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花卷茶即前文所说的千两茶。因为千两茶的生产,劳动强度大、季节性强、生产效率低,1958年,为了提高产量,也是响应当时党的号召,努力提高机械化程度,减轻工人劳动强度,对产品工艺流程的更新,将花卷茶(干两茶)生产工艺、品质与黑砖茶的压制工序结合,  相似文献   

“三尖”是指天尖(又名湘尖一号)、贞尖(义名号)、生尖(湘又名尖三号)。“三尖”又叫“湘尖茶”,一、二、三号的总称。  相似文献   

被誉为“中国古丝绸之路上的神秘之茶”的茯砖茶,约在1860年左右问世,是我国西北地区少数民族“一日不可缺”的日常生活饮料。当时用湖南所产的黑毛茶踩压成90公斤一块的篾篓大包,运往陕西泾阳筑制茯砖。近代,湖南安化白沙溪茶厂经过反复试验,1953年终于在安化就地加工茯砖获得成功。现在益阳茶厂有限公司的拳头产品,就是茯砖。  相似文献   

刘平 《民族论坛》2012,(3):17-19
2011年11月26日-2012年2月16日,“楚风湘韵——湖南民艺民风民俗特展”先后在台北市松山文化园区、高雄市佛光山、台中市创意文化园区等地展出,吸引了近20万人次参观。省博物馆馆员、展览导览员刘平与省群众艺术馆非遗办专干、展览工作人员钟妍在特展工作之余,撰写了大量“特展日记”,真实记录了特展期间的情况,是两岸人民交流与学习最动人的见证。本刊现摘录她们的部分日记,以飨读者。  相似文献   

彭先泽(1902—1951年),安化小淹人,1919年留学日本,先后在东京帝国大学农学实科、帝国大学农学本科攻读8年。1927年回到祖国,先后在长沙修业学校农科、江苏省淮阴农校、浙江大学农学院(任教授)等处任教8年。  相似文献   

苗族鼓舞《迎宾鼓舞》 作为本次专场演出的开场舞——苗族鼓舞是以鼓为乐器和道具的一种舞蹈艺术形式,主要流传于湘西土家族苗族自治州境内。湘西苗族鼓舞的种类多达数十种,常见的有花鼓舞、猴儿鼓舞、女子单人鼓舞、男子单人鼓舞、团圆鼓舞等。  相似文献   

审美认同是审美人类学的重要概念与理论关键词。审美认同作为一个学科概念,它不仅拓展了审美人类学的问题域,而且是文化认同的核心部分,为探索人类精神、情感、意义、价值以及审美观念提供理论的支撑。全球化视域下的审美认同对共同体的建构具有重要的理论指导价值,可提升认同的层次、形成审美共识、重塑审美共同体。审美认同理论的本土性、时代性与创新性已然成为审美人类学当前的重要研究问题域,基于中国文化实践的审美认同理论可以构成审美人类学针对世界共同问题所给出的有效的中国方案。  相似文献   


This paper examines stateless nationalist and regionalist party (SNRP) discourses on immigration through an exploration of the economic dimensions of the centre-periphery cleavage. Using qualitative document analysis, the Republican Left in Catalonia (ERC) and the Scottish National Party (SNP) in Scotland are studied in order to see whether and how the relative economic position of a region shapes SNRP discourses on immigration. The period of analysis encompasses the last three terms of office for both parties, during which immigration and decentralisation have been very salient issues in Catalonia and Scotland. Results suggest that the relative economic situations and the economic crisis do not seem to affect general stances, which are positive in both regions. However, the economic contexts have an influence on how each party selects its main issues for debate, and the ways in which these are managed.  相似文献   

审美人类学视角下的南宁国际民歌艺术节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对原生态民歌和后现代民歌做出比较的基础上,从审美人类学角度,即运用人类学的实证方法从审美需要、审美能力、审美交流、审美意识形态等方面对南宁国际民歌艺术节做出阐释.由此得出,在当代社会,民歌面临一个发展的新契机,我们应该根据社会的现代需要在保存其人民性、民族性的基础上着重凸现民歌的现代美.  相似文献   

近日,“内蒙古东部经济历史文化研究基地”授牌仪式在我校霍林河校区举行。授牌仪式由副校长吉日木图主持,王顶柱校长作了工作汇报。内蒙古自治区党委宣传部副部长张太平授牌并讲话,张太平副部长在讲话中重点就如何加强“研究基地”的建设和研究工作提出三点要求:一是要加强整体研究,“研究基地”的经济历史文化研究要与内蒙古的经济历史文化和东三省的历史文化紧密相连,全面地探讨问题。  相似文献   

e basic conditions of our country are in the primary stage of socialism the author discusses the basic contents of two powers theory and explains his own viewpoints on public finance and distribution of its two attributes, the realizing form of ownershi  相似文献   

One of the most widely reported, yet ignored, Tibetan folk rituals concerns labtse. In westernliterature, the longest discussion of labtse is S. Hummel's, which appeared in Anthropos some 30years ago. There Hummel discussed the symbolic significance of labtse from the perspective of Kul-turkreislehre. Most writings on the subject, both in China and the west, seem to have followed inthe same epistemological footsteps. Studies of labtse have been dominated by what we shall call the  相似文献   

生态人类学从包含审美性 ,到实现审美化 ,最后走向生态审美学 ,形成了由局部到整体的审美走向。  相似文献   

Data from the Baseline Survey of the Hurricane Katrina Community Advisory Group Study (Kessler 2009) were used to explore the predictors of posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress among black (n?=?265) and white (n?=?715) adult survivors of Hurricane Katrina. We focus on the perceived quality of the governmental response and cognitive processing related to the response on posttraumatic outcomes, and whether there were racial group differences. We also consider the impact of demographic factors and severity of stress. Results of hierarchical linear regression showed that being black, older, having lower educational attainment, and experiencing greater perceived stress and loss during Katrina positively predicted greater posttraumatic growth. Being female, living below the poverty line, and experiencing greater perceived stress and loss positively predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms. More positive views of the governmental response were associated with greater posttraumatic growth and more negative views with greater posttraumatic stress symptomology. Moreover, it was found that race significantly moderated the effect between perceived quality of the response and posttraumatic stress. Subgroup analysis corroborated the interaction effect and showed that while perceived quality of the governmental response significantly predicted posttraumatic stress for black survivors, it was not a significant predictor for white survivors. This study sheds light on some of the factors and conditions under which positive and negative post-trauma outcomes occurred after Katrina. We propose that racial group differences in the impact of perceived quality of the response on posttraumatic stress may be related to views among some black survivors that the emergency response was discriminatory.  相似文献   

Most scholarly studies have tended to focus on the building of new and proposed mosques, and in particular how they are sites of conflict and contestation symbolic of wider “problems” associated with Muslims and Islam in the United Kingdom. This study focuses on an overlooked aspect within this, the extent to which attacks on mosques that are neither new nor proposed perform a similar symbolic function. Presenting new empirical evidence from research undertaken with ten mosques across the United Kingdom that had been targeted for attack, we begin by exploring the existing literature on the problematization of mosques using the lens of critical Islamophobia studies to do so. Setting out what is known about attacks on mosques in the British setting, empirical findings from the research are used to illustrate the type and manifestation of attacks experienced, going on to consider the drivers and catalysts for them. Exploring the similarities and differences between the conflict and contestation associated with new mosques and the attacks on mosques that are not new, this study concludes that some resonance exists in the symbolic function mosques continue to serve in the community. In conclusion, the significant resonance between Islamophobically motivated attacks against mosques with those against the individuals is considered.  相似文献   

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