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城市建设中对周边农村集体所有的土地进行征用,在此过程中出现很多问题,影响了建设的正常进行。征地过程中涉及多个主体,其中地方政府和村民集体是最重要的主体。征地矛盾产生的根本原因是对征地建设后增加的收益的分配机制不合理,各主体为了各自获得最大收益,彼此之间进行着各种博弈行为。由于村民在此过程中处于不利地位,自身利益往往会受到损害。系统分析影响主体间博弈的因素,制定合理的相关制度,是有效保证村民利益的根本途径。 相似文献
贺雪峰 《社会观察(上海)》2011,(6):32-32
要找到造成当前农田水利困局的原因,就需要找出当前与农田水利有关的各个利益主体,并分析各方的行为逻辑。当前中国农村的基本经营体制是"家庭承包、双层经营"的体制。首先,作为相对独立的生产单位,农户是与农田水利关系最为密切的利益主体;在农户之上,第二个利益主体是村社,通常是村民组或村委会;在村社以上的层次则是乡镇,再上去是市县,再上去是省市区,最高层是中央政府。区分出县乡和中央,而略去省市等中间层,由此得到农户、村组、县乡和中央等四个农田水利的利益主体。比外由于水利市场化改革,大中型水利设施也成了相对独立的利益主体。 相似文献
城市地下空间是城市的重要组成部分.随着我国城市化水平的不断提高,城市空间拥挤、交通堵塞、环境恶化、资源匮乏等问题逐渐突出.城市地下空间的开发利用已成为增加城市功能、改善城市环境的必要手段。近年来,随着地铁等大规模地下工程在全国各大城市广泛开展.城市地下空间管理逐渐成为城市规划管理的重要内容,加强地下空间资源管理.建立地下空间信息数据库.实现地下空间信息化管理.成为许多城市规划管理建设的重要课题和工作目标。 相似文献
从供给系统出发考察城市公用设施的制度环境,由政府与市场在城市公用设施建设中的合作入手,在充分分析政府角色转换以及供给主体和受体的相互作用机制的基础上,提出建立完善、高效、集约的城市公用设施供给系统所应实现的建设理念和方式上的转变。 相似文献
城市既是本地居民的生活空间,也是外来游客的旅游目的地。长期以来,我国城市建设以工业生产为主,服务业落后。在城市规划和开发中对于公共服务设施大都是以常住居民人口作为基础,很少考虑外来游客的规模数量,致使旅游城市功能残缺,对外来游客环境不友好。尤其是在城市改造过程中的大拆大建和推陈出新,割裂了城市文脉和历史传统的有机联系,成为国外设计师的试验场。在新型城镇化建设中,应该重新思考旅游城市建设方向。 相似文献
人类创造了城市,原本是为了更好、更舒适、更幸福地生活。本文首先介绍了城市空间的人性化设计的概念,分析说明了城市空间设计存在的问题。对塑造人性化的空间提出了要求。我们所生存的城市没有真正为人们的需求设计,要功能与审美相统一。人性化设计的城市空间是我们所迫切需要的,让我们遵循以人为本可持续发展的理念,创造一个人性化的城市空间。 相似文献
城市是人类为了更好地生存和发展创造的活动空间实体和复杂的空间巨系统.城市空间承载着城市经济、社会、文化等内容,映射着城市的历史底蕴.天津从近代的开埠城市到环渤海区域的中心城市,再到如今的北方经济中心,城市发展定位随着社会、经济、环境等的转变提升,最终反映到城市空间结构上,形成了城市空间发展演变历程.当前,天津正处于经济社会快速增长时期,随着人口规模的持续增长,城市发展面临着土地、环境等方面的压力.习近平总书记在专题听取京津冀协同发展工作汇报时强调“京津冀协同发展是一个重大国家战略”.天津作为京津冀地区重要的功能地,在区域一体化发展中迎来了新的发展机遇. 相似文献
在社会主义市场经济条件下,城市规划方案在很大程度上是规划委托方(地方政府)用地需求和城市空间发展战略意图的体现,因此城市规划的制定在很大程度上可以说是一种政府行为,但城市规划的编制也不能因此而随心所欲。 相似文献
“十五”期间,随着我国进一步实施“城市化、西部开发、科教兴国”等大战略,浅层地下空间将会在东部沿海经济发达的大城市首先得到充分地开发利用,并逐步西移。与此同时,北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市,由于地铁一期、二期、三期工程的相继建成,在大型地铁换乘枢纽地区,随着地铁车站及相邻设施的大型化、深层化、综合化、复杂化趋势,势必促进地下空间技术的创新和进步。尤其是在地下勘察技术、规划设计技术、工程建设技术(新工法、新件构、新材料)、环境保护技术、安全防灾与管理技术快速发展的今天,进一步做好城市地下空间开发与利用的研究… 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Researchers have yet to explore the effect of physically interactive video game playing on energy expenditure, despite its potential for meeting current minimal daily activity and energy expenditure recommendations. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Nineteen male college students -- 12 experienced Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) players and 7 inexperienced players -- completed maximal oxygen uptake assessments and a 30-minute DDR gaming session. The authors recorded heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), respiratory exchange rate (RER), oxygen consumption (VO2), and total steps (TS30). RESULTS: Experienced participants showed higher exercise HR, RPE, RER, VO2, total and relative energy expenditure, exercise intensity, TS30, and average steps per minute, and less time and steps to expend 150 kilocalories (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Participants with greater playing experience can work at higher intensities, promoting greater energy expenditure. 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to examine the role of cognitive distortions in the development of on-line game addiction among Chinese adolescents. In Study 1, the sample comprised 495 adolescents aged 12 to 19 who recruited from two middle schools in Guangzhou, China. They were administered questionnaires relating background variables, the Internet Addiction Scale (IAS), Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS) and Online Game Cognitive Addiction Scale (OGCAS). In Study 2, Twenty eight adolescents with excessive on-line game play recruited from a local mental hospital were randomly divided into to a CBT group (N = 14) and a clinical control group (N = 14). Measures of severity of on-line game playing, anxiety, depression, and cognitive distortions were assessed on baseline and after the 6 week intervention. Results of the present study showed that rumination and short-term thinking were the most predictors of online game addiction, and all-or-nothing thinking predict online game addiction at marginal significant levels. Males are at a greater risk of developing online game addiction than do females. CBT and basic counseling had different treatment effects on the all-or-nothing thinking scores, online comfort scores and short-term thinking scores, SDS scores and SAS scores. Interestingly, CBT and basic counseling had similar treatment effects on IAS scores and OGCAS scores. Applications of these findings to etiological research and clinical treatment programs are discussed. 相似文献
The work activity of urban bus drivers is held in the public space and characterized by a constant vigilance, but the moments of observation the colleagues' work are scarce. This fact results in a paradox--it is a work activity that is more visible to "outsiders" than to "insiders"--which has an important impact on the debate of the work activity from a perspective of gender and the women's work in a predominantly male context. Ergonomic analysis of work and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 urban public transport drivers, 16 women and 16 men. The results reveal the lack of conditions for the drivers' knowledge of the activity of another, especially when that other is a woman--while men attribute characteristics to women based on gender stereotypes and an extension of their role in the private sphere, women relate them with the need to prove their competence and be recognized. It is proposed the development, in the context of training, of a space for debate and knowledge of the activity of the other and for the creation of conditions for another integration of women in the profession and for another visibility of their work. 相似文献
市场经济是法制、竞争和信用的有机结合体。一个有序的市场经济必然是法制与信用结合基础上的竞争体系,市场经济由无序到有序的发展过程就是信用经济形成的过程。规范市场秩序应当把培育信用观念,完善信用制度,健全社会化信用体系,加强信用管理作为主要内容。社会信用制度通常包括企业信用制度和个人信用制度,而企业信用制度是整个社会信 相似文献
产业结构是资源配置的具体载体,是国民经济持续增长的强大内在推动力.十五大以来,成都市以结构调整为主线,积极推进区域内产业结构的优化,产业结构调整取得了较大的成绩,但同时也存在着一些问题.本文从三次产业的角度深刻分析成都市产业结构的现状和问题,并提出建立合理产业结构的对策和建议. 相似文献
Lior Barshack 《Journal for Cultural Research》2013,17(1):77-100
Abstract It is argued that ideals emerge in the course of the individuation‐separation process, preserving the narcissism of primary Thingness. Ideals form an essential part of social structure, as opposed to communitas, where individuation is suspended. The anthropological distinction between social structure and communitas is reformulated in psychoanalytic terms. Structure and communitas are shown to correspond to two alternative organizations of narcissism. Ideals and myths figure among the manifestations of the narcissism of structure. In the last section, certain explanations of the discourse of ideals are drawn from the preceding account. While the premises of the following reflections are broadly Kleinian, Lacanian concepts are supplemented, not on the basis of any definite synthesis but towards a piecemeal reconciliation. 相似文献