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Goodness-of-fit tests based on the Cramér-von Mises statistics are given for the Poisson distribution. Power comparisons show that these statistics, particularly A2, give good overall tests of fit. The statistic A2 will be particularly useful for detecting distributions where the variance is close to the mean, but which are not Poisson.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the class of censored exponential regression models which is very useful for modeling lifetime data. Under a sequence of Pitman alternatives, the asymptotic expansions up to order n? 1/2 of the non null distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, Rao score, and gradient statistics are derive in this class of models. The non null asymptotic distribution functions of these statistics are obtained for testing a composite null hypothesis in the presence of nuisance parameters. The power of all four tests, which are equivalent to first order, are compared based on these non null asymptotic expansions. Furthermore, in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests in this class of models, we consider Monte Carlo simulations. We also present an empirical application for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Epstein [Truncated life tests in the exponential case, Ann. Math. Statist. 25 (1954), pp. 555–564] introduced a hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-I hybrid censoring) and Chen and Bhattacharyya [Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 17 (1988), pp. 1857–1870] derived the exact distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of the mean of a scaled exponential distribution based on a Type-I hybrid censored sample. Childs et al. [Exact likelihood inference based on Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 55 (2003), pp. 319–330] provided an alternate simpler expression for this distribution, and also developed analogous results for another hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-II hybrid censoring). The purpose of this paper is to derive the exact bivariate distribution of the MLE of the parameter vector of a two-parameter exponential model based on hybrid censored samples. The marginal distributions are derived and exact confidence bounds for the parameters are obtained. The results are also used to derive the exact distribution of the MLE of the pth quantile, as well as the corresponding confidence bounds. These exact confidence intervals are then compared with parametric bootstrap confidence intervals in terms of coverage probabilities. Finally, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

In this paper, progressive-stress accelerated life tests are applied when the lifetime of a product under design stress follows the exponentiated distribution [G(x)]α. The baseline distribution, G(x), follows a general class of distributions which includes, among others, Weibull, compound Weibull, power function, Pareto, Gompertz, compound Gompertz, normal and logistic distributions. The scale parameter of G(x) satisfies the inverse power law and the cumulative exposure model holds for the effect of changing stress. A special case for an exponentiated exponential distribution has been discussed. Using type-II progressive hybrid censoring and MCMC algorithm, Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters based on symmetric and asymmetric loss functions are obtained and compared with the maximum likelihood estimates. Normal approximation and bootstrap confidence intervals for the unknown parameters are obtained and compared via a simulation study.  相似文献   

E. Csáki  I. Vincze 《Statistics》2013,47(4):531-548
Two test-statistics analogous to Pearson's chi-square test function - given in (1.6) and (1.7) - are investigated. These statistics utilize, apart from the number of sample elements lying in the respective intervals of the partition, their positions within the intervals too. It is shown that the test-statistics are asymptotically distributed - as the sample size N tends to infinity - according to the x 2distribution with parameter r, i.e. the number of intervals chosen. The limiting distribution of the test statistics under the null-hypothesis when N tends to the infinity and r =O(N α) (0<α<1), further the consistency of the tests based on these statistics is considered. Some remarks are made concerning the efficiency of the corresponding goodness of fit tests also; the authors intend to return to a more detailed treatment of the efficiency later.  相似文献   

Investigators and epidemiologists often use statistics based on the parameters of a multinomial distribution. Two main approaches have been developed to assess the inferences of these statistics. The first one uses asymptotic formulae which are valid for large sample sizes. The second one computes the exact distribution, which performs quite well for small samples. They present some limitations for sample sizes N neither large enough to satisfy the assumption of asymptotic normality nor small enough to allow us to generate the exact distribution. We analytically computed the 1/N corrections of the asymptotic distribution for any statistics based on a multinomial law. We applied these results to the kappa statistic in 2×2 and 3×3 tables. We also compared the coverage probability obtained with the asymptotic and the corrected distributions under various hypothetical configurations of sample size and theoretical proportions. With this method, the estimate of the mean and the variance were highly improved as well as the 2.5 and the 97.5 percentiles of the distribution, allowing us to go down to sample sizes around 20, for data sets not too asymmetrical. The order of the difference between the exact and the corrected values was 1/N2 for the mean and 1/N3 for the variance.  相似文献   

The Weibull distribution is one of the most important distributions in reliability. For the first time, we introduce the beta exponentiated Weibull distribution which extends recent models by Lee et al. [Beta-Weibull distribution: some properties and applications to censored data, J. Mod. Appl. Statist. Meth. 6 (2007), pp. 173–186] and Barreto-Souza et al. [The beta generalized exponential distribution, J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 80 (2010), pp. 159–172]. The new distribution is an important competitive model to the Weibull, exponentiated exponential, exponentiated Weibull, beta exponential and beta Weibull distributions since it contains all these models as special cases. We demonstrate that the density of the new distribution can be expressed as a linear combination of Weibull densities. We provide the moments and two closed-form expressions for the moment-generating function. Explicit expressions are derived for the mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, reliability and entropies. The density of the order statistics can also be expressed as a linear combination of Weibull densities. We obtain the moments of the order statistics. The expected information matrix is derived. We define a log-beta exponentiated Weibull regression model to analyse censored data. The estimation of the parameters is approached by the method of maximum likelihood. The usefulness of the new distribution to analyse positive data is illustrated in two real data sets.  相似文献   

The exponentiated exponential distribution, a most attractive generalization of the exponential distribution, introduced by Gupta and Kundu (Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41:173–188, 1999) has received widespread attention. It appears, however, that many mathematical properties of this distribution have not been known or have not been known in simpler/general forms. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the mathematical properties. We derive expressions for the moment generating function, characteristic function, cumulant generating function, the nth moment, the first four moments, variance, skewness, kurtosis, the nth conditional moment, the first four cumulants, mean deviation about the mean, mean deviation about the median, Bonferroni curve, Lorenz curve, Bonferroni concentration index, Gini concentration index, Rényi entropy, Shannon entropy, cumulative residual entropy, Song’s measure, moments of order statistics, L moments, asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics, reliability, distribution of the sum of exponentiated exponential random variables, distribution of the product of exponentiated exponential random variables and the distribution of the ratio of exponentiated exponential random variables. We also discuss estimation by the method of maximum likelihood, including the case of censoring, and provide simpler expressions for the Fisher information matrix than those given by Gupta and Kundu. It is expected that this paper could serve as a source of reference for the exponentiated exponential distribution and encourage further research.  相似文献   

For location–scale families, we consider a random distance between the sample order statistics and the quasi sample order statistics derived from the null distribution as a measure of discrepancy. The conditional qth quantile and expectation of the random discrepancy on the given sample are chosen as test statistics. Simulation results of powers against various alternatives are illustrated under the normal and exponential hypotheses for moderate sample size. The proposed tests, especially the qth quantile tests with a small or large q, are shown to be more powerful than other prominent goodness-of-fit tests in most cases.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a three-parameter lifetime distribution following the Marshall and Olkin [New method for adding a parameter to a family of distributions with application to the exponential and Weibull families. Biometrika. 1997;84(3):641–652] approach. The proposed distribution is a compound of the Lomax and Logarithmic distributions (LLD). We provide a comprehensive study of the mathematical properties of the LLD. In particular, the density function, the shape of the hazard rate function, a general expansion for moments, the density of the rth order statistics, and the mean and median deviations of the LLD are derived and studied in detail. The maximum likelihood estimators of the three unknown parameters of LLD are obtained. The asymptotic confidence intervals for the parameters are also obtained based on asymptotic variance–covariance matrix. Finally, a real data set is analysed to show the potential of the new proposed distribution.  相似文献   

A new five-parameter distribution called the beta Weibull-geometric (BWG) distribution is proposed. The new distribution is generated from the logit of a beta random variable and includes the Weibull-geometric distribution of Barreto-Souza et al. [The Weibull-geometric distribution, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 81 (2011), pp. 645–657], beta Weibull (BW), beta exponential, exponentiated Weibull, and some other lifetime distributions as special cases. A comprehensive mathematical treatment of this distribution is provided. The density function can be expressed as an infinite mixture of BW densities and then we derive some mathematical properties of the new distribution from the corresponding properties of the BW distribution. The density function of the order statistics and also estimation of the stress–strength parameter are obtained using two general expressions. To estimate the model parameters, we use the maximum likelihood method and the asymptotic distribution of the estimators is also discussed. The capacity of the new distribution are examined by various tools, using two real data sets.  相似文献   

We introduce a family of Rényi statistics of orders r?∈?R for testing composite hypotheses in general exponential models, as alternatives to the previously considered generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) statistic and generalized Wald statistic. If appropriately normalized exponential models converge in a specific sense when the sample size (observation window) tends to infinity, and if the hypothesis is regular, then these statistics are shown to be χ2-distributed under the hypothesis. The corresponding Rényi tests are shown to be consistent. The exact sizes and powers of asymptotically α-size Rényi, GLR and generalized Wald tests are evaluated for a concrete hypothesis about a bivariate Lévy process and moderate observation windows. In this concrete situation the exact sizes of the Rényi test of the order r?=?2 practically coincide with those of the GLR and generalized Wald tests but the exact powers of the Rényi test are on average somewhat better.  相似文献   


Conditional tests are constructed by conditioning a fit measure to a minimal sufficient statistic. To calculate the p-value of these tests, Monte Carlo methods with co-sufficient samples can be used. In this paper we show how to simulate co-sufficient samples when the data distribution belongs to the exponential family with doubly transitive sufficient statistics. The proposed method is illustrated using the beta distribution.  相似文献   

A number of goodness-of-fit and model selection procedures related to the Weibull distribution are reviewed. These procedures include probability plotting, correlation type goodness-of-fit tests, and chi-square goodness-of-fit tests. Also the Kolmogorow-Smirniv, Kuiper, and Cramer-Von Mises test statistics for completely specified hypothesis based on censored data are reviewed, and these test statistics based on complete samples for the unspecified parameters case are considered. Goodness-of-fit tests based on sample spacings, and a goodness-of-fit test for the Weibull process, is also discussed.

Model selection procedures for selecting between a Weibull and gamma model, a Weibull and lognormal model, and for selecting from among all three models are considered. Also tests of exponential versus Weibull and Weibull versus generalized gamma are mentioned.  相似文献   

V. Nekoukhou  H. Bidram 《Statistics》2013,47(4):876-887
In this paper, we shall attempt to introduce another discrete analogue of the generalized exponential distribution of Gupta and Kundu [Generalized exponential distributions, Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41(2) (1999), pp. 173–188], different to that of Nekoukhou et al. [A discrete analogue of the generalized exponential distribution, Comm. Stat. Theory Methods, to appear (2011)]. This new discrete distribution, which we shall call a discrete generalized exponential distribution of the second type (DGE2(α, p)), can be viewed as another generalization of the geometric distribution. We shall first study some basic distributional and moment properties, as well as order statistics distributions of this family of new distributions. Certain compounded DGE2(α, p) distributions are also discussed as the results of which some previous lifetime distributions such as that of Adamidis and Loukas [A lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate, Statist. Probab. Lett. 39 (1998), pp. 35–42] follow as corollaries. Then, we will investigate estimation of the parameters involved. Finally, we will examine the model with a real data set.  相似文献   

We construct a general non-central hypergeometric distribution, which models biased sampling without replacement. Our distribution is constructed from the combined order statistics of two samples: one of independent and identically distributed random variables with absolutely continuous distribution F and the other of independent and identically distributed random variables with absolutely continuous distribution G. The distribution depends on F and G only through FG( ? 1) (F composed with the quantile function of G), and the standard hypergeometric distribution and Wallenius’ non-central hypergeometric distribution arise as special cases. We show in efficient economic markets the quantity traded has a general non-central hypergeometric distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain asymptotic expansions up to order n−1/2 for the nonnull distribution functions of the likelihood ratio, Wald, score and gradient test statistics in exponential family nonlinear models (Cordeiro and Paula, 1989), under a sequence of Pitman alternatives. The asymptotic distributions of all four statistics are obtained for testing a subset of regression parameters and for testing the dispersion parameter, thus generalising the results given in Cordeiro et al. (1994) and Ferrari et al. (1997). We also present Monte Carlo simulations in order to compare the finite-sample performance of these tests.  相似文献   

Tests of fit based on correlation-type statistics are investigated for the exponential, extreme-value, and logistic distributions. The statistics are shown to be asymptotically normal at the rate log½n. The result is used to show that such tests have 0 asymptotic relative efficiency.  相似文献   

The extended exponential distribution due to Nadarajah and Haghighi (2011 Nadarajah, S., Haghighi, F. (2011). An extension of the exponential distribution. Statistics 45:543558.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is an alternative to and always provides better fits than the gamma, Weibull, and the exponentiated exponential distributions whenever the data contain zero values. We establish recurrence relations for the single and product moments of order statistics from the extended exponential distribution. These recurrence relations enable computation of the means, variances, and covariances of all order statistics for all sample sizes in a simple and efficient manner. By using these relations, we tabulate the means, variances, and covariances of order statistics and derive best linear unbiased estimates of the extended exponential distribution. Finally, a data application is provided.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of |Δn| where Δn is a random determinant with independent and identically distributed exponential elements is given for the cases n = 2 and 3. From the investigation of the behaviour of the density functions for these cases it is conjectured that for any fixed n, the probability density of |Δn| for large values of the argument is the same as the density of (Y/n)n, where Y is a gamma random variable.  相似文献   

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