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逍遥 《金色年华》2014,(10):5-5
一个人的舞台即使很少有人给自己鼓掌,自己也要好好的活出自己。一个人活着就是为了好好的生活,生活就是为了好好的活着。干百年来,瓦古不变的就是生活。活着,就有生活。即使无人为自己喝彩,自己也是自己的观众,为自己喝彩,努力的创造出自己的一片蓝天。都言作者痴,谁解其中味。的确,人活着就是为了生活。可能活出自己的最后都成了有所作为的人物。人生本就是经历的过程,谁能活出自己并且能好好的生活着才是最战功的人士吧。  相似文献   

5·12汶川地震后是中国社工的第一次大规模集体亮相。虽然这个舞台没有足够的流光溢彩,但社工用自己的行动证明了自己的价值,帮助了灾民,同时也历练了自己,检验和坚定了自己的职业之路。他们在灾后社工服务中的所感所得,同样值得品味。  相似文献   

百丈冰 《当代老年》2006,(10):27-27
进城工作以后,一直为能拥有自己的房子而努力,就连结婚也一切从简。 经过几年的奋斗,手里积累了一定的资金,就办了按揭贷款购买了梦寐已久的商品房。搬家那天,全家都激动不已,终于有了自己的房子自己的家了,尽管我们家什么新家具都没有。有了新房子后,慢漫地,首先表现出不满的是儿子,成天闹着要看动画片,要我们买电视。已经退了休的老爸老妈知道我们手头紧,就把自己的电视贡献出来,送到我们家。  相似文献   

许多名人运用自己的机智,采取各种各样的形式,成功地把自己或自己的作品推销了出去。  相似文献   

江玲 《老年世界》2009,(3):30-30
老人总是对儿女无私奉献,尽心尽力地关照儿女以及孙辈的生活,不给自己留半点退路,结果,很多老人把自己逼进了困境,晚年生活在经济上穷困潦倒、精神上痛苦不堪。“人无远虑,则有近忧!”老人一定要学会给自己留后路,在健康上、老窝上、金钱上都要留一手,自己给自己“留”出一个幸福的晚年。  相似文献   

未名 《老人天地》2013,(4):16-17
近年来,徐桂芝给自己裁剪、制作的特体服装取名“徐大姐名牌特体服装”。还给自己制作的上衣和裤子分别申请了专利。徐桂芝想创出自己的服装品牌,她希望自己制作的特体服装能够成为世界知名服装品牌,为了这个目标,她谢绝了多个国家商人同她合作的机会,同时也放弃了许多到国外挣大钱的机会。  相似文献   

初到延安 萧军一行于1940年6月14日来到了延安。萧军自己说,他在此地并无安家落户、长居久住的打算,他认为自己是一个作家,活动的天地应该在“大后方”,那里有刊物,有报纸,有朋友,有自己的读者群众,同时,他也不愿意受团体的约束,希望能够按照自己的意志,经营自己的“独立生活”。  相似文献   

1996年,我到了退休年龄,按规定办理了退休手续,离开岗位,回到了家中。起初自己感到我还能干,退下来坐在家里,会坐出毛病的,怎么办?当时.一段时阃食欲减少,睡觉不香,心烦意乱,实在难受。于是我决定自己寻找解除烦恼的办法。于是,我把原来的业余爱好一摄影重拾起来,每天背着照相机出外拍摄自然风光,发现哪有美景,就到哪里拍摄,时间一长,我的烦恼慢慢消失,心绪稳定下来了。把拍下来的照片.自己欣赏自己乐。  相似文献   

我大学毕业两年了,从小到大都非常自卑,自己很怕去找工作,怕被人瞧不起。而且我也很不想去找工作,不想做事情,懒到了极点。大学毕业后,我每天都是在家里睡懒觉,连我自己都觉得自己一无是处。  相似文献   

中国有句俗话“人往下亲”,说父母把孩子从嗷嗷待哺的婴儿抚育成人,待孩子成家立业后,又养育了自己的孩子时,在孩子与父母之间,几乎所有的人首先选择并愿意承担养育责任的都是孩子。因为忙于自己的儿女、自己的事业、自己的……对曾经辛辛苦苦养育自己的父母的赡养就无暇顾及,渐渐的淡了、甚至可以忽略了……似乎父母成为空巢老人理所当然?  相似文献   

中国古时候,没有大量制作成衣的服装工厂,人们穿衣服只能靠自己学着做,或去裁缝铺定做。现在,服装制造业已然成为一个欣欣向荣的产业,但却有越来越多的都市女性选择去找设计师做衣服。  相似文献   

侗族的衣着以自纺自织的青布为主,有便装、盛装之分。而少女盛装最为华贵,一人绣制一套需耗时三年,服饰上盘绣图案繁多,人称“绣画”。侗族盛装集古朴、艳丽与华贵为一体,体现出侗族文化的多元性。  相似文献   

Ava L. McCall 《Social Studies》2017,108(4):136-142
Although children are already part of the global economy, they often have little understanding of its influence without explicit instruction. The article focuses on recommendations for teaching elementary students in grades three through five about the global economy utilizing the pedagogical recommendations from the National Council for the Social Studies and curricular and pedagogical suggestions from economic educators, human rights educators, and research. The author advocates using the inquiry arc to actively engage students in learning and integrating a human rights perspective, along with an economic perspective, to broaden students' understanding of the global economy. Economics helps young students learn why their clothes and toys are produced in different countries while human rights education enables them to comprehend the lives of workers who produce their clothing and toys. The inquiry arc also offers opportunities for young students to take action when they encounter human rights abuses during the production of their toys and clothing. Children are not only prepared for their future role as citizens but act as citizens while they are still children concerned about the human rights of all people involved in producing their clothes and toys.  相似文献   

For young people, consuming is an act of constructing identity, where goods, services and styles are important parts of signifying who they are. Our study focuses on young people who are living in restrictive environments, such as special boarding schools. They have been placed there because of social and educational reasons. Although aspects of education and health of young people in out-of-home care have been studied, their consumer behavior has been given limited attention. Our study shows that young people openly report the use of addictive substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs as well as gambling. They also build up their consumer identity by appreciating symbolic goods, such as clothes, music and sport. Spending on expensive clothes serves their favorable self-image. The fact that the schools provide all their essential needs makes the learning of consumer skills challenging although the schools reinforce management skills such as planning the use of money. Young people struggle with their identities at the borders of their school environment (i.e. education, school discipline) and the temptations of consumer culture. Even if they manage to break their damaging life path, they will be consumers throughout their life, meaning their consumer skills need to be strengthened by special education.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between the consumption of the reference group and people’s subjective wellbeing in seven poor Peruvian communities. It presents an empirical analysis of the importance of relative consumption for people’s feelings of adequacy in five consumption domains (food, housing, education, clothes and health care). Against the assumption that relative consumption only matters for the rich and drawing on recent empirical work in Latin America, the study hypothesises that participants are likely to be influenced by the level of consumption of the area where they live when evaluating their situation. The data come from two surveys implemented in 2004 and 2005 in Peru by the Wellbeing in Developing Countries (WeD), ESRC research group at the University of Bath. The results indicate a negative effect of relative consumption on participants’ appraisal of their households’ clothes, housing and children’s education. However, the study also shows that in domains linked to the need for physical health such as health care and food, appraisals are made based on households’ objective situations and that the average consumption in the community does not play a significant role.  相似文献   

女性天生爱美,细致、感性的特点同样表现在她们对于自己爱车的态度上。不少女孩子喜欢购买和收集汽车内饰和外饰品,在把自己打扮漂亮的同时也给爱车做个美容。本刊编辑愿与读者分享一些时下最为流行的适合女性车主的美车饰品,希望女同胞们的车可以成为城市中一道流动的美丽风景。  相似文献   

新郎黄永生和新娘黄秋花都属于"80后"一代,他们在新思想、新文化的影响下成长,衣着时尚如同每一个大城市里的年轻人,而他们的婚礼却用传统的方式在家乡蟳埔村热闹地举行。  相似文献   


A proposal by PlaNYC's will reduce CO-2 emissions by 2030 and may ease urban malaise and social distress for residents in poverty. Many residents spend over 50% of their take-home income on housing with less money available for food, clothes, and other needs.  相似文献   

How do salespeople negotiate “clothing identities” with customers? To answer this question, I conducted fieldwork in the women's departments of several luxury goods stores in Paris that sell ready-to-wear clothes. In this negotiating context of personalized service, lower-status individuals (salespersons) propose new identities to higher-status consumers. This comparison of how saleswomen and gay salesmen negotiate clothing identities with women customers examines both their identification with the customers and the role-playing involved. The sales area as a “backstage” permits the “expertise” of the sales staff to mitigate the status differences and gives gay male sales staff latitude in their interactions with female clients. Through a construction of clothing identity from articles from the store, saleswomen present an image of possibilities to customers. Playing the role of personal audience, gay salesmen use their ambiguous gender identity to sell clothing.  相似文献   

The material is not just ‘a carrier’ of different types of symbols, but an active element in the practices. Bringing this to the fore requires new research methods. This article discusses a methodological approach, we call it a wardrobe study, which allows for the analysis of the way in which clothes relate to each other on the whole or within parts of the wardrobe. More specifically, we discuss how this method can contribute to increasing the materiality of clothes studies. The theoretical point of departure for this approach is a practice theory in which the material enters as an integral part. First, the article briefly discusses developments within the study of dress and fashion. Second, the methods combined and developed in wardrobe studies are discussed. The emphasis here is primarily not only on the weaknesses of the individual methods in practice-oriented dress studies, but also on how they jointly can contribute to the wardrobe study.  相似文献   

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