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开放陆客台湾游的几年来,两岸民众在加深了解、增进感情之外,也显露出一些需要改善之处。就细微之处而言,公厕排队、地铁车厢内不准吃东西喝饮料等就是大陆游客须适应并遵守的。  相似文献   

当我们在一个固定的地方工作、生活久了,产生了心理和生理的疲倦,想调节、放松,于是就出外旅游,访名山大川,寻异域风情,赏奇花异草,观他乡人文历史。旅游是短暂的,手段是猎奇、对照、思考,目的是为了调节身体和情绪,为更好的工作、学习和生活而服务。居家是长期而比较固定的。所谓安居,方能乐业。居“安”的条件是平常、习惯、习俗,是合于居者的思想、文化、  相似文献   

京族是我国唯一的海洋少数民族,主要分布在防城港市巫头、山心、万尾三岛。京族具有植根于其民族特性和生产生活方式的独特的民族文化。本文通过分析京族文化特点和保护开发现状,结合游客的认知情况,提出构建京族文化旅游吸引力的途径,为京族文化旅游开发提供参考。  相似文献   

闫喜琴 《职业时空》2009,5(8):137-138
历史文化旅游者的心理行为特征主要表现在探索历史奥秘的猎奇心理、获取历史知识的求知心理、汲取精神营养的励志心理、研究历史文化的学术心理以及体悟古雅情怀的唯美心理等五个方面。影响历史文化旅游者心理的因素主要有历史文化旅游资源的规模、历史文化旅游资源的保护与开发情况、旅游者的个人素养、导游的历史文化素质以及景点与自然景观结合的情况等。  相似文献   

随着国内游客对旅游个性化要求的不断提高,私人定制旅游已经成为一种全新的旅游消费方式进入中国,高级旅游顾问也作为新职业应运而生。高级旅游顾问需要根据游客的爱好、需求、时间以及经济承担能力,为其量身定制一套适合的旅游出行方案,并为游客解答相关方面的疑惑和问题。  相似文献   

张芳 《职业时空》2008,4(6):103-104
据世界旅游组织预测:“到2020年中国将成为世界第一位旅游接待大国和第四位客源输出国。”届时我国入境游客将达1.37亿人次,出境人数将超过1亿人次。面对巨大的涉外旅游市场,涉外旅游人才的需求量也急剧增长。由于我国旅游高等教育起步较晚,旅游人才培养滞后于市场需求的问题十分突出。目前,涉外旅游人才不仅在总量上不能满足市场需求,在质量上更存在差距。  相似文献   

作为一个老外,住在中国最棒的事情就是能有机会与家人、朋友分享关于中国的一切。  相似文献   

郑洪波 《现代交际》2010,(11):129-130
通过对我国旅游市场发展现状的分析,总结该行业发展中旅游咨询人员匹配的重要性与旅游市场的需求现状,阐述我国建立旅游咨询中心的意义、定位以及服务策略,以期望对加速我国旅游业和整个国民经济的发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

水库以其丰富的生物资源、水资源和库区周围良好的生态环境、自然景观以及人文景观等优势日益成为一种为大众所钟爱的旅游目的地。随着旅游和其他文化的元素引入目的地社会,随之而来的便是当地人生活的改变。本文从旅游人类学角度,通过对安康水库的旅游发展进行多方位了解,发现水库旅游的开发也相继导致了当地居民生计、心理的变迁,并主要从旅游在当地的发展以及东道主和游客的直接互动来揭示当地社会文化的变化。  相似文献   

滇越铁路滇段是云南近代发展的见证者,具有车站旅游资源、工程技术资源、红色旅游资源、自然景观资源,同时途经云南许多著名的自然景点和工业遗产景点,是一条具有很大旅游价值的铁路。作为一种历史文化遗存,它的文化涵量与价值无可估量,有着巨大的开发潜力和发展前景。  相似文献   

The onset of locomotion heralds one of the major life transitions in early development and involves a pervasive set of changes in perception, spatial cognition, and social and emotional development. Through a synthesis of published and hitherto unpublished findings, gathered from a number of converging research designs and methods, this article provides a comprehensive review and reanalysis of the consequences of self‐produced locomotor experience. Specifically, we focus on the role of locomotor experience in changes in social and emotional development, referential gestural communication, wariness of heights, the perception of self‐motion, distance perception, spatial search, and spatial coding strategies. Our analysis reveals new insights into the specific processes by which locomotor experience brings about psychological changes. We elaborate these processes and provide new predictions about previously unsuspected links between locomotor experience and psychological function. The research we describe is relevant to our broad understanding of the developmental process, particularly as it pertains to developmental transitions. Although acknowledging the role of genetically mediated developmental changes, our viewpoint is a transactional one in which a single acquisition, in this case the onset of locomotion, sets in motion a family of experiences and processes that in turn mobilize both broad‐based and context‐specific psychological reorganizations. We conclude that, in infancy, the onset of locomotor experience brings about widespread consequences, and after infancy, can be responsible for an enduring role in development by maintaining and updating existing skills.  相似文献   

The ease with which a person can travel abroad may greatly impact the possibilities of what they can achieve in life. Previous scholars have found that as a country politically liberalizes and becomes wealthier its nationals can travel to more countries without a visa. After analysing data from Henley and Partners, the World Bank, and Freedom House for 154 countries, I find that this is only true for nationals from countries with above-average incomes. Among the bottom half of countries in the income distribution and the most unequal societies, nationals in politically free countries do not have greater visa-free mobility than nationals in less politically free countries. The higher a country's income per capita, the more travel opportunities its citizens lose because their society is not completely politically free. My findings have implications for how policymakers evaluate the costs of both migration policies and policies that politically and economically liberalize societies.  相似文献   

This second response to comments on my article ‘What is Global studies?’ (Globalizations 10, 4, 2013) notes that the comments feature research agendas. These provide scaffolding for global studies but not of course a complete building. Among themes that need further attention are political economy and finance, the dimension of time and history, and the dynamics of twenty-first century globalization and the role of emerging economies.  相似文献   

城市居民低碳出行研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王光荣 《城市观察》2011,12(2):174-178
低碳交通是低能耗、低污染、低排放的交通方式。居民是城市交通的主体,其出行方式决定着交通工具使用比例和使用程度,影响着城市低碳交通方式的建构。因此,在完善交通硬件建设为居民提供良好的出行条件的同时,要利用政策、教育、宣传方式大力培养居民低碳出行方式。  相似文献   

We contest the derived demand paradigm for travel as a behavioural absolute. To the contrary, we suggest that travel has an intrinsic positive utility and is valued for its own sake, not just as a means of reaching a destination. We argue that the same positive characteristics that lead people to engage in travel as a recreational activity in itself are likely to motivate them to engage in apparently excess travel in the context of their mandatory and maintenance activities as well. This paper explores the conceptual basis of a positive utility for travel, and presents some results from an ongoing empirical study of attitudes toward travel. In modelling distance travelled (in each of 11 categories), we found that subjective variables such as Travel Liking, the adventure-seeker Personality trait, the travel stress Attitudinal factor, and the Excess Travel indicator added considerable explanatory power to the Demographic variables traditionally used in such models. It appears that, far from being completely determined by demographically based needs, the amount of travel demanded is heavily influenced by one's attitudes toward travel. This is not only true for discretionary (entertainment) purposes, as would be expected, but for more 'mandatory' purposes such as work/school-related activities as well. We are convinced that the demand for travel arises from a fundamental human need for mobility and other subjective characteristics, as well as from the external causes typically measured. To more accurately forecast travel demand and policy response, the role of those subjective characteristics needs to be understood much better than it is at present.  相似文献   

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