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刘天文 《学术交流》2023,(1):136-150
近年来,在社会变革、信息技术普及、国家治理转型和乡村治理转型等因素的推动下,乡村社会中技术治理逐渐兴起,并被赋予新的功能和治理效能,不断重塑乡村治理样态。技术治理作为一种现代化治理方式,其本质追求是善治。然而,实践中技术治理的政绩化、监督化和科层化倾向导致了技术系统的泛化和“技术控制”的强化,使得乡村治理被技术系统困住。技术治理与乡村社会、乡村治理之间产生了较大的张力,偏离了善治的本质。对此,应当积极引导乡村技术治理回归治理属性,把以人为本、解放乡村干部、适配基层社会、回归善治本质作为目的和归宿。乡村治理现代化的建设离不开技术治理的加持,而只有将技术治理置于善治的考量和目标约束之下,才有利于治理效能的充分释放。  相似文献   

韦彬  卢美莹 《创新》2023,(1):66-74
领导干部直播带货既是乡村数字经济发展的新兴样态,也是政府治理和服务供给新的表现方式。领导干部直播带货旨在将行政力量嵌入乡村治理中,实现行政力量、市场力量与社会力量三者联结,共同助推乡村振兴。文章以广西壮族自治区L县为研究案例,探讨领导干部直播带货实践模式,并从建设公共性为导向的数字乡村治理体系的角度,厘清政府、市场和社会三者关系,通过数字平台链接多元治理主体等方面提出领导干部直播带货的发展进路。  相似文献   

质佛灯 《浙江学刊》2003,(5):134-136
作为当今改革发展时代乡村基层民主的创新形式,"民主恳谈"顺应了乡村公民社会兴起和乡村治理民主化的需要,是我国乡村基层民主政治建设中一种适时、顺势、科学、有效的实践创新.  相似文献   

陈锋 《社会》2015,35(3):95-120
农村税费改革以后,国家资源的不断输入为农村发展和乡村治理带来新的契机。然而,资源输入乡村社会,基层组织却无法有效承接,并遭遇官民不合作的困境。基层组织主要呈现出两种样态:消极作为与难以作为,以及富人和灰黑势力主政后的摆平式“积极”治理。两种治理形态皆导致国家公共资源的耗损,基层组织的权威与合法性进一步下降。在资源不断输送的利益链条中,权力寻租者、地方富人与灰黑社会势力、谋利型的机会主义农民等几个行动主体相赖相生,形成分利秩序,普通民众被排除在外,乡村治理出现内卷化。从根本上说,这是国家在压力型体制与有效治理之间产生的张力,并在推动乡村社会从整体性支配向技术治理转型中产生的结果。这一转向试图建立新的公共规则,却使得乡村治权弱化,缺乏公共规则实践的强制力保证,造成国家、基层组织与农民三者之间的利益与责任的连带制衡关系发生断裂,乡村治理陷入新困境。  相似文献   

主持人:以农村宗族与乡村治理互动关系为视角来透视中国乡村社会的性质,并进而来理解中国乡村社会的转型,是当前学界关注的热点。2005年7月12日至14日,数十位专家学者,汇聚南昌,对宗族与乡村治理的互动关系进行了广泛而深入的研讨,主要围绕宗族的治理功能及其现代变迁、宗族及其结构与活动、宗族、派系与村干部的选任以及宗族与民间社会、经济等主题进行。  相似文献   

陈彪 《社科纵横》2023,(5):129-137
全面推进“乡村振兴”和建设“社会治理共同体”是新时代推进农村社会建设的双重面向,因此,探索乡村振兴中的农村社会治理共同体构建具有重要的理论和现实意义。然而,已有研究多从制度、技术、文化等层面来探讨社会治理共同体的构建,在农村社会中,道德治理作为一种非正式治理手段起着重要作用,为推动农村社会治理共同体构建提供了新的视角和启示。基于S省T村的“道德银行”治理实践考察,结果发现:德治建设通过构建价值引领、规则嵌入和行为示范“三位一体”的农村社会治理共同体,实现了农村自治体系的精神秩序、制度秩序和行为秩序的塑造,激活了村民从价值引领实现社会价值遵从、规则嵌入实现社会规则(村规民约)适应、行为示范实现社会治理角色转变的跃升,推进了农村治理体系和治理结构的更新。  相似文献   

协商治理是我国社会主义民主政治的特有形式。乡村协商治理作为基层乡村群众的民主实践和有效治理制度的探索,不仅是社会主义协商制度的重要组成部分,也是国家治理体系的重要组成部分。我国各地协商治理发展不均,青海乡村协商治理中存在的问题较为显著,主要表现在村民主体缺乏协商意识和能力、基层农村的社会组织疲软无力、协商治理制度匮乏等方面。因此,解决青海乡村协商治理中暴露的问题,加快完善乡村协商治理体制,优化乡村治理体系和治理能力,对青海基层乡村治理体系和能力的现代化具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

谢平 《阅江学刊》2023,(3):99-108+174-175
乡村振兴面临着突出的公共性困境,表现为公共性再生产不足、碎片化和离散化,构建乡村治理共同体是破解乡村公共性困境的根本良策。乡村治理共同体这一概念既包含了合作和共识两个治理基本元素,也蕴含了形成共同体的价值追求。构建乡村治理共同体的实践过程蕴含着三重解释逻辑:利用双向嵌入型重构价值取向、依靠政治势能促成权力聚合、通过互动交往形塑治理关系。为优化乡村治理共同体,应当注重彰显公共精神的价值追求、完善党建引领的权力关系、优化效能导向的治理制度。  相似文献   

王杰 《学术交流》2023,(4):27-42
乡村治理制度优势转化为治理效能遵循顶层设计的实现逻辑。在顶层设计牵引驱动下,作为实践导向的乡村治理目标不断调适跃迁,从农业现代化迈向三农现代化,指向实现乡村全面现代化,为制度优势向治理效能有效转化指明了前进方向;作为行动载体的乡村治理主体持续协同增能,从政社分开迈向协同共治,逐渐形成乡村治理合力,为制度优势向治理效能有效转化增强了内生动力;作为作用对象的乡村治理客体逐步变化调整,从满足群众的物质文化需要迈向满足群众的美好生活需要,不断解决乡村社会各类问题,为制度优势转化为治理效能锚定了攻坚任务;作为转化工具的乡村治理方式渐近优化改进,从探索自治迈向多治融合,从而更好回应治理实践需要,为制度优势向治理效能有效转化提供了科学方法。  相似文献   

杨永庚  田红娟 《唐都学刊》2023,(1):63-69+113
科学规范乡村治理机制,避免乡村治理权责简单、泛化、随意,是乡村振兴的题中应有之义。德治、法治和自治的“三治”制度设计是健全现代乡村治理体系的重要举措,有利于规范而准确地使用管理手段,有效纠正乡村治理存在的问题,提升乡村治理成效。陕西汉阴县乡村“三治”从“国家-社会”一体化出发,把对上负责和对下负责、权力规制和任务对等、规范行为和指标管理、合规控制和法律秩序、绩效改进和治理有效内在统一。乡村治理是“制度设计”与“系统治理”的实施过程,治理有效来自于方法要素的接底气,新时代“三治”要从乡村实际出发,增加乡村治理制度中权责匹配、协同互动、创造转化、规范组织和激励约束,重塑国家、乡村组织和乡村民众的关系,进一步提升和优化乡村的治理效能。  相似文献   

This keynote speech, delivered in French and translated to English with minor adjustments for publication, presents some of the author's ideas about mutual-aid practice as best-practice social work. The author discusses the etiology and centrality of mutual aid in social work with groups, presents five characteristics of mutual-aid practice that reflect best-practice social work and identifies four key characteristics—joy in sharing, faith, courage, and curiosity—of mutual-aid practitioners. Similarities between mutual-aid practice and evidence-based group work, practice evaluation and participatory-action research are discussed as well. The author presents group work as inherently evidence based and challenges the idea that subjective measures alone may not be valid in reaching this determination.  相似文献   

China's Dibao (Minimal Living Security System) is the world's biggest cash social assistance system serving 52 million people. However, Dibao is less effective at alleviating poverty in rural areas than should it be. The analytic concepts of targeting and institutional alienation (the mismatch between stated goals and true functioning) are applied in a village case‐study to understand why. It appears that Dibao reaches some people considered self‐evidently to be needy, but funds are diverted for purposes of rural governance and social control (reward, punishment and deterrence) and personal gain. Although culturally framed, the concepts and findings potentially have relevance to the global South and North.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the predictors of parents’ positive perceptions of using corporal punishment on their children. We investigated whether there is a gender difference in the use of corporal punishment according to parents’ gender and socioeconomic variables and what factors predict Cambodian parents’ positive perceptions of the use of corporal punishment toward sons and daughters. Cambodian parents hold different views on raising boys versus girls. Younger parents with more children, limited education, low socioeconomic status, unemployed, living in rural areas, and parents who hold positive perceptions of spousal abuse of women were more likely to approve of the use of corporal punishment. Our results present implications for social work practice and policy, particularly in child welfare in Cambodia. Most importantly, in order to prevent the use of corporal punishment on children in the home, the government of Cambodia as well as domestic and international organizations need to make more active efforts to promote parenting education.  相似文献   

正处于社会转型期的我国农村地区,腐败现象极为严重,屡禁不止,并在一定程度上有失控态势。这既是人性自私动机驱使的结果,也存在文化方面的原因,同时制度和法制的漏洞也为基层腐化留下了极大的空间。要有效地整治农村基层腐败,需要建立健全预防和惩处腐败体系,把对人性和社会风气的正确引导与民主制度建设、完善监管体系、加大惩处力度等有机结合起来,多管齐下,从而遏制腐败的滋生蔓延。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):205-217
This article assumes that social workers can choose to interpret their knowledge base in a way that promotes social justice, that is, that advances equality and fairness in the society. It takes a fresh look at group and mutual-aid dynamics, seeing the two sets of dynamics, foundational knowledge for group workers, as linked to what happens inside as well as outside the group, in the community. Some challenges are addressed in conclusion.  相似文献   

Zhang H. Discourse change and policy development in social assistance in China Since the introduction of a new social assistance programme in urban China, the state was eventually able to expand the programme to rural areas as a further step towards integrating the development of social assistance in urban and rural areas. This article argues that the development of social assistance in China can be explained by the change of discourse among the officials and the elites in central government. The discourse on social assistance can be conceptualised in three periods: the urban‐first discourse (1999–2003); the discourse debate (2003–2007); and the urban–rural integration discourse (2007–present). Through scrutinising specific discourses and the policy development of social assistance in these three periods, it appears that in company with the change in the discourse process, rural social assistance was developed rapidly in order to construct an integrated social assistance system. The article concludes that discourse plays a significant role in Chinese social assistance policy development.  相似文献   

The rural pension policy in China is characterized by a high degree of instability. In the past 15 years since the introduction of pilot schemes in some regions, the state has been unable to establish a stable institutional framework for rural old‐age security. This article seeks to integrate the theoretical insights from a growing body of international literature on the role of ideas in social policy reform in order to shed new light on the study of Chinese rural pension policy. I argue that the rise of the rural pension scheme and its eventual failure to make consistent progress towards a comprehensive system is directly related to conflicting ideas among bureaucrats with respect to what sort of welfare provision the rural elderly actually need. The fluctuations in this policy realm vividly illustrate the predominance of the policy idea that peasants could still rely on their land and family, supplemented by private commercial insurance, in their old age. Given this alleged self‐reliance on the part of rural residents, the state is very reluctant to set up a comprehensive rural pension scheme. As a result, the old‐age security of the peasants in rural China is standing on very thin ice, and the prospect for more active state involvement in the near future remains dim.  相似文献   

Group work is frequently used in mental health, however qualitative studies on service-users' views are rare. Semistructured interviews explored 12 participants' experiences of a café-style social group and a mutual-aid group offered on an older persons psychiatric ward in Christchurch, New Zealand. The values of the strengths-based approach underpinning the groups were reflected back in the experience of an affirming environment, an exchange of strengths, and the capacity to change. The appeal of the café-style may be culturally specific to European women however, reinforcing the importance of an awareness of culture and diversity.  相似文献   

论农村政策基础研究--对当前中国农村研究的反思及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前以实证材料为基础的中国农村研究,主要是以与西方对话为特点的农村学术研究和以总结推广农村实践经验为特点的农村政策研究.这两类研究的共同弱点是,缺乏对中国农村社会状况尤其是其非均衡状况的关注.通过研究农村政策在农村实践的具体机制及后果,以理解中国农村非均衡的内部结构,从而将抽象的中国农村具体化,可以构成农村政策基础研究,从而为农村政策研究提供理论资源.  相似文献   


The reinsertion of space into critical theory (Soja, LeFebvre) has stimulated some historians to reconsider space in its historical contexts. Exactly how one elucidates spatial organization-as represented space or as space produced by social action and practice-continues to exercise our minds. What we can be more certain about is that significant spaces existed which were, and were regarded by contemporaries, as public and open and that these spaces were sites of social action (but also, it should not be forgotten, of concealed activity too). In early modern England, market places constituted spaces of social and 'political' action and interaction, among which penance and punishment were important aspects. From office causes in ecclesiastical act books and from directions by the justices at quarter sessions, the social and 'political' employment of market places can be illuminated, particularly here in the archdeaconries of Colchester, Leicester, Nottingham and Essex, and from the sessions for Wiltshire and Somerset. Moreover, penance and punishment directed to market places reveal much about spatial relationships more widely, not least between administrative jurisdictions and people in spaces and between the urban and rural situation. In this way, we can begin to assemble the jigsaw which will illuminate further how space was formed by people in the past.  相似文献   

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