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:2 0世纪的科学哲学主要有逻辑经验主义、批判理性主义和历史主义三大流派。这三大流派不仅在历史上依次出现 ,而且经历了逻辑经验主义的理性实证化 ,到批判理性主义所导致的理性历史化问题的产生 ,再到历史主义对理性历史化问题的初步解答三个阶段的发展。这一发展是西方科学哲学在 2 0世纪的重大历史转向 ,使得理性历史化成为 2 1世纪科学哲学的发展核心  相似文献   

对人的本质的理解是马克思实践哲学创立的内在逻辑线索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李楠明 《学术交流》2001,1(1):12-16
马克思的哲学是实践的哲学,是人类解放的理论,这一理论的创立过程同马克思对人的本质的理解密切关联在一起.马克思对人的本质的理解经历了从黑格尔的理性的人到费尔巴哈的抽象的人再到现实的人的过程,与此相应,他的哲学的创立也经历了从历史理性到人的本质的异化再到人的现实实践活动的过程.所以,对人的本质的理解构成了马克思实践哲学创立的内在逻辑.  相似文献   

逻辑学经历了从传统到现代的演进过程,从亚里士多德创立演驿逻辑、培根批判亚氏逻辑提出归纳逻辑,到莱布尼兹肯定亚氏逻辑提出逻辑的数学形式的发展方向,预示着新的逻辑方法的形成.新逻辑方法的形成,对哲学方法产生了重大的指导作用.西方哲学史上的三次重大转换之一的"语言转向"就是借助于逻辑分析的方法,对传统哲学问题进行改造,它给当代哲学一种新的哲学研究方法,这种逻辑方法也是现实哲学研究的需要.  相似文献   

谭大友 《社科纵横》2005,20(5):126-127
巴门尼德哲学不只是对过去唯心主义哲学的继承,更是对此前整个古希腊原始朴素哲学的继承和发展。他对“存在”的基本规定源于古希腊哲学家们对纯粹“始基”的理性追求,他所提出的“存在”范畴的基本特征潜在地包含于此前原始朴素哲学家们所提出的“始基”范畴之中。他的“存在论”哲学对古希腊哲学的进一步发展乃至对整个西方哲学史均有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

人类知识现象无疑是我们宇宙中最伟大的奇迹。西方近代哲学创始人之一笛卡尔正是这奇迹的一位杰出贡献者,他的数学、哲学都具有划时代意义。他反对经院哲学和信仰主义,倡导人类理性,用理性原则的尺度衡量一切知识的真伪,建构新哲学,影响和培育了欧洲整个近代哲学。“我思故我在”、是他哲学体系中的第一块“基石”和他所研究的“哲学的第一条原理”。笛卡尔从“我思故我在”这一命题出发,遵循逻辑的原则,在理性指导下展开他认识论哲学全部内容。因之,剖析这一命题的认识论意义,对于进一步研究笛卡尔哲学以及近代哲学的认识论发展过程,将是重…  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,我国的马克思主义哲学研究经历了从"辩证唯物主义"到"实践唯物主义",再到"历史唯物主义"和"政治哲学"的形态演变。这一形态演变的背后,实际上体现了马克思主义哲学的理论性质从"客体论"到"主体论",再到"存在论"和"价值论"转换的内在逻辑。而形态演变和内在逻辑转换,又意味着我国的马克思主义哲学研究逐渐实现了从照着"宣讲"苏联模式教科书,走向了创造性地"回到"和阐释马克思主义的经典文本,最终走向建构马克思主义哲学新形态的发展和进步。  相似文献   

中西文明源流有着不同的生存环境及由此形成的各自的基本特点。100年来中国人在吸收西方文化时由于政治实用主义和道德批判的狭隘偏见走了一些弯路。当前学习西方文化特别是西方哲学史具有重要意义。西方哲学史经历了从客观世界的哲学到主观精神的哲学再到主客观关系的哲学这三个阶段的发展。将马克思主义哲学纳入西方哲学史中作为其重要一环是一个大胆的构想和尝试。  相似文献   

段秀芳 《探求》2006,(Z1):74
和谐,是中西方最早出现的哲学、美学范畴之一,它包含形式的和谐--人、物、艺术品外在因素的大小、比例及其组合的均衡和谐,也包含内容的和谐--主、客观,人与物,情与理的和谐.在其具体历史环境中,和谐在中西方形成了相异相通、各具千秋的两大理论范式,并渗透到艺术、音乐、伦理学、心理学、政治学和社会学等各个领域,成为各自文化思想资源中不懈的价值追求.实现社会和谐,建设美好社会,始终是人类文化思想史中孜孜以求的一个社会理想,也是包括中国共产党在内的马克思主义政党不懈追求的一个社会理想.  相似文献   

理念论哲学:自然法是法律正义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶清德 《社科纵横》2002,17(3):46-47
对理性的功能性解释兆始于苏格拉底 ,认为理性有对真理的终极诉求 ,法的追求就在于实现法的自然或观念正义。它是古希腊哲学人文主义兴起的契机 ,是西方理性主义长盛不衰的源流。柏拉图则将理性超功能化理解 ,认为理性是一种先验的定在 ,一方面肯定了理性对人的绝对意义和法律有对本身价值的追求 ,有了自然法与实在法的明显划分 ;另一方面 ,对人类行为作出了逻辑目的推论 ,走向了法的形而上学  相似文献   

科学技术之所以成为意识形态,从哲学理性自身发展的逻辑看,是近代理性主义危机与主客二元对立思维方式的产物;从工业资本的逻辑看,是资本家无限追求利润的结果;从政治统治的逻辑看,是传统意识形态失效国家合法性危机的补救方案.  相似文献   

现代非理性主义的本质及其主要形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李龙海 《学术交流》2002,3(5):13-17
非理性主义源于对近代理性主义文化的反叛 ,它是西方现代文化的重要标志之一。现代非理性主义首先将人看做非理性的实体 ,同时强调非理性方法的重要性 ,贬低、限制理性的作用 ;在真理观等问题上也坚持非理性的标准。非理性包括感觉、直觉、本能、情绪、情感、信仰、审美、生存和发展需要等内容。非理性主义几乎在现代文化的主要流派中都有所表现  相似文献   

This study tested models of an individual's choice to copy illegally music using survey data from a random sample of adults who acquired recorded music. It added to the short list of studies of crime based on data from a general population sample and formally tested the added predictive power of an augmented crime model containing variables from both the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and rational choice models. The results supported the desirability of using general population samples and the augmented model. Policies that change attitudes and perceived norms have the potential to reduce crime.  相似文献   

This paper is about rational and irrational uses of deontological words, such as “should”, “ought”, and “must”, referred to as “the shoulds”. Rationality is taken as a mutual relationship between conceptual schemes and human agency. These are expressed in what Bakhtin referred to as authoritative discourse and internally persuasive discourse respectively. When the conceptual scheme is in place and its authority transparent, and there is interplay between authoritative discourse and internally persuasive discourse, then the shoulds are perceived as rational. When the interplay is disrupted or suppressed the shoulds are seen as irrational. Breakdown occurs in two main ways. First, when the effective conceptual schemes are hidden, and the origin of the shoulds obscured. We describe some instances of the latter, from philosophy, psychotherapy, and experimental studies of rationality. Second, in technology and science the mutual relationship sometimes breaks down because authoritative discourse is too powerful, and inhibits the interplay in order to maintain itself. After describing these pathologies, we turn to William James, who drew attention to a repair kit for rationality in his detection of the psychologist's fallacy. Describing the work of Dewey and Husserl as elaborations of this, we distinguished two essential aspects of rationality, disciplinary expressed in authoritative discourse, and emancipatory expressed in internally persuasive discourse.  相似文献   

现阶段我国收入分配领域出现的收入差距拉大现象 ,已成为社会各界普遍关注的焦点。收入分配是社会再生产的一个环节 ,充分体现着人们相互之间的经济关系 ,与居民的切身利益息息相关。收入差距拉大现象产生既有历史的原因 ,也有当前分配制度改革和分配方式的影响 ,既包括合理的因素 ,也包括不合理的因素。对于收入差距现象给社会生活带来的积极影响和消极影响要正确认识和客观评价。根据江泽民总书记关于逐步解决我国居民收入分配差距问题的基本建议 ,具体实施措施为要发展、提上去、调下来、抑制住。在不断发展进步中实现和维护广大人民群众的利益 ,最终实现共同富裕目标。  相似文献   

城镇居民收入分配差距双重分析与对策选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈伟 《学术交流》2004,(3):92-96
目前我国城镇居民收入分配差距不断扩大,一定程度上影响了我国经济和社会的稳定发展。从20多年来我国改革开放的实践和城镇居民个人收入差距的现实,可以看出,导致差距拉大的原因既有合理因素,也有不合理因素。但不论其原因是否合理,收入差距的过分拉大都会对经济和社会产生不良影响。我们的目标是既要保持城镇居民收入合理拉开差距,又要避免收入差距过大,特别是要避免收入差距的不合理拉大。这就要求我们立足发展,整顿分配秩序,强化再分配功能,建立体现职工参与分配的工资协商机制,保障职工参与收入分配权利。  相似文献   

经济学不能单纯建立在理性经济人假设的基础上,必须注重人的非理性方面的研究,将学理与现实统一起来.在此基础上,要看到经济学理论的价值倾向性和意识形态性,从社会的、文化的、政治的方面综合研究经济和经济学问题.  相似文献   

In this journal, in 2007, Keith Hayward criticized situational crime prevention (SCP) and rational choice. The main thesis was that SCP cannot tackle expressive crimes of anger, hostility and excitement. The secondary thesis was that this was because the rational choice perspective cannot account for intangible aspects of offender decision-making. Hayward's cultural criminology was offered as better explaining expressive and other crimes. The present article suggests fundamental issues may have been overlooked. Some of the many ways SCP applies to expressive and irrational crimes, and how readily they fit into the choice framework, are outlined, and a preliminary critique of Hayward's cultural criminology is offered.  相似文献   

Cubitt  Robin 《Theory and Decision》1989,26(2):107-131
Rational play of Noncooperative Games is investigated under the assumptions that a particular form of Best Reply Principle holds, each player has at least one rational strategy and all strategies are either rational or irrational. These assumptions are shown to imply that (a) some weakly dominated strategies are rational (b) recursive reasoning can be misleading (c) only a Strict Nash Equilibrium can be a solution. A Supplementary Best Reply Principle is formulated. It sheds further light on which games have solutions and on rational play in games without them. The relationship between these results and those of other authors is discussed.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):331-358

In this article I consider several weeks of music rehearsals that took place in an urban neighborhood in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta. The music “rehearsed” by a group of men is kroncong; an urban folk music incorporating a string band, flute, vocals and sometimes a keyboard that in Indonesia dates to the arrival of the Portuguese and the establishment of urban enclaves of traders and slaves in the sixteenth century along the north coast of Java. The melancholy and other historically anchored sensorial sentiments evoked by the totality of sound and image that comprises the songs, as well as the activities and associations that go into making kroncong music, are referred to as kroncong sensibilia. The discussion of sensibilia follows an analytical path that begins with the poetics of the musical genre and moves on to an examination of the politics of kroncong sensibilia in a particular context of social relations. For the Javanese men of the neighborhood, the making of kroncong music was at one level a nostalgic response to their urban lives. However, perhaps more importantly, making kroncong music was a tactical and strategic act of sound and sentiment, a particularly masculine one, seeking “recognition” within an “aesthetic community” and built world of social relations increasingly organized around and by, if not centered on, women.  相似文献   

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