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We investigate the properties of the locally most powerful nonparametric criterion against logistic alternatives developed by Govindarajulu (1975) for testing one-way random effects modcls. We deduce the appropriate computational forms for the test criterion T and tabulate the critical values of T for α = .01, .05 and 0.10, and various sample sizes. Certain features of the computational methods are discussed. In the tables we retain only those sample sizes beyond which the asymptotic theory is meaningful. We also study the power comparison of the test for two populations with the classical F-test under a range of normal alternatives.  相似文献   

In the bivariate normal, n=2 case, when testing H0xy=0,σ2 x2 y=1, ρ=0 vs. H1xy=0,σ2 x2 y=1, 0<ρ<1, it is shown that the median p-values given by the locally most powerful test and the distantly most powerful test are both beaten everywhere by the median of a third test.  相似文献   

Edgeworth expansions with the uniform remainder of order o(N−1) are established for signed linear rank statistics with regression constants under near location alternatives. The results are obtained both with exact scores and with approximate scores, normalized with natural parameters as well as with simple constants.  相似文献   

Durairajan and Raman (1996 a, b) studied the robustness of Locally most powerful invariant (LMPI) tests for compound normal model in control and treatment populations. In the present paper, the Locally most powerful (LMP) tests are constructed for no contamination in normal mixture model through testing the parameter of mixture of distributions and the mixing proportion. The expected performance of LMP tests are compared using Efron's Statistical Curvature on the lines of Sen Gupta and Pal (1991). The Locally most powerful similar (LMPS) tests for the equality of control and treatment populations in the presence of nuisance parameters are also constructed. Further, the null and non-null distributions of the test statistics are derived and some power computations are made. Received: September 1, 1999; revised version: August 31, 2000  相似文献   

An Edgeworth expansion with remainder o(N?1) is obtained for signed linear rank statistics under suitable assumptions. The theorem is proved for a wide class of score generating functions including the Chi-quantile function by adapting van Zwet's methodand Does's conditioning arguments.  相似文献   

Many nonparametric tests in one sample problem, matched pairs, and competingrisks under censoring have the same underlying permutation distribution. This article proposes a saddlepoint approximation to the exact p-values of these tests instead of the asymptotic approximations. The performance of the saddlepoint approximation is assessed by using simulation studies that show the superiority of the saddlepoint methods over the asymptotic approximations in several settings. The use of the saddlepoint to approximate the p-values of class of two sample tests under complete randomized design is also discussed.  相似文献   

Under the hypothesis of white noise, the authors derive the explicit form of the asymptotic representation of linear rank statistics resulting from Hájek's (1968) celebrated projection lemma for linear rank statistics in the so‐called approximate score case. This representation based on Bernstein polynomials is better, in the quadratic mean sense, than the traditional one due to Hájek (1961, 1962). The polynomial representation allows for a new derivation of classical asymptotic results (asymptotic normality, Berry‐Essten bounds). Moreover, a simulation study shows that the quality of the polynomial approximation to the exact finite‐sample distributions of rank statistics is sizeably better than that resulting from the traditional approach.  相似文献   

The structural affinity of mixed rank statistics and linear combinations of functions of concomitants of order statistics (or induced order statistics) is examined here. Some weal as well as strong invariance principles for these statistics are studied. A variety of models (depend on the nature of stochastic dependence of the two variates) is considered and the regularity conditions are tailored for these diverse situations. Some possible applications of these results in some problems of sequential (statistical) inference are also considered.  相似文献   

A two-sample problem for rank-order data is formulated as a two-decision problem. Using the general Bayes solution, Bayes procedures are derived for several configurations of the set of states of nature including some for which the problem is distribution-free. It is shown that for certain prior distributions these procedures reduce to classical LMP rank tests. Some devices for selection of prior distributions are suggested. It is shown that the Bayes risk of these procedures tends to zero as sample sizes increase.  相似文献   

In this paper, recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics (gOSs) from linear exponential distribution (LE) are derived and characterizations of this distribution based on the conditional moments of the gOSs are given.  相似文献   

This paper gives a general formula for the first two moments of the non-circular product moment statistic, which is used as a test for the statistical independence of the interarrival times of certain time series data, e.g., neuronal spike discharges. For the special cases of rank and exponential score product moment statistics, the mean and variance are formulated.  相似文献   

Sampson (1976, 1978) has considered applications of the standard symmetric multivariate normal (SSMN) distribution and the estimation of its equi-correlation coefficient, ρ. Tests for ρ are considered here. The likelihood ratio test suffers from several theoretical and practical shortcomings. We propose the locally most powerful (LMP) test which is globally (one-sided) unbiased, very simple to compute and is based on the best natural unbiased estimator of ρ. Exact null and non-null distributions of the test statistic are presented and percentage points are given. Statistical curvature (Efron, 1975) indicates that its performance improves with mk (sample size × dimension) while exact power computations show that even for reasonably small values of mk the performance is quite encouraging. Recalling Brown's (1971) cautions we establish by local comparison with the LMP similar test for ρ in the SMN (Rao, 1973) distribution, that here the additional information on the mean and variance is quite worthwhile.  相似文献   

This paper develops a robust estimation procedure for the varying-coefficient partially linear model via local rank technique. The new procedure provides a highly efficient and robust alternative to the local linear least-squares method. In other words, the proposed method is highly efficient across a wide class of non-normal error distributions and it only loses a small amount of efficiency for normal error. Moreover, a test for the hypothesis of constancy for the nonparametric component is proposed. The test statistic is simple and thus the test procedure can be easily implemented. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed procedures and apply them to analyse the environment data set. Both the theoretical and the numerical results demonstrate that the performance of our approach is at least comparable to those existing competitors.  相似文献   

The balanced iterative reducing and clustering hierarchies (BIRCH) algorithm handles massive datasets by reading the data file only once, clustering the data as it is read, and retaining only a few clustering features to summarize the data read so far. Using BIRCH allows to analyse datasets that are too large to fit in the computer main memory. We propose estimates of Spearman's ρ and Kendall's τ that are calculated from a BIRCH output and assess their performance through Monte Carlo studies. The numerical results show that the BIRCH-based estimates can achieve the same efficiency as the usual estimates of ρ and τ while using only a fraction of the memory otherwise required.  相似文献   

We propose two tests for testing compound periodicities which are the uniformly most powerful invariant decision procedures against simple periodicities. The second test can provide an excellent estimation of a compound periodic non linear function from observed data. These tests were compared with the tests proposed by Fisher and Siegel by Monte Carlo studies and we found that all the tests showed high power and high probability of a correct decision when all the amplitudes of underlying periods were the same. However, if there are at least several different periods with unequal amplitudes, then the second test proposed always showed high power and high probability of a correct decision, whereas the tests proposed by Fisher and Siegel gave 0 for the power and 0 for the probability of a correct decision, whatever the standard deviation of pseudo normal random numbers. Overall, the second test proposed is the best of all in view of the probability of a correct decision and power.  相似文献   

The k largest order statistics in a random sample from a common heavy‐tailed parent distribution with a regularly varying tail can be characterized as Fréchet extremes. This paper establishes that consecutive ratios of such Fréchet extremes are mutually independent and distributed as functions of beta random variables. The maximum likelihood estimator of the tail index based on these ratios is derived, and the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator is determined for fixed k, and the asymptotic distribution as k →∞ . Inferential procedures based upon the maximum likelihood estimator are shown to be optimal. The Fréchet extremes are not directly observable, but a feasible version of the maximum likelihood estimator is equivalent to Hill's statistic. A simple diagnostic is presented that can be used to decide on the largest value of k for which an assumption of Fréchet extremes is sustainable. The results are illustrated using data on commercial insurance claims arising from fires and explosions, and from hurricanes.  相似文献   

In this note, it is shown that the finite-sample distributions of the Wald, likelihood ratio, and Lagrange multiplier statistics in the classical linear regression model are members of the generalized beta model introduced by McDonald and Xu (1995a McDonald, J.B., Xu, Y.J. (1995a). A generalization of the beta distribution with applications. J. Econom. 66:133152.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This is useful for examining the properties of these test statistics. For example, this characterization makes it easy to find distribution, quantile, and density functions for each test statistic, makes it clear why Wald tests may overreject the null hypothesis using asymptotic critical values, and formalizes the fact that the Lagrange multiplier statistic follows a distribution with bounded support.  相似文献   

The identity of the Rao score and PearsonX 2 statistics is well known in the areas where the latter was first introduced: goodness-of-fit in contingency tables and binary responses. We show in this paper that the same identity holds when the two statistics are used for testing goodness-of-fit of Generalized Linear Models. We also highlight the connections that exist between the two statistics when they are used for the comparison of nested models. Finally, we discuss some merits of these unifying results. Work financially supported by cofin. MIUR grants 2000 and 2002.  相似文献   

Estimation and tests for serial correlation in recation and regression models with normal error have been derive from various points of view; for example: Anderson (1948), Durbi for Watson (1950, 1951, 1971), Theil (1965), Durbin (1970), Haq (1970), Kadiyala (1970), Abrahamse & Louter (1971), Levenbac (1972), Berenblut & Webb (1973), Phillips & Harvey (1974), a Sims (1975). In this paper we derive likelihood functions and most powerful tests for serial correclation in Locationa and regression models with arbitrary but specificed error; the methods extend to include the determination of the likelihood for the parameter of the error distribution.

In Section 2, we survey the modthods that have been used in deriving the various tests and estimates in the literature. In Section 2, we introduce the stataistical model that directly describes the error distribution and we obtain the likelihood function for error correlation and determine locally and specifically kost powerful tests for correlation. In Section 3 we consider the case with normal error derive a normal distribution on the sphere by radial projection. The likelihood function and test are then specialized to the case of normal error in Section 4. The computational procedures for the tests and related power functions are examined in Section 5. Power comparisons for the textile data of Theil and Nagar (1961), the consumption data of Kelin (1950), and the plums and the wheat data of Hildreth & Lu (1960) are presented in Section 6, while the likelihood functions for correlation in these data are given in Section 7.  相似文献   

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