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利益分配是供应链联盟的一个共同而关键的问题,制订公平合理的利益分配方案对供应链联盟的成功运作无疑是重要的。本文从“对称互惠共生”的视角,按照生产要素贡献分配利益的原则,首先采用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数确定各生产要素(劳动、土地和资本)贡献率,然后,对人力资本要素(劳动)建立相应的博弈模型并给出了在利益相关者之间的最优分配解,而对于非人力资本要素则按其投入比例进行分配,最后,通过算例求解得到了农户、中介组织和种植企业在土地流转中获得的最优综合分配额。本文研究结果不仅对农村土地间接流转,而且对其他生产商与供应商之间的供应链合作利益分配机制的建立也具有指导意义。  相似文献   

江海潮 《管理学报》2010,7(4):529-536,576
委托人代理人竞争力是委托代理合约设计与报酬分配的重要决定因素。构建的委托人代理人竞争力合约模型表明:①委托人代理人竞争力独自决定各自的固定收入报酬,并与竞争力投入策略、二阶成本因素和代理人风险偏好因素共同决定剩余收入分配;②委托人代理人竞争力及其投入策略反应对合约设计、合约产出、剩余收入分配、竞争力投入比例的影响受合约报酬偏好、二阶成本和风险偏好因素的约束;③委托人代理人竞争力及其投入策略的非对称性是剩余收入分配冲突产生的根源,也是合约动态调整、报酬分配变动与合约有效性变化的重要原因;④调控合约报酬分配应该着力调节委托人代理人竞争力关系和策略反应。  相似文献   

收入差距扩大化是当前社会各界关注的一个热点问题。农村居民收入差距也是如此。本文从要素收入的视角出发,以浙江1986 ̄2003年的农村固定观察点数据为基础,对农村居民收入按要素来源进行重新划分,运用基尼系数及其分解方法,着重考察了农民企业家报酬对农村居民收入差距以及收入差距变动的影响。研究结果表明:农民企业家报酬不但对农村居民收入差距起了重要作用,而且对收入差距的变动起了决定性的作用。对人力资本中的技能,培训和教育这3个影响企业家能力与报酬的因素的进一步分析表明:技能拥有对农民企业家才能的发挥和报酬的高低起到了关键性作用,其次是接受培训的程度,而教育年限对农村居民收入差距以及现今农民企业家报酬的影响并不明显。论文最后对给出了7点结论和启示。  相似文献   

我国目前在刑事被害人社会救助制度上存在严重缺位:理论上对刑事被害人社会救助制度缺乏深入研究,立法上对刑事被害人社会救助制度缺乏规范,实践上对利事被害人社会救助制度缺乏投入,同时社会关注度也明显不足.本文针对这些问题提出了完善我国刑事被害人社会救助体系的构想.首先,应确立刑事被害入社会救助的原则、内容;其次,制定我国统一的〈刑事被害人社会救助指引〉,整合零散的社会资源;最后,建立刑事被害人融会救助机构全国网络系统,并对机构的工作范围、工作程序进行统一规范.  相似文献   

“管理层讨论与分析”MD&A是上市公司财务报告“董事会报告”的重要内容,为投资者提供了管理层如何看待企业经营状况的历史信息及未来事项的前瞻性信息,在投资者决策中起到至关重要的作用。如果管理层披露的MD&A信息不能按时间推移和公司经营状况变化进行动态调整,那么将会对资本市场产生何种影响,这是投资者与监管者普遍关心的问题。本文以创业板上市公司2010年-2012年披露的MD&A文本信息为样本,以“信息相似度”为文本惯性披露行为的计指标,运用改进后的Fama-French资产定价模型,实证检验了MD&A信息相似度与股权资本成本之间的关系。经验证据显示信息相似度与股权资本成本之间存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

针对新股询价“价高者得”的配给规则,本文提出与之相对应的“价近者得”规则,运用进化博弈理论,对询价对象群体建立单群体模仿者动态模型,分析两种规则下询价对象的报价行为和新股发行价格的形成,并采用2009年6月到2010年10月我国中小企业板市场发行的新股数据,对两种规则下询价对象的进化稳定策略进行数值分析。结果表明,当询价对象预期抑价率均值足够大时,“价高者得”规则下询价对象有高报价的倾向,而“价近者得”规则下询价对象倾向于合理报价,改变我国现行“价高者得”的新股分配规则,采取“价近者得”的规则有助于提高IPO询价效率。  相似文献   

基于多任务代理模型的管理者动态报酬契约设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从Holmstrom提出的多任务代理模型出发,分析了企业管理者面临的纵向多任务特性,并将管理者投入划分为追求当期财务绩效和追求企业能力两个维度,以此为基础构建了基于多任务代理模型的管理者动态报酬契约。结果表明,基于多任务代理模型的管理者动态报酬契约相对于传统静态报酬契约具有明显的帕累托效率改进,有利于诱导管理者在不同维度上合理分配投入,避免短期效应的发生。最后,运用K集团公司的简单案例对其应用进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

基于三层-回声模型的供应链复杂适应系统资源流研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以劳动价值论为基础分析了供应链系统资源价值的结构不对称性、非线性、动态性、时空性以及各种资源的有机整体性等特点,对供应链中资源价值“染色体”进行了串联并形成多主体区室,通过随机数确定主体相互作用点并将各个资源进行整合;对资源供给-分配进行If-Then规则以及相关机会约束规划准则的设置,将其应用于供应链复杂适应系统主体交互作用的三层-回声模型中,在Swarm平台建模过程中融入遗传算法进行模拟仿真。结果表明,供应链复杂适应系统中各个资源是一个不可分割的有机整体,管理、技术、信息、市场、人才和理念等资源在其中起着核心纽带作用,经过权函数对资源价值的调整更能体现资源的有效性,三层-回声模型是描述供应链主体间相互作用较为实用而准确的内部模型,系统中主体按该模型进行合作、竞争与资源分配,并达到系统总资源利用的最优化效果。  相似文献   

针对考虑顾客有限“碳行为”偏好的选址-路径-库存联合优化问题,引入环保度系数作为碳排放量的特征向量,在低碳产品加价率存在的情况下,刻画了顾客有限“碳行为”偏好和市场逆需求系数对低碳产品需求量的影响,构建了选址-路径-库存系统中考虑有“碳行为”偏好的联合优化模型,并分析了顾客行为偏好对企业收益的影响。使用基于NNC的多目标求解方法,对考虑成本和碳排放的双目标问题进行处理并得到一组Pareto解集,数值实验证明了产品环保度、顾客有限“碳行为”偏好对企业运作方案和收益水平的影响。  相似文献   

透视国内生产总值与国民生产总值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.从GDP是生产要素所有者的报酬.看发展中国家提升要素禀赋的理论依据 宏观经济学中的生产要素,是指资本、劳动、土地和企业家才能。运用生产要素进行生产,将原材料转化为制成品,制成品被销售出去,实现价值的创造过程,生产要素所有者按其要素贡献获得相应的报酬。资本所有者获得利息,劳动要素所有者获得工资,土地要素所有者获得租金,企业家才能要素所有者获得利润。从要素贡献的角度看,资本家、  相似文献   

The English and Welsh water and sewerage industry is characterised by indivisible capital which has a long service life. Previous studies of efficiency for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry take a static framework, assuming all inputs can be adjusted instantaneously. This paper measures dynamic efficiency by incorporating intertemporal links of capital within the production function for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry for the period 1997–2011. Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) considers capital as a quasi-fixed input and is modelled as a contemporaneous output into current production and an input from past production. The results show that the inadequate intertemporal allocation of quasi-fixed inputs is the largest contributor of inefficiency.  相似文献   

The English and Welsh water and sewerage industry is characterised by indivisible capital which has a long service life. Previous studies of efficiency for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry take a static framework, assuming all inputs can be adjusted instantaneously. This paper measures dynamic efficiency by incorporating intertemporal links of capital within the production function for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry for the period 1997–2011. Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) considers capital as a quasi-fixed input and is modelled as a contemporaneous output into current production and an input from past production. The results show that the inadequate intertemporal allocation of quasi-fixed inputs is the largest contributor of inefficiency.  相似文献   

在生产中,由于企业并未掌握关于生产技术的完全信息,因此可能导致不同生产要素具有不同的技术效率水平。而传统的"径向"技术效率测量方法并不能识别生产要素之间的技术效率差异。为解决这一问题,现有的文献中分别提出了基于利润函数和方向距离函数的测量方法。但利润函数的估计需要用到难以收集的价格数据;估计方向距离函数需要事先设定投入要素缩减的方向,而这一方向对于研究者是未知的。基于投入距离函数,本文构建了一个新的可以测量单要素技术效率的框架,且无需价格数据和事先设定"方向"。文章采用贝叶斯方法分两步估计该模型:首先得到模型参数的估计值;其次在模型参数估计值给定的基础上再估计单个要素的技术效率水平。蒙特卡洛模拟分析发现,与直接估计各要素的技术效率的方法相比,这种"两步法"可以更快的实现马尔科夫蒙特卡洛(MCMC)过程的收敛,并能够较为精确的估计各要素的技术效率水平。之后将该方法应用于北京大学企业社会责任调查的数据,估计了资本和劳动力的技术效率水平。结果显示,企业在利用资本中几乎不存在技术效率损失,并且企业间的资本技术效率水平无明显差异。企业技术效率损失主要来自于劳动力利用不足,且企业间劳动力技术效率水平差异较大。平均而言,劳动力的技术效率水平为77%,即在保持产出和资本投入不变的情况下,可以使劳动力的投入下降23%。这个例子表明,本文提出的方法可以识别生产中导致技术效率损失的主要原因,从而有助于找到提升生产效率的解决方案。  相似文献   

A slacks-based inefficiency measure for a two-stage system with bad outputs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We model the performance of DMUs (decision-making units) using a two-stage network model. In the first stage of production DMUs use inputs to produce an intermediate output that becomes an input to a second stage where final outputs are produced. Previous black box DEA models allowed for non-radial scaling of outputs and inputs and accounted for slacks in the constraints that define the technology. We extend these models and build a performance measure that accounts for a network structure of production. We use our method to estimate the performance of Japanese banks, which use labor, physical capital, and financial equity capital in a first stage to produce an intermediate output of deposits. In the second stage, those deposits become an input in the production of loans and securities investments. The network estimates reveal greater bank inefficiency than do the estimates that treat the bank production process as a black box with all production taking place in a single stage.  相似文献   

Y Roll  S Moran 《Omega》1984,12(5):449-455
A model for measuring hospital productivity is proposed, based on the determination of standard inputs per case. From these standards and the number of cases passing through a hospital, total standard inputs can be determined. Division of the standard inputs by the actual inputs provides productivity figures for each kind of input. Standard inputs per class of cases are calculated, through a chain of matrices, from standard inputs per elementary operation. Classification of cases into diagnostic categories, and the validity of assuming a typical average set of treatments for each class, are discussed. A numerical example is presented which demonstrates the proposed approach for calculating manpower productivity in a maternity ward.  相似文献   

In the usual data envelopment analysis (DEA) setting, as pioneered by Charnes et al. (1978) [1], it is assumed that a set of decision making units (DMUs) is to be evaluated in terms of their relative efficiencies in converting a bundle of inputs into a bundle of outputs. The usual assumption in DEA is that each output is impacted by each and every member of the input set. One particular area of recent research is that relating to partial input to output impacts where the main issue addressed is that in many settings not all inputs impact all outputs. In that situation the authors view the DMU as consisting of a set of mutually exclusive subunits, with each subunit having its own unique bundle of inputs and outputs. Examined as well in this area, is the presence of multiple processes for generating sets of outputs. Missing from that earlier work is consideration of the presence of outputs in the form of by-products, giving rise to a parent-offspring phenomenon. One of the modeling complications there is that the parent assumes two different roles; as an input affecting the offspring, while at the same time being the dominant output. This gives rise to a model that we refer to as conditional two-stage. Another complication is that in the presence of multiple processes, by-products often arise out of only a subset of those processes. In the current paper we develop a DEA-type of methodology to handle partial input to output impacts in the presence of by-products.  相似文献   

程欣  邓大松 《管理世界》2020,(3):90-100
现有文献认为,社保投入对企业劳动生产率存在成本效应、激励效应两种不同的影响。由于大样本数据的缺乏,现阶段对于社会保险企业投入的讨论大多停留在其对企业生产的抑制效应。然而,本文运用随机分层抽样的"中国企业-劳动力匹配调查"(CEES)数据,就社保投入对于企业劳动生产率的影响效应、影响机制进行了创新性地实证研究。基准回归表明,在充分剔除选择性偏误的前提下,社保投入对于劳动生产率的激励效应更强。随着人均社保投入每增加10%,企业劳动生产率平均提高3.5%。进一步地,实证研究发现:人力资本、创新精神与管理效率是社保投入对于企业劳动生产率产生激励效应的重要渠道;其中,与人力资本、创新精神相比,管理效率更为重要。与大部分基于发达经济体微观数据的实证研究有所不同,本文发现:对于现阶段我国经济而言,社保投入对企业生产要素投入的成本挤出效应并不明显,社会保险通过激励员工从而促进企业生产率的发展。  相似文献   

为了最大程度减少地震灾害造成的人员伤亡,实施快速有效的应急医疗救援,在资源有限情景下,迫切需要提高应急医疗救援效率。通过案例分析方法提出了震后应急医疗救援的一般流程,构建了应急医疗救援流程的模糊随机Petri网模型,根据模糊随机Petri网与马尔科夫链的同构关系,得到系统状态的稳态概率表达式,据此分析震后应急医疗救援流程中的关键环节。在此基础上,考虑医疗资源投入的数量与救援工作效率之间的关系,引入时效性评估函数对关键环节的实施效率进行评价,通过理论推导证明同一资源配比存在最优值。以"汶川地震"为例,通过动态和静态分析,得到各状态下稳态概率变化情况,明确了震后应急医疗救援流程的关键环节。以救援过程中资源的投入量作为自变量,通过算例仿真得出医疗资源确定情况下关键环节的最优资源配比。由此对震后应急医疗救援过程提出相应对策与建议,可以为地震灾害应急医疗救援工作部署提供决策支持,促进灾后医疗救援工作的有序进行,实现应急医疗救援效率的提升。  相似文献   

Contingent rewards have been criticized on the grounds that they may decrease intrinsic motivation. Behaviorally, when extrinsic rewards are provided for an activity maintained by instrinsic task rewards, behavior may come under the control of the extrinsic rewards and control by the intrinsic rewards may be weakened. Further, it is claimed that the extrinsic rewards may decrease the reinforcing value of the intrinsic rewards so that performance decreases once the extrinsic rewards are terminated. In previous research, the effects of extrinsic rewards have been assessed by observing performance following reward termination. In the current study, concurrent schedules were used to determine the extent to which behavior was controlled by the extrinsic versus intrinsic rewards during reward administration. For the two subjects whose preferred activities were competency-based, control by intrinsic rewards was not decreased by extrinsic rewards. For the subject whose preferred activity was chance-based, performance came under the control of the extrinsic rewards. The extrinsic rewards did not weaken the reinforcing value of the intrinsic rewards for any of the subjects following reward termination.  相似文献   

A Note on Compounded Conservatism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compounded conservatism (or "creeping safety") describes the impact of using conservative, upper-bound estimates of the values of multiple input variates to obtain a conservative estimate of risk modeled as an increasing function of those variates. In a simple multiplicative model of risk, for example, if upper p -fractile (100 p th percentile) values are used for each of several statistically independent input variates, the resulting risk estimate will be the upper p' -fractile of risk predicted according to that multiplicative model, where p' > p . The amount of compounded conservativism reflected by the difference between p' and p may be substantial, depending on the number of inputs, their relative uncertainties, and the value of p selected. Particular numerical examples of compounded conservatism are often cited, but an analytic approach may better serve to conceptualize and communicate its potential quantitative impact. This note briefly outlines such an approach and illustrates its application to the case of risk modeled as a product of lognormally distributed inputs.  相似文献   

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