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为弘扬和传承中华传统文化,全面贯彻党的教育方针,实施素质教育,笔者对定西市中小学书法课开展的基本情况、经验做法、存在困难及问题,以及今后的设想打算做了深入调查研究。  相似文献   

笔者认为狠抓素质教育的具体实施,努力培养大学生的创新思维秉性,强调"做中学"的实践理念,让大学生们"学会学习,学会做人",达成"教学做合而为一",才可使之成长为新时代的"宽口径"高素质创新型人才.  相似文献   

文章从现代教育技术对素质教育的意义及其给教学带来的影响两个方面阐述了现代教育技术在推行全面素质教育中的作用,并进一步阐述了现代教育技术对推进民族高校素质教育的重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对我国信息素质教育现状的分析与思考,简要阐述了信息素质教育的内涵及其重要意义,探讨了高校图书馆培养学生信息素质教育的途径、方法及其应注意的问题.  相似文献   

文章介绍了发展电化教育对实施素质教育过程的作用.随着应试教育的弊端越来越明显,更多的人在大声疾呼素质教育的实施,而随着教育现代化工程的启动,各级教育也已经认识到电化教育的重要作用.素质教育的实施离不开电化教育的有力支持,而素质教育的实施又打开了电化教育发展的新局面.目前,对于素质教育和电化教育都是一个实施和发展的大好时机,如果我们抓住这一有利时机,大力发展电化教烫育,推广和实施素质教育,努力向教育现代化的目标迈进,那么提高全民族素质就将不再仅仅是一个口号.  相似文献   

人文素质教育是高校培养社会主义政治文明建设者的重要途径.当前,中国高校人文素质教育和大学生的人文素质都存在着诸多问题,对大学生政治素质的培养和提高有着不良影响.因此,加强高校人文素质教育,当务之急是改革人文素质教育内容和课程设置、加强人文素质教育师资队伍建设.  相似文献   

民族贫困地区实施素质教育面临着应试教育的强大惯性阻力:对考试分数的片面追求;优质教育资源的稀缺;人才结构、社会舆论、德育工作、学校教育等方面的扭曲。民族贫困地区实施素质教育的对策是加大教育投入力度,改造薄弱学校,增加优质教育资源是少数民族贫困地区实施素质教育的关键;运用现代教育技术是推进少数民族贫困地区实施素质教育的捷径;学校端正教育思想,克服功利主义,寻找素质教育的有效方法和途径是民族贫困地区实施素质教育的保障。  相似文献   

实施素质教育是深化教育体制改革的重要内容之一。本文针对当前青海民族地区中小学实施素质教育存在的问题及困难,提出了加强素质教育的6点措施。  相似文献   

民族地区的素质教育关系到中华民族的整体素质,关系到中国的未来和发展,对实现中华民族的伟大复兴将产生重大而深远的影响。针对我国民族地区素质教育中存在的问题,采取切实可行的措施,加快民族地区素质教育的改革步伐,对落实科学发展观、全面建设小康社会,均具有极其重大的意义。  相似文献   

本文探讨了健康教育的含义,健康教育的目的和任务,素质教育的内涵,健康教育与素质教育之间的关系,健康教育的具体内容和措施,以及当前高校健康教育存在的问题等。阐述了健康教育在素质教育中的重要地位和作用。  相似文献   

伊斯兰的宗旨--兼及与儒家文明的对话   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儒家经典《大学》给人们设计了循序渐进地实现理想人生和完美社会的宏伟蓝图,勾勒出了“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”这条具有浓厚实践色彩的生命追求轨迹和精神升华阶梯。无独有偶,世界上还有另一条为人生铺设的进升道路,多少世纪来与儒家的道路平行递进。那就是伊斯兰为造就“善良的人类”而设计的“良好的个人、良好的家庭、良好的社会、善良的民族、良好的国家、善良的人类”这样环环紧扣、由小到大地实现人格完美和人类和谐的轨道。伊斯兰铺设的这条道路其起点和终点与儒家有殊途同归之妙。这就为伊儒两大文明的和平对话找到了适当的切入点,也为进一步合作提供了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between transnationalism and integration by examining the determinants of remittance-sending practices. We base our analysis on the premise that remittance-sending is shaped by a combination of the capacity and the desire of migrants to remit. The capacity to remit depends on access to funds that can be remitted, be it through wages, other income or savings. The desire to remit determines how remittance-sending is prioritised in relation to alternative expenditures. We assume that capacity is shaped by circumstances in the country of residence while desire depends on attachment and commitments in both the country of residence and the country of origin. Our analysis is based on survey data on immigrants in Norway (N=3,053). We find that economic integration is important for remittance-sending, and point to different mechanisms through which this effect could operate. Migrants' socio-cultural integration, however, appears not to have significant effects on remittance-sending. Our approach and results illustrate how different aspects of integration can have divergent impacts on transnationalism.  相似文献   

英国王富文 《民族学刊》2013,4(5):74-75,118-126
中国的苗族被分为三到四个族群,他们所讲的语言相互不通,而且在当前来看他们在文化上几乎没有共同之处。这些族群中的一支自称为“蒙”(Hmong)。在过去200年里,“蒙”苗从广西和云南不断移入越南和缅甸,然后进入老挝和泰国,并在那里的山地建起了小村寨。整个过程里他们与来自云南的回族和汉族保持着贸易关系。本文作者于1981至1982年在泰国北部做田野考察时,老人们仍然会讲汉语云南方言,而现在的他们已经忘记了汉语,只会讲他们自己的“蒙”语以及他们当前居住国的主要语言,如泰语、老挝语或者越南语。  相似文献   

本文以经济全球化为背景,分析了全球化对社会和文化的挑战,探讨了与之相关的人口安全等问题.在此基础上,从民族文化视角对人口安全问题进行了一定分析.  相似文献   


Within the literature on public opinion, the mainstream framework is that in-group and out-group attitudes are distinct phenomena, especially with regard to racial attitudes. Elsewhere, in the literature on race and nationalism, scholars have concluded that the United States subscribes to cultural, color-blind racism, that has predominantly replaced biological racism. To explain the context in which white supremacy is again a viable political force in American politics, this paper argues that notions of biological racism that predate the Civil Rights Movement remain potent and continue to underlie cultural racism, and that that these out-group attitudes are not independent of in-group attitudes. This paper focuses on a form of dehumanization-simianization, or the depiction of racial groups (in this case African-Americans) as apes, tracing its origins in Enlightenment-era scientific racism, its historical role in shaping U.S. race and class relations, and as its role in defining American citizenship as hierarchical. Moreover, this paper presents evidence of simianization in contemporary political discourse surrounding African-Americans in the United States. The paper seeks to synthesize the literature on public opinion and that on race and nationalism in order to shed new theoretical light on our thinking about the relationship between in-group and out-group attitude formation.  相似文献   

西藏在全国改革开放发生巨大变化的大背景下走上了生产发展、生态良好、人民生活水平不断提高的发展道路.但与全国改革开放的一般历程相比,西藏因社会发育程度、地理位置和环境、地缘政治、民族宗教、人口及素质等综合因素显示出自己独有特点,从而在实践经验与启示上都表现出一定的不同.文章根据西藏改革开放实践把30年划分为四个阶段,对西藏30年改革开放实践经验进行了基本梳理,并对今后更好更快地实施科学发展提出了一些启示.  相似文献   

马晴 《青海民族研究》2004,15(1):105-106
本文对20世纪30年代创办的《月华》杂志,进行了述评,同时,对刊物创办者马福祥对回族文化的贡献,给予客观公正的评价。  相似文献   

Western philosophy and Chinese wisdom seem incommensurable: one employs dialogue the other impromptu words. It seems as if the very notion of universality is tied to the Western notion of dialogue, and that dialogue between the two cultures necessarily will be on Western terms and put Chinese thought in a subaltern position. I show, on the contrary, that it is possible to develop a non-dialogical notion of universality based on Zhuangzi's impromptu words. I compare Zhuangzi's impromptu words with the function of the word in the later Heidegger, and show that it was on the basis of the universal dimension opened up by the impromptu word that Heidegger was able to encounter Chinese thought.  相似文献   

刘超 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):39-46,110-112
Western social scientists have fo-cused on the religion and ritual of China for a long time. Since modern times, a number of western si-nologists have committed themselves to conducting detailed and in-depth research on aspects of Chi-nese society and history in order to explain the be-liefs and practices of Chinese people. It is within such an academic background that Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, edited by Arthur Wolf, an American anthropologist, compiled a series of studies on the religions and rituals of Taiwan and Hong Kong done by fifteen western scholars from the 1950s to the 1970s. The advent of this book not only characterizes the western academic study of Chinese society and culture of that era, but also causes us to reflect on current research. This book is a work of great academic value, as well as serves as a model for the study of sinology in the field of western anthropology.  相似文献   

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