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通过对14名青年进行深度访谈分析发现,基于LBS功能的移动社交新媒体对当代青年的性行为产生了认知层面的影响,并在相当大的程度上冲击了当代青年面对非伴侣性行为的态度。新媒体为青年的性行为提供了宣泄渠道,使"约炮"现象从态度到行为层面被青年人所默许。新媒体使身体嵌入网络空间,使性变为符号化的表征。新媒体成为一种精神致幻工具,使陌生人性爱关系演变为一种纯粹欲望的交换关系,具有一定的虚拟麻醉功能。由新媒体所带来的"约炮"现象反映了当下都市青年人的性迷茫,应从社会心理和文化伦理层面做更多研究。  相似文献   

出生于20世纪80—90年代的“鸟巢一代”大学生具有以往同龄人所没有的特点,表现为:接受新生事物能力强,个性张扬,极力表现与众不同,相对比较缺乏团队忠诚感。对网络十分依赖,受到大量信息的包围,信息和知识丰富,但内心有时较为空虚,功利欲望心强烈,承受挫折能力弱等。因而,高校思想政治工作必然需要随着工作对象的发展变化而发生转变。本文运用管理学中国家政府职能转变理论.在梳理高校辅导员工作方式方法演进的基础上,提出面对“鸟巢一代”高校思政辅导员工作方式应从“划桨”到“导航”.旨在为高校同行提供工作参考。  相似文献   

浅谈"飞地经济"中"飞地"的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘姿含 《城市》2010,(8):59-61
“飞地经济”是指发达地区与欠发达地区双方政府打破行政区划限制,把“飞出地”方的资金和项目放到行政上互不隶属的“飞人地”方的工业基地,通过规划、建设、管理和税收分配等合作机制,实现互利共赢的持续或跨越发展的经济模式。  相似文献   

Research on the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews has arguably been dominated by historians. Yet many historians remain confounded by the Holocaust's major paradox: the "banality of evil" that occurred during the Nazi regime. In this article I argue that understanding of the "banality of evil" paradox can be advanced by reframing previously unsynthesized research in terms of a constructionist theory of social problems. I view the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" as having a "natural history" that is characterized by the development and unfolding of claims about problems and the formulation and implementation of solutions to problems. I trace the construction of the "Jew" throughout history and as it was identified, acknowledged, and applied in a particular sociocultural and political context. By providing the first application of constructionism to a genocidal event, I show that the social processes that construct genocide parallel those that construct other social problems, and that it is precisely this correspondence that makes the construction of the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" banal.  相似文献   

Social scientists often measure the frequency with which people perform behaviors executed regularly throughout their daily lives, but there is no standard approach to this measurement task: some investigators have asked respondents about their behavior during a "usual" or "typical" day, week, or month, whereas others sought to describe the same sorts of behavior patterns by asking about the most recent day, week, or month. This paper compares the validity of "typical" week and "past" week reports for assessing habitual behavior patterns using data from the 1989 National Election Study Pilot, in which respondents were randomly assigned to report TV news program and newspaper exposure during either a typical week or the past week. The predictive validity of the measures was assessed using objective tests of current events knowledge and identification of political figures, as well as self–assessments of political knowledge. The typical week questions consistently manifested superior predictive validity, especially among the most educated respondents.  相似文献   

当代青少年生活在"三维世界"中,即理想世界、虚拟世界、现实世界.认真研究当代青少年的特点,正确分析他们生活在"三维世界"的规律性,用"三个代表"的重要思想武装青少年的"三维世界":用"三个代表"的重要思想构筑青少年的理想世界;用先进文化的前进方向引领青少年的虚拟世界;引导青少年立足于全面建设小康社会的现实世界,是我们在青少年教育中的一个重要的主导思想.  相似文献   

本文以成功学现象的起源,发生原因为出发点,对这一变革时代的社会文 化新景观,作了深入的思考。  相似文献   

情人节前夕,网上“情人合同”纷至沓来;不同的人对“情人合同”有着不同的看法,褒贬不一;“情人合同”的风行有着多方面的原因;我们对“情人合同”的签订人应正确引导,以防止他们上当并帮助他们接受健康的婚恋文化。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is a single personal narrative – a Shetland woman's telling of a story about two girls on a journey to fetch a cure for a sick relative from a wise woman. The story is treated as a cultural document which offers the historian a conduit to a past that is respectful of indigenous woman-centred interpretations of how that past was experienced and understood. The "story of the bottle of medicine" is more than a skilful telling of a local tale; it is a memory practice that provides a path to a deeper and more nuanced understanding of a culture. Applying perspectives from anthropology, oral history and narrative analysis, three sets of questions are addressed: the issue of authenticity; the significance of the narrative structure and storytelling strategies employed; and the nature of the female performance. Ultimately the article asks what this story can tell us about women's interpretation of their own history.  相似文献   

科学评估上海养老服务发展的实施效应,借鉴国外的成功经验,针对当前上海养老服务发展中的问题,建议优化政策设计理念,适应养老服务现实需求;实现政策全盘考虑,确保养老政策体系完整;统筹规划养老事业,实现政策操作部门联动;健全政策配套措施,提高养老政策实施效应;整合政策服务资源,推进养老政策功能健全;强化政策引导作用,激发行业参与养老活力.  相似文献   

作为一种新的婚姻家庭模式,夫妻双方平日各自奔忙,只有周末才团聚的“走婚”现象极大冲击了传统的婚姻家庭观,由此引发众多疑问和困惑。本文试从家庭社会学的视角,分析当代“走婚”现象产生的原因、特点及固有缺陷,并对其发展前景做出较乐观的预测。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,美国兴起了一场关于护理院的"文化变革运动",在其影响下,护理院经历了从"机构化"向"家庭化"发展的演变."文化变革运动"的"家庭化"理念表现在伦理价值观、机构管理、护理服务、环境设计四个方面,其形成的动因在于:代际间服务需求的变化、政府监管以及护理院的利益驱动."家庭化"的理念与美国文化相契合,和福利机构"去机构化"发展相互补充,对美国护理院行业发展产生了深远影响,但也在新冠肺炎疫情中暴露出其缺陷."文化变革运动"中的经验做法对中国失能老年人、残疾人的长期护理实践有着借鉴价值.  相似文献   

"This paper will look at the ways in which population policies have played an important role in the ongoing debate about African identities and culture.... In dealing with the construction of Africa, this paper will be limited to the impact of the population discourse on Africans. Three groups will be considered. These are: the target population of (largely rural) women; males (representing the patriarchal dimension); and African intellectuals. Even though membership in each group is not mutually exclusive, each will be dealt with separately for ease of analysis." (SUMMARY IN FRE)  相似文献   

受长期的农业社会影响,中国传统儿童家庭教育在理念、内容和方法上具有鲜明的"私性"特征,造成儿童独立性差、责任意识淡薄、合作精神缺乏.中国社会转型对民众的公民素养提出了新要求,当代儿童家庭教育必须加强"公共"精神建设.当前,我国儿童家庭教育"公共"精神建设依然存在很多问题:一些家长缺乏社会公共责任意识,随意推卸家庭教育责任;一些家长个人功利性过强,对家庭教育的公共性内容依然重视不够;一些家长教育方法的个人随意性依然存在,家庭教育悲剧时有发生.要提升儿童家庭教育"公共"精神建设,推进现代家庭教育理念宣传,完善家庭教育法规体系与社会监控机制,健全与优化家庭教育指导服务体系.  相似文献   


The present situation in the Amazon is frequently characterized by political tensions between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. As a consequence, indigenous peoples are organizing in order to defend themselves and their land against the encroachment of representatives from the national society. To the Matsigenka, who live in the monta a of southeastern Peru, this process is relatively recent, and so is the conceptualization of ensuing conflicts in ethnic terms. Although ethnic criteria for constructing social identity is still largely alien to most Matsigenka, it has, to the indigenous organizations, come to serve as the model for defining political issues mainly because it is imposed by the dominant national society, which defines the rules. At the same time, categories of beings that are defined in notions of the cosmogony remain a significant factor in the Matsigenka conceptualization of the social world. The employment of two parallel models for constructing identity, which are occasionally conflicting, produces both conceptual confusion and organizational problems for the Matsigenka ethno-political movement.  相似文献   

村企关系的演变:从“村庄型公司”到“公司型村庄”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑风田  阮荣平  程郁 《社会学研究》2012,(1):52-77,243,244
本文综合正式制度与非正式制度的研究角度,以永联村为例,考察了乡镇企业与乡村社区之间权力的相对变化,重点分析了村企关系的演变及演变的内在逻辑。研究结果表明,在正式制度的作用下,企业家人力资本生产力相对社区权力资本生产力逐渐提高,因此,在村企关系中企业的主导作用日趋凸显;但是在非正式制度,尤其是社会性合约的作用下,村企关系的演变并非按照线性模式进化,而是呈现出多样化。其中一种可能的演变趋势就是从"村庄型公司"到"公司型村庄",并且在正式制度和非正式制度共同作用下,"公司型村庄"模式具有内在的效率机制以及稳定性。  相似文献   

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