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To defy interpretation, delay sense-making and accommodate a process view, I propose metonymy as an alternative/complement to metaphor in organization studies. By way of three examples I attempt to show how the unpacking of metonymies, i.e. metonymic reading, can delay metaphorical interpretation to allow for the inclusion of alternative views of concrete experience. Thus, although metonymy ultimately yields to metaphor, it seems worthwhile to dwell on and delve into.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to use a case study method to investigate how employees within a specific context experience and make-meaning of Lemon and Palenchar’s (2018) zones of engagement. This is in response to the authors research call to use case study methods, specifically here interviews and focus groups (n = 77), to see how the zones of engagement are operating in a bound context, which in this case is a government contractor. The findings demonstrate the value of using the zones of engagement conceptual model to develop employee-centric engagement tactics rooted in both formal and dialogic communication. In addition, the study cautions an overuse of encouraging discretionary effort, highlighting the potential dark side of engagement. In taking a non-functionalist approach to understand government contractor employee experiences, the findings illustrate the meaning that derives from shared experiences and offer insight into a particular context beneficial to internal communication practitioners.  相似文献   

We implemented and evaluated a service delivery intervention (support model) to address the challenges faced by migrant agricultural workers in British Columbia, Canada. Three factors were identified that contributed to the effectiveness of the intervention: (1) face-to-face support and in-person outreach towards connection; (2) accounting migrant workers' hierarchy of needs and addressing their basic needs first towards comprehensiveness; and (3) role clarity and communication between partners involved in supporting this population towards coordination. A final factor, wider constraints, referred to the wider context of migrant workers' lives including their temporary status, tied work permits, and lack of access to rights. These wider constraints, which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, underscore that until greater policy action is taken to address these workers' precarious status, support services can only offer a lifeline in troubled waters.  相似文献   

Ingredients: 150 grams grass carp, 50 grams beef tripe, 15 grams of various kinds of mushrooms, 5 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 5 grams coriander, salt and pepper to taste. Optional: MSG.  相似文献   

尊敬的各位嘉宾,各位专家,大家上午好.今天很高兴参加由广州日报报业集团和广州市科联共同举办的"畅想新生活--盛会给广州带来什么"论坛.在此,我谨代表亚线委宣传部,对各位嘉宾和专家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,对大家给予广州亚运会宣传推广工作的关注和支持表示衰心的感谢.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(4):419-421
The reforms driven by the National Mental Health Strategy have created both opportunities and challenges for social work as a profession. This paper examines the rapidly changing context for practice in mental health, including policy change, and developments in the education and training of the mental health workforce. Key practice issues identified for social work include: (i) the need to establish a viable paradigm for practice; (ii) a more positive response to the challenge of evidence-based practice models; (iii) a national agenda for education and training; and (iv) the importance of working collaboratively with consumers and families in a way that values their human rights and the lived experience of mental illness.  相似文献   

Considered as one of the classics in 20th century English theatre,An Inspector Calls,a three-act play,was written by English dramatist J.B.Priestley.The play depicts how the fate of the upper middle-class Birling family the family undergoes drastic change overnight in the year of 1912,which resulting from an unexpected visit by an inspector Goole.Ever since its release,the play has become an instant and lasting success,and been subject to reviews and criticism,from multiple perspectives.  相似文献   

This study investigates the self-assembly mechanisms of ad hoc project teams using a bipartite network perspective. Individuals and projects are modeled as two types of nodes and team membership as relations between them. This approach enables us to investigate factors that impact voluntary team assembly at the individual, dyadic, and team levels simultaneously. Using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM/p*), we study players’ combat teams in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) as a case of self-assembled project teams. Empirical results show that individuals are motivated to join ad hoc teams to complete difficult projects but not projects with long durations. We also found that individuals tend to collaborate with specific teammates who have complementary skills, those who have similar age or skill level, and those who are affiliated with the same organizational entity.  相似文献   


Because HB &; SE courses are charged with being “the foundation on which the remainder of the curriculum must be based,” their chaotic development over several decades may be the best indicator of our incomplete and conflicted search for a common theoretical orientation. An analysis of 481 graduate HB &; SE courses representing the offerings of 66 graduate schools indicates that formal guidelines have been minimally implemented, particularly in regard to achieving an interdisciplinary approach. Expectations of HB &; SE content may be unrealistic until some preconditions for the development of social work theory are attained, and until progress in this development is realized.  相似文献   

该书是国家"九五"规划重点课题之一,由山东大学蔡德责主编,北大、人大、新华社、北京语言文化大学、瑞士兰德学院等单位学者参与编写,人民出版社2001年6月出版,印数3000册,被视为是了解当代伊斯兰阿拉伯思想界最新的研究成果,对认识当代中东局势有重要借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This essay critiques the absence of publics in networked public relations research, and proposes the dual-projection approach as a solution to simplify and analyze the multi-mode public relations network ecology (Yang & Taylor, 2015). Compared to most previous studies that employ organization-centric networks where ties stand for hyperlinks, collaborations, or coalitions, the new approach projects organization-public relationships and public-public relationships onto interorganizational ties. By doing so, it (1) brings publics back into networked public relations research; (2) presents organizations and publics—the two most important subjects of public relations research—equally in the same network, (3) drives literature further away from a dyadic view of relationship management, and (4) constitutes one of the first techniques that can analyze direct and timely consequences of organziation-public relationships in the network ecology. To demonstrate the new approach, the network of publics overlap is introduced and applied to US-based LGBTQ advocacy groups. The essay also discusses the theoretical inquiries needed to further dual-projection networks, and invites scholars to create novel ways to incorporate publics into their network studies using dual projection.  相似文献   

张丽 《现代交际》2011,(3):93-94
E.M.福斯特是一位在现代英国文学乃至世界文学中占有重要地位的小说家。其作品主要反映了西方社会在"发达"到了一定历史阶段的时候所呈现的现实。作为一个人文主义者,福斯特尊重友谊、注重人际间的交往和人际关系的建立。因此,福斯特小说的重要主题便是"联结"。本文从福斯特的代表作品《霍华德庄园》出发,研究他的"联结"思想及其如何从梦想走向幻灭。  相似文献   


Although one-quarter (25%) of custodial grandparents live in rural areas, less is known about these families than their urban counterparts. This qualitative study was conducted to determine pathways into care with rural families; that is, the reasons and process into custodial grandparenting roles. Based upon interviews with fourteen grandparents, three major pathways were identified. The most common was co-residential where the parent generation exited a multi-generational household. In the incremental pathway, grandparents had attempted multiple strategies with the culmination of taking physical custody of the grandchildren. A final pathway, immediate care, was typically the result of a family crisis situation. Needs and challenges for custodial grandparents differ depending upon their unique pathway into this caregiving role.  相似文献   

This paper explores the educational backgrounds, work activities, remuneration and job satisfaction of European communication professionals. Based on factor analysis of a sample of 1410 European communicators, five major work activities are identified: lobbying external constituencies, advising and reviewing policies, positioning the firm in the marketplace, and external and internal facilitation. Using analysis of variance between groups, we argue that some of the more technical work activities are predominantly conducted by female communication professionals, whereas managerial activities are predominantly performed by their male counterparts. As will be shown, while educational background does not differ between genders, salaries as well as job satisfaction do; likewise, there are differences in respect of educational background, salaries, and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

语法是语言的结构方式和组织规则,它兼具人类共性和民族个性.语法规则是人类长期抽象思维的成果和社团约定,它反映着语言社团的文化规约和语言学家的思维方式.阿拉伯语语法与汉语截然不同,与印欧语系语言相似,属于有明显形态标记的形式语法,具有清楚的逻辑推理思维,即遵循概念、判断和推理的基础模式.本文对此现象进行了阐释,并探究其文化成因.  相似文献   

As children have been increasingly conceptualized as active participants in their own social worlds, researchers have sought methods able to reveal children's perspectives as arbiters of their own experience. In an autodriven interview, photographs of the child's experiences serve as the basis for a child‐directed interview. Studies using this method illustrate its benefit for revealing child‐relevant content. In a study of childhood chronic illness, autodriving encouraged the child's free recall, sense of personal control, and ability to reflect upon photographed events.  相似文献   

The author reviews and challenges the critical construction of the gay Italian writer Pier Vittorio Tondelli. His critical approach to Tondelli rewrites homosexuality back into his books; even though with different agendas, both Catholic and gay critics have silenced this important part of Tondelli's oeuvre. Upon a close reading of several passages of Tondelli's last novel Separate Rooms (P. V. Tondelli, 1989/1992), the author shows how the book functions as a powerful exposure of the heterosexist claim of being the only natural sexuality, a claim that, the novel argues, is supported by official religion.  相似文献   

In contrast to the malaise that Collins (1986), characterized for sociology of the 1980s, I argue that the future for sociology and sociologists is bright. There are three structural changes that lead to my optimism. First, the professoriate is changing from one that has been overwhelmingly white, male, and tenured, to one that will become younger and more diverse by gender and race. Second, the fiscal crisis of the state will limit monies for funded research, which will lead to more critical and more qualitative research. Third, societal and global changes will present sociologists with unprecedented opportunities. Globally, three momentous historical turning points present sociologists with incredible opportunities: (a) the shift to a post cold war era; (b) the ecological crises threatening the worlds’s ecosystem; and (c) the transformation of the economy. Within the United States, there are many contemporary trends with considerable sociological relevance: the aging of the baby boom; the increasing proportion of the elderly; the growing racial/ethnic diversity; the regional shifts as the frost belt loses population, resources, and power, while the sun belt gains; and the growing urban underclass that is being left further and further behind. In short, the next two decades or so will present sociologists with exciting opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

文章阐述国际上几种城市公用事业基础设施项目建设模式及其特点,结合有关成功实例,希望能对当前的城市建设有所帮助。  相似文献   

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