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政府不再大包大揽,而是通过向社会力量购买服务,满足社会对养老、教育等方面的需求。近日,来自江西省财政部门消息,江西省出台的《关于政府向社会力量购买服务的实施意见》提出,2014年就教育、养老等领域服务将向社会启动政府购买服务试点工作,2015年进一步扩大试点。  相似文献   

在人工智能时代,佛山市在 " 以居家养老为基础 , 社区养老为补充 " 的养老服务建设体系下不断探索本土特色的社区养老服 务模式。在人工智能优势,佛山政策利好优势。市场广阔优势上进一步深化。在社区养老的基础上 ,,通过强化政府监督机制、加大社会 参与力度、提高专业人员素质以及激活社区活力等有效举措 , 实现佛山市社区养老服务的提质增效 , 助力智慧养老服务模式的全面发展。  相似文献   

沧浪区成功打造了一个“围墙是虚拟的、养老是实在的、运作是科学的、服务是优质的”,且能够覆盖全区老人需求的新型养老机构——“邻里情虚拟养老院”江苏省苏州市沧浪区60周岁以上的老年人占户籍人口22.6%。近年来,沧浪区以“9064”养老格局为目标(即让90%的老人享受居家养老,6%的老人享受社区养老,4%的老人享受机构养老),加大政府投入和引导,广泛引入社会力量,积极打造10分钟养老服务圈。初步形成以居家养老为基础,社区养老为依托,机构养老为补充,涵盖老年人日常生活照料、医疗康复、精神慰藉等内容的养老服务体系。  相似文献   

居家养老服务是指政府和社会力量依托社区,为居家的老人提供生活照料、康复护理和精神慰藉等方面的服务形式。老年人在家中就能享受到便捷、周到的社会化的各种为老服务,这是符合我国现实国情和传统文化的养老方式,也是国家应对人口老龄化的重要举措。我们在建设居家为基础、社区为依托、机构为支撑的新型社会养老服务体系中,居家养老服务蕴含着巨大的发展潜能和商机。苏州市沧浪区虚拟养老院于20007年在全国率先将现代信息技术引入居家养老服务,通过公共呼叫平台加社会化养老服务方式创新了居家养老服务的手段,扩大了居家养老服务的范畴,提升了居家养老服务的水平。  相似文献   

国务院总理李克强日前主持召开国务院常务会议,会议确定了深化改革加快发展养老服务业的任务措施,会议指出,我国是老年人口最多的国家,已达1.94亿,老龄化发展迅速.加快发展养老服务业,既能弘扬中华民族敬老优良传统、满足老年人多层次需求、提高生活质量,又能补上服务业发展"短板"、释放有效需求、催生上千万就业岗位.要在政府"保基本、兜底线"的基础上,锐意改革创新,发挥市场活力,推动社会力量成为发展养老服务业的"主角",到2020年全面建成以居家为基础、社区为依托、机构为支撑的覆盖城乡的多样化养老服务体系,把服务亿万老年人的"夕阳红"事业打造成蓬勃发展的朝阳产业,使之成为调结构、惠民生、促升级的重要力量.  相似文献   

社区居家养老服务是社会养老服务体系的依托和基础,也是近年来地方党委、政府社会建设的突破点和惠民亮点。为进一步加快全国社区居家养老服务发展,民政部今年开展了多项工作:一是在积极推广农村互助养老服务试点经验,加快了农村社区居家养老服务的探索发展。二是加强了发展评估工作,  相似文献   

1970年进入老龄化社会后,日本的社会养老问题日益突出。为了更好地解决养老问题,满足老年人的需求。日本政府从本国实际状况出发。通过对一系列政策、制度的完善,引导社会各方力量加入到社区老年服务当中,并最终在满足老年人需求的社区服务方面取得了相当成绩。  相似文献   

我国目前是世界上老年人人口最多、增速最快的国家,养老事业面临巨大压力。在传统的家庭养老逐渐弱化,以及机构养老不再适应多数老年人需求的情况下,社区居家养老有着先天的地缘优势。合理推进社区居家养老首先要优化社区居家养老服务,通过增进社区居民的归属感和认同感,提供丰富化养老服务、整合资源、政府为相关政策提供保障。  相似文献   

当前上海社会养老机构供给不充分,总需求难以得到有效满足,市场配置机构养老资源的作用尚未充分发挥.国外近年来通过市场机制来配置养老服务资源的特点非常显著,养老机构产业化趋势日盛,机构的服务层次多元、服务内容专业,与之配套的养老需求评估和补贴制度完善.未来上海应进一步明晰政府与市场在机构养老领域的职能边界,转变政府履职方式;推动养老机构服务市场化纵深发展,形成适度规模、产业多元、互相渗入的机构养老业态.  相似文献   

北京市东城区积极落实北京市“九养”政策,将精神关怀作为重点工作之一,紧紧围绕老年人、残疾人的精神服务需求,组织动员社会力量,按照政府购买服务和志愿服务相结合、专业服务和日常关怀相结合的原则,实施“1113”精神关怀工程,即搭建1个精神关怀服务平台;引入1批专业心理咨询服务机构;街道层面建立1个心理健康咨询站;培育由社区心理健康辅导员、社区志愿者、养老(助残)员组成的3支专、群结合的服务队伍,建立了覆盖全区的养老(助残)精神关怀服务体系,为老年人和残疾人提供精神慰藉和心理咨询服务。  相似文献   

科学评估上海养老服务发展的实施效应,借鉴国外的成功经验,针对当前上海养老服务发展中的问题,建议优化政策设计理念,适应养老服务现实需求;实现政策全盘考虑,确保养老政策体系完整;统筹规划养老事业,实现政策操作部门联动;健全政策配套措施,提高养老政策实施效应;整合政策服务资源,推进养老政策功能健全;强化政策引导作用,激发行业参与养老活力.  相似文献   

Les auteures analysent le concept du «choix>> dans le travail des aidants naturels filiaux. Dans la documentation théorique et empirique sur le travail des aidants naturels, une dichotomie entre le «choix>> et l'«obligation>> est considérée comme une construction sociale. Néanmoins, cette dichotomie ne reflète pas adéquatement les expériences familiales de fourniture de soins; par exemple, le choix et l'obligation ne constituent pas des motivations mutuellement exclusives. Ils sont plutôt «relationnels>>, «contextuels>> et manifestes dans l'interaction entre des macro et des microcontextes. La dichotomie choix-obligation est également idéologique. Sur le plan de la politique morale, elle fait la promotion du déchargement de la responsabilité des gouvernements sur les familles, elle obscurcit la complexité des relations filiales et peut même promouvoir l'ambivalence psychologique.
In this paper, we discuss the concept of "choice" in filial care work. A dichotomy between choice and obligation is constructed in theoretical and empirical literature on filial care work. However, this dichotomy does not adequately reflect family caregiving experiences; for instance, choice and obligation are not mutually exclusive motivations. Rather, choice and obligation are "relational" and "contextual" and manifest in the interaction between macro- and micro-contexts. The choice-obligation dichotomy is also ideological. At the moral-political level, it promotes the downloading of responsibility by governments to family, obscures the complexity of filial relationships, and may even promote psychological ambivalence.  相似文献   

Home Care     
The utility of examining the effectiveness of home care is illustrated by selected examples and applications. The growth rate of home care over the past decade, regarding the possibly substantial differenccs between the quality of home care in rural and urban America, and empirical evidence that suggests inferior quality of home care for health maintenance organization patients support the need for measuring and monitoring outcomes of home care. The conclusions of a research program targeted at developing a system of outcome measures for home care, and the resulting national demonstration program to implement and refine that system, are summarized.  相似文献   

Long-Term Care     
This study examines the redistributive effects of public pensions on old-age income inequality, testing whether public pensions function as the “great equalizer.” Unlike the well-known alleviating effect of public pensions on old-age poverty, the effects of public pensions on old-age income inequality more generally have been less examined, particularly outside Western countries. Using repeated cross-sectional data of elderly Koreans between 1998 and 2010, we applied Gini coefficient decomposition to measure the impact of various income sources on old-age inequality, particularly focusing on public pensions. Our findings show that, contrary to expectations, public pension benefits have inequality-intensifying effects on old-age income in Korea, even countervailing the alleviating effects of public assistance. This rather surprising result is due to the specific institutional context of the Korean public pension system and suggests that the “structuring” of welfare policies could be as important as their expansion for the elderly, particularly for developing welfare states.  相似文献   

谢淑萍  曹艳 《科学发展》2022,(2):99-104
我国正处于人口大国向人力资本强国转变的重大战略机遇期,立足国情,遵循规律,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,能够最大限度发挥人口对经济社会发展的能动作用,牢牢把握战略主动权,积极应对生育水平持续走低的风险,统筹解决人口问题,为全面建成社会主义现代化强国创造良好的人口环境.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated administrator and facility-related predictors of quality of care in long-term care facilities. Quality was measured using several unmet standards of care identified in the last inspection report of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (2007). Supplemental data were gathered from surveys mailed to all 602 long-term care administrators in Ontario, Canada, 302 of whom completed the questionnaire. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to test sets of hypotheses linking characteristics of administrators and those of the long-term care facility to quality of care. Education and experience as an administrator in a participant's current position had a moderate positive influence on quality of care; however, negative associations were found between administrator salary and effort devoted to resident care problems and quality of care. In addition, smaller facilities, being located in less populated communities, and administrators with a nursing background significantly affected quality of care in a positive manner.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on human relational factors and their impact on complex care systems for a highly vulnerable population of children and young people in out‐of‐home care (OOHC). Factors contributing to the functioning of collaborative OOHC systems are reviewed from theoretical and contextual perspectives. The authors posit that secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma are central to understanding the impact of relational trauma and the experience of individuals, families, teams, and the wider ecology of collaborative care systems. Given the challenges of working collaboratively across interpersonal, family, and systems boundaries to support traumatised children in OOHC, further research is required.  相似文献   

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