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Race and gender have been given extensive theoretical and clinical attention in family therapy in the last decade. However, little empirical work has focused on their effect on therapy. The present study examines the effect of clients' race and therapists' race and gender on male and female partners' assessments of an initial and subsequent family/marital therapy session. One hundred twenty-six individuals, comprising 63 heterosexual adult couples, evaluated both the first and the fourth therapy session using the Session Evaluation Questionnaire (Stiles, 1980). Results indicated a strong effect for race, with black females rating initial sessions more negatively than white females when seeing a white therapist. Black men, however, had a more positive response than white men to the initial session, regardless of the race of the therapist. Over time, these differences decreased. The results suggest not only that race and gender may contribute to differences in partners' perceptions of the same session, but also that these differences are not static.  相似文献   

This paper examines the political processes inherent in Functional Family Therapy (FFT). It argues that this model of family therapy takes a covert political stance which reinforces traditional gender roles in both family and therapist. Of particular interest are FFT's affirmation of existing interpersonal functions in the family, as well as suggested therapist use of self. The implications of this stance are discussed, as well as recommendations for change.  相似文献   

The initial, evaluation phase of family therapy is of decisive importance within the systemic perspective. Contacting a therapist is always a complex action for a family. The therapist's evaluation must include the possibility that continued contact may influence the family negatively and limit their potential for change. If there appears to be a logical context in which continued therapy can be justified, it will be necessary to use the first three or four sessions to collect essential data and to organize them meaningfully. It is essential to clarify the circular interaction that is maintaining the symptom, as well as the presence of specific family structures and traditions, and the kind of relationships the family attempts to establish with the therapist. On the basis of this information, the therapist can build models of the family's functioning. These models, according to general system theory, make possible logical intervention in complicated, living systems, without distorting them by artificially splitting them into their component parts. Two models that are important to our treatment perspective—the phenomenological and the mythical—are presented.  相似文献   

A Bowen Family Systems therapist employs concepts of triangles and the family projection process to view a child's symptoms as embedded in the broader family patterns. This article will examine the dynamics of two family therapy cases where parents anxiously asked for their children's symptoms to be fixed. These cases will be used to explore the common presentation in child and adolescent mental health, where the parents are concerned for their children but are also keen not to open their own ‘can of worms’. The presenting problem in the first case was violent hostility between adolescent sisters and in the second case was an adolescent's anorexia. Drawing on client feedback, I reflect on the therapy process behind the divergent outcomes. In case one, the parents were willing to address their own troubled relationship and family of origin, while in case two, the parents discontinued therapy when family of origin dynamics began to be explored. The article suggests how the therapist can evoke parents' curiosity about their role in anxious family patterns, without them feeling blamed.  相似文献   

This article emphasizes the importance of establishing therapeutic control in family therapy. Therapeutic control is viewed as similar to conducting an orchestra or directing traffic. Problems that interfere with its implementation are related to the limited appreciation by the therapist of understanding the requirements and responsibilities of a leadership role, the lack of knowledge and experience of the therapist, the difficulty in establishing the relationship between presenting problems and family conflicts, being overwhelmed by the perception or expression of strong feelings, discomfort in presenting options. A therapist who is in control of the therapeutic process is able, comfortably and gently, to lead family members, who initially are often in chaos or resistive, to discuss hidden feelings and conflicts. Often, through the therapist's initiative and articulation of understanding of the problems, the family, more relieved than threatemed, is able to focus on major issues.  相似文献   

Marriage and family therapy scholars have argued that therapists play a crucial role in successful couple therapy, yet little research has empirically documented that the therapist in couple therapy has a significant impact on outcomes. Known as the study of therapist effects, this study sought to assess the amount of variance attributed to the therapist in couple therapy outcomes. Using dropout as the outcome variable, this study analyzed data from 1,192 couples treated by 90 masters and doctoral student therapists at a university‐based training clinic. Results from multilevel analysis indicated that therapists in the sample accounted for 9.4% of the variance in couple dropout while controlling for initial couple impairment. Therapist gender and therapist experience did not significantly predict variability in therapist effects. These findings give promise to future research on therapist effects in couple therapy and encourage exploration into which therapist characteristics and behaviors contribute to successful clinical outcome.  相似文献   

The results of this exploratory research provide a beginning formulation of a gender-sensitive approach to working with men in family therapy. A panel of 36 family therapists endorsed 131 interventions as appropriate and effective ways to work with men. The results suggest the importance of therapist awareness of gender issues and socialization in working with male clients. Interventions were highly endorsed in the areas of developing therapist perceptual and conceptual skills regarding gender, promoting mutual responsibility, and challenging stereo-typical behaviors and attitudes. Surprisingly few interventions pertaining to structuring treatment and encouraging affective expression in men had sufficient consensus to be included in the final results.  相似文献   

This study investigated the immediate impact of a "solution focused" family therapy intervention on both the family and the therapist. Specifically, the study examined the differential effects of the formula first session task (FFST) recommended by de Shazer (1982, 1985), as well as the FFST plus solution focused therapy, as compared to a standard problem focused structural-strategic intervention. After one week, the groups receiving the FFST were significantly higher on measures of family compliance, clarity of treatment goals, and improvement in the presenting problem. However, there were no significant differences among groups on family optimism or on outcome after 10 sessions. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined students' career motivations and aspirations at the beginning of their legal education and after one semester in law school. Interviews with 29 law students within the first few weeks of their first semester revealed interesting differences in women's and men's long-term, but not short-term, career ambitions: notably women had lower expectations for their career trajectories than did men. Work and family concerns also played a role in women's perception of possible career paths and were defined by both women and men as potential barriers to their careers. Follow-up interviews with the same students after their first semester in law school also exposed the different experiences of the law students based mostly on their gender and grades. After one semester of law school and after first-year grades were received, the gendered reactions to their grades provided insight into women's and men's perceptions of viable career options.  相似文献   

This pape focuses on the basic skills and compentencies of transgenerational approaches to family therapy, the fourth report of a program of research surveys by the Basic Family Therapy Skills Project. In the first survey, a panel of family therapy educators listed the most critical or basic skills or compentencies of beginning family therapist with a transgenerational orientation. In the third survey, self-selected respondents rated these items according to degree of importance for beginning family therapists. Rankings of the items according to mean scores of the Likert responses indicate that transgenerational family therapy skills are founded in theory and can be identified behaviorally. The most important skills are those that use the self of the therapist to understand and utilize transgenerational family therapy skills for both therapist and client. Also listed are skills that many raters deemed "generic" rather than specifically related to transgenerational family therapy. Other findings and their implications for the future training of family therapists are discusses. Although the paper is intended for family therapy educators interested in their colleagues' ideas about critical skills in trans-generational family therapy, theorists and clinicians may also find it useful.  相似文献   

Jeff Gerrard can claim the distinction of being the first family therapist in South Australia. Early on in his career as a psychiatrist he explored the growing field of psychotherapy overseas and observed, studied, and trained with some of the historical greats in the area. When he returned to South Australia in the early 70s, it seems to have been a natural step for him to begin practising family therapy and training other health professionals in the theory and practice of family therapy. The early training that Jeff led at the South Australian Children's Hospital enabled a cooperation between a number of early family therapists, such as Michael White and Anne Sved Williams, to train the first cohort of people who would later go on to become significant contributors to the family therapy field in Australia. In this interview, Lorraine Read invites Jeff to explore his early contributions to the field and to discuss the training and supervision experiences which were/are important in his development as a family therapist.  相似文献   

I trace my development as a family therapist from being a single model worker in systemic family therapy to a more eclectic approach. The context of my work is children's services and private practice. Failure to appreciate when one method of therapy is more suitable than another can lead to family therapy being applied when it is not indicated. The dangers in such mistakes and a lack of careful assessment that includes the ‘feeling state’ of the therapist are illustrated by case vignettes. A possible effect of some therapy techniques is to create a ‘distance’ from clients and to shield the therapist from their emotional distress. I outline situations where I would not use family therapy.  相似文献   

In this informal paper I discuss my personal evolution as a family therapist, developments in the field, the politics of a systems approach in conventional settings, resistances to family and marital therapy by other professionals, some still puzzling aspects of family therapy, whether family or marital therapy works and what do we mean by working, directions my own work has taken, some comments about the nature of family life, the satisfactions and frustrations and stresses of being a family therapist, some hidden agendas of family therapy practices, how one's own personal family relationships affect and are affected by this kind of work, the casualties among family and marital therapists, and, finally, whether family therapists should have family therapy for themselves and their own families.  相似文献   

Couple and therapist perspectives about the use and process of reflecting team practice were analyzed using ethnographic research. A domain analysis was performed on postession interviews from both couples and therapists, and on field notes from each therapist. Seven couples and five therapists were interviewed at least twice over a 4-month period concerning their reactions to and perceptions of reflecting team practice. Six domains concerning reflecting team practice emerged from the analysis: (a)benefits of its use, (b) effects of gender, (c)recommended use, (d) contraindicated use, (e) the importance of creating spatial separateness between couple and team members, and (f) sequences of communication between the couple and team members that elicit change. The latter two domains described the process of reflecting team practice (i.e., steps in how it is used and how it is implemented). The role of ethnog rahy in reflecting team practice and in family therapy research is discussed.  相似文献   

A follow-up study of 83 families treated by family therapy at a child guidance clinic was conducted and the relation of client/therapist interaction to (i) drop out from therapy and (ii) improvement was examined. Early terminators were found to differ significantly from continuers as to their ratings of their relationship with the therapist, and trends were found for therapists' feelings to be associated with adherence to therapy. Early terminators were not distinguished by diagnosis, severity of case, or improvement rating. Improvement, on the other hand, was not associated with therapists' or clients' attitudes to each other. It is suggested that these factors are of greater significance in “joining” therapy than in its course.  相似文献   

Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) causes immense difficulties for individuals and families and is increasingly recognised as a serious community issue. This paper focuses on the burden placed on family members with a head injured relative. The authors propose that when working with families with a member with a neuropsychological condition, the family therapist may be required to embrace a more flexible role. Depending on the developmental needs of the family, the family therapist may at times: provide educational information about brain damage and its effects arrange family support groups or wider network meetings be the family's advocate in the context of complex legal and financial bureaucracies or undertake marital, sexual or family therapy when required. Whatever the role played, a ‘family sensitive practice’ approach by family therapists is advocated. It is also deemed useful to develop a theoretical assessment model which helps the therapist locate where individual family members are in their negotiation of the tasks of grieving, restructuring, identity reformation and achieving a sense of growth after head injury. Further implications for clinical practice are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper explores some ideas about the process of learning to be a family therapist. It considers the questions: how does one learn to think like a family therapist? How is family therapy best taught? How is it learned? The author's experiences in learning and teaching are described. It is argued that family therapy differs from other approaches to therapy in some fundamental respects, and that learning to ‘be’ a family therapist is a different kind of task than learning to be a practitioner of other therapeutic approaches. The paper examines some key theoretical constructs, especially the idea of ‘levels’ of thinking, which are seen as central to both the learning and practice of family therapy.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated through an Internet survey of 508 practicing marriage and family therapists which treatment decisions varied by gender of the client and background variables of therapists. The subjects responded to several typical Internet infidelity scenarios. We varied the gender of the person initiating the infidelity for half of one sample. We also asked the family therapy participants to respond to how they might assess and treat each presenting problem. They also evaluated problem severity, prognosis of the case, number of sessions necessary for treatment, and the extent to which a therapist would focus individually or relationally. Results indicate that there were differences in how therapists assessed and treated clients based on client gender, therapists’ age, therapists’ gender, how religious therapists reported they were, and the extent of therapists’ personal experience with infidelity.  相似文献   

Beginning treatment with families is marked by a sense of struggle between the family and the therapist. The family is seen as testing the therapist and as asking through their behavior questions about the therapeutic process. The therapist is advised to focus intently on the beginning interviews, working toward the point where the family relaxes and decides on an intuitive level to enter therapy. The major hurdle is in dealing with the family's anxiety as the therapist attempts to shift the focus from the individual patient to the family as a whole. Strategy in establishing this shift is outlined  相似文献   

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