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香椿真是一种好东西。 从小我就知道它,因为我家原来就种着一株,后来,它长成很大的一棵树,树干粗直,枝叶茂盛,夏天到来的时候,家人朋友可以在它底下谈天纳凉,清风吹过,它沙沙啦啦地作响,就像哼唱着一首甜蜜温柔的曲子,朴素、馨香,令人怀念。  相似文献   

有外患,就不要让内忧来困扰你。当外部环境不好的时候,更要注重“内功”的修炼。丁磊说:“即使跌倒了,也要抓一把沙子在手里。”在经济危机中,我们可以关注如何把工作做得更好,可以从创意角度打造新需求,可以锻炼“知性力”,还可以研习理财,用一块钱过一天。  相似文献   

第九节 学习画图 前面我们已经学习了指法和鼠标,通过键盘可以输入汉字,那么,怎样在电脑中画出一幅美丽的图画来呢?在开始菜单的附件中有一个画图,用它就可以画画。  相似文献   

“原本就是个比较苗条的女孩子,让人一看上去就清新青春,但是,她自己觉得如果可以再高挑一些就好了.她更希望自己能看上去是个长腿美眉。那么,提升腰线,搭配短款上衣,穿着长靴……这些穿衣技巧会让你的腿修长很多,在视觉上你起码可以增高5厘米呢。”  相似文献   

做卓越之前,我认为互联网是一种工具,之后我才明白,互联网其实是一种观念。当你把互联网理解成观念,你就发现什么都可以是互联网了。做手机可以是互联网,做鞋子可以是互联网,甚至做房子也可以是互联网,做任何东西都可以是互联网。  相似文献   

凭什么女人一结婚就要天天围着灶台转?因为爱家就非要变成家政女王?为什么男人却可以在婚姻里活得悠然自在?男人女人婚前婚后落差真的好大。其实,只要你用心观察,就会发现,男人在婚姻中的一些态度很值得女人参考。  相似文献   

一叶 《老年世界》2014,(23):28-29
一瓶普通的纯净水,两块钱。真的不贵。每逢体育课的时候,就有很多同学带着纯净水,在运动之后可以酣畅解渴。  相似文献   

我从小就有个梦想,那就是想当一名科学家。 假如我是一名科学家,我会发明一种衣服。这种衣服有两个按钮。如果人感觉非常冷时就按那个红色的按钮,它可以使人立即感觉温暖;如果人感觉非常热时就按一下那个绿色的按钮,它可以使人立即感觉到凉爽。  相似文献   

书商经常听到令人沮丧的抱怨:“是的,我是想看,但书太贵了”。如果想到孩提时代50美分就可以买一本书,或者可以在图书馆找到同样的书而不费分文,那我也认为25美元一本的精装小说看来确实昂贵。但稍作比较也许可以帮助精于计算的顾客重新思考图书的长期价值。  相似文献   

1.简单计等老师:“各位,现在清记任,统计学是不说说的。例如,十二个男人一天可以建一座勇于,那么一个入十二天就可以造一区园样的房子。懒们明日我的意思吗/学生:“明日了,老师。就象一*船要花六天才能没过大渴,那么广P船一天就可以渡过大海一样。”2.推理三8男人在聊天。男人田:“我太太刚生下了双胞胎,而我怕历在红双自公司任职。”男人Z:“太万万,我太太刚生下三胞胎,而我是在三菱O司办事啊1”男人丙听后自留在地——他太大团精顺产,而他是在九仓集团三司任职的。3·奇怪数字老师说:“四大于三,三大于二,二大于一…  相似文献   

作为一名钟情于国学的作家、画家和道德经艺术馆的创办者,韩金英习惯于为自己的国学作品配图,这些图也是她对于生命的终极密码的探索。用油画手法表达对易经、风水、中医、智慧的领悟,是她未来不懈的追求。  相似文献   

《Journal of lesbian studies》2013,17(3-4):107-119

The emergence of lesbian book reviewing as a genre has several causes: the boom in lesbian book publishing; the increased visibility of lesbian books in mainstream bookstores; heterosexual readers' current fascination with lesbians and lesbianism; a growth in academic and feminist interest in lesbianism and “queer studies”; a general appetite for the “good” lesbian fiction that has appeared recently; and a new world market for lesbian writing. Responsible lesbian book reviewing should have as its goals to review as many books by lesbian authors as possible, including those not “about” lesbian issues or topics; to review books about lesbianism and lesbian issues, including those written by heterosexuals; to cover the entire range of genres, from serious academic books to popular romances; to seek out and publicize lesbian writers from around the world; to make known smaller lesbian and lesbian-friendly presses; and to present a wide range of responsible reviewer comments on the books reviewed, as the lesbian book market continues to grow, lesbian book reviewing should let readers know what's available, create dialogue about the ideas presented in lesbian books, establish ethical stances, support lesbian publishing, become a responsible member of the “lesbian community,” and create a wider space for lesbian writing in the world of readers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of reading extremely violent versus mildly violent comic books on the interpretation of relational provocation situations. One hundred and seventeen introductory psychology students read either an extremely violent comic book or a mildly violent comic book. After reading the comic books, participants read five hypothetical stories in which a child, caused a relationally aggressive event to occur to another child, but the intent of the provocateur was ambiguous. After each story, participants were asked a series of questions about the provocateur's intent; potential retaliation toward the provocateur; and the provocateur's emotional state. Responses were coded in terms of amount of negative and violent content. Results indicated that participants reading the extremely violent comic books ascribed more hostile intent to the provocateur, suggested more retaliation toward the provocateur, and attributed a more negative emotional state to the provocateur than participants reading the mildly violent comic book. These data suggest that social information processing of relationally aggressive situations is influenced by violent comic books, even if the comic books do not contain themes of relational aggression.  相似文献   

Picture books engage young learners across the elementary curriculum and can effectively help teach about a variety of social studies topics. Social studies may be a neglected subject in many elementary schools, but purposefully incorporating it through children's literature provides an effective means of advancing both literacy skills and social studies understanding. In this study, first graders from two different schools were each provided with five books related to social studies ideas as part of a summer reading program. A picture-sorting activity with six of the students as they began second grade found variations in cultural awareness. Students were found to display chauvinism and presentism more with images relating to a country they had not read about (China) than with one that was included in the books (Tanzania). This study found that providing students with opportunities to read picture books with text and images that accurately reflect contemporary life in different countries can help young students become attuned to cultural similarities and differences, which promotes cultural awareness.  相似文献   

In this article we utilize state-level data to investigate the factors affecting the location of Christian bookstores, astrologers, and psychics. We distinguish between factors related to general consumption of goods and factors related to religious economies to see if religious products are merely another consumption good whose popularity has no relation to the religious environment or if the consumption of these products is related to competition in the religious marketplace. Our results indicate that, whereas the location of astrologers and psychics is strongly related to general consumption related demographic factors, the location of Christian bookstores does not seem to be affected by these factors. Christian bookstores instead reflect the religious composition of state markets. Further, the presence of conservative Protestants appears to have a dampening effect on the location of psychics and astrology studios.  相似文献   

屯溪老街坐落在黄山市屯溪区中心地段,镶嵌在青山绿水之间。北依四季葱茏的华山,南伴终年如蓝的新安江,被誉为流动的“清明上河图”。屯溪老街距今已有数百年历史,全长1,273米,宽5—8米,是目前中国保存最完整的,具有宋、明、清时代建筑风格的步行商业街。  相似文献   

当今社会,随着生活节奏的加快以及竞争的加剧,很多人养成了一些不良的生活习惯,久而久之会导致亚健康状况的出现。在关于亚健康的一项全球调查中显示:全世界真正健康的人仅占5%,而处于亚健康状态的人却占到了75%。那么我们应当如何借助中医改变这种现状、解救亚健康的自己呢?  相似文献   

Treatments of sources of Adam Smith's sociological theory of the self and associated ideas in The Theory of Moral Sentiments typically refer to classical antecedents or the work of his teacher Francis Hutcheson or his contemporary David Hume. During the seventeenth century, however, many books on the passions were published in London that arguably constitute an important but neglected source of Smith's treatment of moral sentiments. These works are largely forgotten today but at the time were widely read. They are not philosophical, partly devotional and predominantly psychological. Although Smith does not refer to these works his argument resembles theirs in many places. The importance of the seventeenth-century books on the passions, apart from their role in the history of psychology, is their bearing on contemporary economic practices. In this paper the connections between Smith and one of these books, Thomas Wright's The Passions of the Minde in Generall, are indicated.  相似文献   

We examine the modes of intervention of global public intellectuals at times of crisis. In critical situations, public intellectuals take positions on matters that affect the societies they inhabit and, eventually, all humanity. To this end, they take advantage of the opportunities afforded by new communications technologies, establishing an important distinction between the “analog” intellectual (who relies on the slow time of books, opinion columns, and bookstores) and the “digital” intellectual who uses modern information and communications technologies. To study the activities of global public intellectuals and their political influence, we propose to leave aside the notion of “transnational intellectual field” in favor of an understanding of a transnational intellectual stage peopled by a certain type of intellectual agent whose symbolic and cultural production is disseminated through a digital global public circuit. To illustrate the functioning of a circuit of this type, we take the example of the Project Syndicate platform.  相似文献   

小桥流水、粉墙瓦黛、悠悠小巷、鳞鳞石板、寞寞岸柳……典型的江南水乡画景呈现在眼前,这里是苏州最古老的街区——平江路。  相似文献   

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