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This study was designed to examine the links between parenting, children's perceptions of family relationships, and children's social behavior. Seventy‐four children (M age=6.01 years; 39 boys; 35 girls) and their parents took part in the study. Children completed relationship‐oriented doll stories that were coded for coherence, prosocial themes, and aggressive themes. Parents completed a report of their child's social behavior, a parenting scale, and a number of demographic items. Teachers also completed measures of children's social competence and externalizing behavior. Warm parenting predicted both a child's representation of prosocial themes in the doll stories and social competence, whereas harsh parenting predicted both a child's use of aggressive themes in the doll stories and a child's externalizing behavior. These findings support the idea that children are constructing models of relationships out of the early interactions with caregivers, and that they use these representations to guide their social behavior.  相似文献   

This essay is an abbreviated study of revenge; its ubiquity, its function in maintaining biological and psychological order, balance and stability of one's sense of self, and its place with respect to a community's laws, religions and culture. Also commented on are its connections to feelings of spite, envy and guilt, and to the concepts of fairness, justice and harmony.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relevance of terms such as resilience and recovery when analysing earthquake stories recorded for the Women's Voices/Ngā Reo o Ngā Wahine Project after the sequence of earthquakes and aftershocks in Christchurch, New Zealand's second-largest city, in 2010–2011. While the media focused on stories of victims, the heroic work of rescue teams, policy, army and firefighters, or the deliberations of national and local politicians, the National Council of Women of New Zealand wanted to ensure that women's everyday quake experiences were recorded for posterity. The outcome was an oral history project that documented the stories of women all over the city, both beneficiaries of earthquake support and those active in assisting others. Their narratives illustrate how resilience in the face of natural hazard events, such as this earthquake sequence, requires effort, ingenuity and imagination, but also the activation of multiple actor networks and relevant technologies. These ‘insider stories’ also highlight the ways in which expectations of ‘resilience’ can obscure vulnerability after natural hazard events and the complex and uneven processes associated with ‘recovery’. The relevance of critical reflections on discourses of resilience is explored through attention to the stories of specific women.  相似文献   

The Disney parks—Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida—presented a radical refinement and departure from the traditions of the amusement park: the theme park. Designed for the values of long distance travel, suburban lifestyle, family life, the major vacation excursion, and the new visual culture of telecommunications, these places have grown to attain the status of national popular culture capitals. Because of their importance to American life, these institutions have suffered more than their share of attacks as key symbols ofpopular culture. Like all such targets of elitist ire (led by such accusations as “plastic” and “mindless”), the Disney parks must be experienced carefully and studied closely to see beyond these simplistic slings and arrows. Emerging from this study was a contention directly opposed to the common wisdom of the theme parks' futuristic and artificial nature: they may in fact serve as cultural preserves for the most nostalgic images and dreams of a nation. They are a very special kind of museum, of course—of past and future not as they were or will be but as popular taste has shaped and nurtured them in the collective imagination. The Disney “archive” of Americana is thus highly valuable as a display of popular thought on every featured theme.  相似文献   

Anyone tolerably versed in American literature will realize that we could have devoted our entire collection to attitudes toward death in American literature. Such a collection could be tightly organized and valuable, but it might also be redundant for an audience which consists primarily of loosened-up literary folk to begin with. So we offer, instead of standard selections, a group of essays which, though they are about death in literature, use literature as a vehicle for discussing either theoretical or practical interpretations of death in American society and letters. Karen Campbell's essay, “Poetry as Epitaph,” uses Emily Dickinson's poetry to illustrate and embody current international theories about death and language. We place this contribution first in this section because it serves as a transition between Gravestones and Epitaphs and Death in Literature: Dickinson was writing at the same historical moment discussed by Kenneth Ames in “Ideologies in Stone,” a fact the reader may wish to remember while reading “Poetry as Epitaph;” and Karen Campbell treats Dickinson's poetry as epitaphic in style and genre. Sonia Gernes' “Life After Life: Katherine Anne Porter's Version” uses Porter's “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” to illustrate and make provocative suggestions about Raymond Moody's theses in Life After Life. Leslier Fiedler's contribution is an extract from a speech given under the auspices of an organization studying the humanist's response to child abuse, and is part of a series of lectures on that subject. He discusses infanticide through literature and then through popular culture. Marvin Kohl takes issue with some of Professor Fiedler's conclusions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present and analyse the ethical dilemmas involved in presenting research findings that describe abused women's parenting practices in a negative light. The study was based on data collected by in‐depth interviews for the purpose of examining the turning point among 20 Israeli abused women who refused to live with violence and took active steps to stop it while staying with the perpetrator. Overall the analysis indicated successful survival stories but the women's parenting practices became questionable. This raised dilemmas as to how to present such findings and what are the ethical implications related to interventions with abused women.  相似文献   

When just four years ago (January 27, 1988) my essay "The Queen of Evidence," about the unforgettable procurator Vyshinsky, was published in Literaturnaia gazeta, there were few who paid attention to a short paragraph about one of the final acts of the period of the Great Terror: the murder of a young and talented lawyer at the hand of a paid provocateur. Against the background of bloody courtrooms and millions of executed, the story, told then in a few lines, seemed, if not trivial, at least commonplace and incapable of striking anyone's imagination. And so it probably is, but new discoveries in the archives have prompted me to revisit that tragic subject. Not only to retrieve from nonexistence the good name (which was not given in "The Queen of Evidence") of the gifted scholar V. Ia. Livshits, who for no reason whatsoever received a bullet in the back of the head, but also to show with what fascinating simplicity the executioner's cynicism of the period turned an outstanding, even brilliant personality into a chained dog of the persecutors.  相似文献   

This article explores how caseworkers are re‐constructing disability in the Danish welfare system and disciplining themselves and clients according to the active labour policy paradigm. Combining Foucault's ideas about discipline with Maynard‐Moody and Musheno's method of interpreting street‐level bureaucrats' stories ( Foucault 1977 ; Maynard‐Moody and Musheno 2003 ), we analyze caseworkers' stories about their clients, fellow caseworkers and themselves to understand how they practice the ideology behind active labour policy. Our analysis uses Møller's (2009 ) interviews with 24 Danish caseworkers who administer social welfare and sick leave benefits based on disability as the primary eligibility criterion. We selected stories told by caseworkers that exemplify archetypes of good and bad citizens, good and bad clients, and good and bad caseworkers. Through interpretative analysis, we elucidate how caseworkers make sense of active labour policy and internalize the pressures of managerial reforms to discipline both citizens and each other.  相似文献   

李平 《阅江学刊》2010,(2):111-115
林语堂1936年离开上海,开始了30年的海外创作生涯。他连续在美国出版《吾国与吾民》、《生活的艺术》、《瞬息京华》等畅销书,名震一时。但是林语堂的英文写作,早在1927年就开始了,而且有些作品先在中国出版,后在美国再版。通过比较分析这两个文本在文化方面内容的处理差异,探讨林语堂面对不同语境、不同读者时所采取的不同写作策略,以及该策略对当今的华裔文学研究、汉英翻译研究和跨文化研究的意义,可以看出,林语堂的作品在中关的差异主要体现在写作技巧上,而非写作题材上。  相似文献   

This essay reconstructs Marx's relationship to democracy and liberalism through an examination of his early work which was directly concerned with the issues of understanding democracy as a kind of society. Only with an analysis of the dynamics of civil society—a political economic, sociological, and historical understanding—could the true nature of citizenship be discerned. In contradistinction to liberal political theory, he would argue that political theory could not stand on its own if it analyzed only the state. Marx came to understand the contradiction between the liberal state and civil society as what he called a sophistry because it undermined the possibility of the democratic agency of workers. This was a sophistry, not because he opposed political democracy, but because the development of capitalism undermined the possibility of democratic agency. Citizenship could be nothing but a “lion's skin” of politics concealing the nature of civil society beneath it. This contradiction would drive Marx's thought forward as he moved from liberalism to democratic socialism with his developing understanding of the structure and dynamics of capitalism from 1843 until the end of his life. The essay illustrates two closely related claims about Marx's thought regarding liberalism and democracy. First, I argue that Marx engaged in a democratic critique of liberalism; second, and as a response to his democratic critique of liberalism, Marx developed a more sociological understanding of democracy, and hence believed that political democracy was a necessary condition of freedom, though not a sufficient condition.  相似文献   

Evelyn S. Newlyn's essay is concerned with two issues: the popularity of the fable tradition and Henryson's use of it to comment on various social and political ills. The fable has a long history as a form of literature designed not only to entertain but to instruct, and Henryson's creativity with the form is evidenced in his use of it to address social issues, as well as to incorporate moral instruction with entertainment. The popular representation of various social classes, with all their follies, and the hard-nosed look at the failure of certain institutions such as the law and the Church, reveal Henryson's awareness of reality as he perceives it.  相似文献   

All visitors to Disneyland and Walt Disney World must enter the “magic kingdoms” by way of Main Street, U.S.A.—the Disney version of a small town landscape of around the turn of the century, the “classical period” in American streetscape evolution. Extending far beyond its park setting, Disney's idealized Main Street (along with the overall design of which it is a part) is “one of the most successfully designed streetscapes in human history,” and has exerted enormous impact. Its design and images have influenced city and new town planning and the restoration of real Main Streets across the country, inspiring architectural restoration philosophy and practice; in short, writing an important chapter in the history of America's fondest image of itself. It was in fact from the ranks of planners and designers, not academic intellectuals or even social commentators (who scorned and reviled Disney's creations), that the initial awareness and appreciation of theme parks as structures and images came, as a leading edge in the breakthrough in perception of popular environments which has occurred only within the past decade. Richard Francaviglia is concerned with the architecture and design of Main Street U.S.A. as it preserves, controls, modifies and perpetuates a central collective image. But he goes further, comparing the original articulation in California with the Florida version a design generation later. What is ultimately revealing is the contrast of both of these related but distinct ideals within the parks to Main Street as it actually existed.  相似文献   

This essay draws on critical disability studies and blindness studies to rethink our commonsense understanding of vision and unsettle the normative sensory subject that is lodged in visual culture studies. Through a disability studies critique of visual culture studies and a juxtaposition of blind studies alongside the canonical images of the “male gaze” and the “white gaze” this paper argues that (visual) difference does not exist in the world waiting to be seen, but that difference is produced in visual power relations. This essay proposes that the possibilities of visual culture are determined by structures of seeing, rather than physiology or optics, arguing that as long as visual culture and social justice studies are lodged within a Cartesian conception of the subject, they falter in conceptualizing the social construction of perception and difference, for they have not destabilized the “distribution of the sensible” (Rancière) of their own epistemic tradition. Race, gender, and disability are apprehended here not primarily as identity categories, but as possibilities of the body that develop(ed) in tandem in complex socio-historical formations.  相似文献   

For almost a century, scholars have held the conviction that Max Weber's methodology was based upon neo-Kantian philosophy. This belief was founded on the idea that Weber's methodology was dependent on the neo-Kantianism of Weber's Freiburg colleague and friend Heinrich Rickert. This idea began with Rickert himself and then was promoted by his student Alexander von Schelting. This belief was then passed down through numerous American scholars to the point that today, sociologists have the conviction that Weber's writings on method are tied directly to those of Rickert. In light of this, one may suggest that this conviction has been transformed into dogma. However, as will be demonstrated in this essay, Weber's methodological ideas are fundamentally different from those of Rickert and that is based upon the fact that Weber's methodological goals were fundamentally different from those of Rickert.  相似文献   

In 2010–2011, the Crystal Cathedral Ministry, one of the world's most respected Christian megachurches (Frankl, 1990), endured a series of crisis events culminating with a court ordered sale of its property. This signaled the end of Robert H. Schuller's ministry. This research analyzes dozens of news stories published during the crisis, documenting that the ministry failed to effectively use the media to communicate on vital issues. This failure exacerbated the crisis by allowing, unchecked, a proliferation of news stories portaying the ministry as out of touch, and Schuller family members as quarreling spendthrifts. Despite Schuller's decades of service, national prominence, and ‘positive thinking’ focus, his ministry was overcome by the materialism he purported to stand against. The rapid downfall is an extraordinary event within Christian televangelism. Examining media reporting of it allows important conclusions to be reached about any organization's communication with media gatekeepers in a time of crisis.  相似文献   


This essay chronicles the impact of a patient's suicide on the therapist, reflecting on the initial trauma, the therapist's repeated attempts to deal with the loss, and her ultimate physical collapse. Time off from work began the healing of her physical symptoms, and the spontaneous writing and immediate sharing of her raw and unformulated feelings with a writing group she had just joined, began the process of grieving which, until this point, had only been known physically. Working and re-working this essay kept her safely, but affectively connected to the loss and gave her experiential understanding of the adaptive function of somatization, leading finally to the acceptance of the limitations of both patient and therapist.  相似文献   

《大西洋宪章》是"二战"期间英美两国首脑首次会晤最重要的成果,它的诞生不仅标志着英美两国政治同盟的形成,也对后来反法西斯大同盟和联合国的建立产生了重要影响。但英美两国的战略处境不同,致使所抱的预期目标差距甚大。罗斯福的主要目标是想发表一个能阐述战争目的和重建战后世界和平秩序构想的联合宣言,而丘吉尔则期望通过会晤来解决英国当时所面临的一系列现实问题。然而,作为"求援者"来参会的丘吉尔最终不得不屈从于罗斯福,二人会晤后所发表的《大西洋宪章》也主要体现了罗斯福的思想和意志。重温这次英美首脑会晤以及《大西洋宪章》在战后所产生的作用,对当下中美两国在太平洋地区构建新型大国关系颇有启示。  相似文献   

This essay explores the role of values in relation to nonprofit organisations' performance. The centrality of values to performance is explored in relation to staff productivity and motivation, investment in organisational development and leadership from both CEOs and Boards. An argument is developed that values are central to the performance of nonprofit organisations. Despite calls for nonprofit organisations to become more “business‐like”, this essay argues that the third sector's performance is directly related to the mission driven nature of our organisations.  相似文献   

美国在如何对中国实施遏制的问题上举棋不定,陷入困境。为此,本文将建立一个多阶段两国博弈模型,即战略困境模型。该模型将从理论上对美国的战略困境进行解释。同时,通过对该模型的分析和其后的经验论证,系统分析相对实力的变化所导致的美国战略困境,以及该困境下美国将做出的战略选项。本文认为,这一结论既能解释当前美国对华政策所表现出的两面性,又预测了未来美国的战略动向。  相似文献   

Nineteenth-century Europe produced numerous religious communal societies, some of which emigrated to the United States. One, the Amana Colonies, survived in its communal form until 1932, at which time it switched to a free enterprise system. Financial information relating to the society's 59 businesses is used to analyze its conversion. The study finds that the society's bookkeeping methods severely handicapped the ability of the leadership to make economically rational decisions. In a time of major macroeconomic stress (the Farm Depression and the Great Depression), the tide of financial losses exhausted the society's resources. The economic activities of the Amanites are compared with those of two viable contemporary groups: the Hutterites and the Israeli kibbutzim.  相似文献   

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