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The authors examine the asymptotic behaviour of conditional threshold exceedance probabilities for an elliptically distributed pair (X, Y) of random variables. More precisely, they investigate the limiting behaviour of the conditional distribution of Y given that X becomes extreme. They show that this behaviour differs between regularly and rapidly varying tails.  相似文献   

A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values (with discussion)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  Multivariate extreme value theory and methods concern the characterization, estimation and extrapolation of the joint tail of the distribution of a d -dimensional random variable. Existing approaches are based on limiting arguments in which all components of the variable become large at the same rate. This limit approach is inappropriate when the extreme values of all the variables are unlikely to occur together or when interest is in regions of the support of the joint distribution where only a subset of components is extreme. In practice this restricts existing methods to applications where d is typically 2 or 3. Under an assumption about the asymptotic form of the joint distribution of a d -dimensional random variable conditional on its having an extreme component, we develop an entirely new semiparametric approach which overcomes these existing restrictions and can be applied to problems of any dimension. We demonstrate the performance of our approach and its advantages over existing methods by using theoretical examples and simulation studies. The approach is used to analyse air pollution data and reveals complex extremal dependence behaviour that is consistent with scientific understanding of the process. We find that the dependence structure exhibits marked seasonality, with ex- tremal dependence between some pollutants being significantly greater than the dependence at non-extreme levels.  相似文献   

In this article, a semi-Markovian random walk with delay and a discrete interference of chance (X(t)) is considered. It is assumed that the random variables ζ n , n = 1, 2,…, which describe the discrete interference of chance form an ergodic Markov chain with ergodic distribution which is a gamma distribution with parameters (α, λ). Under this assumption, the asymptotic expansions for the first four moments of the ergodic distribution of the process X(t) are derived, as λ → 0. Moreover, by using the Riemann zeta-function, the coefficients of these asymptotic expansions are expressed by means of numerical characteristics of the summands, when the process considered is a semi-Markovian Gaussian random walk with small drift β.  相似文献   

Multivariate extreme value statistical analysis is concerned with observations on several variables which are thought to possess some degree of tail dependence. The main approaches to inference for multivariate extremes consist in approximating either the distribution of block component‐wise maxima or the distribution of the exceedances over a high threshold. Although the expressions of the asymptotic density functions of these distributions may be characterized, they cannot be computed in general. In this paper, we study the case where the spectral random vector of the multivariate max‐stable distribution has known conditional distributions. The asymptotic density functions of the multivariate extreme value distributions may then be written through univariate integrals that are easily computed or simulated. The asymptotic properties of two likelihood estimators are presented, and the utility of the method is examined via simulation.  相似文献   


For non-negative integer-valued random variables, the concept of “damaged” observations was introduced, for the first time, by Rao and Rubin [Rao, C. R., Rubin, H. (1964). On a characterization of the Poisson distribution. Sankhya 26:295–298] in 1964 on a paper concerning the characterization of Poisson distribution. In 1965, Rao [Rao, C. R. (1965). On discrete distribution arising out of methods of ascertainment. Sankhya Ser. A. 27:311–324] discusses some results related with inferences for parameters of a Poisson Model when it has occurred partial destruction of observations. A random variable is said to be damaged if it is unobservable, due to a damage mechanism which randomly reduces its magnitude. In subsequent years, considerable attention has been given to characterizations of distributions of such random variables that satisfy the “Rao–Rubin” condition. This article presents some inference aspects of a damaged Poisson distribution, under reasonable assumption that, when an observation on the random variable is made, it is also possible to determine whether or not some damage has occurred. In other words, we do not know how many items are damaged, but we can identify the existence of damage. Particularly it is illustrated the situation in which it is possible to identify the occurrence of some damage although it is not possible to determine the amount of items damaged. Maximum likelihood estimators of the underlying parameters and their asymptotic covariance matrix are obtained. Convergence of the estimates of parameters to the asymptotic values are studied through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Motivated by an application in Electrical Engineering, we derive the exact distribution of the sum of the largest n?k out of n normally distributed random variables, with differing mean values. Comparisons are made with two normal approximations to this distribution—one arising from the asymptotic negligibility of the omitted order statistics and one from the theory of L-statistics. The latter approximation is found to be in excellent agreement with the exact distribution.  相似文献   

This article studies the asymptotic properties of the random weighted empirical distribution function of independent random variables. Suppose X1, X2, ???, Xn is a sequence of independent random variables, and this sequence is not required to be identically distributed. Denote the empirical distribution function of the sequence by Fn(x). Based on the random weighting method and Fn(x), the random weighted empirical distribution function Hn(x) is constructed and the asymptotic properties of Hn are discussed. Under weak conditions, the Glivenko–Cantelli theorem and the central limit theorem for the random weighted empirical distribution function are obtained. The obtained results have also been applied to study the distribution functions of random errors of multiple sensors.  相似文献   

The exponentiated exponential distribution, a most attractive generalization of the exponential distribution, introduced by Gupta and Kundu (Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41:173–188, 1999) has received widespread attention. It appears, however, that many mathematical properties of this distribution have not been known or have not been known in simpler/general forms. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the mathematical properties. We derive expressions for the moment generating function, characteristic function, cumulant generating function, the nth moment, the first four moments, variance, skewness, kurtosis, the nth conditional moment, the first four cumulants, mean deviation about the mean, mean deviation about the median, Bonferroni curve, Lorenz curve, Bonferroni concentration index, Gini concentration index, Rényi entropy, Shannon entropy, cumulative residual entropy, Song’s measure, moments of order statistics, L moments, asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics, reliability, distribution of the sum of exponentiated exponential random variables, distribution of the product of exponentiated exponential random variables and the distribution of the ratio of exponentiated exponential random variables. We also discuss estimation by the method of maximum likelihood, including the case of censoring, and provide simpler expressions for the Fisher information matrix than those given by Gupta and Kundu. It is expected that this paper could serve as a source of reference for the exponentiated exponential distribution and encourage further research.  相似文献   

Under appropriate long range dependence conditions, the point process of exceedances of a stationary sequence weakly converges to a homogeneous compound Poisson point process. This limiting point process can be characterized by the extremal index and the cluster-size probabilities. In this paper we address the problem of estimating these quantities and we consider the intervals estimators introduced in Ferro and Segers [2003. Inference for clusters of extreme values. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 545–556] and in Ferro [2004. Statistical methods for clusters of extreme values. Ph.D. Thesis, Lancaster University]. We establish asymptotic weak convergence to Gaussian random variables and we give their asymptotic variance.  相似文献   


Motivated by a recent article published by Adam and Tawn, we characterize the distribution of two random variables X, Y ordered linearly like X < Y. We suppose that the random variables follow a bivariate extreme value distribution.  相似文献   

A symmetric array of random variables is weakly exchangeable if, when the same arbitrary permutation is applied to rows and columns, the joint distribution remains the same. We consider the asymptotic distribution of the standardized sums of the elements of the upper left hand corner of the partitioned array, generalizing results on U-statistics. In general, the asymptotic distribution is normal, but if the array is first standardized by subtracting row and column means, then it is a linear form in a normal variable and independent squares of normal variables with coefficients depending on the limits of the eigenvalues of the array.  相似文献   

Let {X n:n ≥ 1} be an i.i.d. sequence of random variables with a continuous distribution function F. Under the assumption that the upper tail of Fis regularly varying with exponent 1/α, α > 0, we study the asymptotic properties of an estimator of α based on k-record values.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the probability P = Pr(X < Y) when X and Y are independent exponential random variables with unequal scale parameters and a common location parameter. Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator of P is obtained. The asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator is obtained and then the asymptotic equivalence of the two estimators is established. Performance of the two estimators for moderate sample sizes is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. An approximate interval estimator is also obtained.  相似文献   

We consider portmanteau tests for testing the adequacy of structural vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) models under the assumption that the errors are uncorrelated but not necessarily independent. The structural forms are mainly used in econometrics to introduce instantaneous relationships between economic variables. We first study the joint distribution of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) and the noise empirical autocovariances. We then derive the asymptotic distribution of residual empirical autocovariances and autocorrelations under weak assumptions on the noise. We deduce the asymptotic distribution of the Ljung-Box (or Box-Pierce) portmanteau statistics in this framework. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of the portmanteau tests is that of a weighted sum of independent chi-squared random variables, which can be quite different from the usual chi-squared approximation used under independent and identically distributed (iid) assumptions on the noise. Hence we propose a method to adjust the critical values of the portmanteau tests. Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the finite sample performance of the modified portmanteau test.  相似文献   

Summary The exact distributions of the productXY are derived whenX andY are independent random variables and come from the extreme value distribution of Type I, the extreme value distribution of Type II or the extreme value distribution of Type III. Of the, six possible combinations, only three yield closed-form expressions for the distribution ofXY. A detailed application of the results is provided to drought data from Nebraska. The author would like to thank the referees and the Associate Editor for carefully reading the paper and for their great help in improving the paper.  相似文献   

Ghoudi, Khoudraji & Rivest [The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1998;26:187–197] showed how to test whether the dependence structure of a pair of continuous random variables is characterized by an extreme‐value copula. The test is based on a U‐statistic whose finite‐ and large‐sample variance are determined by the present authors. They propose estimates of this variance which they compare to the jackknife estimate of Ghoudi, Khoudraji & Rivest ( 1998 ) through simulations. They study the finite‐sample and asymptotic power of the test under various alternatives. They illustrate their approach using financial and geological data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The study of the relationship between extreme values of dependent random fields and their locations has important practical applications, for instance, when dealing with censored data.

In this article we study the asymptotic behavior of the joint locations of the largest order statistics generated by a stationary random field with extremal index as well as the joint limiting distribution of the location of a high level exceedance nearest of the origin and the location of the maximum.  相似文献   

Let {X j , j ≥ 1} be a strictly stationary negatively or positively associated sequence of real valued random variables with unknown distribution function F(x). On the basis of the random variables {X j , j ≥ 1}, we propose a smooth recursive kernel-type estimate of F(x), and study asymptotic bias, quadratic-mean consistency and asymptotic normality of the recursive kernel-type estimator under suitable conditions.  相似文献   

The speed of convergence of the distribution of the normalized maximum, of a sample of independent and identically distributed random variables, to its asymptotic distribution is considered in this article. Assuming that the cumulative distribution function of the random variables is known, the error committed replacing the actual distribution of the normalized maximum by its asympotic distribution is studied. Instead of using the arithmetical scale of probabilities, we measure the difference between the actual and asympotic distribution in terms of the double-log scale used for building the probability plotting paper for the the latter. We demonstrate that the difference between the double-log values corresponding to two probabilities in the upper tail is almost exactly equal to the logarithm of the distribution may not be uniform in this double-log scale and that the difference between the actual and asymptotic distributions, on the probebility plotting paper, may be a logarithmic, power, or even exponential function in the upper tail when the latter distribution is of Fisher-Tippett type I, but that difference is at most logarithmic in the upper tail for type II and III distributions. This fact is exploited to obtain transformed variables that converge tothe asymptotic distribution faster than the original variable on the probabilites plotting paper  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a stationary sequence of discrete random variables with marginal distribution H(x), obtained by a simple transformation from the max-AR(1) sequence considered by Alpuim (1989). Because discrete distributions impose severe restrictions on the convergence of the normalized maxima to an extreme value distribution, it is seen that in this particular case, whenever H(x) belongs to the domain of attraction of any max-stable distribution, the sequence possesses an extremal index 0 = 0. Nevertheless, it, is possible to obtain a nondegenerate limiting distribution for the linearized maxima by choosing other sets of normalizing constants. Whenever H(x) does not belong to the domain of attraction of any max-stable distribution, but, satisfies adequate conditions, the maxima nearly possess an asymptotic stability with the presence of an extremal index 0 <θ<1.

Motivated by the behaviour of these sequences we obtained a more general result extending the results of Anderson (1970) and Me (Jon nick and Park (1992) over the mixing conditionsD (k)(un), defined by Chermck et al (1991).

Several examples, obtained after simulation, are presented in order to illustrate the different situations that may occur.  相似文献   

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