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50年代中期至70年代日本政府对外开发援助初探周永生一、日本政府对外开发援助的起步一般认为,日本政府对外开发援助(DDA)始于50年代中期对东南亚各国的赔偿活动,日本政府这种与赔偿相关的对外开发援助直到70年代中期才结束。但严格地讲,“赔偿”是不能列...  相似文献   

王伟军 《日本学刊》2008,(3):91-100
近年来,日本与印度的经贸关系迅速升温,双边贸易额打破长期徘徊不前的局面,年均增幅均达两位数.与此同时,日本还掀起了一股对印投资热:日本政府对印日元贷款急剧增加,印度已成为日本政府最大的开发援助对象国;日本民间的对印直接投资也呈增长态势.不同的是,政府对印开发援助的重点为基础设施,而民间对印直接投资则偏重制造业.日本对印投资政策的调整,已对日本的对华投资产生影响,中国应采取相应对策.  相似文献   

在今年1月25日召开的经济阁僚会议上,日本政府正式决定了“1986年度经济予测和确保经济发展的基本态度”,提出了86年度国民经济发展的预测指标。它们是:1986年度国民生产总值为336兆7千亿日元,实际增长率为4.0%、民间的最终消  相似文献   

日本政府的咨询机构,经过战后四十年来的不断调整,已基本形成了跟国家政策的各领域对口,分工细密的咨询网络。各咨询机构在沟通政府和民间的信息交流等方面,对日本国家的决策起到了极为重要作用。从总体上看,日本政府的咨询机构主要包括政府直属的咨询机构和半官方的“思想库”。  相似文献   

日本在鼓励生育与促进妇女就业上的政策与措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡澎 《日本学刊》2004,(6):126-140
日本的鼓励生育政策与促进妇女就业政策之间存在着深刻的矛盾。如何既鼓励生育、减缓少子化发展的进程 ,又能够充分开发育龄妇女的潜在劳动力 ,减少或解除劳动力不足对经济发展的制约 ,成为当前日本政府和民间广泛关注和积极思考的课题。近年来 ,日本政府为解决这一矛盾 ,在减轻妇女工作和养育孩子的负担 ,创造使妇女既能兼顾职业又能安心养育孩子的环境上 ,进行了一系列改革 ,包括完善相关法律、改革不合理制度、出台指导性的方针和政策等。  相似文献   

当前日本经济回升的特点与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本经济在渡过 1 997— 1 998年度“战后最严重的萧条”后 ,于 1 999年度第一季度开始显现回升势头 ,迄今这一回升势头已持续了约 2 0个月。与以往历次经济回升过程相比 ,此次回升显现出一系列引人注目的新特点 ,且这些新特点还在相当程度上影响乃至决定着未来日本经济能否持续回升的前景。关于此次日本经济回升的前景 ,日本政府和民间研究机构多持乐观态度 ,而事实上有多种重要因素直接对日本经济回升形成障碍。一、回升前的严重萧条  当前日本经济的回升过程是在 1 997年度开始的经济萧条于 1 999年初跌至谷底后开始形成的 ,此后在回升…  相似文献   

正很多人都只把"慰安妇"们当作历史的一份证物,但是她们是否快乐,是否孤独,是否受到伤害,这个日本姑娘在乎。8月12日,90岁的黄有良去世了。她曾经是中国大陆最后一位起诉日本政府的"慰安妇"幸存者。2001年7月,黄有良、陈亚扁、林亚金等8名海南"慰安妇"幸存者向日本政府提起诉讼,要求日本政府公开道歉还她们清白,并给予相应赔偿。黄有良作为原告代表,两次赴日本出庭作证。一生坎坷,老病相催,如今她们都走到了生命  相似文献   

由于战看特定的历史条件以及其它原因,日本政府一直没有提出过全面而明确地阐述其国家战略的正式官方文件,同时,“战略”一词尽管在企业经营等微观层次上被经常使用、甚至成了口头禅,但在政府有关宏观政策的文件中却很少使用。 但是,这决非意味着日本政府对于国家战略没有考虑,恰恰相反,日本政府自70年代以来十分重视、并委托半官方的或民间的研究机构开展有关国家战略的研究,由此产生出“综合安全保障”、“技术立国”、“政治大国”等一系列重要的战略文件和战略方针,它们构  相似文献   

日本民间企业主导型科研体制的利与弊河北大学日本研究所杨书臣日本战后确立并实施了民间企业主导型的科研体制。这一体制对经济发展起了重要的促进作用,但也存在着一些弊端。80年代以来,在“科技立国”方针的推动下,日本政府和企业对原有的科研体制进行了重大的改革...  相似文献   

日本核政策的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵恒 《日本研究》2003,9(2):47-52
日本的核问题是一个很值得认真研究和探讨的重大问题。这不仅仅是因为日本的侵略历史 ,更是因为这个问题事关亚洲乃至世界的和平与稳定。作为世界上唯—一个遭到核武器伤害的国家 ,日本人民对核武器抱有深深的厌恶之情是可以理解的 ,这也是日本政府制订核政策的基石。然而 ,日本政府在战后几十年间 ,在核问题上的所说与所作却让世人 ,尤其是深受日本军国主义危害的以中国、南北朝鲜为代表的亚洲国家人民的疑虑。本文旨在通过对日本政府在核问题上的政策回顾 ,分析未来一段时间日本在核问题上的政策走向。基本的看法是 ;日本政府在核问题上的…  相似文献   

In general, a program of reparations is intended to achieve three objectives: acknowledgment of a grievous injustice, redress for the injustice, and closure of the grievances held by the group subjected to the injustice. Three types of injustices motivate a program of reparations for black Americans: slavery, the nearly century‐long Jim Crow regime following Reconstruction, and ongoing discrimination. Inauguration of a reparations program on behalf of black Americans preferably will be undertaken via legislative action at the federal level, rather than by judicial fiat. Logistical issues addressed in the article include determination of the magnitude of the reparations bill and the criteria to be used to identify those eligible to receive reparations. The present day value of 40 acres and a mule can provide the foundation for the calculation of the magnitude of reparations owed to black Americans.  相似文献   

姚佳 《求是学刊》2003,30(5):85-88
文章以2001年3月10日开始实施的有关精神损害赔偿的司法解释为依托,基于保护当事人的权益与在具体案件中增加法理原则的可操作性,而探讨了我国人格权司法保护的成功与不足,以期立法顺圆法理,司法定纷止争.  相似文献   

This article utilizes evidence from job choices involving fatality risks to estimate individual discount rates for adverse health outcomes. The study compares the results from five distinct models for estimating discount rates from labor market data. The estimated discount rates range from 1% to 14% with confidence intervals that usually include financial market rates for the same period. This result, and consistent findings of significant compensating differentials for fatality risk, provide strong support for life-cycle models of individual rationality in the choice of job risks. Discounted value-of-life estimates are also developed and compared to the crosssection estimates that are more prevalent in the literature.  相似文献   

This study examines the facilitating factors for nonresident parents' financial provisions for children among the Chinese in Hong Kong. It found that financial provisions from nonresident parents are subject to economic and ideological as well as relational factors. The results call for the enhancement of active parenting of nonresident parents in a context of cooperative and supportive parental relationship, as well as for adequate employment support to poor nonresident parents. Findings of the study support the recent law reform on creating a less adversarial divorce system that is more conducive to a culture of settlement and cooperation, and on a shifted emphasis from parental rights to both rights and responsibilities of divorced parents.  相似文献   

A model for constructing networks of support services for older adults returning to the community from institutions is proposed, and case examples are offered. Principles of case management and advocacy are emphasized as critical tools in combating multiple problems and fragmented service delivery. The design, implementation, and ultimate advantages of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

The gender gap in support for a female presidential candidate gathered much media attention with Hillary Clinton as a frontrunner for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination. Two common explanations for this gap are that women have more liberal gender role and political attitudes. We contend that another important, and distinct, factor for heightened support among women is a shared social identity. We tested these three explanations across two studies. In Study 1, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that both attitudes toward women and sex independently predict a significant proportion of the variance in willingness to elect a woman for president. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses showed that when entered together, attitudes toward female authority and sex independently predict support, but when political attitudes was entered, only sex and political attitudes predicted support for Clinton. Finally, as expected, when primed with their gender identity, women increased their support for Clinton and men decreased their support, and women perceived her more favorably and men less so. In sum, these studies strongly support the arguments that the gender gap in support for female presidential candidates stems in part from women's more liberal gender role and political attitudes, and also from women sharing the same gender social identity as a female candidate for commander in chief .  相似文献   

The data from intrasubject-replication research usually are evaluated through visual inspection. When behavior shows little or no wend over time prior to treatment and day-to-day variability is slight, and when trearmenr effects are marked, visual criteria can be readily applied. In many situations where visual inspection may not detect changes, statistical analyses provide a useful tool for evaluating the effects of treatment. The statistical rests for single-case research depart from the more familiar analyses used in between-group research. Different analyses are needed in part because of the special characteristics of time-series data. The present paper discusses visual inspection and statistical analyses of intrasubject-replication reseorch. In addition, two statistical analyses, time-series analysis and a nonparametric ranking procedure, are described and illustrated with ABAB and multiple-baseline designs. Guidelines for using statistical tests and problems they may present for clinical research are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent proposals for new legislation in New South Wales for dealing with drug-dependent persons, opinion has been sharply divided over the issues for and against civil commitment for drug abuse per se. This paper examines the situation as seen from a legal point of view.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移就业的多元路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢文捷 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):87-92
长期以来,我国农村劳动力转移就业基本上是以流向东部沿海经济发达地区为主的单一模式。近年来,受东部沿海地区产业向中西部地区转移进程加快和内地经济快速发展的影响,区域间的比较优势逐渐弱化,农村劳动力远距离就业的选择空间越来越大,当地政府必须通过调整农业经济结构、鼓励农民自主创业、加大招商引资力度和开辟国外劳务市场等途径探索多元转移就业路径,实现农村劳动力合理转移就业。  相似文献   


As services for older persons continue to shift from hospital and nursing home care to greater reliance on support for care at home, the need to understand the ways older persons obtain services becomes more important. This study examines the use of home-delivered meals as a case study to gain insight into the process of service use from the recipients' point of view. It explores the research question: What are the pathways by which older persons acquire home delivered meals? Narrative analyses of structured and unstructured questions asked of thirty frail older persons suggested that the process of acquiring home delivered meals was accompanied by patterns of adjustment in shifting between independence and dependence in managing loss of physical function, and themes of isolation, loss, and abandonment. The results provide insights for social workers in providing the support needed for the role transition that service acceptance symbolizes for older adults.  相似文献   

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