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Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1995,43(4):856-907
Books reviewed in this article:
Racism after 'Race Relations ' Robert Miles
Racialised Barriers: The Black Experience in the United States and England in the 1980s Stephen Small
Locating Gender: Occupational Segregation, Wages and Domestic Responsibilities Janet Siltanen
Mothers and Their Children—A Feminist Sociology of Childrearing Jane Ribbens
Timewatch. The Social Analysis of Time B. Adam
Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order Ulrich Beck
The Russian Revolutions Max Weber
Associative Democracy: New Forms of Economic and Social Governance Paul Q. Hirst
Debating the Future of the Public Sphere: Transforming the Public and Private Domains in Free Market Societies Stephen Edgell
The Flâneur Keith Tester, (ed.)
and there was television Ellis Cashmore
Reporting Crime: The Media Politics of Criminal Justice Philip Schlesinger and Howard Tumber
' Game Without Frontiers: Football, Identity and Modernity 'R. Giulianotti and J. Williams, (eds)
Consumer Involvement: Concepts And Research Pirjo Laaksonen
Postmodern Cities and Spaces Sophie Watson and Catherine Gibson (eds)
Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes Manuel Castells, and Peter Hall
Researching the People's Health J. Popay and G. Williams (eds)
Qualitative Studies in Health and Medicine M. Bloor and P. Taraborrelli (eds)
Resistance and Power in Organisations John Jermier  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1990,38(3):564-612
Book reviewed in this article:
A Critical Dictionary of Sociology R. Boudon and F Bourricaud (translated by Peter Hamilton)
A Treatise on Social Theory. Volume II: Substantive Social Theory W.G. Runciman
Mind in Action Jeff Coulter
Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the Shaping of the Self Harvey Goldman
Éamile Durkheim and the Reformation of Sociology Stjepan G. Mestrović
Politics and Class Analysis , B. Hindess
Choice, Rationality and Social Theory , B. Hindess
Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language , Ralph Grillo (ed.)
The Pluralist Theory of the State: Selected Writings of G. D.H. Cole . J.N. Eiggis and HJ. Laski Paul O. Hirst (ed.)
Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism , Roy Medvedev
Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory Nancy J. Chodorow
The Woman in the Body. A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction , Emily Martin
Rediscovering Masculinity: Reason. Language and Sexuality , Victor J. Seidler
Growing Old in the Twentieth Century , Margot Jefferys (ed.)
Nursing the Dying , David Field
Doctoring the Media: the Reporting of Health and Medicine , Anne Karpf
Social Order/Mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in Historical Perspective , Andrew Scull
Sport in Britain: A Social History Tony Mason (ed.)
Family Art , Philip Pacey
'Highbrow/Lowbrow': The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America , Lawrence W Levine.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1993,41(4):753-815
Book reviewed in this article:
Sociology and its Publics: The Forms and Fates of Disciplinary Organization T.C. Halliday and M. Janowitz (eds)
Social Evolutionism: A Critical History Stephen K. Sanderson
History and Social Theory Peter Burke
Time: An Essay Norbert Elias
Postmodernity Barry Smart
Social Movements: The Politics of Moral Protest Jan Pakulski
A Communitarian Defense of Liberalism: Emile Durkheim and contemporary Social Theory M.S. Cladis
Pierre Bourdieu Richard Jenkins
Social Research and Social Reform Colin Crouch and Anthony Heath, (eds)
Prospects for Democracy: North, South, East and West David Held, (ed.)
The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy Eva Etzioni-Halevy
Lives in Trust: The Fortunes of Dynastic Families in Late Twentieth Century America George E. Marcus with Peter D. Hall
The Politics of State Expansion: War, State and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain James E. Cronin
The Development of Industrial Society in Ireland J.H. Goldthorpe and C.T. Whelan (eds)
Social Theory for Action: How Individuals and Organisations Learn to Change William Foote Whyte
Sociological Perspectives on Modern Accountancy Robin Roslender
Professions and Patriarchy Anne Witz
White, Male and Middle Class: Explorations in Feminism and History Catherine Hall
Shaping up to Womanhood: Gender and Girls' Physical Education Sheila Scraton
Symbolic Interaction and Cultural Studies Howard S. Becker and Michael M. McCall, (eds)
Fashion, Culture and Identity Fred Davis
Fields of Vision: Landscape Imagery and National Identity in England and the United States Stephen Daniels
The City Assembled: The Elements of Urban Form Through History Spiro Kostoff
Television and the Drama of Crime: Moral Tales and the Place of Crime in Public Life Richard Sparks
Writers in Prison Ioan Davies
Death, Dying and Bereavement Donna Dickenson and Malcolm Johnson, (eds)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1991,39(3):655-695
Book reviewed in this article:
Authors of Their Own Lives: Intellectual Autobiographies by Twenty American Sociologists Bennett M. Berger (ed.)
Post-Marxist Alternatives: the Construction of Social Orders Nicos P. Mouzelis
Surveillance, Power and Modernity Christopher Dandeker
Theories of Modernity and Postmodernity Bryan S. Turner (ed.)
Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists Elizabeth Grosz
Sociobiology and the Social Sciences Robert W. Bell and Nancy J., Bell (eds)
The Dilemma of Qualitative Method: Herbert Blumer and the Chicago Tradition Martyn Hammersley
Collective Remembering David Middleton and Derek Edwards (eds)
Models and Mirrors: Towards an Anthropology of Public Events D. Handelman
Black Music in Britain: Essays on the Afro-Asian Contribution to Popular Music P. Oliver (ed.)
The Unprincipled Society: New Demands and Old Politics David Marquand
New Forms of Ownership: Management and Employment G. Jenkins and M. Poole (eds)
Patterns of Labour: Work and Social Change in the Pottery Industry Richard Whipp
Social Work in an Enterprise Society Robert Pinker
The Politics and Morality of Deviance: Moral Panics , Drug Abuse
Readings in Medical Sociology S. Cunningham-Burley and N.P. McKeganey (eds)
New Directions in the Sociology of Health Pamela Abbott and Geoff Payne (eds)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1995,43(3):573-615
Books reviewed in this article:
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England , Steven Shapin
The Sight of Sound: Music, Representation, and the History of the Body Richard Leppert
The Authority of the Consumer Russell Keat, Nigel Whiteley and Nicholas Abercrombie (eds)
Space, Place and Gender Doreen Massey
Ecological Feminism Karren J. Warren (ed.)
Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market Lisa Adkins
The Social and Political Economy of the Household Michael Anderson, Frank Bechofer and Jonathan Gershuny, (eds)
Privatization and Popular Capitalism Peter Saunders and Colin Harris
Educational Reform: A Critical and Post-Structural Approach Stephen J. Ball
Gendered Education: Sociological Reflections on Women, Teaching and Feminism Sandra Acker
The Importance of Disappointment Ian Craib
Sport and Leisure in Social Thought G. Jarvie and J. Maguire
The Sociology of Religion. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives Malcolm B. Hamilton
Raymond Williams: Making Connections John Eldridge and Lizzie Eldridge
Postmodernism and Social Inquiry David R. Dickens and Andrea Fontana, (eds)
The Poverty of Postmodernism John O'Neill
Insight and Solidarity. The Discourse Ethics of Jürgen Habermas William Rehg  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1995,43(2):363-412
Books reviewed in this article:
Ecology and Society: An Introduction Luke Martell
Animal to Edible Noëlie Vialles (translated from the French by J.A. Underwood)
Challenging Medicine Jonathan Gabe
The Social Organisation of Mental Illness Lindsay Prior
Health and Health Care in Britain Rob Baggott
Mothering: Ideology, Experience, and Agency Evelyn Nakano Glenn
Anorexic Bodies: A Feminist and Sociological Perspective on Anorexia Nervosa Morag MacSween
Self-consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity Anthony Cohen
The Cultural Turn: Scene Setting Essays on Contemporary Cultural History David Chaney
Postmodernism and Popular Culture Angela McRobbie
Cinema and Modernity John Orr
Baudrillard and Signs: Signification Ablaze G. Genosko
Travellers' Tales: Narratives of Home and Displacement George Robertson
Museum Culture Histories, Discourses, Spectacles, Sherman, D. and Rogoff, I. (eds)
Television and Everyday Life Roger Silverstone
The Sociology of Deviance: an Obituary Colin Sumner
The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society David Lyon
Some Trouble with Cows: Making Sense of Social Conflict Beth Roy
'Race', Ethnicity and Nation: International Perspectives on Social Conflict Peter Ratcliffe, (ed.)
Constructions of Race, Place and Nation P. Jackson and J. Penrose (eds)  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1998,46(3):583-625
Books review in this article:
Violence and Civilization: An Introduction to the Work of Norbert Elias Jonathan Fletcher
The Norbert Elias Reader A Biographical Selection Johan Goudsblom and Stephen Mennell, [eds]
Postmodernism Is Not What You Think Charles Lemert
History Without a Subject: The Postmodern Condition David Ashley
Fragments (Cool Memories III) Jean Baudrillard
Living Room War: Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World Ien
Pandemonium: Towards a Retro-Organization Theory Gibson Burrell
Negotiating the Glass Ceiling: Careers of Senior Women in the Academic Wortd Miriam David and Diana Woodward, (eds)
The Changing Shape of Work Richard K. Brown, (ed.)
The Handbook of Organization Studies Stewart Clegg
Exploring Technology and Social Space John Macgregor Wise
Post-Eandom and the Millennial Blues Steve Redhead
Tourists and Tourism: Identifying with People and Places Simone Abram, Jacqueline Waldren and Donald Macleod, (eds)
Communities of Faith: Sectarianism, Identity, and Social Change on a Danish Island Andrew S. Buckser
Dangerous Territories: Struggles for Difference and Equality in Education Leslie G. Roman and Linda Eyre, (eds)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1991,39(4):843-845
Book reviewed in this article:
Time and Social Theory Barbara Adam
Psychoanalysis and Social Theory: The Limits of Sociology Ian Craib
Civilization: Contents, Discontents, Malcontents and Other Essays in Social Theory Stanford M. Lyman
Ideology and Modern Culture John B. Thompson
The Methodology of Herbert Blumer: Critical Interpretation and Repair Kenneth Baugh Jr
The Fashioned Self Joanne Finkelstein
The Political and Social Theory of Max Weber Wolfgang J. Mommsen
Reading Weber Keith Tribe (ed.), Routledge
The Sexuality of Organisation Jeff Hearn, Deborah L. Sheppard
The Social Mobility of Women: Beyond Male Mobility Models Geoff Payne and Pamela Abbott, (eds)
Battered Women as Survivors Lee Ann Hoff
Family, Economy and Community C.C. Harris, (ed.)
Enterprise Culture Russell Keat and Nicholas Abercrombie, (eds)
Making Their Way: Education, Training and the Labour Market in Canada and Britain David Ashton and Graham Lowe, (eds).
Images of Youth: Age, Class, and the Male Youth Problem 1880–1920 Harry Hendrick
Football on Trial: Spectator Violence and Development in the Football World Patrick Murphy, John Williams and Eric Dunning
The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750–1950, Volume 1, Regions and Communities F.M.L. Thompson, (ed.)
The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750–1950, Volume 3, Social Agencies and Institutions F.M.L. Thompson, (ed.)
The Dark Side of Europe: The Extreme Right Today Geoffrey Harris
Resistance and Control in Pakistan A.D. Ahmed
The Soviet Union: A Biographical Dictionary Archie Brown, (ed.)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Doing Qualitative Research David Silverman
Narrative and the Cultural Construction of Illness and Healing, Cheryl Mattingly and Linda C. Garro, (eds)
Tourism in Global Society: Place, Culture, Consumption, Kevin Meethan
Social Darwinism, Peter Dickens
Informality: Social Theory and Contemporary Practice, Barbara A. Misztal  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Alcock, P., Erskine, A. and May, M. (eds) The Student's Companion to Social Policy
Baudrillard, Jean The Consumer Society
Brewer, John D., Lockhart, Bill and Rodgers, Paula Crime in Ireland 1945–95: Here Be Dragons
Davies, Christie Jokes and Their Relation to Society
Erikson, Kai (ed.) Sociological Visions
Giddens, Anthony and Pierson, Christopher Conversations with Anthony Giddens: Making Sense of Modernity
Giddens, Anthony The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy
Jamieson, Lynn Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies
Macnaghten, Phil and Urry, John Contested Natures
Mennell, Stephenand Goudsblom, Johan (eds) Norbert Elias – On Civilisation, Power, and Knowledge
Goudsblom, Johanand Mennell, Stephen (eds) The Norbert Elias Reader
van Krieken, Robert Norbert Elias
Peck, J. Work-Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets
Pilkington, Hillary Migration, Displacement and Identity in Post-Soviet Russia
Ringer, Fritz Max Weber's Methodology: The Uni cation of the Cultural and Social Sciences
Rock, Paul Reconstructing A Woman's Prison. The Holloway Redevelopment Project 1968–88
Sniderman, Paul M. and Carmines, Edward G. Reaching Beyond Race
Swatos, Jr., William H. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Religion and Society  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ellen M. Gee and Meredith M. Kimball, Women and Aging (Butterworths Perspectives on Individual and Population Aging Series)
Statistics Canada Population Estimation Methods
Harry Brod (ed.) The Making of Masculinities
Shivalingappa S. Halli, How Minority Status Affects Fertility: Asian Groups in Canada.
William G. Bailey Human Longevity from Antiquity to the Modern Lab: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography
Victor W. Marshall (ed.) Aging in Canada: Social Perspectives (Second Edition)
Louis Dumont Essays on Individualism: Modern Ideology in Anthropological Perspective.
Anselm L. Strauss Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists
Paul Stoller and Cheryl Olkes In Sorcery's Shadow: A Memoir of Apprenticeship among the Songhay of Niger
R. Cole Harris (ed.) and Geoffrey J. Matthews (cartographer/designer) Historical Atlas of Canada, Vol. 1, From the Beginning to 1800
Barrie Reynolds and Margaret A. Stott (eds.) Material Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Material Culture
D. Gauvreau, J. Gregory, M. Kempeneers et V. Piché (dir.) Démographie et sous-développement dans le Tiers-Monde
Donald Blake Two Political Worlds: Parties and Voting in British Columbia
Lynn Mcdonald The Party That Changed Canada: The New Democratic Party, Then and Now.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1993,41(2):361-405
Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology , Philip Manning
The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies , Anthony Giddens
Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process: Critique and Counter-Critique , Eric Dunning and Chris Rojek (eds)
The Symbol Theory , Norbert Elias
The Reflexive Thesis: Wrighting Sociology of Scientific Knowledge , Malcolm Ashmore
Feminine Sentences: Essays on Women and Culture , Janet Wolff
The Woman in Question – m/f , Parveen Adams and Elizabeth Cowie (eds)
Studying Collective Action , Mario Diani and Ron Eyerman, (eds)
Social Movements: A Cognitive Approach , Ron Eyerman and Andrew Jamison
Social Classes and Social Relations in Britain, 1850–1914 , A.J. Reid
Property, Bureaucracy and Culture: Middle-Class Formation in Contemporary Britain , M. Savage, J. Barlow, P. Dickens and T. Fielding
Critical Management Studies , M. Alvesson and H. Willmott, (eds)
White-Collar Crime: Criminal Justice and Criminology , Hazel Croall
Discrimination and Public Policy in Northern Ireland , R.J. Cormack and Osbome, R.D.
The Gypsies , Angus Fraser  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1992,40(1):163-220
Book reviewed in this article: Sociology in America: Herbert J. Gans, (ed.) Animals and Society: The Humanity of Animal Rights: Keith Tester Social Forms/Human Capacities: Essays in Authority and Differences Philip Corrigan Labour Process Theory: David Knights and Hugh Willmott (eds) Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory: Martin Albrow Bureaucratisation in Northwestern Europe, 1880–1985: Domination and Governance: Rolf Torstendahl Organisational Rules: A Framework for Understanding Organisational Action: Albert J. Mills and Stephen J. Murgatroyd Organisations in Society: Glenn Morgan The Mastery of Reason: Cognitive Development and the Production of Rationality: Valerie Walkerdine Postmodern Education: Politics, Culture and Social Criticism: S. Aronowitz and H. A. Giroux ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools: David Gillborn, Unwin Hyman Japan's ‘International Youth’: The Emergence of a New Class of Schoolchildren: Roger Goodman The Sociology of the Health Service: Jonathan Gabe, Michael Calnan and Michael Bury (eds) Living in a Man-Made World: Gender Assumptions in Modern Housing Design: Marion Roberts Women and Industrialization: Gender at Work in Nineteenth Century England: J. Lown The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy: David Cannadine The Making of Modern France: Ideology, Politics and Culture: Emmanuel Todd, Basil Blackwell Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland 1960–1990: Eamonn Hughes, (ed.) Highland Games: The Making of the Myth: Grant Jarvie Before Novels: The Cultural Context of Eighteenth Century English Fiction: J. Paul Hunter, W. W. Norton Writing Sites: Jon Stratton, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead The Ethnographic Imagination: Textual Constructions of Reality: Paul Atkinson Life and Work History Analyses: Qualitative and Quantitative Developments: Shirley Dex (ed.) A Sort of Clowning: Life and Times 1940–1959: Richard Hoggart  相似文献   

Lisa Gilad, Ginger and Salt: Yemeni Jewish Women in an Israeli Town. Boulder D.W. Attwood and B.S. Baviskar (eds.), Who Shares? Co-operatives and Rural Development Francis Robinson (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and The Maldives Richard C. Davis (ed.), Rupert's Land: A Cultural Tapestry Tom Bottomore and Robert J. Brym (eds.), The Capitalist Class: An International Study Raymond Murphy, Social Closure: A theory of Monopolization and Exclusion Richard Flacks, Making History. Kevin D. Carriere and Richard V. Ericson, Crime Stoppers: A Study in the Organization of Community Policing. Dany Lacombe, Ideology and Public Policy: The Case Against Pornography Robert J. Brym with Bonnie J. Fox, From Culture to Power: The Sociology of English Canada. Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz (eds.), Social Structures: a network approach John Van Willigen, Barbara Rylko-Bauer, and Ann Mcelroy (eds.), Making Our Research Useful Grahame Clark, Prehistory at Cambridge and beyond Theresa R. Richardson, The Century of the Child: The Mental Hygiene Movement and Social Policy in the United States and Canada Anne Edwards, Regulation and Repression: The Study of Social Control Michael V. Angrosino, Documents of Interaction: Biography, Autobiography, and Life History in Social Science Perspective Michael Hechter, Principles of Group Solidarity Partrick Kierans, Glenn Drover and David Williams, Welfare and Worker Participation Mary Mccannery Gergen (ed.), Feminist Thought and the Structure of Knowledge Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek and Janet B.L. Chan, Visualizing Deviance: A Study of New Organizations Sheila Allen and Carol Wolkowitz, Homeworking: Myths and Realities Calvin W. Redekop and Samuel J. Steiner (eds.), Mennonite Identity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Robert A. Stebbins, Canadian Football: The View From The Helmet Anne Innis Dagg and Patricia J. Thompson, MisEducation: Women & Canadian Universities Cyril H. Levitt and William Shaffir, The Riots at Christie Pits  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1994,42(4):779-835
Books reviewed in this articles:
Economies of Signs & Space Scott Lash and John Urry
Postmodernity USA: The Crisis of Social Modernism in Postwar America Anthony Woodiwiss
Organizing Modernity John Law
Postmodernism, Reason and Religion E. Gellner
The adventure of difference Gianni Vattimo
Ways of Escape: Modern Transformations in Leisure and Travel Chris Rojek
Relocating Cultural Studies: developments in theory and research Valda Blundell
Deconstructing Durkheim: A post-post-structuralist critique Jennifer Lehmann
The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories and Political Significance Rolf Wiggershaus
The European and American University Since 1800, Historical and Sociological Studies Sheldon Rothblatt and Bjorn Wittrock (eds)
Fields of Knowledge, French Academic Culture in Comparative Perspective 1890–1920 Fritz Ringer
The Body and Social Theory
The Sociology of Death: Theory, Culture, Practice David Clark, (ed.)
Researching Women's Lives from a Feminist Perspective Mary Maynard and June Purvis, (eds)
Childhood Identities: Self and Social Relationships in the Experience of the Child Allison James
Fathers and Daughters Sue Sharpe
Racialised Boundaries: Race, Nation, Gender, Colour and Class and the Anti-racist Struggle Floya Anthias and Nira Yuval-Davis
The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspectives W. J. Wilson (ed.)
The Corporate Paradox: Power and Control in the Business Franchise A. Felstead
The Factory and The City: The Story of the Cowley Automobile Workers in Oxford Teresa Hayter and David Harvey (eds)
The Politics of Social Policy M. Sullivan, Harvester Wheat Sheaf
The Eclipse of Council Housing Ian Cole and Robert Furbey
The Road from Paradise: Prospects for Democracy in Eastern Europe Stjepan G. Medtrović with Miroslav Goreta and Slaven Letica
Introducing Statistics for Social Research D. Cramer  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1996,44(4):757-792
Books reviewed in this article
The Death of Class , Jan Pakulski and Malcolm Waters
Social Change and the Middle Classes , Tim Butler and Mike Savage, (eds)
Practical Sociology: Post-empiricism and the Reconstruction of Theory and Application , Christopher G.A. Bryant
Environmental Sociology: A Social Constructionist Perspective , John A. Hannigan
Knowing Machines: Essays on Technical Change , Donald MacKenzie
Daniel Bell , Malcolm Waters
Canvases and Careers: Institutional Change in the French Painting World , Harrison C. White and Cynthia A. White
Theorizing Museums , Sharon Macdonald and Gordon Fyfe, (eds)
Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital , Sarah Thornton
Food, the Body and the Self , Deborah Lupton
Making Men: Rugby and Masculine Identity , J. Nauright, and T.J.L. Chandler, (eds)  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1976,24(4):877-916
Book reviewed in this article: Organisation and Bureaucracy: An Analysis of Modern Theories by Nicos Mouzelis. Beyond Marx and Tito: Theory and Practice in Yugoslav Socialism by Sharon Zukin. Rehabilitation and Deviance by Philip Bean. Durkheim on Religion: A Selection of Readings with Bibliographies and Introductory Remarks by W. S. F. Pickering (ed). Agrarian Co-operatives in Peru: A Sodo-Econormc Survey by Peter Buchkr. Varieties of Residential Experience fay J. Tizard, I. Sinclair and R. V. G. Clarke (eds.) Authority and Organization in the Secondary School by Elizabeth Richardson. Education and Social Control: A Stitdy in Progressive Primary Education by R. Sharp and A. Green. Ideology and Social Welfare by Vic George and Paul Wilding. Paradigms and Fairy Tales: An Introduction to the Science of Meanings, Vols. I and 11 by Julience Ford. Methods of Social Study by Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Reprinted with an introduction by T. H. Marshall Who Rules The Universities? An Essay in Class Amdysis by David N. Smith. Slamming the Door by Robert Moore and Tina Wallace. The Female Offender by Annette M. Brodsky (ed.) The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Involvement by J. E. Goldthorpe. The Foreman: Aspects of Task and Structure by David Dunkerley. Madness and Morals: Ideas on Insanity in the Nineteenth Century by Vieda Skultans. Dilemmas of Discourse: Controversies about the Sociological Inter-pretation of Language by Anthony Wootton. Whatever happened to equality by Iohn Vaizey (ed.) The Drama of Social Reality by Stanford M. Lytnan and Marvin B. Scott. The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Daniel Bell. Social Psychology for Sociologists by David Field (ed.) The Highest Education: A Study of Graduate Education in Britain by Ernest Rudd. Religious Movements in Contemporary America by Irving I. Zaietsky and Mark P. Leone (eds.) Socialisation to Old Age by Irving Rosow.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1992,40(4):772-774
Books reviewed in this article
Society and Nature: Towards a Green Social Theory , Peter Dickens
Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization , John R. Love
Anthony Giddens , Ian Craib
Political Theory Today , David Held, (ed.)
The Man-Made City: The Land Use Confidence Game in Chicago , Gerald D. Suttles
Councillors in Crisis: The Public and Private Worlds of Local Councillors , Jacqueline Barron, Gerald Crawley and Tony Wood
The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societie , Robert Erikson and John H. Goldthorpe
The Radiant Past: Ideology and Reality in Hungary's Road to Capitalism , Michael Burawoy and János Lukács
Talk and Social Structure: Studies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis , Deirdre Boden and Don H. Zimmerman, (eds)
Talking of the Royal Family , Michael Billig
Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public Policy . Althea C. Huston, (ed.)
Good Days, Bad Days: The Self in Chronic Illness and Time , Kathy Charmaz
One in Three: Women with Cancer Confront an Epidemic , Judith Brady, (ed.)
Cancer in Two Voices , Sandra Butler and Barbara Rosenblum  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1986,34(3):657-729
Books reviewed in this article: Essays on the History of British Sociological Research, M. Bulmer (ed.) Three Sociological Traditions, Randall Collins Macro Sociological Theory: Perspectives on Sociological Theory Vol. I, H.J. Helle and S.N. Eisenstadt (eds) Micro Sociological theory: Perspectives on Sociological Theory Vol. II, H.J. Helle and S.N. Eisenstadt (eds) Powers and Liberties: The Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West, John A. Hall Talcott Parsons and the Capitalist Nation-State, William Buxton G.H. Mead. A Contemporary Re-Examination of his Thought, Hans Joas Language, Structure and Reproduction. An Introduction to the Sociology of Basil Bernstein, Paul Atkinson Measuring Culture: A Paradigm for the Analysis of Social Organisation, Jonathan L. Gross and Steve Rayner Food in the Social Order, Mary Douglas (ed.) Classes, Erik Olin Wright Annals of the Labouring Poor, K.D.M. Snell Beyond Employment: Household, Gender and Subsistence, Nanneke Redclift and Enzo Mingione (eds.) Women's Working Lives: Patterns and Strategies, Susan Yeandle On Women, Sexuality and Love, Georg Simmel, translated and with an introduction by Guy Oakes A Woman's Place, An Oral History of Working-Class Women 1890–1940, Elizabeth Roberts The Autobiography of the Working Class: An Annotated, Critical Bibliography. Volume 1: 1790–1900, John Burnett, David Vincent and David Mayall (eds) The Sociology of Law, Roman Tomasic Legal Systems and Social Systems, Adam Podgorecki, Christopher J. Whelan and Dinesh Khosla The Politics of the Police, Robert Reiner European Immigration Policy: A Comparative Study, Tomas Hammar (ed.) The Elementary Forms of the New Religious Life, Roy Wallis The Need for Religious Certainty: A Sociological Study of Conventional Religion, Robert Towler No Pope of Rome: Militant Protestantism in Modern Scotland, Steve Bruce American Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 1, No 1, 1984, S.S. Nyang (ed.) The Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem, V. Azarya Islamic Sociology, I. Ba-Yunus and F. Ahmad Categories of Medieval Culture, A. J. Gurevich (translated by G.L. Campbell) Science for Social Scientists, John Law and Peter Lodge The Intellectual and Social Organization of the Sciences, Richard Whitley Framing Science: The Making of a BBC Documentary, Roger Silverstone  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1980,28(1):177-214
Book reviewed in this article: Who Should Know What? Social Science, Privacy and Ethics by J. A. Barnes. Ideology and Cultural Production by M. Barrett et al. (eds) Injustice—The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt by Barrington Moore J.P. Schooling in Decline by Gerald Bernbaum (ed.) The Restructuring of Social & Political Theory by Richard J. Bernstein Land and the National Question in Ireland, 1858–82 by Paul Bew Sociology and Psychology, Essays by Marcel Mauss The Jewish Intelligentsia and Russian Marxism by Robert J. Brym Fictions and Ceremonies: Representations of Popular Experience by David Chancy Susan Sontag, Introduction to The Art of Revolution 96 Posters from Cuba. Edited by Dugald Stermer The Social Construction of Mind: Studies in Ethnomethodology and Linguistic Philosophy by Jeff Coulter A Just Measure of Pain: The Penitentiary in the Industrial Revolution, 1750–1850 by Michael Ignatieff Museums of Madness: The Social Organization of Insanity in 19th Century England by Andrew Scull The Social Theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss by Alan Jenkins Cities Unlimited by Leslie Kilmartin and David C. Thorns Thrillers: Genisis and Structure of a Popular Genre by Jerry Palmer Social Systems and the Evolution of Action Theory by Talcott Parsons Action Theory and the Human Condition by Talcott Parsons Contemporary Society and the Growth of Leisure by Kenneth Roberts The Child and Death by Olle Jane Z. Sahler (ed.) Who Divorces? by Barbara Thornes and Jean Collard Sociolinguistic Patterns in British English by Peter Trudgill (ed.) Classes, Strata and Power by W. Wesolowski  相似文献   

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