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世界经济危机对俄罗斯劳动力市场产生了重大影响,俄罗斯在移民领域出台的反危机措施及对劳动移民使用许可证的规定限制了外来劳动移民进入,背离了先前免签证国家劳动移民制度自由化的方向。近年来,外来移民数量大幅下降,缩小劳动配额及对劳动移民的行政限制使非法劳动移民数量有所上升。俄罗斯人口与外来移民间的矛盾与敌视情绪上升,民族融合度低,随着经济的恢复,俄人口问题日趋严峻,外来劳动移民在俄经济中的结构性影响更趋显著,俄面临着解决外来移民合法化及形成与俄社会一体化条件的双重重任。  相似文献   

郭剑波 《南方人口》2011,26(2):48-54
根据文献和调查数据,重点探讨青田籍新移民的人口分布、文化水准及其主要移民方式,揭示青田新移民具有人数集中在欧洲、接受国内教育水平较低、以家庭团聚和非正常渠道出国为主要移民方式等特征。  相似文献   

李炜 《人口学刊》2005,(5):49-54
俄罗斯作为世界人口大国之一和中国的一个重要邻国,在世界性的经济联系和人口流动背景下,出现了被称为“西方的漂移”以及吸纳被迫移民和发展中国家劳动力的外迁与内迁移民潮双向涌动的趋势。移民成为当代俄罗斯社会的一个重要特征,也使处在人口负增长阴影下的俄罗斯国家的移民政策在当前比历史上任何一个时期尤显迫切和重要。中国作为世界劳动力资源最丰富的国家,如何解决城市化过程中的剩余劳动力问题,是坚持科学发展的重要课题。俄罗斯移民问题给中国带来了多方面的启示。  相似文献   

近代东北人口增长及其对经济发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代东北地区是我国人口增长最快的地区,人口增长的主要原因是大量移民人口的增加,而不是靠人口的自然增长,其中大量跨境移民的涌入是一个重要特征。大量的国内移民人口的增加促进了东北近代农业的发展,这一定程度上缓解了近代中国内地的人口压力。另外,大量移民人口的增加促进了近代东北地区贸易、工业和城市等的发展,从而促进了近代东北经济的发展。  相似文献   

程绮云 《南方人口》2001,16(2):58-62
澳门是一个面积不到 2 4平方公里的地方 ,其人口在过去十年增加了近三成。人口的增加主要来源于移民 ,特别是来自中国内地的移民 ,他们同时亦对澳门人口的自然增长带来很大的影响 ,原因是来自中国内地的移民有较高的生育率。本文简单地介绍了这一现象 ,以及澳门人口自然增长的其他情况。  相似文献   

利用联合国经济和社会事务部国际移民统计数据库中1990-2013年中国对143个国家和地区的移民存量数据,在修正移民零值基础上,采用国际移民引力模型考察了中国对外移民的区位分布及其影响因素。研究结果表明:中国对外移民主要分布在距离较近和收入较高的国家或地区;影响中国对外移民的因素有移民输入国经济发展水平、经济规模、人口规模、制度质量以及距离;移民输入国资源丰富程度和老龄化程度对中国移民没有显著影响。本文的研究结论意味着保持中国经济持续健康发展、提高国民收入水平、继续深化改革提高制度质量对减少人才流失具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生态移民与西北地区城镇化的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在西方人口移民理论的基础上,分析了生态移民与城镇化的内在关联性,着重探讨了异地生态移民当中,生态移民与城镇化出现的一些问题,并就这些问题提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

20世纪末开始,人类进入了第二个“移徙时代”。移徙并不是一个“零和”游戏,在最理想的情况下,它可以使接受国、原籍国和移徙者本人都得到好处。1.美国。被称为“建立在移民基础之上的国家”的美国拥有4300万海外移民,占其总人口的13.5%,成为世界上拥有海外移民人口最多的国家。美国1/6的企业主是移民,而移民只占美国人口的13%。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯境内的中国移民规模逐渐增大,随着俄罗斯经济社会的变化,中国移民的构成也变得更加多样和复杂。对俄罗斯边境地区四个州的中国移民情况调查表明,中国移民群体在移民类型、目的、法律地位、地区来源和去向、技术水平和行业分布等构成方面呈现出一定的特点。虽然中国的劳动移民在整体上还没有对俄罗斯劳动力市场和人口就业领域产生关键性的影响,但在俄罗斯东部,特别是在贸易、建筑业和农业等领域,移民的作用日益重要。  相似文献   

谢颜 《人口学刊》2022,(4):29-38
纵观中国历史上的规模较大的人口流动,清末以来的农民流向东北即“闯关东”,是中国历史上最大的人口流动之一,它对东北地区乃至中国的现代化进程产生了重大而深远的影响。这场大规模移民在民国时期达到了高潮,本文以1912-1931年东北地区移民为主要研究对象,通过历史经济学分析方法,运用大量的史料考证还原东北地区农民流动的概况。通过分析这一阶段东北地区移民的规模、人口结构、地域分布、职业分布等人口特征描绘出这一时期东北地区移民的总体状况。同时,利用历史经济学方法和理论分析东北地区人口迁移的深层次原因,从土地价格、交通条件、就业机会、收入差距等方面分析东北地区人口迁徙的原因,民国时期政府的宏观政策也在一定程度上推动了东北地区人口迁徙。东北地区农民流动对东北地区乃至全国农业、经济、社会产生广泛影响,人地紧张的突出矛盾得到了有效缓解,直接推动了东北地区的农业发展和种植结构的变化,为东北地区成为我国著名的“大粮仓”奠定了基础,同时推动了东北地区工业化和城镇化的发展。东北地区人口迁徙带来的区域经济发展对于新时代乡村振兴背景下城乡融合发展,促进东北地区经济社会发展,振兴东北老工业基地具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

This study investigates the formation of endogamous and exogamous marriages among immigrants and their descendants in the United Kingdom. We apply event history analysis to data from the Understanding Society study and use multiple imputation to determine the type of marriage for individuals with missing information on the origin of their spouse. The analysis shows, first, significant differences among immigrants and their descendants in the likelihood of marrying within and outside their ethnic groups. While immigrants from European countries have relatively high exogamous marriage rates, South Asians exhibit a high likelihood of marrying a partner from their own ethnic group; Caribbean people hold an intermediate position. Second, the descendants of immigrants have lower endogamous and higher exogamous marriage rates than their parents; however, for some ethnic groups, particularly South Asians, the differences across generations are small, suggesting that changes in marriage patterns have been slower than expected.  相似文献   

This study analyzes emigration propensities for natives and immigrants delineating among immigrant emigrants between return and onward migration. Results indicate that emigrants are positively selected in terms of upper education. Well-educated immigrants have a higher probability of leaving for third-country destinations than returning to countries of origin. Predicted age–income profiles for immigrants show that return migrants have higher adjusted mean income levels than non-emigrants up to the age of 40. Onward migrants have lower predicted income levels across the age distribution due to this group’s composition and relatively low employment levels in Sweden. Separate estimations by region of origin indicate that within each group, onward migrants are more positively selected then return migrants in terms of income.
Lena NekbyEmail: Fax: +46-44-8159482

This article examines the citizenship acquisition of major post-1965 Asian immigrant groups including Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese, Asian Indians, Koreans, and Vietnamese, using the PUMS data from the 1990 U.S. Census and an INS longitudinal data set. The analysis of data reveals a very high average naturalization rate of post-1965 Asian immigrants and a bifurcated pattern in citizenship acquisition among the six Asian immigrant groups. Furthermore, the results of a pooled logistic regression model indicate that the characteristics of Asian immigrants, ethnic communities, and countries of origin largely explain the naturalization of these Asian immigrants. Separate logistic regression models for the six groups further uncover similarities and differences in determinants of naturalization across groups. The findings suggest that in terms of naturalization rates new Asian immigrants are more assimilable than most immigrant groups, including European immigrants, and that in the foreseeable future Asian Americans are likely to become a swing vote at the local and possibly state levels and perhaps in presidential elections under some special circumstances. The findings also point to commonality and diversity in determinants of citizenship acquisition among post-1965 Asian immigrants.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 1980 and 1990 Census and the 1994–2000 Current Population Survey to examine the determinants of earnings among male Cuban immigrants in the U.S. by race. Nonwhite Cuban immigrants earn about 15 percent less than whites, on average. Much of the racial wage gap is due to differences in educational attainment, age at migration, and years in the U.S., but the gap remains at almost 4 percent after controlling for such factors. Nonwhite Cuban immigrants also have lower returns to education than whites. A comparison to white, non-Hispanic U.S. natives indicates that nonwhite Cubans not only earn less initially than white Cubans on arrival in the U.S., but also do not significantly close the racial earnings gap over time.  相似文献   

Samples from the U.S. passenger lists are used to focus upon the emigrants from England to the U.S.A. during 1841. Probably as many as three-quarters of the English emigrants of that year made the U.S.A. their destination, though only a minority of Irish and Scottish emigrants sailed directly to U.S. ports. The English appear very largely to have spurned the unusual opportunities for assisted emigration to colonies that were available that year. The occupations of male emigrants are compared with occupations reported in the population census of 1841. Farmers, general labourers, and industrial workers, particularly those employed in textile industries, were overrepresented among the emigrants. Yet the movement was not predominantly an exodus of labourers from agriculture, nor from some of the most depressed occupations such as framework knitters and nailers. Various occupational groups are analyzed according to travelling companions, dependants and age, in an effort to distinguish between the more cycle-sensitive groups and those seemingly intent on permanent emigration.  相似文献   

Using data sets from both Sweden and Finland, which have been linked at the individual level, we analyse whether Finnish immigrants who lived in Sweden in 1990 were employed, non-employed, return-migrated, or dead by 2001. The aim is to see how they interrelate with socio-demographic characteristics, and to compare Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking immigrants in this respect. Multinomial logistic regression models reveal that there is great variation in the level of outcomes between the two language groups, but that the interrelation between socio-demographic factors and each outcome is fairly similar across outcomes and across language groups. It is foremost the Finnish-speaking male immigrants who experience problems, having on average two times higher odds of being either non-employed, return-migrated, or death, as compared with Swedish-speaking male immigrants. Social disadvantage may consequently not only take the form of poor labour market position, but also return-migration and death. The paper illustrates the need for separating subgroups of immigrants when one is interested in integrational success. Comments from seminar participants at the Turku Centre for Welfare Research and anonymous persons are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Emigration from Canada can be assessed only by indirect means. Here, survival ratios have been applied to the total population enumerated in the 1961 Census and to particular segments of it, so that a comparison of the calculated numbers in 1971 with the population actually enumerated indicates the volume of emigration during the decade, both in the whole population and in certain groups. Amounting to two-thirds of the number of immigrants during the same period, the estimate for the ten years is exactly double the volume of emigration reported to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on immigration policy of 1975. Since 1971, the level of emigration has probably fallen. Of the 960,000 emigrants during the decade, 42 per cent were Canadian-born. Their favourite destination was the United States; immigrants, on the other hand, tended to return home. Many immigrants now stay in Canada for only a few years. Fewer Canadians emigrate to the United States. These two factors have contributed to a new pattern of emigration, up-to-date details of which will not be ascertained before the Census of 1981.  相似文献   

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