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We use data from the 2008 Survey of Income and Program Participation to estimate how four means-tested transfer programs respond to household earned-income increases. In general, the programs respond as we would expect based on the program laws and regulations, with some important exceptions, including that benefits received under some programs take much longer to fully adjust to earned-income increases than we would expect. We explore the reasons for these departures from our expectations and discuss the implications for policymakers’ efforts to balance the programs’ goals of poverty alleviation, cost effectiveness, and work promotion.  相似文献   

This article situates the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) within the context of world politics. States remain the predominant actors in the international political system. But this does not mean that international organizations like the UNHCR are completely without power or influence. Tracing the evolution of the agency over the past half century, this article argues that while the UNHCR has been constrained by states, the notion that it is a passive mechanism with no independent agenda of its own is not borne out by the empirical evidence of the past 50 years. Rather UNHCR policy and practice have been driven both by state interests and by the office acting independently or evolving in ways not expected nor necessarily sanctioned by states.  相似文献   

This paper examines the work of sociologists as expert witnesses and how sociological theory is used in criminal trials. The study describes how alternative sociological theories were propounded by sociologist expert witnesses and used by competing lawyers to establish the correct understanding of the case. The paper indicates that the sociological testimony was relevant to the deliberations and verdicts and details how the judge’s and jurors’ practical treatment of the law and evidence reconciled the adversaries’ mutually exclusive, partisan positions and the theoretical bases for those positions.  相似文献   

"问题富豪"、"问题官员"的频频出现,对青少年的负面影响不可避免.如何从反面的事例中引出正面的认识,笔者认为,必须帮助青少年走出观念误区,提升理性,逐步成长为中国特色市场经济中的现代人.  相似文献   

As a sociologist studying the intersection of crime, punishment, and politics, it is often surprising to me how many aspects of political sociology and the study of crime and punishment overlap, and yet, there is often limited cross‐fertilization of the two fields. For the sake of brevity in this discussion, I refer to those who study crime, deviance, law, criminal justice, and punishment as criminologists. My goal is to provide an extremely brief “primer” on criminology for political sociologists, in the hopes that a short reading of some issues and research in criminology may stimulate additional theorizing and research, as has so often happened when I have read political sociological work. To do this, I begin with a brief discussion of overlaps in political sociological and criminological perspectives. Following this, I highlight some examples of criminological research which incorporates politics, and would likely interest political sociologists, Then, I highlight a hot button issue in criminology – sex offenses – and suggest some ways that political sociologists could examine recent legislation on sex offenders and conclude with brief discussions of a few additional areas of overlap for the two disciplines.  相似文献   

Current antipoverty initiatives have been given impetus by the rediscovery of an “underclass”—a social category widely considered to be a distinctive subset of the poor. In the ensuing discussion, this aggregate has been related the Estranged Poor after Hochschild (1989). Social interventions granted the imprimatur of success are most frequently presented and/or interpreted as if they are applicable to all of the poor. It is argued here that this is an unwarranted exaggeration of effectiveness. The concept of a helping mismatch is introduced suggesting an intrinsic lack of articulation between formal agents of social intervention and the Estranged Poor who are therefore bypassed by even the most successful programs. Strains to exaggeration are described and explained as consequences of structural aspects of the remedial action system. Sociologists involved in social intervention have largely ignored the selectivity of success and too often prescribed directions for remedial action, which are irrelevant to the Estranged Poor. To acknowledge the limits of success can only encourage a more rational pursuit of our humanistic goals through the development of different approaches and strategies and, not incidentally, contribute to the credibility of our profession.  相似文献   

Rumination can cause numerous problems for an individual. Previous studies have indicated that the tendency of women toward rumination is greater than that of men. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how rumination might affect marital conflict in Iranian women. This qualitative study has a thematic analysis design. Using purposeful sampling, women were recruited to be interviewed using a semistructured manual, and the sampling continued until it reached saturation (N = 63). Analysis of the data showed that findings could be grouped into 5 themes: insecure attachment style, deteriorating behaviors, deactivation, uncertainty about the relationship, and negative emotions. The finding of this research is that when marital conflicts are not solved, insecure attachment styles are activated, possibly resulting in rumination. As a result, rumination will exacerbate the negative emotions and marital relationship quality.  相似文献   

Autonomy, or self-determination, is a key ingredient in promoting relationship flourishing. Although autonomy has long been an important concept in the family therapy field (labeled differentiation; Family therapy in clinical practice, 1978), definitional confusions and the ascendency of attachment theory and attachment-based clinical approaches to treating couples have relegated autonomy to a minor role at best and a caricature of rugged individualism and antirelational separateness at worst. Given recent research showing the importance of autonomy for the development of secure attachment in children and the key role autonomy plays in healthy intimate partner functioning, the concept of autonomy needs to take a more central role in our research and clinical practice with couples.  相似文献   

Institutional Constraints and Deforestation: An Application to Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following North (1990), this article hypothesizes that effective rural institutions may impose additional costs on tropical deforestation through agricultural conversion. This allows a formal agricultural household analysis of institutional constraints on deforestation and therefore a method of empirically testing whether there is any significant difference in the actual level of forest land conversion under institutional constraints compared to the level of conversion under pure open access. A dynamic panel analysis for agricultural planted area in Mexico at state level and over the 1960–85 period confirms that institutional constraints on land clearing affected deforestation during the pre-NAFTA era.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of institutional context in shaping policy agendas through a case study of the World Bank's gender lending in Ecuador. Using interviews with employees and analysis of policy texts I explore the complex institutional location of Bank gender policymakers, identifying two key constraints on their policy output: (1) the pressure to frame gender policy as increasing productivity and efficiency; and (2) the pressure to frame gender policy as producing complementary sharing between men and women. Given that the efficiency constraint has been much debated in feminist Bank scholarship I explicate the complementarity constraint in more detail. Specifically, I argue that the institutional pressure to define gender policy through a complementary focus on couples led poor men to become hyper-visible as irresponsible partners, and as the crux of the gender policy problem. In turn Bank gender policy was focused on efforts to change them, by encouraging their loving attachment to family and willingness to do domestic labor. I see cause for concern in the dominance of these policy preferences, and I consider how to facilitate their contestation in closing.  相似文献   

This research explored how older people describe their paths to late‐life childlessness. In‐depth accounts from 38 childless older people, age 63–93, highlight the complex journeys and diverse meanings of childlessness for male and female participants, single and partnered, including some who had outlived children. Positioning theory is used to show how the conventional voluntary – involuntary binary is insufficient for capturing their experiences. Childlessness was for some an active choice to break a family violence cycle; for others, it was an outcome of social upheaval. It evoked feelings of both grief and relief over time, it was seen as evidence of discernment in being unwilling to parent at any price, or it was something that felt “natural” within a meaningful life. Rates of childlessness are increasing; this research highlights the fact that pathways and meanings of childlessness vary so much that it is unwise to assume that people have similar experiences of nonparenthood, especially in later life.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - The present special issue (Philanthropy in China: Institutional and Social Factors) should also include the previously...  相似文献   

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