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田香兰 《社会工作》2008,(24):47-49
2007年开始,日本“团块世代”按照企业60岁退休制度陆续退休。团块世代一直支撑着日本技术。因此,“团块世代”退休给企业造成技能继承问题。日本政府出于缩减社会保障支出的考虑,制定了65岁退休的政策。基础年金也从65岁开始给付。这给“团块世代”带来就业压力。同时,也给企业的继续雇佣和国家的社会保障及财政带来沉重的负担。  相似文献   

日本的老人看护保险制度与社会福利政策的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄威 《日本研究》2002,(3):95-96,F003
一、老人看护保险制度建立的背景及必要性   (一 )日本老龄化的现状和趋势。联合国将 65岁以上的人口占总人口比例超过 7%的现象 ,称为人口老龄化。根据日本国立社会保障·人口问题研究所的人口统计资料集数据 ,目前日本 65岁的人口占总人口的 1 7% ,2 0 1 0年达到 2 2 % ,而  相似文献   

从高龄化视角看日本的社会保障与财政   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎莉 《日本研究》2006,(4):25-29
战后日本经济的高速发展带来的强大财政收入,为社会保障的发展提供了强大支撑,使日本的社会保障的规模不断扩大,内容不断充实。另一方面,随着人口高龄化的发展,日本的社会保障不断膨胀,成为导致国家财政危机的主要因素之一。预计随着老龄化的进一步发展,年金和医疗等社会保障费用支出将不断扩大,在现行日本经济长期低迷情况下,将会给财政带来更加严重的负荷。因此,目前要摆脱财政危机的对策只能对年金和医疗制度等进行改革,控制社会保障费用的支出。  相似文献   

马琼 《东西南北》2014,(18):64-65
日本政府规定,夫妇离婚,养老金必须平分。一辈子都埋头工作、完全不会做家务的工薪男在退休之际,丰厚的养老金被妻子领走一半后,经常会被当成垃圾扫地出门。"不工作,会早死!"就职于东京一家印刷公司的香山先生说,"我退休后还想继续工作。"不只是香山,多数日本人都有此想法。不久前,日本政府针对35-64岁日本人老龄期工作意愿进行了调查。结果显示,31.4%的受访者表示将工作至65岁才退休,20.9%的受访者希望到70岁退休,另有25.  相似文献   

日本人口老化的速度很快:在1亿1930万日本人中65岁以上的占9.9%.与老年人占整个人口15%强的欧洲国家相比,如果这个比例显得很低的话,那么从现在到本世纪末,可能会有明显的提高.日本人的平均寿命超过了冰岛人:日本人的平均寿命1945年达到50岁,目前男子是74.2岁,女子是79.8岁,也许会很快超过80岁.总之,日本政府对老年人问题极为关注,已开始重新研究退休制度和医疗保险制度.老年人的大量增加主要是由于1947—1949年生育高峰后出生率逐渐下降造成的.在这三年生育  相似文献   

20世纪初至40年代中叶,日本对我国东北进行了近40年的移民侵略,给中国人民带来了极大的灾难和痛苦,中国人民痛失世代赖以生存的土地,被迫沦为日本移民的佃农及长工。刺刀威逼下的疯狂劫掠与欺压,使中国人民倍受凌辱与伤害。日本移民亦成为日本移民侵略政策的受害者和牺牲品。  相似文献   

日本雇佣体制转变的社会影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上个世纪90年代后,伴随着日本经济泡沫的破灭,日本传统的终身雇佣和年功序列的雇佣体制出现重大转变。一方面社会上出现了大量的失业人员,另一方面非正式员工的数量急剧增加;而同时年功序列的工资体系也逐渐被“成果主义”的工资体系所代替。雇佣体制的变化给日本人的生活、社会的贫富差距以及人们的价值观念带来很大的影响,并且在社会保障和职业教育等方面给日本社会提出了许多新的课题。  相似文献   

日本社会保障制度的转折——简析日本护理保险制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
今年4月1日,日本护理保险制度开始实施,其口号是“由全社会支撑老年人”。这一制度的实施标志着日本社会保障制度已经开始转折,说明日本社会保障制度所提供的服务正在由“政府主导型”向个人与事业经营体之间的“契约型”转变。日本社会保障制度形成于20世纪20年代,在战后取得长足发展,基本形成了综合性的社会保障体系。但是,随着经济形势的变化和社会的发展,日本从70年代末80年代初便开始不断地对社会保障制度进行改革。目前日本进行的社会保障结构改革是日本政府的“六大改革”之一,而护理保险制度的建立被认为是社会保障制度改革的第一步…  相似文献   

老龄化、低出生率——日本无法破解的难题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈鸿斌 《日本学刊》2003,(3):105-117
日本正面临前所未有的老龄化和低出生率的凶猛潮流冲击。急剧攀升的老龄化将使日本本已难以为继的财政进一步陷入困境 ,政府的财政开支将面临更为严峻的考验。而低出生率不仅将使日本的人口结构急剧恶化 ,今后的劳动力供应也将出现问题。60岁以上的老年人和妇女不断加入劳动大军 ,加剧了日本的失业率。这是日本从未经历过的挑战。没有一个长远的社会保障规划 ,日本将很难克服老龄化和低出生率带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

日本的看护保险制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王莹 《社会》2003,(11):55-57
人口老龄化是当今世界各国面临的重大社会问题之一,已经引起国际社会的广泛关注。1997年日本颁布了《看护保险法》,并于2000年4月1日起开始施行,这是继日本健康保险和养老保险制度之后最新出台的社会福利保险项目,是一项社会保障式的家庭护理保险制度,也是日本社会保障制度改革的第一步,这说明了日本的社会保障模式正在由“政府主导型”向“社会主导型”转变。  相似文献   

Estimates of effective retirement age based on labour force participation rates are commonly used for actuarial experience review and policy development. However, the transition from work to retirement and the socio‐economic environment have evolved over the years, influenced by a growing role for gradual retirement and the labour market impact of the 2008 economic crisis. Rather than focusing exclusively on retirement ages based on labour force participation rates, this article presents complementary estimates of retirement ages to better assess the effective retirement age from employment. It also introduces the concept of retirement from full‐time employment, showing that the retirement age from full‐time employment is systematically lower than the retirement age from employment. The results reveal that the trend towards an increase in the retirement age has been impacted by economic conditions when considering the effective employment of older workers. Results are presented for different Member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development over the period 2005–2015.  相似文献   

In the UK early withdrawal from the labour market is seen as a risk and a cost, worsening the dependency ratio, raising public and private pension costs and threatening additional welfare expenditure over the longer term. Explanations of the retirement process have focused on the welfare state and the impact of pensions and other social security policies. This paper argues that a missing actor in these accounts is the employing organization. Early retirement in the UK has been predominantly driven by the labour requirements of employers rather than state policies to encourage older workers to take early retirement. There is a case for arguing that significant change in retirement behaviour in the UK will come primarily from the modification of employers’ policies. This research is a case study of three employers: one public‐sector and two commercial. It examines the dynamics of the retirement decision. This paper reports the public‐sector case. The findings indicate that employers, in order to reduce their pensions liabilities and stem the cost of early retirement, are trying to regain control of the retirement process. The employees interviewed felt they experienced little choice concerning their retirement, had limited knowledge of the options open to them and found pensions complicated and confusing.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom there has been a shift away from policies promoting early retirement towards an emphasis on extended, fuller working lives. This article examines the nature of policy change in this area and prospects for individuals remaining in work longer. Pension ages for men and women are rising rapidly and by 2028 are likely to reach 67 years. Cash benefits for those out of work before state pension age are becoming harder to access and incentives for working beyond 65 are being enhanced. In this context, restrictions have been placed on the use of mandatory retirement ages by employers. Employees have also been granted the right to request flexible employment. However, a lack of coordinated policy up until now means that important challenges exist with regard to extending working lives. Ill‐health and low levels of qualifications limit the employment prospects of many older people, particularly among those in the poorest segments. Likewise, retention rates of older workers may have improved, but prospects for recruitment in older age remain poor. Policies focusing on the individual have also not yet recognised the extent to which employment in older age is influenced by the household and wider family context.  相似文献   

Economic growth, more than demography, will determine the nature of future retirement. With growth has come a steady increase in retirement years. Now, however, there is increasing interest in "rolling back" these gains. Alternatively, some scholars propose a different framework for evaluating "work" late in life — one that includes altruism, citizenship, stewardship, creativity, and the search for faith. Attitudes toward retirement in the future are likely to move sharply away from the simplistic view of all work before retirement and no work after. Some of the resulting changes we can expect to see are more part-time work, expanded "citizen participation," and an older workforce with more training and retraining.  相似文献   

Australia's retirement income arrangements had reached a policy crossroad by the early 1980s. Not unlike the proverbial slippery fish, the goals and roles of its constituent elements were very difficult to grasp. The ensuing reforms of the 1980s and 1990s brought increasing coherence to these arrangements. Some of the more recent changes, however, have once again introduced policy slipperiness through creating a system that is at odds with the intent of the earlier reform efforts. Indeed, Australia's retirement income arrangements have morphed into a system whose function is no longer simply to protect workers from the loss of earned income arising from retirement. The ‘zenith’ of this situation was reached in July 2007 when the major changes in superannuation announced in the 2006 federal budget took effect. Thus, Australia is once again back at a policy crossroad as far as her retirement income arrangements are concerned.  相似文献   

We examine the 10-year follow-up effects on retirement saving of an individual development account (IDA) program using data from a randomized experiment that ran from 1998 to 2003 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The IDA program included financial education, encouragement to save, and matching funds for several qualified uses of the saving, including contributions to retirement accounts. The results indicate that as of 2009, 6 years after the program ended, the IDA program had no impact on the propensity to hold a retirement account, the account balance, or the sufficiency of retirement balances to meet retirement expenses.  相似文献   

This study examined whether retirement implies complete withdrawal from the labor force and the role that increased wealth and income play in regard to the nature of retirement. Data came from the Health & Retirement Study, Waves 1-5. Findings indicated that most study sample pre-retirees remained in the labor force as they moved into what are considered the normal retirement years. As they moved on average from 50+ years of age to 60+ years of age, increasing percentages of study sample pre-retirees reported themselves as completely retired. Those who viewed themselves as completely retired were far less likely to work than those who did not view themselves as completely retired. Of particular importance was the finding that increased income in 2000 decreased the likelihood of self-reported complete retirement. Equally important was the finding that increased assets had no effect on retirement status with the exception of survey year 1998 when increased assets decreased the likelihood of viewing oneself as completely retired. Findings suggested that pro-work retirement policies aimed at increasing labor force participation among pre-retirees and increasing the normal retirement age can be effective. Five pro-work policies were discussed.  相似文献   

汉代官员的休假与退休制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王志凯 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):65-66
官员为政期间的正常休假和年老退休 ,是我国自古至今官员所享受的基本福利待遇和国家对官员的一项管理制度 ,这两项制度的正式形成和普遍推广实行 ,始于汉代。正是这两项制度的普遍推行 ,才从人事管理制度方面保证了国家机器的正常运转和政治、经济等方面的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

推迟退休年龄是应对人口老龄化的重要措施.利用第六次人口普查汇总数据,以40岁为年龄起点分析从中年到老年就业参与状况,并结合"五普"数据运用队列分析方法探讨老年人口就业状况的变化轨迹.结果显示,在法定退休年龄处,人口在业比例有一个明显的下降梯度,但法定退休年龄对老年群体的就业行为影响程度存在明显的城乡差异.城镇人口在业比例在50-60岁间明显下降,而农村人口在业比例下降则发生在60岁以后.此外,在业老年人口中超过80%为农村老年劳动力.虽然当前在农村地区并未实行退休制度,但农村养老金的发放以退休年龄为起点,因此,在调整退休年龄时需要特别关注农村老人,避免养老金的延迟发放使其陷入贫困和老无所依.  相似文献   

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