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陕西法门寺地宫出土的文物不但数量大、等级高、品类多,而且器型宏大、造型丰富,多数成组配套,丰富的装饰纹样是其突出特点.唐代工匠用鎏金、錾刻、模冲、彩绘等工艺手法,在这些华贵厚重的器物上做出丰富多样、繁缛、精美的装饰纹样,显示出意蕴深厚的佛教艺术特征、浓郁的中国传统文化特色,体现了中西文化的完美融合.这些造型和装饰纹样,集唐代造型和装饰纹样之大成,是唐代多元化的文化和艺术风格的完美再现.它在不同的场合、以不同的形式,表达着唐人博大的精神情怀和审美情趣,是研究唐文化、佛教文化的珍贵实物依据.  相似文献   

鄂伦春族是位于我国东北边疆的少数民族之一,民族文化源远流长,他们利用当地丰富的自然资源桦树皮创造出独具特色的桦树皮工艺品。桦树皮制品初步成型后,鄂伦春人在其表面饰以装饰纹样,鄂伦春族装饰纹样来源于自然,展现了游猎民族简约大气的审美情趣,表达出人们对自然万物的崇拜,以及对社会安定和谐的祈愿。  相似文献   

黑龙江肇源白金宝文化是嫩江流域最具代表性的文化遗存之一.白金宝文化各期遗存所发现的纹样陶器残片具有重要的研究价值与学术意义.根据对相关纹样陶器残片的研究,可以发现,白金宝遗址陶器纹样的形成,有一个明显的由简入繁、由少趋多,由单独纹样形式向系统纹样形式的衍生渐变过程.从审美角度切入,对白金宝遗存中绳纹陶器的纹样施用进行初步研究,以期考察白金宝绳纹陶器的纹样规律.进而,解释白金宝文化的社会活动痕迹与当时原住民生活间的审美关系,并以此来进一步加深,对白金宝文化审美特征及其审美发展脉络的基本认知.  相似文献   

汉代以降,儒家思想在我国政治思想、文化艺术、经济生活等各方面占据统治地位,传统装饰纹样作为文化艺术的一个方面,同样受到儒家思想的深刻影响。中华文化的精妙之处也体现在赋予装饰纹样的象征意义,如赋予纹样元素动物、植物、山川云水等以人格化的魅力和完美的品格。  相似文献   

设计,是人类造物的典型形式,它直接植根于人类最基本的物质活动中,几乎包括人类从物质到精神所有的活动层面。因此,设计美作为在设计活动中向人生成的价值意识,可以说是人类最基本的审美语言。我们不仅仅把设计美看作审美的一个范畴和类型,而把它看作普遍的审美现象,审美的基础层次。当打算把设计美概念精确地规定出来时,我们感到这一概念具有如此多种含义。各个时代、各种类型的人造物的意义有很大不同,如就装饰性而言,我们很难说古代青铜器的纹样和现代工业产品中的纹样同属于一种装饰意义,但我们仍然把它们同归于设计美的概念…  相似文献   

内蒙古博物馆历史文物陈列选用的从石器时代至明清时期的文物中,以动物纹样为装饰的器物各个时期都有出现.它们不仅具有鲜明的时代、文化地理区域特点,而且还与中原文化有明显的趋同现象.其题材与装饰、造型艺术,清晰地反映了北方各民族的生存环境、历史地理、文化风俗、经济生活、宗教信仰等方面缓慢而繁杂的变化发展过程,反映了人们对动物产生艺术审美的积淀过程,及其与中原文化多层次、多向性的相互影响、交融乃至融合的历程.下面拟就各个时期的馆藏文物作一探索,以求教于各方面专家.  相似文献   

龙山文化的陶器造型端正、规整,富有简洁明快的轮廓线,器型与器表装饰有机结合,实现了实用与审美的统一。在纹饰上,这些陶器更强调线条的形式感,刻画镂空的空间感与黑陶的沉重形成虚实对比,更具有空灵的韵味。贴塑鼓钉、盲鼻,捏塑鸡冠耳、环形耳等不同装饰工艺体现了装饰与实用的统一。这些陶器漆黑光亮的颜色与极为简朴的装饰和器物造型特征相适应,线条成为其造型和纹饰的主要表现手法,通过简单纹样的重复、强弱变化来体现内在的和谐。这些对商代的青铜器均有一定的影响。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍塔波寺祖拉康内壁画中男女服饰的不同类型。通过对服饰样式的分析及服饰中的纺织纹样、技术的研究比较,认为塔波寺壁画中的服饰中的纺织品,应起源于印度大陆西部的古吉拉特与拉贾斯坦。  相似文献   

孔智光 《文史哲》2002,(4):77-81
从中国和日本考古文物、古代文献、古史传说来看 ,中国上古审美文化对日本绳文时代审美文化曾产生重大影响。这种影响可分为早中晚三期 ,早期影响表现为以山东后李文化为代表的“太昊时代”审美文化对绳文时代草创期、早期审美文化的辐射 ;中期影响表现为以大汶口文化为代表的“少昊时代”审美文化对绳文时代前期、中期审美文化的渗透 ;晚期影响表现为商周时代青铜、玉雕等审美文化因素在绳文时代后期、晚期审美文化中的凝聚。由于接受了中国上古审美文化的影响 ,日本绳文时代无论是在太阳崇拜、火崇拜、凤鸟崇拜、鸡崇拜等深层文化观念方面 ,还是在整体造型、陶塑装饰、抽象纹样等审美形式方面都发生了相应的变化 ,从而呈现出由神秘古拙到神奇华美再到庄重秀雅的风格转换  相似文献   

在北宋以前的南唐,由于统治者对佛教的崇拜,地僻道险的黄山虽未有新建寺庙,但在唐代所创的几座寺院,都受到敕封。南唐保大二年(公元944年),敕改“汤院”为“灵泉院”:南唐保大五年(公元947年)敕改“麻衣祠”为“翠微寺”。北宋中前期,虽然,政治稳定,经济发达,但由于黄山地处偏僻,交通不利,所以,佛教发展也几乎为零,仅祥符寺、翠微寺、轩辕古刹等几座寺庙尚存香火。  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that political trust is reflective of satisfaction with the performance of the incumbent administration, this is only considered true for White Americans. Because their trust reflects a larger discontent with the political system, Black Americans, it is held, do not respond in the same way in the short term. This argument has yet to be tested with over-time data. Time matters. Not only does the race gap in trust change over time but the impact of partisanship and political winning is, by definition, time-dependent. The results of an analysis of the 1958–2012 American National Election Studies data show that Black Americans and White Americans are equally likely to tie short-term performance to trust in government. However, the relationship between partisanship and political trust and, therefore, system discontent, clearly differs for the two groups. Aggregate models that do not take race-partisan sub-group differences into account will therefore be misleading.  相似文献   

殷墟卜辞中有"市日",是集市贸易之日。这是研究商代商业的重要史料。殷墟卜辞中有"次",是国家设立的馆舍。商代已有传驿,穿行于交通线上。  相似文献   

While the past decade has witnessed the burgeoning of research on public assessments of the police in China, marginalized social groups have rarely been considered in this line of inquiry. Using data collected from migrant workers, rural villagers, and urban dwellers, this study assesses whether Chinese perceptions of the police are distinguishable along procedural-based trust and outcome-based trust and whether expressive concerns and instrumental concerns are predictive of trust in the police. Findings show that Chinese citizens tend to conflate procedural-based trust and outcome-based trust. Expressive concerns play a more important role than instrumental concerns, with such expressive variables as trust in neighborhood residents committee, perceived law and order, and quality of life influencing trust in the police. Public perceptions of police trustworthiness are also significantly linked to media influence. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We state and test two new theoretical assumptions regarding effects of explicit status claims upon others' performance expectations and the consequent group hierarchy: (1) that any such claim is aggregated with other status information, and (2) that the weight of the effect of a claim is a direct function of the status position of the person expressing it. Added to the core assumptions of theories of status generalization, the new assumptions account for phenomena also called “second-order expectations” and “status cues.” Results from a six-condition experimental test support the ideas, and permit comparing our assumptions with two variant mechanisms. We consider some uses of the extended theory, including interventions to control status effects within groups and legitimating and de-legitimating group hierarchies.  相似文献   

中国生命伦理学在历史语境、理论逻辑和实践旨趣三个方面产生了如何"说中国话"的问题。对问题症候进行分析表明:寻求"语境突围",达成"基本共识",应对"中国现代性",是当前中国生命伦理学面临的最为紧要的问题。"语境突围"是全部问题的关键。共识难题和现代性难题是实现"语境突围"必须回应的两大挑战。运用伦理分层方法,可以得出两个基本结论:通过界定大小语境,求解共识难题;通过确立程序伦理优先于实质伦理的分层原则,求解现代性难题。  相似文献   

We demonstrate how genetically informed designs can be applied to administrative exam data to study academic achievement. ACE mixture latent class models have been used with Year 6 and 9 exam data for seven cohorts of Polish students which include 24,285 pairs of twins. Depending on a learning domain and classroom environment history, from 58% to 88% of variance in exam results is attributable to heritability, up to 34% to shared environment and from 8% to 15% depends on unique events in students’ lives. Moreover, between 54% and 66% of variance in students’ learning gains made between Years 6 and 9 is explained by heritability. The unique environment accounts for between 34% and 46% of that variance. However, we find no classroom effects on student progress made between Years 6 and 9. We situate this finding against the view that classroom peer groups and teachers matter for adolescent learning.  相似文献   

刘文 《北方论丛》2006,(1):59-62
克里斯蒂娃认为,词语的对话性、歧义性以及文本的互文性为探索语言的各种可能性提供了基础;诗性话语打破了语言习惯从而把言说主体从语言和社会的各种禁锢网络中解放出来;话语主体通过阅读-书写过程介入到社会历史话语之中并重新书写历史、干预资本主义社会现实。不同于交际语言所强调的清晰性、准确性、唯一性和权威性,克里斯蒂娃的诗性语言背离语言规则而强调意义的多重性、歧义性、僭越性和意义生产的潜在可能性;同时,由于互文本把社会历史纳入文本范围,文学实践与社会实践变得密不可分。  相似文献   

《Social science research》1986,15(2):113-134
The development of the structural approach to the study of social stratification suggests that economic, organizational, and personal characteristics may be defined as resources that workers can grasp in order to improve their relative position in the stratification system. Recent emphasis on the role of the state in influencing the environment where negotiations between employers and workers take place has led us to examine income attainment in a country where state intervention is fairly extensive (France). We examine the ability of the state to alter the effects of relevant individual and structural characteristics on income attainment using a sample of 16,066 employed adults surveyed by the French Census Bureau in 1970. Our empirical results support several conclusions. First, the intervention of the state in France is of particular benefit to women, though men continue to receive greater returns to managerial authority, especially in the service sector of the French economy where public sector jobs are most prevalent. Further, the intervention of the state does not eliminate the economic benefits men receive from social origins in France. We conclude that the state has benefited women's attempts to gain a greater share of the economic “pie,” but that the distinctiveness of French culture continues to play an important role in determining stratification outcomes.  相似文献   

美国反垄断的实践丰富多彩,也伴随着不断的理论创新。本文从分析美国反垄断的理论与实践入手,分析其可借鉴之处,以提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

The influences of race and moving status on the likelihood of receiving unsatisfactory or inadequate urban services are investigated using logistic probability models. The analysis bears upon the perennial issue of felt injustice and the charge that white America has a policy of sustaining separate and unequal societies for minorities in cities. The results also speak to the limits on market adjustments to correct undesirable public outcomes. Statistically significant racial distinctions are isolated in the assessment of five urban services; in three cases these are unambiguously consequential. The extent to which moving costs and limited housing opportunities inhibit housing market adjustments to uneven service provision is measured by a decomposition of estimated probabilities for minorities and whites. The evidence generated supports continuing policies that expand minority housing opportunities and reduce impediments to the mobility of minorities in urban areas.  相似文献   

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