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对于物料成本占总成本比例很高的制造型企业来说,如何改善并维护供应商关系尤其重要。从较为松散的战术关系到更为紧密的战略关系,买卖双方共享了供应商关系改善带来的双赢利益。本文分析了目前供应商关系的分类和管理方法,并对供应商关系的发展提出了一些看法 相似文献
随着国际市场的竞争逐步转变为供应链与供应健之间的竞争,供应链的动态性也被企业加以重视,因此必须加强对供应商的有效管理和绩效考核,以确保供应链的整体效益的最优化。 相似文献
现代零售企业的核心是供应链系统,过高的应付账比重将给零售企业的供应链带来巨大的财务风险。当今网络时代,要真正提升零售企业的竞争力,应付账款管理是不可忽视的领域,它将在很大程度上体现零售企业的供应链管理水平。在应付账款的管理过程中,应该充分利用会计实时控制的理念,借助信息技术、构建系统化的集中管理模式,提升供应链的运行价值,从事后信息反馈转变为事中控制。 相似文献
完善职位分类为基础的公务员管理制度是对公务员进行有效管理的基础,是深化行政体制改革的主要内容。现行公务员管理制度尚存在未能将公务员群体做"政事分类"、"职位设置"与"职位类别"未能有效衔接、非领导职务的设置未能发挥有效作用、没有解决中央与地方的差异等问题。对此,提出通过合理进行职位设置、对公务员进行"政事分类"、实现中央与地方理性互动、完善相关保障机制等方式实现我国公务员分类管理制度的创新。 相似文献
近年来,滑县工商局积极改革创新,开展了以经济户口为依托,以分类备案、分类指导、分类监管(简称“三分法”)为内容,全方位、综合性、动态化管理为特点的市场主体监管制度改革试点工作,提高了执法效能。 相似文献
当企业面临资金约束、资源短缺和消费者需求不确定等不利因素时,库存共享和转运策略的有效实施显得尤为重要。传统研究大多关注零售商协商库存转运机制实施策略,忽略了高效实施传统机制的困难性,即零售商相隔甚远,缺乏信任,协商困难;零售商间私下窜货对供应商和供应链整体造成不利。提出一类新颖的库存转运机制,即供应商协助转运机制,以突破现存转运方法的不足,从而为实施高效率库存转运提供新的依据。建立由单供应商和多零售商组成的多周期区域分销网络,并考虑零售商在周期初采取前瞻性库存转运;采用动态规划方法刻画对应的优化博弈模型,并通过均衡分析得出供应链成员间均衡博弈策略;通过与集中式供应链运作模式和最优决策相对比,以发掘库存转运过程中存在的不足,总结并提出供应商协助下的新型库存转运机制。从设计过程、实施流程、价格配置等方面对机制的规范实施过程进行详细分析和阐释,并辅以数值分析加以补充论证。研究结果表明,与传统的零售商协商库存转运机制相比,供应商主导下的协助转运机制优势明显。供应商通过为零售商设置购买和卖出双向交易环节,使零售商在执行补货和清货策略时,同时实现供应链系统内部的库存共享;通过合理的批发价与购买价格和卖出价格配置,如采取随着市场库存整体剩余量增加而降低的转运价格形态,可以迫使零售商在制定最优库存决策以实现其自身利益最大化的同时,有效提升供应链整体运作效率,消除供应链系统内部双重边际效应,最终实现供应链整体收益达到集中式水平以及供应链成员间的完美协调。提出一类更加易于实施和控制的新型库存转运机制,该机制的运用有助于实现各区域零售商间主动、高效且前瞻性库存转运,同时实现供应链整体收益最大化。建议供应商主动承担协助库存转运职责,同时摒弃传统常数定价机制,转而采取与零售商库存状态相关的批发和转运定价形态。研究结果对于企业管理者更加合理、规范且高效的开展库存管理,以及实施库存转运和优化资源配置提供了科学的运营理论指导和决策依据。 相似文献
文章选取我国2001-2006年间实施过供应链管理的上市公司前后共4年(从实施前一年到实施后两年)的数据作为样本,运用事件关联影响研究法并剔除行业均值的影响后进行实证研究以探究我国企业实施供应链管理的受益程度。实证结果显示:只有实施后第二年较实施前一年企业的现金周转期平均缩短了14.7天;管理和销售费用占比平均下降了1.01个百分点;营业利润率平均提高了2.49个百分点。其它业绩指标均没有显著的变化。从相关和回归分析的结果看,现金周转期的缩短导致管理、销售费用占比的下降,从而显著地驱动营业利润率的提高。本文的研究结果部分地回答了信息技术生产率悖论的问题,无论对学术界还是实务界均具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
Asoo J. Vakharia 《决策科学》2002,33(4):495-504
In recent years, the area of Supply Chain Management has generated a substantial amount of interest both by managers and researchers. This interest has also been fueled by the growth in the development and application of e‐business technologies. These technologies enable the supply chain manager to make coordinated decisions by integrating the diverse and sometimes conflicting objectives of the various trading partners in a chain. The purpose of this paper is to: (a) highlight strategic and tactical issues for analyzing supply chains in an e‐business setting based on papers published in this special issue; and (b) describe future research opportunities in this emerging interdisciplinary area. 相似文献
Since the term supply chain management (SCM) was first introduced over 30 years ago, the field of SCM has undergone numerous transformations. Today, it is a prevailing theme in scholarly and popular research, and numerous disciplines claim its ownership. However, current and emerging SCM research challenges are becoming increasingly more complex. Fragmented and "siloed" research efforts across a range of disciplines may not be adequate to address the full complexities associated with these phenomena. We interviewed 50 SCM academic thought leaders, across a range of disciplines, and 20 SCM executives with the goal of helping researchers develop a consistent stream of work that builds on existing research, identifies relevant research directions, and provides guidance for the future. Although there were some differences in opinions, there was consensus on the boundary characteristics of SCM, as well as the identification of interdisciplinary research (IDR) as necessary for the enablement of SCM to address the numerous current and emerging intractable SCM challenges. In this article, we present these findings and provide a path forward based on the collective wisdom of these academics and executives. 相似文献
绿色供应链管理的集成特性和体系结构 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
绿色供应链管理是一种现代企业的可持续发展模式。本文论述了绿色供应链管理的概念,分析了绿色供应链管理的集成特性,并建立了绿色供应链管理的体系结构。 相似文献
Supply chain partnership involves mutual commitments among participating firms. One example is early order commitment, wherein a retailer commits to purchase a fixed‐order quantity and delivery time from a supplier before the real need takes place. This paper explores the value of practicing early order commitment in the supply chain. We investigate the complex interactions between early order commitment and forecast errors by simulating a supply chain with one capacitated supplier and multiple retailers under demand uncertainty. We found that practicing early order commitment can generate significant savings in the supply chain, but the benefits are only valid within a range of order commitment periods. Different components of forecast errors have different cost implications to the supplier and the retailers. The presence of trend in the demand increases the total supply chain cost, but makes early order commitment more appealing. The more retailers sharing the same supplier, the more valuable for the supply chain to practice early order commitment. Except in cases where little capacity cushion is available, our findings are relatively consistent in the environments where cost structure, number of retailers, capacity utilization, and capacity policy are varied. 相似文献
新经济下的供应链管理与企业资金流程再造 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
新经济的来临,使得企业面对的是一个市场竞争日益激烈、用户需求的不确定性和个性化需求增加、高新技术迅猛发展、产品寿命缩短和产品结构越来越复杂的环境。因此企业单独依靠自身的资源进行自我调整的速度赶不上市场变化的速度,“横向整合 (HorizontalIntegration)”———供应链管理的模式满足了这种管理再造的需要即企业必须有效利用外部资源快速响应市场需求,本身只抓住最核心的经营部分。这种“横向整合”形成了一条从供应商再到分销商的贯穿所有相关企业的“链”,由此可见供应链管理是将企业资源的范畴从过去单个企业扩大到整个社会。基于供应链管理的资金流程再造是利用现代信息技术,通过改造和集成资金业务流程以及运用网络财务,与供应商以及客户建立协同的业务伙伴联盟,协调资金的运作,使得企业在复杂的市场环境下立于不败之地。 相似文献
Supply chain management is a central and important area for academic research due to its impact on firms competing in today's global economy. Managing the flow of materials from supply sources to the ultimate customer represents a major challenge for today's managers. To assist managers, the concept of supply chain management has been adopted by many business leaders as an important way to assist in designing, planning, and controlling the network of facilities and tasks that comprise the many stages of the supply chain. In turn, the flow of academic research in the area has increased to provide a better set of guidelines for effective implementation and execution. This article sets the stage for recently completed research concentrating on supply chain management issues. First, a definition of supply chain management is provided and compared to recent usage in this area and logistics management. Also, a framework is provided that structures this dynamic and complex management task. Second, a review of past research is presented to illustrate the many paths supply chain management has traveled, and important contributions to supply management understanding and decision making. Third, recently completed research articles are introduced that have been selected to be part of this special issue of Decision Sciences. And fourth, future research directions for supply chain management that need to be pursued by interested investigators are discussed. 相似文献
Christopher W. Craighead Jennifer Blackhurst M. Johnny Rungtusanatham Robert B. Handfield 《决策科学》2007,38(1):131-156
Supply chain disruptions and the associated operational and financial risks represent the most pressing concern facing firms that compete in today's global marketplace. Extant research has not only confirmed the costly nature of supply chain disruptions but has also contributed relevant insights on such related issues as supply chain risks, vulnerability, resilience, and continuity. In this conceptual note, we focus on a relatively unexplored issue, asking and answering the question of how and why one supply chain disruption would be more severe than another. In doing so, we argue, de facto, that supply chain disruptions are unavoidable and, as a consequence, that all supply chains are inherently risky. Employing a multiple‐method, multiple‐source empirical research design, we derive novel insights, presented as six propositions that relate the severity of supply chain disruptions (i) to the three supply chain design characteristics of density, complexity, and node criticality and (ii) to the two supply chain mitigation capabilities of recovery and warning. These findings not only augment existing knowledge related to supply chain risk, vulnerability, resilience, and business continuity planning but also call into question the wisdom of pursuing such practices as supply base reduction, global sourcing, and sourcing from supply clusters. 相似文献
This study explores the value of integrated production schedules for reducing the negative effects of schedule revisions in supply chains involving buyer and supplier firms. A stochastic cost model is developed to evaluate the total supply chain cost with integrated purchasing and scheduling policies. The model minimizes the costs associated with assembly rate adjustment, safety stock, and schedule changes for all supply chain members. Through experimentation, the paper examines the impact of several environmental factors on the value of schedule integration. This study finds that schedule integration can lead to overall cost savings in a supply chain, but some firms may have to absorb costs in excess of those they would incur with independent scheduling. Environments with high inventory holding costs and long supplier lead times may not find it beneficial to adopt an integrated schedule. Forecast effectiveness plays a critical role in realizing the benefits of schedule integration. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research. 相似文献
The pressure to reduce inventory investments in supply chains has increased as competition expands and product variety grows. Managers are looking for areas they can improve to reduce inventories without hurting the level of service provided. Two areas that managers focus on are the reduction of the replenishment lead time from suppliers and the variability of this lead time. The normal approximation of lead time demand distribution indicates that both actions reduce inventories for cycle service levels above 50%. The normal approximation also indicates that reducing lead time variability tends to have a greater impact than reducing lead times, especially when lead time variability is large. We build on the work of Eppen and Martin (1988) to show that the conclusions from the normal approximation are flawed, especially in the range of service levels where most companies operate. We show the existence of a service‐level threshold greater than 50% below which reorder points increase with a decrease in lead time variability. Thus, for a firm operating just below this threshold, reducing lead times decreases reorder points, whereas reducing lead time variability increases reorder points. For firms operating at these service levels, decreasing lead time is the right lever if they want to cut inventories, not reducing lead time variability. 相似文献