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近年来,中国与海合会国家的金融合作形式日益多元,同时也取得了一定成果并积累了宝贵经验,为双方进一步开展金融合作打下了坚实基础。当前,中国与海合会国家的金融合作深度有限,具体表现为金融合作规模增长缓慢,互设金融机构数量不足,合作水平参差不齐、层次不高,平台作用不足等问题。本文从政治环境、金融体系、文化认同等方面分析影响中国与海合会国家金融合作的主要因素,并提出从政治评估、战略对接、货币结算、文化认同等方面进一步提升中国与海合会国家金融合作水平的应对策略。  相似文献   

冷战后,伊斯兰极端组织在索马里迅速发展,成为该国乃至非洲之角面临的最严重的非传统安全威胁之一。从根源上来看,索马里伊斯兰极端组织是体系层面、地区层面与国家层面结构性因素互动的综合产物。索马里的伊斯兰极端组织在其发展过程中形成了理念相互共享、成员相互渗透和行动策略相互模仿等特点,境外极端分子在其中扮演着重要的角色。索马里伊斯兰极端组织频繁发动暴力恐袭,不仅对索马里的民族国家构建造成挑战,而且极大地冲击了非洲之角的国际关系格局。面对索马里伊斯兰极端组织的泛滥,国际社会和地区力量均采取了一系列应对措施,但目前取得的成效十分有限,其主要原因在于索马里伊斯兰极端组织对意识形态的多重"包装"和其管理能力的不断提升,以及各方力量在打击索马里伊斯兰极端组织过程中的相互掣肘。  相似文献   

2011年埃及发生政治剧变,导致剧变的主要原因是政治威权与经济发展水平不相适应。新自由主义改革的实施导致埃及社会结构重组,由此产生了一系列改革的负面社会效应,包括民族工业破坏殆尽、经济寡头化、中产阶级破产、贫困率上升、裙带资本主义蔓延等,使得威权主义政权失去合法性,伊斯兰主义运动等反对派获得社会支持和社会动员能力。近年来,埃及政局虽逐渐恢复稳定,但高程度的政治威权与低水平的经济发展之间的矛盾却更加突出,进而使埃及仍存在陷入动荡的隐患。  相似文献   

This paper, a revised version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (Bangkok, July 2006), explores the increasing tendency of governments to view the third sector as a source of human insecurity and uncivil society in the wake of terrorist attacks. The paper discusses the means governments use to control third sector activity that they view as potentially linked to terrorism, the need for comparative analysis of these measures, and the role of the third sector and scholars in recognizing the responsibilities of governments to prevent third sector organizations being used in terrorism while preserving the independence and vitality of the third sector.Professor of Law and International Affairs and Faculty Scholar, University of Iowa; Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (2005–06). This paper is a revised and expanded version of the keynote address to the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research, Bangkok, Thailand, July 9, 2006.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Considering that the members of the International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO) Accountability Charter played a...  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper tries to explain why similar International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs) have different scopes under...  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - International volunteering has become a complex field in the context of globalization. Within the discourses of...  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Eliminating World Poverty: Making Governance Work for the Poor – A White Paper on International Development. By the Secretary of State for International Development  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: A Raw Deal: Trade and the World's Poor. By Peter Madden Trade and the Poor: The Impact of International Trade on Developing Countries. By John Madeley Fixing the Rules: North—South Issues in International Trade and the GATT Uruguay Round. By Kevin Watkins Taming Commodity Markets: The Integrated Programme and the Common Fund in UNCTAD. By Gamani Corea Commodities in Crisis: The Commodity Crisis of the 1980s and the Political Economy of International Commodity Policies. By Alfred Maizels  相似文献   

This special issue of The Career Development Quarterly presents the outcomes from an international symposium, titled International Perspectives on Career Development, jointly sponsored by the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance and the National Career Development Association. The articles in this special issue discuss international perspectives on and comparative approaches to educational and vocational guidance that differentiate career development practices in different nations. In addition to the articles in this issue, a selection of papers presented at the symposium has been jointly published in a thematic issue of the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5(2).  相似文献   

Graham Martin met Jurgen Hargens at the International Editor's meeting prior to the Second International Conference on Family Therapy in New York, in October 1985, and was struck by his passionate idealism, his development of an international journal almost single-handed, and his forceful defence of the need for a journal which focussed on systemic issues.  相似文献   

The International Newsletter on Migration is a publication of the Research Committee on Migration (RC: No. 31) of the International Sociological Association. Address all correspondence to the Secretary‐Treasurer, Lydio F. Tomasi, E‐mail: < cmslft@aol.com >.  相似文献   

The articles included in this issue were originally presented at a conference on Conceptual and Methodological Developments in the Study of International Migration held at Princeton University in May 2003. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Committee on International Migration of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Center for Migration and Development (CMD) at Princeton, and this journal. Its purpose was to review recent innovations in this field, both in theory and empirical research, across both sides of the Atlantic. The conference was deliberately organized as a sequel to a similar event convened by the SSRC on Sanibel Island in January 1996 in order to assess the state of international migration studies within the United States from an inter‐disciplinary perspective. A selection of articles from that conference was published as a special issue of International Migration Review (Vol. 31, No. 4, Winter), and the full set of articles was published as the Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience (Hirschman, Kasinitz and DeWind, 1999).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: International Financial Centres I: Concepts, Development and Dynamics. Edited by Richard Roberts III: International Financial Centres of Europe, North America and Asia. Edited by Richard Roberts From Adjustment to Development in Africa: Conflict, Controversy, Convergence, Consensus? Edited by G. A. Cornia and G. K. Helleinera Science in Participatory Development: The Achievements and Dilemmas of a Development Movement – The Case of Kerala. By Mathew Zachariah and R. Sooryamoorthy Feeding and Greening the World: The Role of International Agricultural Research. By Derek Tribe  相似文献   

The International Newsletter on Migration is a publication of the Research Committee on Migration (RC: No. 31) of the International Sociological Association. Address all correspondence to the Secretary‐Treasurer, Lydio F. Tomasi, Editor of IMR, E‐mail: < cmslft@aol.com >.  相似文献   

Ansell, C. Counter-transference: A story. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
Gurman, A. S. Behavioral marriage therapy in the 1980s: The challenge of integration. American Journal of Family Therapy
Madanes, C, Dukes, J. & Harbin, H. Family ties of heroin addicts. Archives of General Psychiatry
Rausch, V. Cholecystectomy with self-hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
Saposnek, D. T. Aikido: A model for brief strategic therapy. Family Process
Wells, R. A. Engagement techniques in famiy therapy. International Journal of Family Therapy
Goolishian, H. A. & Anderson, H. K. Discussions: Engagement techniques in family therapy. I. International Journal of Family Therapy
Epstein, N. B. Discussions: Engagement techniques in family therapy. II. International Journal of Family Therapy
Zuger, B. Homosexuality and parental guilt. British Journal of Psychiatry  相似文献   


Samir Amin was one of the most creative Marxists, but also an orthodox, as his appeal for a new international proves, consistent with his defense of the socialist revolution against a decaying capitalist system, which threatens with the extinction of human civilization. However, in a contradictory way, if in the past the material conditions did not exist, they exist today, materializing in a distorted manner by capitalism, the organization of a revolutionary international leadership has never been so non-existent. This article begins by demonstrating the systemic conditions that require the proletariat to build a new International, the reasons for the current difficulty in achieving it; and, from the analysis of the most successful experience to date, the Third International, lessons are drawn for a future Fifth International.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The declaration by the United Nations of 1994 as the International Year of the Family provides a good opportunity to make a fresh start in re-examining policy and practice from first principles. The time seems ripe for a wholesale reappraisal of relationships between families and professionals in the field of intellectual (learning) disability. Members of an International Year of the Family Task Force established by the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (Inclusion International) collected around 100 family stories from families around the world who had a relative with an intellectual disability. These family stories indicated that families are not satisfied with the information they are given, the attitudes of professionals, service planners and providers or with the nature and quality of support which they are receiving. Families are asserting their rights as citizens and consumers and they want to see changes. This paper summarises some directions for change.  相似文献   

陈晓峰 《科学发展》2012,(10):105-108
建设宝山国际邮轮城是国家战略的一部分,也是上海转型发展的需要。应充分利用吴淞国际邮轮港的优势,采取空间重构、多维联动、统筹发展、创新驱动的发展思路,统一管理体制、优化运营机制、统筹邮轮资源,将吴淞国际邮轮港打造成国家级现代服务业集聚区之一,将宝山建成世界级邮轮城。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reviews: Littlewood, Michael. How to create a competitive market in pensions: The international lessons. Recent books: Beaujolin, Rachel. Les vertiges de l'emploi: L'entreprise face aux réductions d'effectifs. Recent books: Birien, Jean-Louis. Pratique des relations et négociations sociales. Recent books: Bonnet, Michel. Regards sur les enfants travailleurs. La mise au travail des enfants dans le monde contemporain: Analyse et études de cas. Recent books: Lyon-Caen, Gérard; Pélissier, Jean; Supiot, Alain. Droit du travail. New ILO publications: Le secteur informel en Afrique face aux contraintes légales et institutionnelles. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report V (1 and 2): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report IV (2B): Child labour. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999: Report III (Part 1A). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, Report III (Part 1B): Migrant workers. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000. Report VI (1): Safety and health in agriculture. New ILO publications: Technical and ethical guidelines for workers' health surveillance.  相似文献   

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