able to determine the maintenance treatments carried out in Canberra, the equipment used, and the number of trees that can be treated in a day, for each type of operation.The management system can be used to display the current inventory for each street or park, by suburb, in the database. It can also be used to model future increases in size or crown condition, to predict the operations that will be required as a consequence of tree growth or crown deterioration, and finally, by applying multipliers to equipment and personnel, to estimate the future costs of tree maintenance. Managers can use the system to anticipate problems such as uneven expenditure requirements in future years.  相似文献   

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