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"长鼓舞"在我国几个少数民族都有流传,各民族"长鼓舞"都极具自身民族特性,但是最具有代表性的就是朝鲜族的"长鼓舞".在朝鲜族舞坛上,"长鼓舞"作为一颗闪耀的明珠而存在,深受朝鲜族人们的欢迎.朝鲜族作为一个能歌善舞的民族,其"长鼓舞"有着悠久的历史以及蕴含着极高的美学价值,其中独具特色的乐器长鼓,更是起到了画龙点睛的作用.本文针对朝鲜族传统民间舞蹈"长鼓舞"进行若干思考.  相似文献   

"长鼓舞"在我国几个少数民族都有流传,各民族"长鼓舞"都极具自身民族特性,但是最具有代表性的就是朝鲜族的"长鼓舞"。在朝鲜族舞坛上,"长鼓舞"作为一颗闪耀的明珠而存在,深受朝鲜族人们的欢迎。朝鲜族作为一个能歌善舞的民族,其"长鼓舞"有着悠久的历史以及蕴含着极高的美学价值,其中独具特色的乐器长鼓,更是起到了画龙点睛的作用。本文针对朝鲜族传统民间舞蹈"长鼓舞"进行若干思考。  相似文献   

被称为"白衣民族"的朝鲜族是东北地区重要的少数民族,其中延边地区是其主要聚居地,朝鲜族不仅在历史上对抗日战争和抗美援朝战争的胜利做出了重大贡献,还与延边地区汉族一道开发、建设延边。本文特选取延边地区朝鲜族作为研究对象,追溯其历史渊源,找出朝鲜族社会现存的问题,为我国完善民族政策提供参考。  相似文献   

2013年7月5~7日,中国朝鲜民族史学会第二届第一次学术年会在北京顺利召开。本次年会以"新中国朝鲜族社会变迁史"为主题,交流和探讨建国以来朝鲜族社会在经济发展、人口、教育发展、民族史研究、民族认同、民族语言的使用与民族文化传统等方面的问题。会议选举产生了第二届理事会成员。  相似文献   

十一五"期间,东北朝鲜族村整体步入"小康社会"。这一成果得益于新农村建设的成就。率先全面步入"小康社会"的东北朝鲜族开始以新农村建设为契机全面建设小康社会,它们的发展可以成为少数民族新农村建设的典范。从建设示范性、发展超前性、产业优势性和地缘族缘优势性研究东北朝鲜族新农村建设的特点,总结"十一五"东北朝鲜族新农村建设,为"十二五"民族地区的新农村建设提供一个值得借鉴的发展思路。  相似文献   

朝鲜族是我国55个少数民族之一,其丰富多彩的民族服饰,既是该民族思想意识和精神风貌的体现,又是该民族文化的重要组成部分;客观分析了朝鲜族服饰的历史渊源和艺术演变,依常服、礼服分别阐述了男女服饰的特征,从服饰造型、图案和色彩等方面分析了朝鲜族服饰的艺术特色,从自然崇拜和图腾崇拜等视角概述了朝鲜族服饰艺术蕴含的民族文化信息,并提出保护与传承朝鲜族服饰的对策措施。  相似文献   

刀舞是朝鲜族文化的一个不可缺少的部分,随着民族的迁徒,作为人体文化的民族舞蹈也被带入中国,迁入这片土地之后,不仅传承了本民族的传统舞蹈文化,而且根据中国的社会生活、文艺方针发展了民族舞蹈,使朝鲜族舞蹈文化在中国这片土地上发扬光大。其中朝鲜族舞蹈"刀舞",以快速敏捷、穿刺有力、细腻中有粗犷,其刚柔并济的舞式、洒脱的风格,使刀舞具有表现朝鲜族民族英勇气概的典型性,也是我国艺术文化的瑰宝。本文以朝鲜族刀舞为研究对象。对朝鲜族刀舞的由来,历史演变过程、风格特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

刀舞是朝鲜族文化的一个不可缺少的部分,随着民族的迁徒,作为人体文化的民族舞蹈也被带入中国,迁入这片土地之后,不仅传承了本民族的传统舞蹈文化,而且根据中国的社会生活、文艺方针发展了 民族舞蹈,使朝鲜族舞蹈文化在中国这片土地上发扬光大.其中朝鲜族舞蹈"刀舞",以快速敏捷、穿刺有力、细腻中有粗犷,其刚柔并济的舞式、洒脱的风格,使刀舞具有表现朝鲜族民族英勇气概的典型性,也是我国艺术文化的瑰宝.本文以朝鲜族刀舞为研究对象.对朝鲜族刀舞的由来,历史演变过程、风格特点进行了分析.  相似文献   

朝鲜族服饰蕴含了朝鲜族不同历史发展阶段的文化特征,其面料及其制作工艺也有着悠久的历史传统,简洁明快和色彩和谐统一的朝鲜族服饰更是成为朝鲜族人民的历史文化和审美文化的统一。讲究通过物象传神韵的朝鲜族服饰是区别于其他民族的服饰特征,简洁和谐的自然美趋势也渗透到朝鲜民族的特征之中,成为一种服饰上的独特审美情趣,演变成为朝鲜族服饰的整体优势。  相似文献   

朝鲜族服饰蕴含了朝鲜族不同历史发展阶段的文化特征,其面料及其制作工艺也有着悠久的历史传统,简洁明快和色彩和谐统一的朝鲜族服饰更是成为朝鲜族人民的历史文化和审美文化的统一.讲究通过物象传神韵的朝鲜族服饰是区别于其他民族的服饰特征,简洁和谐的自然美趋势也渗透到朝鲜民族的特征之中,成为一种服饰上的独特审美情趣,演变成为朝鲜族服饰的整体优势.  相似文献   

清前期北京旗人满文房契研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在刊布十件满文房产契书的基础上 ,对清前期北京旗人房产交易的形式、内容、特点进行了初步考察 ,指出至迟到乾隆前期 ,八旗内部已经存在典、抵押、活卖、绝卖等多种不动产转让形式。本文还对满文契书中所蕴涵的有关北京旗人语言应用情况的信息作了分析  相似文献   

张文 《民族研究》2002,(2):63-72
宋朝的社会救济事业在中国古代历史上是较为发达的,对少数民族的赈济是其中一个重要方面。其对西北(北方)地区少数民族的赈济,以安定边地社会为主要目的,方式上以生活性接济为主;对西南及南方地区少数民族的赈济,则是在国家势力南进及对该地区进行经济开发的过程中配合实施的,因此,方式上以生产型济助为主;对东北及北方地区少数民族的救济,则以笼络怀柔为主,方式上以居养安置为常见。这些措施的实施,对于进一步团结少数民族,稳定和巩固社会政治统治,促进少数民族地区社会经济发展,起到了一定的积极作用。从性质上看,两宋对少数民族的赈济仍属传统怀柔政策的延续,但也发生了明显的转变,即从对少数民族上层分子象征性的笼络逐渐转向对少数民族普通民众务实性的物质援助。  相似文献   

华北地区祈雨仪式中的男性社会组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了华北地区祈雨仪式中的男性组织的构成如社首、保水、善愚、鼓乐方阵、仪仗队、叫雨者等及他们各自的活动职责和功能。  相似文献   

The economic crisis has not yet produced alarming cases of racism and social conflict in Spain. However, as we shall analyse, there are indications that ‘immigrants’ are considered one of the first populations to be disposed of in times of crisis. A preference for nationals is increasing among traditional parties, alongside the rise of political parties with anti-immigrant agendas. Unemployment rates among the foreign born population are disproportionate in comparison with those of the native population. Migration policies that link residence permits to the possession of an employment contract have resulted in disturbing rates of irregularity. Health regulations have been amended to prevent irregular immigrants from accessing ‘universal’ health care. Police raids occur in public places to detain and expel undocumented immigrants, and ‘hospitality’ towards irregular immigrants is considered a criminal offence by a new reform in the Penal Code. As a parallel trend that is repeated in other European countries in times of austerity, we shall identify a depletion of universal rights, detention, and deportation as alienating strategies and technologies that are used to redefine the relations between citizens and ‘others’ within the contemporary citizenship regime. Leaning on Engin Isin's critical perspective on citizenship, this article argues that under the circumstances of crisis and austerity that harry Spain, the ‘immigrant’ is constructed as a disposable category, not only to balance the labour market and welfare state, but also to reinforce the notion of the national citizen as a subject of rights.  相似文献   

廷辩是元朝特殊的政治运作方式和决策形式。廷辩的举行、结果的认定和最后的处理,都由皇帝决定。故谓之廷辩。它采用当事人双方当面对质、对辩的形式,论争某一具体事件或人物的是非功罪。廷辩多发生在忽必烈朝。由此追溯至蒙元之际佛道(全真教)三次大辩论,可以认为,廷辩是蒙古民族性在统治理念和方式上的体现。此后,成宗、武宗朝间或有之,后即未见,可知蒙古贵族的统治方法也显出逐渐汉化的轨迹。  相似文献   

青海少数民族大学生英语学习的障碍和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
少数民族学生的英语学习普遍存在一些问题,如何解决这些问题是民族院校英语教师亟待研究的课题。本篇通过分析民族学生在英语学习中存在的问题及其原因,探讨了针对民族学生的主要策略和方法。  相似文献   

诗人朱湘和顾城之死,在中国新诗史上震动较大,曾经是评论界关注的两个热点。作为纯粹诗人和童话诗人对艺术的追求和执著,朱湘与顾城有相似之处,而他们之间的差别又是相当明显朱湘把生命的意义沉醉在诗歌创作中,至于顾城,却将生活等同于诗歌。朱湘和顾城都是十分相信艺术功能的诗人,而他们的艺术世界又存在着一个本质的区别诗歌之于朱湘,是梦想的港湾,精神的支柱,希望的寄托。而顾城,却因他对“个人主体”的沉迷和对自然的发现,力图营造一个脱离现实的幻型大厦。  相似文献   


The distaste for the work of a colonial official, so clearly expressed in George Orwell's 'Shooting an Elephant', is often seen as reflecting a straightforward liberal commitment to freedom. This interpretation misrepresents both Orwell's standpoint and the character of liberal political reason. As a doctrine of government, liberalism is indeed committed to ruling over, and as far as possible to ruling through, the activities of free individuals. But it has also taken the view that substantial portions of humanity consist of individuals who are not -- or not yet -- capable of acting in a suitably autonomous fashion. This view results in a division of the world into settings in which individuals can normally be trusted to conduct themselves as autonomous rational agents and other settings in which they cannot be trusted to behave in this fashion. Examination of the consequences of this view for the practice of colonial government suggests a different interpretation of Orwell's account: it reflects a cultivated liberal's distaste, on the one hand, for working with and living among people he clearly regarded as inferior and, on the other, for the dirty work of paternalistic rule. A short concluding section considers the post-colonial liberal condition.  相似文献   

This article examines the Singaporean model of “secularism” and its impact on the relations between the Singaporean government and the minority Muslim community in Singapore. While the Singaporean state defines itself as secular, its policies do not depict a strict dichotomy between religion and state. This paper argues that the obscure nature of secularism in Singapore has led to tensions on several issues between the government and Muslim community due to differing perceptions of what Singaporean secularism means. The first section of the paper deals with the concept of secularism as defined by the Singaporean state and examine the historical factors that led to the provision of special rights to Muslims in Singapore. The paper will then analyse the legal positions of institutions such as the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura, MUIS) and the Syariah court which are tasked with managing Islamic affairs in Singapore. Lastly, the paper will analyse how the unique definition of secularism in Singapore led to tensions between the government and the Muslim community. These cases included the headscarf controversy that erupted in 2002 and 2013, the madrasah controversy in 1999, foreign policy issues and terrorism. The paper concludes by drawing a trajectory of the future relations between the Singaporean government and the Muslim community.  相似文献   

论元代中书省的本质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
元史学界主流意见认为,元代的中书省基本上是一汉式宰相机构。本文围绕制度设计和实际运作两项内容,从元代宰相制度与唐宋等朝代宰相制度的比较、元代尚书省和门下省设置风波、中书省与行省关系、中书省与怯薛关系等方面,论证了元代的中书省尽管拥有汉式官署名称和官职称号,但本质上并不是传统宰相制度的自然发展,而是大蒙古国时期大断事官机构的延续。  相似文献   

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