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IF yon are planning your holiday trip.Yunnan Province Province in southwest China isone of the best options you couldconsider right now.The KunmingInternational Horticultural Exposition(EXPO’99)just opened on May 1 atJindian,a scenic town four kilometersfrom Kunming,the provincial capital.This  相似文献   

Editor's Notes:     
It is our concern and behavior thatare important in our involvement inenvironmental protection.The grandopening of the China’99 KunmingInternational Horticulture Exposition  相似文献   

The Tempest is one of William Shakespeare’s famous play,which mainly focused on the magic and the Postcolonial oppression.The work exposed the crucial harm and inhumanity in those years.In order to demonstrate the deep meaning of this great work and everlasting influence it has made,this essay picks out two parts of its significant themes and gives them a detailed explanation.By demonstrate those profound meanings,the real value of The Tempest may be clearer and the readers can have a better understanding of it.  相似文献   

SOYBEANS, original to China, abound in northeast Heilongjiang Province. The round plump beans actually remind one of the vast and fertile black soil in Heilongjiang. It is said that bean curd. the earliest known bean product, can be dated to as far back as the time of Christ! I enjoyed the full taste and flavor of Heilongjiang bean curd. and was able to thrive on the dish.  相似文献   

杨婕 《现代妇女》2014,(7):294-294
Individualism and collectivism are one of the core values of western and Chinese cultures. This article intends to summarize the conceptions of individualism and collectivism and single some representations of the two different ideologies in order to clear up the misunderstanding which exists in today's view of individualism of Chinese people, and the essence of individualism will be concluded to deepen the understanding of individualism.  相似文献   

AS a university student in chemistry, Liu Jingyi worshiped the scientific achievements of Madame Curie and sought to emulate her. She became one of China's first scientists in environmental chemistry and eventually rose to be director of the Institute of  相似文献   

Photos byJlA0 YONGPUandLI JlANGSHUA bird’S—eye view of the Tianjin Economic Development Area,located in the suburbs of Tianjin;a mere 13 years ago,the area wasa plot 0f wasteland.The factory workshop of Merlin Gerin Ltd.Company,a Sino~French joint ventureThe recently—opened Huana golf course attracts domestic and foreign guests alike.Motorola 15 one of the big eomPan一esw}:ieh 11asin、z口只十p日in hp TF几ATianjin Economic Development Area…  相似文献   

THIS cup, unearthed at the site of an aristocrat's tomb (No. 2 Baoshan Tomb) of the Chu State, was a vessel used during weddings in ancient times. According to the earliest account of the vessel, found in the book Liji, a new couple would use it to gargle together, which meant that they would be of one heart and one mind, and that they would love and take care of each other. Shaped like a standing phoenix, the vessel is 17.6 cm. long. The phoenix holds a pearl in its beak and its wings are spread  相似文献   

The eight counties in the southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is referred to Xihaigu, where severe natural conditions—intense winds and lack of rain—make it one of the poorest regions in China since ancient times. In 1983, the Chinese  相似文献   

AMONG 29 newly appointedcross-century Ministers of theState Council in 1998, ChenZhili, is one of only two women. Herappointment has caused a mild sensationamong the mass media at home and abroad,not only due to her female status but alsothe important role education plays inChina's basic policy of "revitalizing thecountry through science and technology."As Minister of Education in a country witha population of 1.2 billion, Chen Zhili notonly has profound scientific and culturalknowledge, but the necessary, rich workingand life experiences as a leader. She isindeed qualified to be in charge of China'seducation in the 21 st century, according tosome media.  相似文献   

SHAPING is a kind of indoorsport which gives definition to thebeauty of the human body byharmonizing one’s health,figure,carriage,deportment and dressaccoding to one’s character.shapingnot only effectively builds up goodbody shape,but also improves one'sability to dress and apply make-upwith bodily proportions in mind. Shaping is not quite as in vogue  相似文献   

Women's development is a process. It is also a process to await the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing in 1995, a process to further mobilize women from various countries to gain equality between the sexes and to take a part in social development. The second international seminar on women's studies was held from November 23 to 26, 1993, at Beijing University in preparation for this day. Some 100 women researchers from Australia, Bangladesh', Canada, the United States, England, Malaysia and Japan, as well as Hong Kong and China participated in the event. It was one of the most lively and active seminars held during this process. To take prompt action in development was a common nderstanding of the participants.  相似文献   

DEFEND MADRID, an antifascist song composed in 1936 toraise Chinese awareness against fascists invading then Republic of Spain and who invaded China one year later, played once again in the Chinese Revolutionary Museum in Beijing on 9 October 1996. The song brought participants of the 60th anniversary of the International Brigade back to the days when peaceloving people the world over, despite their differences in nationalities and beliefs, gathered in Spain to fight against the common foe of mankind—fascism. Mr. Cheng Siyuan, Vice President of the Chinese National People's Congress, Mr. Huang Hua, President of China  相似文献   

With the Chinese Government deciding to build a reservoir at Ibc Three Gorges in the Changjiang River, which is believed to be one of the best sources of water power in the world, residents living in that area have been asked to move. The orderly migration of local residents is a great concern of the Central Government and is being well  相似文献   

Baby Boom in Year of‘Gold Pig’金猪年将迎来生育高峰It's the Year of the Pig,and, according to the"five-element theory,"it is also the year of"gold."With only one"gold-pig"year for every 60 lunar calendar years,tradition has it that a person born in the"gold-pig"year will be blessed with great fortune throughout his/her life.  相似文献   

No one knows when the people ofMacheng City began to employthe marriage custom of racingfor the bed, once a custom unique to theTujia ethnic minority. It is said that at the end of awedding, bride and bridegroom enter thebridal chamber together and race for thebed. The one who is the first to sit on thebed will be the master of the new familyIt sounds unreasonable, but quite anumber of people believe in it.Therefore, on the wedding night, manybrides and bridegrooms try their best to  相似文献   

If you happen to visit Kaili(a city in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture,in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province),you will no doubt be impressed by the Miaos,splendid costumes and adornments-throughout the ages-on exhibit in the museum established by Ou Donghua.Ou,a resident of the prefecture,is a Guizhou provincial master of arts and crafts,and an inheritor of the Miaos’embroidery.  相似文献   

Chinese researchers have now successfully mapped 1 percent of human gene sequences. China will now soon begin a series of genetic engineering projects, including one intended to upgrade breeds of pigs, a biological drug project, and the engineering of 'super-rice', which will give a high yield, be of a high quality and be disease-resistant. Genetic research in China will also be linked to the pharmaceutical industries and used to treat gene-related diseases as leukemia, liver  相似文献   

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