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Let {Xn} be a generalized autoregressive process of order ρ defined by Xnn(Xn-ρ,…,Xn-1)-ηm, where {φn} is a sequence of i.i.d. random maps taking values on H, and {ηn} is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables. Let H be a collection of Borel measurable functions on RP to R. By considering the associated Markov process, we obtain sufficient conditions for stationarity, (geometric) ergodicity of {Xn}.  相似文献   

Fix r ≥ 1, and let {Mnr} be the rth largest of {X1,X2,…Xn}, where X1,X2,… is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with distribution function F. It is proved that P[Mnr ≤ un i.o.] = 0 or 1 according as the series Σn=3Fn(un)(log log n)r/n converges or diverges, for any real sequence {un} such that n{1 -F(un)} is nondecreasing and divergent. This generalizes a result of Bamdorff-Nielsen (1961) in the case r = 1.  相似文献   

Summary Let {X n } be a sequence of random variables conditionally independent and identically distributed given the random variable Θ. The aim of this paper is to show that in many interesting situations the conditional distribution of Θ, given (X 1,…,X n ), can be approximated by means of the bootstrap procedure proposed by Efron and applied to a statisticT n (X 1,…,X n ) sufficient for predictive purposes. It will also be shown that, from the predictive point of view, this is consistent with the results obtained following a common Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

{Xn, n≥1} are independent and identically distributed random variables with continuous distribution function F(x). For j=1,…,n, Xj is called a near-record up to time n if Xj ∈ (Mna, Mn], where Mn = max1≤j≤n {Xj} and a is a positive constant. Let Zn(a) denote the number of near-records after, and including the maximum observation of the sequence. In this paper, the distributional results of Zn(a) are considered and its asymptotic behaviours are studied.  相似文献   

In this article, let {X1, …, Xn} be a sequence of negatively associated random variables and {ani, 1 ? i ? n, n ? 1} be a triangular array of constants. Several almost sure convergence theorems for the weighted sums ∑ni = 1aniXi are established.  相似文献   

Let {Xn}{Xn} be a stationary sequence with marginal distribution in the domain of attraction of a max-semistable distribution. This includes all distributions in the domain of attraction of any max-stable distribution and also other distributions like some integer-valued distributions with exponential type tails such as the Negative Binomial case. We consider the effect of missing values on the distribution of the maximum term. The pattern of occurrence of the missing values must be either iid or strongly mixing. We obtain the expression of the extremal index for the resulting sequence.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,… be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables, and let Y n , n = K, K + 1, K + 2,… be the corresponding backward moving average of order K. At epoch n ≥ K, the process Y n will be off target by the input X n if it exceeds a threshold. By introducing a two-state Markov chain, we define a level of significance (1 ? a)% to be the percentage of times that the moving average process stays on target. We establish a technique to evaluate, or estimate, a threshold, to guarantee that {Y n } will stay (1 ? a)% of times on target, for a given (1 ? a)%. It is proved that if the distribution of the inputs is exponential or normal, then the threshold will be a linear function in the mean of the distribution of inputs μ X . The slope and intercept of the line, in each case, are specified. It is also observed that for the gamma inputs, the threshold is merely linear in the reciprocal of the scale parameter. These linear relationships can be easily applied to estimate the desired thresholds by samples from the inputs.  相似文献   

Let {Xn, n ? 1} be a sequence of asymptotically almost negatively associated (AANA, for short) random variables which is stochastically dominated by a random variable X, and {dni, 1 ? i ? n, n ? 1} be a sequence of real function, which is defined on a compact set E. Under some suitable conditions, we investigate some convergence properties for weighted sums of AANA random variables, especially the Lp convergence and the complete convergence. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund-type strong law of large numbers for AANA random variables is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents two simple non-Gaussian first-order autoregressive markovian processes which are easy to simulate via a computer. The autoregressive Gamma process {Xn:} is constructed according to the stochastic difference equation Xn:=Vn:Xn?1+?n:, where {?n:} is an i.i.d. Exponential sequence and {Vn:} is i.i.d. with Power-function distribution defined on the interval [0,1). The autoregressive Weibull process {Xn:} is constructed from the probabilistic model Xn:= k.min (Xn?1:, Yn:) where {Yn:} is an i.i.d. Weibull sequence and k > 1.  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete random variable the set of possible values (finite or infinite) of which can be arranged as an increasing sequence of real numbers a1<a2<a3<…. In particular, ai could be equal to i for all i. Let X1nX2n≦?≦Xnn denote the order statistics in a random sample of size n drawn from the distribution of X, where n is a fixed integer ≧2. Then, we show that for some arbitrary fixed k(2≦kn), independence of the event {Xkn=X1n} and X1n is equivalent to X being either degenerate or geometric. We also show that the montonicity in i of P{Xkn = X1n | X1n = ai} is equivalent to X having the IFR (DFR) property. Let ai = i and G(i) = P(X≧i), i = 1, 2, …. We prove that the independence of {X2n ? X1nB} and X1n for all i is equivalent to X being geometric, where B = {m} (B = {m,m+1,…}), provided G(i) = qi?1, 1≦im+2 (1≦im+1), where 0<q<1.  相似文献   


Let {Xn, n ? 1} be a sequence of negatively superadditive dependent (NSD, in short) random variables and {bni, 1 ? i ? n, n ? 1} be an array of real numbers. In this article, we study the strong law of large numbers for the weighted sums ∑ni = 1bniXi without identical distribution. We present some sufficient conditions to prove the strong law of large numbers. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund strong law of large numbers for NSD random variables is obtained. In addition, the complete convergence for the weighted sums of NSD random variables is established. Our results generalize and improve some corresponding ones for independent random variables and negatively associated random variables.  相似文献   

Let {Xt} be the stationary AR(p) process satisfying the difference equation Xt=β1Xt−1 + … + βpXtp+εt, where {εt} is a sequence of iid random variables with mean zero and finite variance. Motivated by a goodness of fit test on the true errors {εt}, we are led to study the asymptotic behavior of the quantile process based on residuals (the residual quantile process). Particularly, we concentrate on the deviations between the residual quantile process and the empirical process based on the true errors. In this asymptotic study, it is shown that the deviations converge to zero in probability uniformly over certain intervals with specific order as sample size increases. Here, these intervals are allowed to vary with the sample size n and converge to the unit interval as n goes to infinity. Then, based on our result and the strong approximation result of Csörgö and Révész (1978), we propose a goodness of fit test statistic of which limiting distribution is the same as of a functional form of a standard Brownian bridge.  相似文献   

Consider an infinite sequence of independent random variables having common continuous c.d.f. F. For 1 ⩽ in, let Xi:n denote the ith order statistic of the first n random variables, and let {X(n), n ⩾ 1} be the sequence of upper record values. We examine the similarities and differences between the dependence structures of the Xi:n's and the X(n)'s, with an emphasis on the latter. We present an interesting situation involving a characterization of F using the moment sequence of records. We obtain characterizations based on the properties of certain regression functions associated with order statistics, record values, and the original observations. We discuss the resemblance between some known and some new characterizations based on order statistics, record values and those based on the properties of truncated F.  相似文献   

The supremum of random variables representing a sequence of rewards is of interest in establishing the existence of optimal stopping rules. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for existence of moments of supn(Xn ? cn) and supn(Sn ? cn) where X1, X2, … are i.i.d. random variables, Sn = X1 + … + Xn, and cn = (nL(n))1/r, 0 < r < 2, L = 1, L = log, and L = log log. Following Cohn (1974), “rates of convergence” results are used in the proof.  相似文献   

A paramecer-free Bernstein-type upper bound is derived for the probability that the sum S of n i.i.d, unimodal random variables with finite support, X1 ,X2,…,Xn, exceeds its mean E(S) by the positive value nt. The bound for P{S - nμ ≥ nt} depends on the range of the summands, the sample size n, the positive number t, and the type of unimodality assumed for Xi. A two-sided Gauss-type probability inequality for sums of strongly unimodal random variables is also given. The new bounds are contrasted to Hoeffding's inequality for bounded random variables and to the Bienayme-Chebyshev inequality. Finally, the new inequalities are applied to a classic probability inequality example first published by Savage (1961).  相似文献   

If (X1,Y1), …, (Xn,Yn) is a sequence of independent identically distributed Rd × R-valued random vectors then Nadaraya (1964) and Watson (1964) proposed to estimate the regression function m(x) = ? {Y1|X1 = x{ by where K is a known density and {hn} is a sequence of positive numbers satisfying certain properties. In this paper a variety of conditions are given for the strong convergence to 0 of essXsup|mn (X)-m(X)| (here X is independent of the data and distributed as X1). The theorems are valid for all distributions of X1 and for all sequences {hn} satisfying hn → 0 and nh/log n→0.  相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2, … be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with some continuous distribution functionF. LetX(n) be then-th record value associated with this sequence and μ n , μ n + be the variables that count the number of record values belonging to the random intervals(f−(X(n)), X(n)), (X(n), f+(X(n))), wheref−, f+ are two continuous functions satisfyingf−(x)<x, f+(x)>x. Properties of μ n , μ n + are studied in the present paper. Some statistical applications connected with these variables are also provided.  相似文献   

A sequence {Xn, n≥1} of independent and identically distributed random variables with absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesque measure) cumulative distribution function F(x) is considered. Xj is a record value of this sequence if Xj>max(X1,…,Xj?1), j>1. Let {XL(n), n≥0} with L(o)=1 be the sequence of such record values and Zn,n?1=XL(n)–XL(n?1). Some properties of Zn,n?1 are studied and characterizations of the exponential distribution are discussed in terms of the expectation and the hazard rate of zn,n?1.  相似文献   

In this paper, we obtain some results for the asymptotic behavior of the tail probability of a random sum Sτ = ∑τk = 1Xk, where the summands Xk, k = 1, 2, …, are conditionally dependent random variables with a common subexponential distribution F, and the random number τ is a non negative integer-valued random variable, independent of {Xk: k ? 1}.  相似文献   

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