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两次“遭到”陈至立的表扬 我在教育部,曾先后服务两位部长,一位是陈至立,一位是周济。我与陈至立部长相识纯属偶然,也是工作需要。记得在1997年党的十五大召开期间,我当时还是《中国教育报》的记者。  相似文献   

全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席陈至立谈中国妇女事业发展。  相似文献   

陈至立会见联合国开发计划署署长,拉美政党与妇女组织干部专题研修班,邹晓巧出席美国驻华使馆圆桌会议  相似文献   

陈至立看望崇文第二幼儿园儿童;“大爱压岁”--壹基金筹集善款救助孤残儿童  相似文献   

“第一夫人”彭丽媛首次出访,得体雅致的服饰成功聚焦全球目光。而据广州例外服饰官网首发“例外恭告社会各界”声明,彭丽媛“部分出访服装由中国著名设计师马可专门设计定制,由民族品牌‘无用’及‘例外’团队配合制作”。  相似文献   

美国国务院2月19日宣布,美国新任国务卿克里将于2月24日至3月6日首次出访,目的地包括伦敦、柏林、巴黎和罗马和中东五国. 有趣的是,克里首次出访选择的伦敦、柏林和巴黎都与其家族史有密切关系.而近期另有一桩财经要闻也折射出克里身世背景的"不同凡响":  相似文献   

中央领导人出访不再送迎据新华社报道:外交部负责人5月23日表示,今后党和国家领导人出访将不举行送迎仪式。中共中央政治局开会讨论了关于党和国家领导人出国访问事宜,决定本着务实、精干、节约的原则做好有关安排,并对减少代表团出访人员、节约使用交通工具等作出了明确规定,对外事活动的新闻报道也要改进。我国“北斗一号”卫星发射成功据新华社报道:5月25日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心,用“长征三号甲”运载火箭成功地将第三颗“北斗一号”导航定位卫星送入太空。这标志着我国已自主建立了完善的卫星导航系统,对我国国民经济建设将起到积极…  相似文献   

陈至立亲切看望解放军总参某部通信团女官兵;“自信”成为两性眼中成功女性首要标准;香港80后高薪族女比勇多,“家庭主夫”人数飙升;亲子沟通须加强;  相似文献   

热读 新版《辞海》10月1日前面市 2009年版《辞海》总条数近13万条,比1999年版增加8%;词条改动幅度超过全书的三分之一;陈至立出任主编。  相似文献   

光明 《老年世界》2010,(1):13-13
1972年美国总统尼克松访华,并邀请中国派人去美国考察学习,周恩来总理点名让钱伟长随团出访。  相似文献   

Budget Problems, Medicaid Expansion Main Topics at SAMHSA Meeting Center Takes Eclectic Approach to Treatment of Pregnant Women Human Rights Watch Questions Ethics of China Drug Study Coaching Youth in Recovery GAO Assesses Treatment and Prevention in 2010 Stradegy Buprenorphine ER Visits up 255 Percent Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Rural women in China are located on the periphery of that country's processes of globalization and modernization. They also, in the 1990s, acquired a voice of their own through the magazine Rural Women Knowing All. This magazine, founded through the intersection of Chinese and transnational feminisms, provided rural women with connections, knowledge and a venue for their own aspirations. Through examining the dichotomies presented by urbanization, the ‘global economy’, ‘culture’ and education, and activism and organizing, this article discusses the ways that Rural Women Knowing All transformed the meanings of globalization for contemporary Chinese rural women, and in the process granted them agency to shape rural identities and existences in alternative ways.  相似文献   

两年一届的中国女摄影家协会会员作品展再一次如约而至。这些作品是女摄影家们沥尽心血的结晶,也是她们用心灵记录的时代影像精华。她们以鲜明的摄影语汇,表达了对世间百态的关切和对幸福生活的向往。  相似文献   

“中国梦”是每一个中国人的梦。我们每个人都是“中国梦”的主人公,也是“中国梦”的见证者。平凡的梦想汇聚起来,便是个人的命运、社会的脉动、国家的方向。要想实现所梦所想,离不开每一个人的辛勤付出。“中国梦”也是每一个中国女性的梦。在本刊2013年11期的编者的话中,这样的表述引起编者与读者的共鸣:“‘中国梦’之于中国女性,是巾帼建功之梦,是男女平等之梦,是家庭幸福之梦。”本刊从3期开始将采访来自各界的中国女性,探寻她们对于“中国梦”的理解,分享她们各自的梦想。本期采访对象是著名文化学者、北京师范大学教授、博士生导师于丹。  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》2002,72(4):600-606
Books reviewed in this article:
Lynn Pan (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas
Lynn Pan, Sons of the Yellow Emperor: A History of the Chinese Diaspora
Sharon K. Hom (ed.), Chinese Women Traversing Diaspora: Memoirs, Essays, and Poetry  相似文献   

China was the unwilling host of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women. China held up the entry visas of thousands of women who wanted to attend the conference, the Huairou Forum site was completely unsuitable for a world conference, and journalists were treated like nuisances by the Chinese government. Despite these obstacles, the conference was a success which should produce permanent results. Women managed to get to the conference, ideas were exchanged, woman-to-woman solidarity was expressed, and journalists still managed to report what they saw and learned. Women supported each other at the Fourth World Conference on Women like never before to reach and convey their consensus of a desire for peace and recognition of their human rights and needs.  相似文献   

Support Services for Recovery a Growing Movement in States African‐American Group Prepares to Issue Drug Policy Document Blueprint for the States Panel Members Pediatricians Urge Public Health Strategies to Curb HIV Community Coalitions Find Their Voice in Washington Visits to Phoenix House Enlighten Medical Students With AATOD's Help, Methadone and Buprenorphine May Debut in Russia Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Coming Up  相似文献   

茶,是中华民族的国粹。茶文化,是我国饮料史上一道独特的风景线。它的历史源远流长,有着多彩的表现方式和丰富的文化内涵。茶文化中的养生术,更是以其独特的魅力,深受国人的青睐。干百年来,演绎了许多生动有趣的饮茶经,而百岁寿星的饮茶经,更是弥足珍贵,值得世人细细品味。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
EDWARD C. LEHMAN, Jr., Women Clergy Breaking Through Gender Barriers.
ROBERTA HAMILTON and MICHELE BARRETT (eds.), The Politics of Diversity: Feminism, Marxism and Nationalism.
MARY JO DEEGAN and MICHAEL R. HILL (eds.), Women and Symbolic Interaction.
JANE B. LANCASTER and BEATRIX A. HAMBURG (eds.), School-Age Pregnancy and Parenthood: Biosocial Dimensions.
MARLA N. POWERS, Oglala Women: Myth, Ritual, and Reality.
NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE, Women in Industry: North-South Connections.
SWASTI MITTER, Common Fate, Common Bond: Women in the Global Economy.
MARIA MIES, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour.
JUNE NASH and MARIA PATRICIA FERNANDEZ-KELLY (eds.), Women, Men, and the International Division of Labor.
STEPHANIE COONTZ and PETA HENDERSON (eds.), Women's Work, Women's Property: The Origins of Gender and Class.
ROBERT L. RUBINSTEIN, Singular Path: Old Men Living Alone.
DEBORAH DAVIS-FRIEDMANN, Long Lives: Chinese Elderly and the Communist Revolution.
JOHN J. MILETICH (compiler), Retirement: An Annotated Bibliography.
ELVI WHITTAKER, The Mainland Haole: the White Experience in Hawaii.
ALBERTHIRSCHMAN, Vers une économiepolitique élargie.
JEAN-PIERRE DUPUIS, Le ROCC de Rimouski. La recherche de nouvelles solidaritiés, Documents de recherche.
ROBERT D. REECE and HARVEY A. SIEGAL, Studying People: A Primer in the Ethics of Social Research.
LINTEAU, DUROCHER, ROBERT, RICARD, Le Québec contemporain depuis 1930, tome
JOHN D. KASARDA, JOHN O.G. BILLY and KIRSTEN WEST, Status Enhancement and Fertility: Reproductive Responses to Social Mobility and Educational Opportunity.  相似文献   

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