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Summary This paper is an attempt to put forward for discussion someof the similarities and differences between adoption and artificialinsemination by donor, as attempts to solve the problem of childlessness.The legal position and the view of the Church are briefly summarized.It is suggested that work already done in adoption, particularlywith reference to telling the child, has relevance for A.I.D.,and that there are implications for social workers.  相似文献   


GROUP WORK WITH POPULATIONS AT RISK. SECOND EDITION. Reviewed by Geoffrey L. Greif and Paul H. Ephross (Eds.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, 480 pp. reviewed by Barbara Muskat

TRANSFORMING THE LEGACY: COUPLE THERAPY WITH SURVIVORS OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA. Reviewed by Kathryn Basham and Dennis Miehls. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004, 368 pp. reviewed by Rachel Birnbaum  相似文献   

《德意志意识形态》研究中的"赫斯问题"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
迄今为止,在对《德意志意识形态》这一表征马克思哲学思想最重要的文本的研究中还存在一些非常薄弱的环节甚至是盲点,"赫斯问题"就是一个典型的例子.通过对大量文献资料的甄别和分析,可以发现,莫泽斯·赫斯真正参与了这一著述的写作,理应归入这一文本的作者之列;作为该书第二卷批判对象的"真正的社会主义"思潮的理论奠基者的赫斯应邀参加有关章节的撰写,表明马克思、恩格斯当时与他仍然是一种思想合作的关系,而不可能是两种异质思想的彻底决裂.这一解释对于客观、全面地把握《德意志意识形态》丰富而复杂的思想内涵、改变长期以来马克思主义哲学史研究中存在的简单化定性和划界具有很重要的意义.  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the U.S.D.A. Forest Service has changed the way forest plans are developed. The focus of this paper is to address the group-decision problem using social choice theory, specifically the voting models of Condorcet and Borda. The elements of a social choice problem are voters, alternatives, preferences, and aggregation. A case study from the Shoshone National Forest is used to demonstrate the use of the voting models from social choice theory. The solutions derived from the analysis are strategy and coalitional strategy proof implying that behaviors intended to influence the outcome, such as vote trading, would be unsuccessful.  相似文献   


This article examines the sensory dimension of religious publicity, focused on the case of an evangelical museum in the United States. Washington D.C.’s Museum of the Bible (MOTB) was envisioned and funded primarily by conservative Protestants, and is a revealing case of religion in public life because most of the creative labor of design was conceived and executed by secular firms who do not typically work for faith-based clients. The professional expertise of these firms, “experiential design,” informs a sea change in contemporary museology and the expansion of the experience economy in late modernity. Ultimately, I argue that MOTB’s engagement with experiential design indexes the power of entertainment in late modern life, as the sensory repertoire at play operates with largely unquestioned legitimacy and presumed efficacy. By mobilizing the cultural capital of design, an evangelical museum makes a claim for diverse audiences in a deeply public setting.  相似文献   

宣和元年(1119)五月,洪水危及开封城的安全。李纲指出此为灾异,劝谏宋徽宗要罪己求言以及改变作为,却被贬外。之后李纲反思北宋灭亡时,将宣和大水视为亡国的征兆。李纲去世后,其宣和水灾奏议逐渐被书写为靖康之变的预言。蒙古崛起威胁南宋生存之时,有识之士不断借用李纲水灾之论劝谏当权者加强国防,防止历史重演。  相似文献   

庞弘 《求是学刊》2012,39(3):35-40
美国学者赫施坚持将对于客观意义的诉求置于对作者意图的询唤过程中,而“意义”与“指意”这两个关键概念则成为了支撑其理论体系的最重要基石.赫施关于意义与指意的理论的形成受到了胡塞尔的“意向性”理论、弗雷格的“含义”与“指称”观念以及戈德曼的发生学结构主义方法的深刻影响.而赫施提出这对范畴的思想动因则在于捍卫意义的确定性品格并对抗种种充满了虚无主义色彩的“不确定”主张.此外,赫施还将意义与指意同人文学术中的“知识”和“价值”相互衔接,从而显示了其在一个“后理论”时代中的更加深刻的人文关怀.  相似文献   

In contrast to most recent empirical work on inflation which has concentrated on the size and stability of coefficients in the wage equation, this paper provides a reexamination of the price equation. Evidence is presented on the structural determinants of inflation in six large industrial nations. It is demonstrated that price equations which include capital costs and excess demand among the regressors perform exceedingly well according to the usual statistical criteria. The results of this study indicate that the inflationary process possesses a high degree of uniformity among the larger industrial countries. This pertains not only with respect to the specific independent variables in price equations, but also with respect to the high degree of uniformity of the estimated coefficients. Additionally, the findings indicate that lower productivity growth and higher capital costs have contributed significantly to the inflationary process since 1974. Furthermore, since higher capital costs are one consequence of tighter monetary policies, the adoption of such policies in response to the two oil price shocks of the 1970s may have offset their intended deflationary effects on prices through the linkage of wage costs and aggregate demand.  相似文献   

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