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张应松 《老年人》2011,(8):12-13
2011年2月14日晚,中央电视台2010年度十大“感动中国人物”揭晓,来自安徽省颍上县农村、被誉为“最美洗脚妹”的刘丽光荣当选。这位31岁的农家女,十多年如一日‘声衣缩食将20多万元血汗钱资助百多名贫困学生。  相似文献   

微子有一个理想,她想卖掉一双鞋。微子说,等她卖掉那双鞋,她就去亳州。亳州在哪儿,那里环境好吗?微子对那里其实没什么概念,她的向往如此坚决,完全是因为这座城市的名字。她说她第一次见到“亳州”这个词的时候,显得特没文化,把它读成了“毫州”,等到弄清楚“亳”比“毫”少一笔后,她便爱上这个城市名。  相似文献   

苗晓红 《中外书摘》2011,(11):39-40
1951年,在牡丹江空军第七航校,负责带飞14名新中国女飞行学员的教员共4人,其中有两名中国教员赵赠熊、蔡善炳,还有两名日本教员宫田忠明、长谷川正。一见教员中有两名“日本鬼子”,姑娘们的怒火一下蹿上了脑门,尤其是分到两名日本教官名下的姑娘,更是一百个不愿意,其中秦桂芳的抵触情绪更盛。她想象中的教官是高大英武的苏联英雄,而站在她面前的却是一位矮矮胖胖、左眉与鼻梁之间有道伤疤的“日本鬼子”长谷川正,想象和现实相差十万八千里,她难以接受,心里顿时火冒三丈。  相似文献   

邹平政的女儿是一名“漂在北京”的80后画家,有一天她在电话里很认真地对邹平政说:“妈妈,小时候你教我画,现在,我教你画。”于是,2012年春天,邹平政离开了重庆忠县,跟女儿一起,成为了一名“北漂”。  相似文献   

王颖 《当代老年》2010,(10):36-37
谁能有如此大的怀抱,怀抱着186名当兵的儿子,与1万多名战士谈心,和3000多名战士通信——她把“母亲”的意义延伸了、扩大了。我们的兵营有多大,母亲的、怀抱就有多大;我们的战士有多远,母亲的心思就有“多远。”她就是乔文娟—全国爱国拥军模范、中国十大杰出母亲。她的拥军爱兵故事,一传;遍了大江南北,震撼着中原大地,先后受到胡锦涛总书记和温家宝总理的亲切接见。  相似文献   

宗文 《炎黄世界》2009,(3):59-61
长春监狱女警察王玉辉被人们赞许为“最美警花”,这不仅是因为她容颜美丽,更因为她在生死关头,舍生忘死,勇救一名跳楼女青年,表现了她心灵的美好和崇高的人道主义精神……  相似文献   

李超  曾磊 《职业》2014,(31):23-25
她在客户岗位上连续10年不缺勤,累计服务人数80余万人次;她连续128个月被评为“五星话务员”、连续9年年度绩效“优秀”、荣获2010年度移动集团“新业务比赛”全国十大服务明星称号。她就是王艳,江苏公司客户服务中心2000多名专席客户代表中的一个传奇人物。在这个平凡的岗位上,王艳用十年如一日的卓越表现,诠释着“让世界聆听微笑”的服务誓言。  相似文献   

刘慧芹 《老年世界》2011,(17):21-21
我做梦也没有想到,年届七旬的我,居然会成为一名“专栏作家”!——当然,这得感谢我的小孙女苗苗,是她把我“捧”进“作家”圈的。  相似文献   

14岁那年,她被授予“渡江战役特等英雄”称号。毛主席两次向她发出亲笔请柬,并为她取名。电影《渡江侦察记》中刘三姐就是以她为生活原型塑造的。“渡江战役特等英雄”解放战争的渡江战役胜利至今已有50年整,但安徽民间仍流传着当年巾帼小英雄的故事,这位英雄今天...  相似文献   

蒋叶红 《职业》2015,(1):48
26岁的合肥女孩杨丽,卖“垃圾”卖得异常红火。短短三年,她有了40名员工,每月卖8000袋“垃圾”,净利润6万元,一跃成为商界新星。杨丽卖“垃圾”,实际是在送惊喜。  相似文献   

刘文婧是一位来自山东的女子,现就读于北京师范大学,专习扬琴。即将毕业的她与本刊记者分享了作为一位传统民乐演奏者的音乐历程。  相似文献   

湖北省武汉市第一聋哑学校副校长、舞蹈教师杨小玲用爱心守护着听障孩子的无声世界,鼓舞他们追求更高的人生目标。她还把“非遗”项目引入学校,让孩子们掌握一技之长,也了解中国文化的博大精深。  相似文献   

At the core of the movement for twenty-first century skills are students. The growing efforts to increase programs leveraging out-of-school time are focused on giving American youth everything they need to compete in this increasingly complex world. The author is one of many students who have been well served by initiatives imparting twenty-first century skills during after-school hours. Now a senior at Boston Latin School, the author has been helped along the way by Citizen Schools, an after-school education program focused on hands-on learning apprenticeships and homework help. While enrolled in the program as a middle school student, the author took part in projects that exemplified hands-on, inquiry-based learning that helped her develop twenty-first century skills. For example, along with dozens of other students, she advanced her data analysis skills by analyzing statistics about Boston Public high schools, which also helped her select and enroll in one of the city's premier exam schools. Also, she and her peers worked with corporate attorneys who served as writing coaches and whose expertise the author drew from in producing a published essay and greatly improving her writing skills. The author now finds that the public speaking, leadership, organizational, social, and management abilities she built through her participation in Citizen Schools are a great asset to her in high school. The confidence with which she tackles her responsibilities can also be traced back to her experiences in the program. As she looks toward college, the author reflects and realizes that being actively involved in a quality after-school program put her on track for a successful future.  相似文献   

This article relates the story of the life of Jamuna, a married mother of two boys and a girl living among a scheduled caste in India. The female researcher had been interviewing Jamuna's husband, who sells excess cloth to wholesalers and is active in the Bahujan Samaj Party, which is seeking to liberate India's lower castes. Jamuna usually ignored the female researcher or treated her curtly. The researcher, however, invited herself to lunch at Jamuna's house one day, and Jamuna unexpectedly began talking about her life while she prepared the food. Jamuna refers to her husband as "Bhim's father" (Bhim is her oldest son). Bhim's father rules the household, controls the money, never consults his wife, and treats her like a servant. Jamuna looks much older than her estimated 25 years. She was engaged when she was 8, never attended school, and was kept indoors. Her children attend an expensive school, and her husband wants them all to stay in school as long as possible and then get jobs. Jamuna was married to Bhim's father because his family did not demand a dowry. Both families have small farms, but her family grows more crops and makes more money. She used to live with her in-laws but now they avoid her. Jamuna feels strongly that girls should be married early to avoid disgrace. Jamuna was shocked by menstruation and intercourse. After her third delivery, Bhim's father allowed her to become sterilized. She hates her husband and believes he hates her. He treats her like a slave and insults her. His only virtue is that he ignores other women. Jamuna has no friends or confidants. She was not consulted about the move from the village to Delhi. When Bhim's father is away, she has to tend to his business and risk his anger over her mistakes. After this outpouring, Jamuna retreated to silence when the interviewer came to visit.  相似文献   

This article reports on a federally funded research project in which old lesbians were invited to separate out and examine the complicated strands of lives lived through times of great social change—times in which notions of “woman,” “sexuality,” and “subjectivity” have been both over- and under-determined by dominant discourse (Stein, 1997). We argue, with Haug (1992), that close attention to the personal is central to critical feminist perspectives and that writers can become more aware of normalizing cultural influences when they pay close attention to language. In this article, we support our position with a case study of one participant in our “language school” (Haug, 1992). As we analyzed her written life narratives and oral testimony, we conclude that she was able to reconsider comfortable “coming out” narratives in order to construct new meaning and to challenge her understandings of the past.  相似文献   

从宁夏到北京,从画家到教育家,李跃儿在追寻教育理想的道路上不停奔跑;在经营家庭幸福的道路上,她也从未停下脚步。彼此呵护、信赖与依靠,把对方“放在心里捂着”,令这份爱情的温度从不曾冷却。哪怕经历生死考验,仍然历久弥新。  相似文献   

叶叔华是中国科学院院士、新中国第一位女天文台台长。有人说她是名副其实的“追星族”,因为一颗名为“叶叔华星”的小行星在天际闪耀。从守望星空的小姑娘磨砺成建立“北京时间”的女天文学家,使我国世界时系统的精度进入国际先进行列,叶叔华经历了不平凡的人生路。  相似文献   

The autobiographical writings of the sometime Canadian resident Ilona Duczynska (1897–1978), born near Vienna of a Polish father and Hungarian mother (both of the lower nobility), were designed to show how experiences within the family during childhood and youth led to her becoming a revolutionary. Duczynska claimed to have experienced a species of class struggle—involving the families of her idealized father and her much criticized mother—that brought about the death of the former and marked her personally with the sign of inferiority. It followed, then, that education was powerless to amend what Duczynska decided she had already ‘learned’ within the family, including her malcontent father’s characteristic spirit of negation. Consequently, Duczynska describes the various stages of her distinctly privileged education in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary—almost entirely in terms of how she availed herself of opportunities to take a ‘stand’ against existing institutions. Inevitably, in 1922 even the ‘party school’ of the Hungarian Communist Party forfeited her confidence. Further research, drawing on psychological insights, may show why Duczynska’s family experiences should have led to a mistrust of the family as an institution, fascination with ‘revolutionary violence’, and life-long hatred of liberal democratic (and capitalist) institutions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the wife's role in monthly insurance expenditures of couples who have been married almost 13 years. Although previous research has shown that husbands dominate decisions about insurance, this study indicates that wives are involved in monthly expenditures for insurance. A wife's involvement is greater if she is less sex-role traditional, if her earnings are lower, if her husband's earnings are lower, if her husband's parents shared financial roles, if she perceives that net worth increased over the past 3 years, if she expects finances to be worse off in 3 years, and if she has a high school diploma or less. Involvement also increases with increases in number of children. Further research is essential in enhancing women's economic well-being.This study was a part of Project No. 60-0362 of the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois Survey Research Laboratory services were used in preparation of the data tapes. The author wishes to thank Lauren J. Leach for assistance with data preparation.Vicki Schram Fitzsimmons is Assistant Professor, Division of Family & Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, 905 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801. Her research areas include family financial management, economic well-being, and household production. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代初,高中毕业的卓长立成为济南染织厂的一名挡车工。十年之后她开始创业,承包濒临倒闭的宾馆并把资产做到了几百万。2004年她接手济南市妇联创办的公益性家政服务机构“阳光大姐”,成为济南阳光大姐服务有限责任公司总经理。七年来,在她的带领下,阳光大姐在全国有了68家连锁机构、两万人的服务员队伍,培训服务员七万多人次。2010年,阳光大姐为将近十万个家庭提供了优质的服务。  相似文献   

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