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公文专用之笔称“彤笔”;欣然题词或提笔撰文称“命笔”;文章开始称“起笔”;自己写的文字称“亲笔”;初学字画称“学笔”;练习性的写作称“练笔”;有感而发称“随笔”;写作中断称“辍笔”:替人作书或别人口授写成的文字称“代笔”;集体讨论,  相似文献   

养育之恩岂能量化;如此“靠山吃山,靠水吃水”;说“官威”;看清考官的“职业道德”;  相似文献   

当今中国,经济建设取得了世所公认的成就,政治改革也在探索进行,然而文化领域却是粗鄙和低俗之风盛行。君不见;“兽兽”走光,身价倍涨;“马诺”拜金,“非诚勿扰”;“凤姐”征婚,一举成名;“祖德妹”效颦,万众瞩目;俊朗“舂哥”,顿成“教主”;妖娆“伪娘”,竟是男身;色情明星,代言游戏;“乳神”模特,惊艳球场……文化的低俗化已经成为当前中国大陆面临的最严重、最紧迫的问题之一。  相似文献   

一、关于正文各级标题序号的标注 一级标题序号为“一、”“二、”“三、”……; 二级标题序号为“1”“2.”“3.”……; 三级标题序号为“(1)”“(2)”“(3)……;  相似文献   

女人评价女人 女人如果评价另一个女人为“美女”,那只能说明那人长得很普通;称呼“大美女”,那只是说明她们关系好;说“很可爱”,那说明这女的长得难看;“人很好”,说明长得胖;“身材好”,说明那女人是一竹竿;说某女“没朋友,很孤立”,那这女人绝对是男人眼中的美女;“没气质”,说明这女人除了漂亮,身材还很好!  相似文献   

徐熙娣:永远的“新闻”制造者;章子怡:“片片”风云起;徐静蕾:玉女明星→美女导演→?;张靓颖:众星围捧的“新月”;林志玲:将窜红神话进行到底;……  相似文献   

碱性食物有助戒烟;健康人不需专门吸氧;仿真首饰如何“保鲜”;大蒜内膜“创可贴”;鱼缸别放在卧室里;厨房砖缝污垢去除法;浓汤巧去泡沫;夏季室内“黄金温度”:27℃;饭后吃水果容易导致肥胖;记得给海带泡澡。  相似文献   

夫妻分居易得周末抑郁症;非典型“妻管严”;月经期女人更容易坠入情网;白领“腰龄”提前衰老;  相似文献   

为农家女架起致富“金桥”;关爱留守儿童送温暖;什么是“两纲”?;新年慰问计主育龄妇女;什么是“NWCCW”?  相似文献   

“迎春、尊老”送温暖;曾都老年大学举办“迎新春、庆三八”诗词朗诵联谊会;“黄金月”里慰问忙;李明波与湖北省总工会机关老同志共迎新春佳节;江汉大学老同志节前喜气洋洋拿到住房补贴……  相似文献   

This issue with its focus on contemporary community developmentpractice in Aotearoa New Zealand sees the continuation of ourregular Special Issues. The Journal is very pleased to haveas our Special Guest Editors,  相似文献   

This article locates the discussion of this Special Section within the wider analysis of Interculturalism and intercultural dialogue as a new way of framing dynamic inter‐ethnic and broader community relations, and considering how perceived and real crisis affects both states’ and societys’ understandings of ethnicity, culture and diversity. Taking cases from Catalonia, Spain, the European Union, this Special Section's multi‐level approach illustrates how intercultural dialogue can be developed at the sub‐State, State, Region and international levels. By surveying the articles in the Special Section, this introduction critiques the Interculturalism framework and develops it. Crucially, drawing out insights from across these different types of groupings and from theorists offering a range of perspectives, this collection is able to offer new insights on Interculturalism, its relations with Multiculturalism, and forms of intercultural dialogue.  相似文献   

《Theory and Society》2005,34(4):465-465

Call for Papers

Special Issue in honor of Jean-Paul Sartre  相似文献   



Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Race and Ethnicity  相似文献   

Special Issue on the Arts and Community Development, Volume42, Number 4. Unfortunately, the article contained an incorrect quotationthat  相似文献   

The present Special Issue proposes that the creation of a database of systematic, pragmatically focused case studies in program planning and evaluation will be useful to both theorist and practitioner. This knowledge-base can (a) facilitate cross-case comparisons for inductively deriving generalizations of best practice; (b) allow practitioners to use the experience of past cases to guide their practice in present cases; and (c) further explore the foundational nature of evaluation as a discipline. This introduction first explores why there are so few published evaluation case studies. It then describes the development of a pragmatic paradigm, including a common analytic framework for facilitating the conduct, documentation, and discussion of individual case studies and for organizing them into a database. The introduction concludes with a cross-case summary comparison of the three cases in this first part of the Special Issue. In the next issue of this journal, a second part of the Special Issue will be presented. This will include three additional case studies and an analysis of all six of the case studies in terms of what we have learned about the theoretical and practical values—as well as the challenges—of creating a database of systematic, pragmatic case studies in evaluation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This article is based on a keynote talk given at a dg seminar on Under Fives: Special Needs, Special Services?held at the National Children's Bureau in June 1987. The purpose of the seminar is sketched as an introduction. Historical evolution of traditions and practice in early childhood education and in special education are traced and common Principles are identified as a basis for reconciling these traditions to form collective responses to young children's special needs. A number of recent and current initiatives are described which attest to the potential for developing policies on under fives and special needs which epitomise working partnerships between statutory and voluntary services and families.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Children & Society》2004,18(1):74-75
Book reviewed in this article: Adoption and Fostering. Special Issue: Promoting Children's Health. Volume 26, No 4, Winter 2002 by M. Mather (ed.).  相似文献   

2007年世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会已在中国圆满落幕。阿拉伯国家对特奥会表现出空前的热情,来自19个阿拉伯国家的594名运动员和教练员参加了11个项目的比赛,阿拉伯社会正在逐步形成支持、参与特奥,关心、帮助智障人士,促进社会文明、和谐的共识。  相似文献   

2007年世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会已在中国圆满落幕.阿拉伯国家对特奥会表现出空前的热情,来自19个阿拉伯国家的594名运动员和教练员参加了11个项目的比赛,阿拉伯社会正在逐步形成支持,参与特奥,关心,帮助智障人士,促进社会文明,和谐的共识.  相似文献   

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