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This article examines the place of romance in the lives of single mothers. Drawing on interviews with single mothers in a rural state, I challenge prevailing views of relationships between single mothers and romantic partners that highlight the issues of exchange and that emphasize the possibility that women will be exploited by men. I argue instead that although single mothers generally adhere to the norm of reciprocity in their other relationships, in romantic relationships they accept substantial imbalances. In explaining this surprising finding, I consider the significance of romance within the context of the daily lives of single mothers and I explore how romance can become a strategic explanation for imbalance.  相似文献   

The authors used a standardized questionnaire to survey 201 international and 193 German students at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, to determine differences in health practices between the 2 groups and to identify targets for health-promoting interventions. Multivariate logistic regression models revealed that long-term female international students (those whose duration of residency in Germany was more than 2 years) had lower levels of physical activity and alcohol consumption than their German counterparts and higher rates of smoking independently associated with international citizenship. Short-term international female students were less likely than German students to receive social support. Among men, long-term international student status was associated with daily smoking and inconsistent seat belt use, whereas short-term student status was associated with a lower rate of seat belt use, a higher level of perceived stress, and a healthier diet, compared with domestic students. Findings from the study could give rise to health-promotion activities for international students at German universities; additional studies at other European universities are necessary before making further recommendations.  相似文献   

A rich literature has explored the modeling of homophily and other forms of nonuniform mixing associated with individual-level covariates within the exponential family random graph (ERGM) framework. Such differential mixing does not fully explain phenomena such as stigma, however, which involve the active maintenance of social boundaries by ostracism of persons with out-group ties. Here, we introduce a new family of statistics that allows for such effects to be captured, making it possible to probe for the potential presence of boundary maintenance above and beyond simple differences in nomination rates. We demonstrate these statistics in the context of gender segregation in a school classroom, and introduce a framework for understanding the associated coefficients via network perturbation.  相似文献   

Reciprocity and transitivity are the two most important structural mechanisms underlying friendship network evolution. While on their own they are understood in great detail, the relation between them is rarely studied systematically. Are friendships outside of social groups more or less likely to be reciprocated than friendships embedded in a group? Using a theoretical framework that focusses on the situations in which friends interact and the social structures that stabilise one-sided friendships, I propose that the tendency towards reciprocation of friendships within transitive groups is usually lower than outside of transitive groups. In a meta-analysis of two datasets including 29 friendship networks using stochastic actor-oriented models (SAOMs), the interaction between reciprocity and transitivity is analysed. Supporting the theoretical reasoning, the interaction is consistently negative. Second, the tendency against forming three-cycles in friendship networks, which was consistently found in previous studies, is shown to be spurious and a result of neglecting to control for the tendency against reciprocation in transitive groups. The tendency against three-cycles is commonly seen as an indicator that unreciprocated friendships indicate local hierarchy differences between individuals; this proposition has to be re-evaluated in light of the findings of this study. Future studies that analyse the evolution of friendship networks should consider modelling reciprocation in transitive triplets and potentially omit modelling three-cycles.  相似文献   

This paper examines four international fashion magazines – Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire and Vogue – published in five countries around the world. Based on content analysis, publishers’ marketing data, and interviews with editorial and publishing staff, the paper argues that the field of magazine production is structured by a double- or multiple-audience property which leads to structural homology in the fields of media production generally. Precisely because fashion magazines are simultaneously commodities and cultural productions, in which the not-entirely-separate interests of advertisers, the fashion world and readers come into play, all kinds of contradictions emerge to affect their contents. Focusing on international edition launches and magazines markets, the paper also engages with the meaning of journalistic independence and gives its own Gallic twist to globalisation theory.  相似文献   

The article analyzes attitudes to Swedish welfare policies, using data from a survey conducted in 1986. In the first section, a number of indices tapping various aspects of attitudes to welfare policy are constructed. In the second section these indices are used to give an empirical assessment of competing theories about the impact of different structural determinants on attitudes. It is concluded (a) that there is general support for Swedish welfare policies, which, however, is mixed with criticisms of bureaucracy and suspicion about abuse of welfare programs, and (b) that class position and 'class-related' determinants such as income are more important than factors such as gender, private or public sector location or consumption groups in structuring attitudes. In the concluding section, these findings are discussed in relation to recent theorizing about newly emerging lines of division in the population. It is argued that either Sweden must be seen as a deviant case, which for specific historical and institutional reasons is characterized by class conflicts rather than other sectional splits, or the theories about new lines of division are simply mistaken.  相似文献   

Scholars have theorized that public relations contributes to societies and communities by bringing attention to pressing public issues and fostering social capital in civil society networks. However, the extant research has studied civil society networks of NGOs, donors, and the media in transitional countries. This study extends the public relations model of civil society in two ways. First, it broadens the scope to an international context. Second, it draws from the multi-stakeholder issue network perspective to conceptualize a civil society network as a space where stakeholders of an issue mix their interests as they collectively address a pressing public issue. The literature on international and multi-stakeholder networks suggest that the international scope and the mixing of interests across sectors may restrict the production of social capital. The results from the social network analysis suggests that the mixing of interests across sectoral and geopolitical boundaries did not restrict the production of social capital. Rather, the patterns of the relationships among those on the core and those on the periphery of the network restricted the production of social capital. Such finding demonstrates how public relations’ functions like relationship building can have profound influences on social capital and civil society networks. The implications for public relations theorizing and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on reciprocity counseling. Evidence is presented for the usefulness of reciprocity counseling with young, well educated, white clients with slight to moderate marital distress. Research into the effectiveness of several components of reciprocity counseling including contracting, problem solving training and feedback is reviewed. Findings suggest that contracting alone is an important positive influence in increasing couples' reciprocating reinforcement. The impact of problem solving training is unclear. Sex of the therapist may influence husband and wife outcomes in problem solving training differentially. Couples' performance of problem-solving behavior appears to be under the control of other as yet unspecified variables. Feedback as a single treatment has unpredictable and sometimes negative results. Therefore use of feedback alone or without careful supervision appears questionable at this time. Issues raised for further research include use of token economies for more severely distressed couples, use of multiple therapists, and the development of a classification scheme for the severity of marital distress.  相似文献   

In this article the author draws on research into the experiences of women with learning difficulties and shows that they very often find themselves in caring roles, and like other women find them both sustaining and frustrating. Drawing a clear distinction between carer and dependant is frequently impossible: both parties in the caring relationship both give and receive. There can be reciprocity and interdependence. Care and dependence are seen as false dichotomies. A plea is made for the interests of carers and those cared for to be considered together, not in opposition to one another.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2006,28(1):56-84
We examine the effect of individual psychological differences on network structures, proposing several hypotheses about how individual differences might predispose actors to structure their social environment by seeking network closure or by sustaining structural holes. We introduce a new triad census method to examine personal networks of strong and weak ties. For 125 egocentric networks we correlated the triad census results with several extensively researched psychological instruments. The triad census reduced to three principal components, describing central aspects of strength-of-weak-ties and structural holes theories. Psychological predispositions explained a significant proportion of the variance in each of these components. Our results suggest that people who see themselves vulnerable to external forces tend to inhabit closed networks of weak connections. On the other hand, people who seek to keep their strong tie partners apart, and thereby bridge structural holes, tend to be individualists, to believe that they control the events in their lives, and to have higher levels of neuroticism. Finally, people with strong network closure and “weak” structural holes (as with the “strength of weak ties”) tend to categorize themselves and others in terms of group memberships. They also tend to be more extraverted and less individualistic.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in endogenous opioid activity in the brain, controlled under ordinary conditions by attachment, are capable of producing patterns of dependence in social behavior resembling those appearing in substance abusers. Withdrawal symptoms arising in relation to these fluctuations, short of producing dependence, ordinarily fuel everyday social interaction, and interaction then serves to modulate opioid activity within a range associated with comfort. Comfort-constraints in this sense operate in all settings of social interaction, part of an innate caregiving mechanism conserved by evolution in human behavior. In this paper we present a formal model of the neurosociological mechanism embodying these comfort constraints. Conceptualized as a hyperstructure , the mechanism grounds thinking about social interaction in recent biological discoveries about the brain, and enables sociologists to study how activity in core brain systems constrains deep patterns in social life, including the human tendencies to altruism and reciprocity. Using computational methods, we undertake simulations to study the mechanism, deriving implications about moral behavior. The theory of the hyperstructure leads to new conclusions about reciprocity and altruism, and bears upon sociological understanding of related subjects such as justice and social comparison.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based model of regime growth. States and the relations comprising a regime are conceptualized as social networks. Regime growth is understood as the addition of ties between states as they agree to work with one another. These ties are added as a result of the interaction between state behavior and the structure of their relations. We apply the model to the emerging cyber security regime. Based on reasonable assumptions of the nature of the current international system, the model predicts a bi-polar structure pitting two distinct blocs led by the two states with the greatest capacity to conduct cyber conflict. However, if states either place increasing emphasis on the benefits of trade or if the more materially powerful seek greater cooperation among themselves, linkages will develop across the two blocs.  相似文献   

Building on previous research, this study investigates the international migration network and its changes from 1990 to 2017. The findings suggest that certain core countries play pivotal roles in shaping global migration by providing economic opportunities or political refuge. Community detection identified nine groups of nations in 2017, indicating regionalization. The study also examined the networks of antecedent factors that reflect both structural factors, such as geography, language, colonial history, political stability and economic differences, as well as transnational interactions, including student flow, trade, Internet flow and remittance, in relation to the international migration network. Applying multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure, it was found that these networks constituted approximately 11% of the migration network's distribution when chain migration was excluded, and 16.5% when it was included.  相似文献   

This paper establishes anetwork resilience evaluation framework of the global oil and gas resourcetrade network in 2010, 2015 and 2020. The results are as follows: The links of the oil trade network present a gradually shrinking trend, and the gas tradenetwork presents a trend of close connection first and then reduced. In termsof network density, network centrality, network connectivity and network size, the structural resilience of the oil and gas resource trade network displays ashrinking trend, and the gas trade network is superior. Concerninginvulnerability and recovery, the resilience of the oil trade network issuperior to the natural gas trade network. In simulated attacks, the oil tradenetwork reveals a higher resilience towards intentional attacks, and the gastrade network shows a higher resilience towards random attacks. The Strait ofHormuz and the Strait of Malacca are critical chokepoints in the networks.  相似文献   

Financial Reciprocity and Elder Care: Interdependent Resource Transfers   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
A sample from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study was used to examine the influence of parent-to-child financial transfers and economic resources on child-to-parent financial transfers, caregiving, time-help, and coresidence as multiple, interdependent transfers from middle-aged adult children to their elderly parents. There were strong positive effects of prior parent-to-child financial transfers in the models of caregiving, time help, and coresidence but no effect on child-to-parent financial transfers. Coresidence, caregiving, and time-help are complements but there was no interdependence between child-to-parent financial transfers and caregiving or time-help. The effects of parents’ incomes and net worth are interpreted as evidence about motives for transfers to them.
Sun-Kang KohEmail:

The growing volumes of information available today provide opportunities but also challenges for social scientists. This paper presents textual network analysis—a network analysis procedure that transforms any given text into a visual map of words co‐occurring together. It aims at scholars and students who are not familiar with network analysis, showing step‐by‐step how to use this approach and highlighting its advantages and applications. It demonstrates how to identify the main themes appearing in the text as well as to detect its biases and frames. Researchers can use this procedure as a grounded content analysis to formulate theories or as a basis to test existing hypotheses. The second part of the paper presents two studies that applied textual network analysis: (a) to identify the main themes raised by elite newspapers on the “fake news” discourse and (b) to map the topics related to China on Twitter. Both examples show how textual network analysis can be relevant for communication, international relations, and political science scholars as well as for practitioners, wishing to understand the prevailing discourses and tailor their messages more effectively.  相似文献   

Although Cambodia's ‘orphanage boom’ has sparked widespread concern, the children in Cambodia's orphanages are often faring well. Participant‐observation research reveals distinctive elements of one Cambodian orphanage that may contribute to the well‐being of the resident children. These include the complexity of the environment, its continuity with the surrounding community and reciprocity of access, which not only makes community resources available to the resident children but also makes orphanage resources available to the community.  相似文献   

"The objective of this article is to apply formal network analysis to the systems approach [to the study of international migration]. Network analysis will allow two of the four methodological issues to be considered. First, clique and centrality analysis methods will be used to examine the definition and development of ties within an international migration system over time. Second, quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) regression techniques will be used to address the influence of macro factors on international migration flows....[We use] the European Union as a network of migration interest...." (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

On a construit un modele theorique qui propose l'existence de relations recip-roques; pour expliquer l'interaction entre les etudiants et les enseignants dans les ecoles secondaires. II fut postule que les influences prioritaires de la carriere sur les professeurs de meme que la conception des fonctions instrumentales de l'education chez les etudiants, suscitent une reciprocite qui se caracterise par un curriculum de routine et des precedes devaluation. Etudiants et enseignants de trois ecoles secondaires furent examines a l'aide d'un questionnaire, d'un inventaire d'attitude et d'une entrevue dans le but de verifier la validite opera-toire du modele. Les facteurs, carriere, ideologie et “1'instrumentalite” de l'education sont des construits operatoires et les elements de la reciprocite y furent reperes. A model proposing the existence of reciprocal relationships was derived to explain interaction between students and teachers in secondary schools. It was postulated that the priority influences of career on teachers and the conception of education as instrumental on students produce a reciprocity characterized by routinized curriculum and evaluation procedures. Students and teachers from three secondary schools were surveyed by questionnaire, attitude inventory, and interview to test the construct validity of the model. The factors, career, ideology, and the instrumentality of education were supported as operational constructs and the elements of the reciprocity were found to be present.  相似文献   

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