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Summary A study was made of 31 families of children who had stayed incare for at least 12 months, and of 26 families (coming fromthe same district) with children who had been in care for upto three months. Information about the parents' mental healthwas obtained from social work records, psychiatric records andinterviews with the parents. The parents of children in carefor the longer period were more likely to have received psychiatrictreatment and appeared to suffer from more severe or longstandingdisorders, as evidenced by admissions into psychiatric hospitaland type of psychiatric diagnosis. However our most strikingfinding was the high rate of past and current psychiatric disorderin the total sample of parents; this appeared to be an importantfactor influencing children's admissions into, and dischargefrom, care.  相似文献   

Summary Children's work has become, over the last century, proscribedby law and custom. Both in domestic and external settings, labouris held to damage the physical, emotional and spiritual well-beingof children. Adults who collude in or tolerate children's labourare subject to judicial penalties and moral condemnation. Thesocial history of childhood proposes an upwards temporal inclinefrom barbarity to humanity. Children's exclusion from the labourmarket is a key factor in this trajectory. Work by children,including care for siblings and parents, has become part ofthe same moral universe as child abuse. It is proposed herethat this proposition may be applied too indiscriminately and,furthermore, that condemnation of children's labour is associatedwith wider social needs and has not arisen solely as a resultof philanthropy. The past, it is suggested, has been disproportionatelydemonized, partly in order to promote certain political goals.While this does not imply that child labour, external or domestic,is unproblematic, it is argued that the same historic mechanismswhich have resulted in the distortion of children's labour experiencehave the capacity to bias our understanding of contemporarywork undertaken by children.  相似文献   

Summary The sexual abuse of children by persons who work with them -institutional abuse - is a focus of major concern among policymakers, practitioners and the public. Despite this, knowledgeabout it remains limited. This paper presents findings froma study of institutional abuse cases referred to social servicedepartments or the police in eight local authority areas. Whilesuch cases were relatively uncommon and constituted a smallproportion of all child protection referrals, some involvedlarge numbers of victims and abusers. Institutional abuse casesin the present study shared some characteristics with the majorityof (intrafamilial) abuse cases, but there were also importantdifferences, such as the proportion of male victims and theextent to which abuses used techniques of targeting and entrapment.Contrary to media representations, the institutional abuse reportedhere was not just a problem of children's homes, social workor the public sector, but occurred in a wide variety of settingsand sectors and was perpetrated by a range of occupational groups.If all children are to be protected, then policy and practicemeasures to prevent abuse need to be directed towards a muchwider range of institutions.  相似文献   

Summary Four separate series of parents' groups were held between 1977and 1981 in order to help certain parents of children who sufferfrom cystic fibrosis which is a serious life-threatening disease.These group experiences were found helpful by those parentswho did not have overt problems and who were therefore unlikelyto be referred for individual counselling. Families who hadobvious problems, for example marital, financial or psychiatricwere apparently not helped by the experience, nor were the parentsof newly diagnosed patients. As a result of this groupwork experiment it may be possibleto predict those families who are unsuitable for groupwork help.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Dorota Iwaniec or Dr Helga Sneddon, Institute of Child Care Research, The Queen's University of Belfast, 5a Lennoxvale, Belfast BT9 5BY, UK. E-mail: d.iwaniec{at}qub.ac.uk, h.sneddon{at}qub.ac.uk Summary Parenting behaviour is determined by a range of factors includingpersonality, psychopathology, values, social support, childcharacteristics and socio-cultural influences. It has also beensuggested that an individual's style of child-rearing is influencedby the style of parenting that they experienced as children.The relationships between children who fail-to-thrive and theirparents are often characterized by interactional difficulties.Previous research using retrospective accounts suggested thatmothers of children who fail-to-thrive for non-organic reasonsthemselves showed high levels of abuse, neglect, and deprivationduring their childhoods. However, to date no one has investigatedprospectively what kinds of parents failure-to-thrive individualsbecome. This paper examines the parenting experiences of individualswho had received psychosocial intervention for their non-organicfailure-to-thrive as children over 20 years ago. Results suggestthat where initial intervention failed to bring about long-termchanges in family interactional patterns, there was a greaterincidence of failure-to-thrive in the next generation. Thesefamilies were characterized by dissatisfaction with the child,high levels of stress associated with the parenting role, andlow levels of social support. However, where the family environmentin the original study had changed substantially, the formerclients' outcomes were more positive with their own children.These parents tended to find interaction with their childrenmore rewarding, had good support networks and low levels ofstress. The characteristics of particular cases are discussedin detail to illustrate differences between these two groupsof individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this paper is to consider and comment criticallyupon the recommendation by some eminent authorities that effortsbe made to design and implement procedures to predict the abuseof children. My view is that this move toward prediction—‘sponsored’largely by American paediatricians—is less of a new departurethan an extension of the dominant conceptual tradition wherebychild abuse is seen as analogous to a disease. However, in spiteof its basis in a medical model, it is clear that the idea thatthe abuse of children can be accurately predicted has greatappeal for many social workers. I shall argue, however, thatserious obstacles stand in the way of prediction; that theseobstacles are insufficiently appreciated by the advocates ofprediction; and that—consequently—social workers(and others) should temper with scepticism their enthusiasmfor these developments.  相似文献   

The motives of foster parents, their family and work circumstances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In foster care research the focus is generally placed on thechildren, not on the parents who perform the foster care. Inthis article the focus is on foster parents of 10-11 year-oldchildren. They were interviewed about their motives for becomingfoster parents, which were linked to their family and work circumstances.Among the 21 foster families in the study, four different butequally frequent reasons or motives for taking care of fosterchildren from the very beginning could be distinguished: relativeswho feel responsibility for a certain child; couples who wantchildren and do not think they can have children of their own;families where the mother wants to be at home taking care ofbiological as well as foster children instead of having unskilledemployed work outside the home; and parents with grown-up childrenwho want to fill the 'empty nest' by becoming foster parents- combined with a family business at home or close to home.Changing family and work patterns in Sweden do not seem to haveinfluenced foster families as much as families in general. Theworth of acquiring more knowledge about the families involvedin foster care of children and young people in order to improvefoster care and reduce breakdowns of care is discussed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social Policy and Applied Social Studies, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK. Summary This paper reports findings from an exploratory study on sexualabuse by men who work with children. As a first step towardsfilling a major gap in the relevant research literature, in-depthinterviews were carried out with a small sample of men servingprison sentences for sexually abusing children in their trust.The paper focuses on their accounts of their life histories,including their experiences of prison treatment programmes,and provides a detailed picture of their thinking, feelingsand motivations. In revealing how the men construct their ownsense of masculine identity within social and professional contextsthat are dominated by a heterosexual, white male hegemony, thepaper challenges purely psychological explanations of why mensexually abuse. It concludes that sexual abuse in organizationalsettings is less likely to be challenged if masculinity is notfocused on as an issue of power.  相似文献   

Summary An examination has been made of judicial decisions concerningadoption and custody of children since 1926. It has been foundthat, despite the legal principle that the 'welfare of the child'should be paramount, the law has been interpreted by judgesin ways at variance with the judgements of doctors and socialworkers about the child's welfare As late as 1969, by the orderof a Judge, a child was removed from adoptive parents and givento the jurisdiction of her natural father, who had strangledthe child's mother. The Law Lords in 1971 decided that medicalevidence about the harmful effects of a child's removal froma secure foster home was generally unnecessary, Judges beingable to decide these issues themselves. Cases are cited, whichhave not reached the courts, of children being taken from securefoster homes and placed in unsuitable surroundings by naturalparents. Some proposals for a change of law are proposed, aswell as in social work practice. The principle formulated isthat greater stress should be laid on the mental health andfuture well-being of the child, than on parental rights overthe child  相似文献   

Summary There is consensus among European countries that the first aimof a social policy for families should be to enable childrento remain in their own homes. However, in all countries somechildren require placement apart from their parents, but thereis no agreement as to the best mode of care for these children.Some countries rely entirely on residential care, others almostentirely on family placements in the community. The articlecompares Sweden (high fostering) with Belgium (low fostering),and England and Wales, which is midway between the two, andsuggests that some European models are relevant to English practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Penelope Welbourne, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK. E-mail: p.welbourne{at}plymouth.ac.uk Summary A sample of videotapes carried out in accordance with the ‘Memorandumof Good Practice’ in one Child Protection Unit was evaluatedto ascertain any factors associated with disclosure of abuseduring the interview. The sample of children selected for interviewwas compared with the group of all children referred to theUnit during the study period. It was found that such interviewsare used primarily for victims of suspected sexual abuse. Onlyvideotaped interviews of children who had made a prior disclosureof abuse contained disclosures on video. It is argued that useof the Memorandum as an investigative technique in child protectionand criminal justice is problematic because of the inflexibilityof the Memorandum procedures. It is proposed that they be reviewedin light of information now available about the impact of theirapplication.  相似文献   

Summary The emotional relief of bereavement is generally recognizedas being the primary task of mourner and caregiver, but lessattention has been given to the ways in which the bereaved understandtheir experience and reconstitute family life. Recent studiesof parents whose children have died in traumatic circumstances,from murder, suicide and operation, suggest that it is an essentialpart of griefwork to resolve the meaninglessness of the crises.Those whose children die from chronic disease, handicaps, oraccidents, also need to find a meaning in their tragedies. Bereavementis thus a total psychophysical experience of suffering, andthe renewal of family life depends on the acceptance of separationand the regenerative use of its pain. Insights from psychiatrists and sociologists are acknowledgedand related to those of bereaved parents, and to the developmentof their self-help association, The Compassionate Friends. Theseprovide models of mourning and a collective response to familyloss which offer hope, support and varieties of meaning to thenewly bereaved. The roles of health and social workers involved in pre- andpost-bereavement care are explored, and ideas are offered formaking the social network more supportive. It is suggested thatthis will not be costly in material resources, but in thoseneeded for the more therapeutic involvement of the caregiver.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Celia Doyle, School of Behavioural Studies, Nene College, Northampton NN2 7AL Summary This article provides an overview of the current debate andconcerns in child protection work as reflected in current, mainlyBritish, academic and professional journals. Some of the concernswhich have been expressed during the past twenty years are stillpart of contemporary discourse. These include the divide betweenphysical punishment and abuse, child fatalities, assessment,procedures, intervention and prevention. Some more recent themeshave also emerged, in particular ritual abuse, the links betweendomestic violence and child maltreatment, children as witnessesand the plight of children with disabilities and young corers.Perhaps the most prominent feature is the overwhelming pre-eminenceof articles about child sexual abuse. Physical neglect remainson the sidelines while emotional abuse, as the main or soleform, merits barely a mention.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Sheppard, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 7EW, UK. Summary There is now considerable evidence that a high proportion offamilies subject to child and family care social work interventioncontain depressed mothers. There is also evidence that the presenceof clinical depression is associated, amongst these clients,with child abuse. Vulnerability to both depression and childabuse have been traced back to the early child-care experiencesof those who are currently parents, expressed in child abusein terms of intergenerational transmission, although it is alsoclear for both that further factors also contribute to thisvulnerability. Despite the link between maternal depressionand child abuse, we have little evidence about the processesand mechanisms, based on social workers judgements about thesituation, by which families with depressed mothers are morelikely than other clients to be involved with intervention forchild abuse. This paper seeks to ‘map’ the pathwaysand the intermediate mechanisms which provide the link betweenthe experience of past abuse and social workers interventionstrategies. Drawing on theoretically significant factors, itfocuses on the following variables: the experience of past abuse,the mother's attributed character, attachment and bonding, childbehavioural problems and intervention strategy. The paper demonstratesa number of significant ‘paths’ through which familiesbecome subject to one or other intervention strategy. It showsthat, while an emphasis on needs assessment is to be welcomed(Department of Health, 1999), they need to be considered (i)within a theoretical framework which helps social workers makesense of, and respond to situations and (ii) through an understandingof longitudinal dimensions (key factors in mothers' earlierlife) which are aspects of this theoretical understanding.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr David H. Thorpe, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Administration, Fylde College, Lancaster LA1 4YF Summary This paper reports an empirical study of the 12-month careersof 231 children who entered care in one local authority in 1985.Career is analysed primarily in terms of length of time in care(weeks), legal status, age on ently to care and placement changesin care. The study shows that almost half the children who enteredcare went home within 6 weeks, and that those who stayed onin care after that time stood only a 1 in 3 chance of goinghome before one year. Onl a quarter of these children remainedin the same placement during their year in care. Drawing onbackground data derived from recently published child care researchand successful diversionaiy intermediate treatment schemes thepaper outlines child care practices which are targeted on childrenwho remain in care beyond 6 weeks and who would benefit fromintensive efforts to restore them to natural parents.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ann Buchanan, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, Barnett House, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2ER, UK. E-mail: ann.buchanan{at}socres.ox.ac.uk Summary This paper, based on a larger study of children and their parentswho were subjects of a welfare report for the court followingparental separation and divorce, highlights the very high levelsof distress amongst the children involved. As measured by theStrength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), 52 per cent ofboys and 48 per cent of girls had significant adjustment problemsimmediately after the proceedings and a year later, 62 per centof boys and 32 per cent of girls were still maladjusted. Childrenwere more likely to have problems where parents were also distressedand where there was domestic violence. These findings suggestthat these children should be considered ‘children inneed’ under the 1989 Children Act. and that preventiveservices need to be developed to help parents resolve the arrangementsfor the children without going to court.  相似文献   

What Makes Good Foster Parents?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Brian Minty, Lecturer in Psychiatric Social Work, Department of Psychiatric, University of Manchester, Stopford Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT. Summary The assessment of prospective foster parents is an importanttask based on skilled, but largely unevaluated, methods. Thisstudy attempts to describe the characteristics, personal backgroundand motivation of all the foster mothers used by two inner cityteams who had had at least one child placed with them for ayear or more. The chief motivations and childhood experiencesof the foster mothers were compared with ratings made by thefostering officers of their excellence as foster parents. The study confirmed that two motivations for fostering, whichhave often been held to be reasonably good predictors of ‘success’in caring for deprived children, were, in fact, associated withan acknowledgement on the part of experienced fostering officersthat the parents who claimed to act from such motives had agood capacity to fulfil the demanding role of a foster parent:firstly, a desire to parent a child, when it was impossibleto conceive a child of one's own; and secondly, an identificationwith deprived children as a result of unhappy experiences inchildhood—experiences which the foster mothers had hadthe resilience to cope with, and use creatively. In addition,it emerged (somewhat to our surprise) that foster parents whoclaimed to act from motives of social concern and altruism werealso seen by fostering officers to have demonstrated a realability to foster children. Nearly three-quarters of the foster mothers were emphatic thatthe experience of fostering had enhanced the quality of familylife. For childless couples, the satisfaction seemed to comefrom caring for children; but for couples who had children oftheir own, the satisfaction seemed particularly to lie in helpingchildren who had been deprived of a normal home life, and inbringing up children whom they could not see as extensions ofthemselves.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mike Freel, Child Protection and Review Unit, Kirklees Children and Families Services, Westfields, Westfields Road, Mirfield, WF14 9PW, UK. E-mail: mike.freel{at}kirkleesmc.gov.uk Summary Researchers argue there is a male monopoly in the perpetrationof child sexual abuse, and that a male sexual interest in childrenis relatively common in society. Government and organizationsworking with children have done little to address possible implicationsof such research. This study explores gender differences inan expressed sexual interest in children, a history of childhoodsexual abuse, and the relationship between these two factors.A self-administer questionnaire was given to a sample of 92female and 91 male public sector child care workers. Resultsshowed a significantly higher percentage of males (15 per cent)than females (4 per cent) expressed a sexual interest in children.Females (20 per cent) were more than twice as likely as males(8 per cent) to report childhood sexual abuse. More than twiceas many men who had been sexually abused as a child (29 percent) expressed a sexual interest in children compared withnon-abused men (14 per cent), but this did not reach statisticalsignificance. In summary, this study found that a sexual interestin children is relatively common among male public sector childcare workers. Prevalence findings for childhood sexual abuseare broadly in line with other research. Experiencing childhoodsexual abuse was not related to a sexual interest in children,but this finding is based on small numbers reporting such aninterest.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms. B. Penhale, Team Leader, Social Work Department, West Norwich Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich NR2 2TU. Summary Within the last six years, concern about the abuse of elderlypeople by their informal carers has increased in Britain. However,problems remain in the identification and treatment of boththose who are abused and their abusers. The purpose of thispaper is to consider some of the barriers to the identificationof abuse; to look at the similarities and differences betweenthe abuse of elderly people and other forms of family violence(in particular child abuse) and to discuss the implicationsof these for social work practice.  相似文献   

Summary The 1975 Children Act implies an increased statutory involvementof local authority social workers with West African childrenwho are fostered, and with their parents. The Act gives a newurgency to the need for a greater understanding of West Africanculture if effective social work help is to be given and suchwork should help to prevent legal disputes concerning the custodyof these foster children. A general discussion of variablesthat influence child-training is followed by a more specificconsideration of West African and British approaches. Importantdifferences are noted and areas of possible misunderstandingindicated. The mediating role that the social worker could playin this cross-cultural fostering is emphasized. Attention isdrawn to limitations in our present knowledge and the need forfurther research is stressed. Not only would this have practicalvalue but, it is suggested, it could increase our knowledgeof socialization processes in general.  相似文献   

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