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We introduce here the truncated version of the unified skew-normal (SUN) distributions. By considering a special truncations for both univariate and multivariate cases, we derive the joint distribution of consecutive order statistics X(r, ..., r + k) = (X(r), ..., X(r + K))T from an exchangeable n-dimensional normal random vector X. Further we show that the conditional distributions of X(r + j, ..., r + k) given X(r, ..., r + j ? 1), X(r, ..., r + k) given (X(r) > t)?and X(r, ..., r + k) given (X(r + k) < t) are special types of singular SUN distributions. We use these results to determine some measures in the reliability theory such as the mean past life (MPL) function and mean residual life (MRL) function.  相似文献   

We are considering the ABLUE’s – asymptotic best linear unbiased estimators – of the location parameter μ and the scale parameter σ of the population jointly based on a set of selected k sample quantiles, when the population distribution has the density of the form
where the standardized function f(u) being of a known functional form.A set of selected sample quantiles with a designated spacing
or in terms of u=(x−μ)/σ
λi=∫−∞uif(t) dt, i=1,2,…,k
are given by
Asymptotic distribution of the k sample quantiles when n is very large is given by
h(x(n1),x(n2),…,x(nk);μ,σ)=(2πσ2)k/212−λ1)(λk−λk−1)(1−λk)]−1/2nk/2 exp(−nS/2σ2),
fi=f(ui), i=0,1,…,k,k+1,
f0=fk+1=0, λ0=0, λk+1=1.
The relative efficiency of the joint estimation is given by
and κ being independent of the spacing . The optimal spacing is the spacing which maximizes the relative efficiency η(μ,σ).We will prove the following rather remarkable theorem. Theorem. The optimal spacing for the joint estimation is symmetric, i.e.
ui+uki+1=0, i=1,2,…,k,
if the standardized density f(u) of the population is differentiable infinitely many times and symmetric
f(−u)=f(u), f′(−u)=−f′(u).

We consider here a generalization of the skew-normal distribution, GSN(λ1,λ2,ρ), defined through a standard bivariate normal distribution with correlation ρ, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-normal distribution studied recently by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574]. We then present some simple and useful properties of this distribution and also derive its moment generating function in an explicit form. Next, we show that distributions of order statistics from the trivariate normal distribution are mixtures of these generalized skew-normal distributions; thence, using the established properties of the generalized skew-normal distribution, we derive the moment generating functions of order statistics, and also present expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.Next, we introduce a generalized skew-tν distribution, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-elliptical distribution presented by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574] and is in fact a three-parameter generalization of Azzalini and Capitanio's [2003. Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew t distribution. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 65, 367–389] univariate skew-tν form. We then use the relationship between the generalized skew-normal and skew-tν distributions to discuss some properties of generalized skew-tν as well as distributions of order statistics from bivariate and trivariate tν distributions. We show that these distributions of order statistics are indeed mixtures of generalized skew-tν distributions, and then use this property to derive explicit expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.  相似文献   

i , i = 1, 2, ..., k be k independent exponential populations with different unknown location parameters θ i , i = 1, 2, ..., k and common known scale parameter σ. Let Y i denote the smallest observation based on a random sample of size n from the i-th population. Suppose a subset of the given k population is selected using the subset selection procedure according to which the population π i is selected iff Y i Y (1)d, where Y (1) is the largest of the Y i 's and d is some suitable constant. The estimation of the location parameters associated with the selected populations is considered for the squared error loss. It is observed that the natural estimator dominates the unbiased estimator. It is also shown that the natural estimator itself is inadmissible and a class of improved estimators that dominate the natural estimator is obtained. The improved estimators are consistent and their risks are shown to be O(kn −2). As a special case, we obtain the coresponding results for the estimation of θ(1), the parameter associated with Y (1). Received: January 6, 1998; revised version: July 11, 2000  相似文献   

n possibly different success probabilities p 1, p 2, ..., p n is frequently approximated by a Poisson distribution with parameter λ = p 1 + p 2 + ... + p n . LeCam's bound p 2 1 + p 2 2 + ... + p n 2 for the total variation distance between both distributions is particularly useful provided the success probabilities are small. The paper presents an improved version of LeCam's bound if a generalized d-dimensional Poisson binomial distribution is to be approximated by a compound Poisson distribution. Received: May 10, 2000; revised version: January 15, 2001  相似文献   

Let Π1,…,Πk be k populations with Πi being Pareto with unknown scale parameter αi and known shape parameter βi;i=1,…,k. Suppose independent random samples (Xi1,…,Xin), i=1,…,k of equal size are drawn from each of k populations and let Xi denote the smallest observation of the ith sample. The population corresponding to the largest Xi is selected. We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter of the selected population and obtain the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) when the shape parameters are assumed to be equal. An admissible class of linear estimators is derived. Further, a general inadmissibility result for the scale equivariant estimators is proved.  相似文献   


Least squares estimator of the stability parameter ? ? |α| + |β| for a spatial unilateral autoregressive process Xk, ? = αXk ? 1, ? + βXk, ? ? 1 + ?k, ? is investigated and asymptotic normality with a scaling factor n5/4 is shown in the unstable case ? = 1. The result is in contrast to the unit root case of the AR(p) model Xk = α1Xk ? 1 + ??? + αpXk ? p + ?k, where the limiting distribution of the least squares estimator of the unit root parameter ? ? α1 + ??? + αp is not normal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the reliability of a system with k components. The system functions when at least s (1≤s≤k) components survive a common random stress. We assume that the strengths of these k components are subjected to a common stress which is independent of the strengths of these k components. If (X 1,X 2,…,X k ) are strengths of k components subjected to a common stress (Y), then the reliability of the system or system reliability is given byR=P[Y<X (k−s+1)] whereX (k−s+1) is (k−s+1)-th order statistic of (X 1,…,X k ). We estimate R when (X 1,…,X k ) follow an absolutely continuous multivariate exponential (ACMVE) distribution of Hanagal (1993) which is the submodel of Block (1975) and Y follows an independent exponential distribution. We also obtain the asymptotic normal (AN) distribution of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the inferential aspect of the nonparametric estimation of a conditional function , where X t,m represents the vector containing the m conditioning lagged values of the series. Here is an arbitrary measurable function. The local polynomial estimator of order p is used for the estimation of the function g, and of its partial derivatives up to a total order p. We consider α-mixing processes, and we propose the use of a particular resampling method, the local polynomial bootstrap, for the approximation of the sampling distribution of the estimator. After analyzing the consistency of the proposed method, we present a simulation study which gives evidence of its finite sample behaviour.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider a (k + 1)n-dimensional elliptically contoured random vector (XT1, X2T, …, XTk, ZT)T = (X11, …, X1n, …, Xk1, …, Xkn, Z1, …, Zn)T and derive the distribution of concomitant of multivariate order statistics arising from X1, X2, …, Xk. Specially, we derive a mixture representation for concomitant of bivariate order statistics. The joint distribution of the concomitant of bivariate order statistics is also obtained. Finally, the usefulness of our result is illustrated by a real-life data.  相似文献   

The Hinde–Demétrio (HD) family of distributions, which are discrete exponential dispersion models with an additional real index parameter p, have been recently characterized from the unit variance function μ + μ p . For p equals to 2, 3,…, the corresponding distributions are concentrated on non negative integers, overdispersed and zero-inflated with respect to a Poisson distribution having the same mean. The negative binomial (p = 2) and strict arcsine (p = 3) distributions are HD families; the limit case (p → ∞) is associated to a suitable Poisson distribution. Apart from these count distributions, none of the HD distributions has explicit probability mass functions p k . This article shows that the ratios r k  = k p k /p k?1, k = 1,…, p ? 1, are equal and different from r p . This new property allows, for a given count data set, to determine the integer p by some tests. The extreme situation of p = 2 is of general interest for count data. Some examples are used for illustrations and discussions.  相似文献   

The authors consider a finite population ρ = {(Yk, xk), k = 1,…,N} conforming to a linear superpopulation model with unknown heteroscedastic errors, the variances of which are values of a smooth enough function of the auxiliary variable X for their nonparametric estimation. They describe a method of the Chambers‐Dunstan type for estimation of the distribution of {Yk, k = 1,…, N} from a sample drawn from without replacement, and determine the asymptotic distribution of its estimation error. They also consider estimation of its mean squared error in particular cases, evaluating both the analytical estimator derived by “plugging‐in” the asymptotic variance, and a bootstrap approach that is also applicable to estimation of parameters other than mean squared error. These proposed methods are compared with some common competitors in simulation studies.  相似文献   

Consider a parallel system with n independent components. Assume that the lifetime of the jth component follows an exponential distribution with a constant but unknown parameter λj, 1≤jn. We test rj components of type-j for failure and compute the total time Tj of rj failures for the jth component. Based on T=(T1,T2,…,Tn) and r=(r1,r2,…,rn), we derive optimal reliability test plans which ensure the usual probability requirements on system reliability. Further, we solve the associated nonlinear integer programming problem by a simple enumeration of integers over the feasible range. An algorithm is developed to obtain integer solutions with minimum cost. Finally, some examples have been discussed for various levels of producer’s and consumer’s risk to illustrate the approach. Our optimal plans lead to considerable savings in costs over the available plans in the literature.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of bivariate empirical copula process 𝔾 n (·, ·) on pavements [0, k n /n]2 of [0, 1]2, where k n is a sequence of positive constants fulfilling some conditions. We provide a upper bound for the strong approximation of 𝔾 n (·, ·) by a Gaussian process when k n /n↘γ as n → ∞, where 0 ≤ γ ≤1.  相似文献   

Let X(1,n,m1,k),X(2,n,m2,k),…,X(n,n,m,k) be n generalized order statistics from a continuous distribution F which is strictly increasing over (a,b),−a<b, the support of F. Let g be an absolutely continuous and monotonically increasing function in (a,b) with finite g(a+),g(b) and E(g(X)). Then for some positive integer s,1<sn, we give characterization of distributions by means of


Repeated measurement designs are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, animal sciences and psychology. If there is a restriction on the total number of treatments, some experimental units can receive on the total length of time while some experimental units can remain in the trial, then repeated measurements designs with unequal period sizes should be used. In this article, some infinite series are developed to generate the minimal balanced repeated measurement designs in periods of three different sizes p1, p2 and p3, where 2?≤?p3?<?p2 ≤ 10 and p2?<?p1.  相似文献   

x 1, ..., x n+r can be treated as the sample values of a Markov chain of order r or less (chain in which the dependence extends over r+1 consecutive variables only), and consider the problem of testing the hypothesis H 0 that a chain of order r− 1 will be sufficient on the basis of the tools given by the Statistical Information Theory: ϕ-Divergences. More precisely, if p a 1 ....., a r: a r +1 denotes the transition probability for a r th order Markov chain, the hypothesis to be tested is H 0:p a 1 ....., a r: a r +1 = p a 2 ....., a r: a r +1, a i ∈{1, ..., s}, i = 1, ..., r + 1 The tests given in this paper, for the first time, will have as a particular case the likelihood ratio test and the test based on the chi-squared statistic. Received: August 3, 1998; revised version: November 25, 1999  相似文献   

Let Xi be nonnegative independent random variables with finite expectations and . The value is what can be obtained by a “prophet”. A “mortal” on the other hand, may use k1 stopping rules t1,…,tk yielding a return E[maxi=1,…,kXti]. For nk the optimal return is where the supremum is over all stopping rules which stop by time n. The well known “prophet inequality” states that for all such Xi's and one choice and the constant “2” cannot be improved on for any n2. In contrast we show that for k=2 the best constant d satisfying for all such Xi's depends on n. On the way we obtain constants ck such that .  相似文献   

Let T2 i=z′iS?1zi, i==,…k be correlated Hotelling's T2 statistics under normality. where z=(z′i,…,z′k)′ and nS are independently distributed as Nkp((O,ρ?∑) and Wishart distribution Wp(∑, n), respectively. The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution function F(x1,…,xk) of (T2 i,…,T2 k) when n is large. First we derive an asymptotic expansion of the characteristic function of (T2 i,…,T2 k) up to the order n?2. Next we give asymptotic expansions for (T2 i,…,T2 k) in two cases (i)ρ=Ik and (ii) k=2 by inverting the expanded characteristic function up to the orders n?2 and n?1, respectively. Our results can be applied to the distribution function of max (T2 i,…,T2 k) as a special case.  相似文献   

The bootstrap variance estimate is widely used in semiparametric inferences. However, its theoretical validity is a well‐known open problem. In this paper, we provide a first theoretical study on the bootstrap moment estimates in semiparametric models. Specifically, we establish the bootstrap moment consistency of the Euclidean parameter, which immediately implies the consistency of t‐type bootstrap confidence set. It is worth pointing out that the only additional cost to achieve the bootstrap moment consistency in contrast with the distribution consistency is to simply strengthen the L1 maximal inequality condition required in the latter to the Lp maximal inequality condition for p≥1. The general Lp multiplier inequality developed in this paper is also of independent interest. These general conclusions hold for the bootstrap methods with exchangeable bootstrap weights, for example, non‐parametric bootstrap and Bayesian bootstrap. Our general theory is illustrated in the celebrated Cox regression model.  相似文献   

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