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本文从社会性别视角对招赘婚姻的形成原因和社会后果进行了分析和解读,探讨了社会性别机制如何在招赘婚姻中发挥作用以及招赘婚姻形式对新型社会性别关系建构所产生的影响。  相似文献   

不同于宏观性的一般化概括和具体经验的描述总结,立足于中国农村区域差异的中观视角,在村庄社会结构和社会文化区域比较的基础上,理解农村彩礼性质的区域差异问题。南方团结型村庄,村庄宗族性结构力量及规范性强,代际关系厚重均衡,婚姻自主性较高,婚姻市场竞争性一般,农村彩礼还保持传统性的一面,缓慢稳定地变迁。北方分裂型村庄,村庄竞争性强,代际关系厚重但不均衡,婚姻自主性弱,婚姻市场竞争激烈,彩礼上涨迅速,成为代际剥削的手段。中部分散型村庄,社会结构力量弱,代际关系均衡,婚姻市场竞争弱,农民的理性化程度高,婚姻彩礼是一种理性化模式。农村区域差异的视角,为我们深刻理解农村彩礼的区域差异及变迁模式提供了中层理论建构。  相似文献   

婚姻观是将要和已经进入婚姻生活的男女两性对配偶的要求和对婚姻生活的期待,维系婚姻的态度等。不同时期的男女两性对婚姻的观念是有差异的,女性作为社会主体之一,其观念的变迁不仅直接影响到女性自身观念的变迁,同时也因其在婚姻家庭中的角色地位而影响着家庭乃至社会文化观念的变迁。本文试图以西双版纳傣族女性婚姻观念的变迁论述其观念与文化发展的关系,即传统文化形成女性婚姻观念,现代文化影响并改变着女性婚姻观念,两种文化在女性婚姻观念影响与变迁中相互冲突又相互融合、会通发展。  相似文献   

婚姻,是社会的重要组成部分,它不仅仅表示两个人的结合,更多的是家族、宗族、和人类社会的关系。自从五四以来,乡土社会中种种婚姻形式陋习,被现代作家加以描写、批判。沈从文通过对乡土社会中婚姻形式的描写,探索出"优美、健康、自然而不悖乎人性的人生形式|"的婚姻生活所要承担的阻力,表达了沈从文对理想婚姻形式的探索。  相似文献   

礼是中华传统文化的核心内容。中华民族的婚姻礼仪,不仅体现了特定时期的风俗习惯,还表现了独特的思想观念和价值观念。对不同时期的婚姻礼仪进行探讨,可以看出中华民族婚姻观念的转变,以及礼仪对社会文化的呈现。  相似文献   

婚姻幸福及其相关因素的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究依据中央电视台央视调查咨询中心于1995年5月份在全国进行的“中国妇女问题”调查数据,分析了我国城市夫妻及其相关因素。结果表明:1.我国城市夫妻婚姻幸福的基本状况属于中等及中等以上水平,感到婚姻不幸福的人占极少数。2.和婚姻满意度相关显著的社会人口因素是性别、家庭人均月收入,择偶标准是个人内在因素、个人自然因素、社会文化因素,观念类型为现代型。3.所有相关因素对角色平等性的预测力最高,其次是夫妻交流和婚姻满意度,其中对婚姻幸福影响最大的是观念类型和择偶标准。  相似文献   

礼物交换是人们维系、建立人际关系的常见方式,在重要的人生阶段,伴随着重要的人生仪式,礼物交换更是不可或缺的,并在"过事"中承担着重要角色。婚礼是重要的人生仪式之一,同样也少不了家族、亲友间的礼物互动,但随着社会的变迁,回、汉婚姻交换礼物的种类也随着经济、教育、心态等多方面因素潜移默化地发生改变。本文试从婚姻礼物交换种类的变迁入手,探讨当代回、汉婚姻礼物交换类型的新型划分。  相似文献   

马藜  刘艳琴 《现代妇女》2010,(11):11-18
婚恋生育观这个话题无时无刻不在冲击着我们的眼球和耳朵,尤其是作为我国的第一代独生子女的“80后”婚恋生育观成了时下人们争论的焦点。融合当前的热点,我们以“80后”婚恋生育观城乡之间的对比研究为题进行了深入探究。从恋爱、择偶、婚姻等方面进行探讨。他们的婚恋观,呈现了多元化的状况,生育观则明显受西方文化和中国的计划生育政策的影响,也呈现多元化的趋势。“80后”的婚恋价值取向已从单一价值、单一模式向多元化转变;“80后”出现的婚恋生育状况,代表着我们国家的新的社会问题。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动背景下,长期异地分居的农村夫妻面临各类婚姻问题。从农村青年女性的视角对社会转型中所涌现出来的农村婚姻危机现象进行类型概括,并对婚姻危机中农村青年留守女性维系婚姻关系的动因进行分析后发现,尽管打工经济新常态下的农村离婚、逃婚及婚外性和婚外情等婚姻越轨现象增多,但受社会整体变迁的挤压效应和村庄规范的式微、农村青年留守身份特质及其性别依附性及正式社会支持体系缺失的影响,她们只能在既有的文化和社会体制中挣扎,形成了消极对抗的隐忍策略。  相似文献   

生儿育女是一个纯属个人隐私,既简单又复杂的问题。简单到不需要思考,只要凭着生理本能即可解决,但又复杂到需要追询生命意义,探究自我与社会互动关系的问题。 生育是一种文化,一种文明程度,一种价值观念。中国历来有“不孝有三,无后为大”义正词严的训诫,我们的祖祖辈辈是在“养儿防老、多子多福”的传统中,带着婚姻、家庭、儿女的重负走过漫长的人类文明史的。“传宗接代”一直是婚姻的主体,生儿育女已成为人生无法省略的责任和内容,更是女性生命价值和意义的最重要的体现。 中国青年生育观的变革是从城市走向农村的。40多年…  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue provide important, new insight into the evolutionary roots of expressive behavior. Across the three articles, a strong argument is made for behavioral mimicry, expressivity, and laughter providing adaptive value to ancestral humans that is still reflected in our modern world. The place of an evolutionary analysis in the development of a broader functional approach to nonverbal communication is described and discussed. Each article proposes specific dynamics through which expressive behaviors predispose receivers to respond in a manner benefitting the sender. The mediating mechanisms advanced in the articles are examined more closely and modifications in the proposed processes are considered.  相似文献   

AIDS education, prevention strategies, and support services for gay and bisexual Latinos have traditionally been inadequate, even though surveillance data demonstrate that the risk of contracting AIDS is two and one-half times greater for gay or bisexual Latino men than for their white counterparts. Language, culture, disproportionate poverty, and different definitions of gay or bisexual identity in Latino communities must be considered when addressing AIDS issues among Latino groups in the United States. It should not be assumed that outreach, education and prevention programs which may be appropriate for whites or African Americans will be appropriate for Latinos. This article offers a theoretical framework for developing a culturally-sensitive AIDS prevention program for gay and bisexual Latino men.  相似文献   

Elder abuse exists in Japan. Not only is recognition of the problem inadequate, but there are few systematic efforts to deal with it. This paper describes a small-scale survey that explored the conflictual relationship between wives and mothers-in-law. Since the end of World War II, the positions of the wife and that of the mother-in-law have been reversed, resulting in a weaker position for the latter. This change from the traditional relationship may be a source of elder abuse.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):275-295
In this multiply-authored account, five academicians discuss the connections between their work as clinicians and their clinical qualitative research. Each saw connections between practice and research, and each in her or his own domain of interest has found that practice informs research and research informs practice. This article also introduces three major types of qualitative clinical family research: conversational analysis, recursive frame analysis, and hermeneutic phenomenology.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):15-50
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):161-170
Aspects of management and succession in any business can be analysed as though they involved intergenerational family relationships, whether in fact or by metaphor. Summaries are provided of research on management of offspring and intergenerational succession in business families and then extended metaphorically to managament and succession when the people involved are not relatives. Metaphoric analysis leads to a discussion of family of origin intrusions into work situations and the issues involved in succession when a successor and person succeeded are markedly different in age.  相似文献   

Women and HIV:     
Women constitute one of the fastest growing groups of people infected with HIV. Women have always been affected by HIV as informal or formal caregivers. Despite this, HIV services and education have been directed almost exclusively towards men. Given that women comprise half of the workforce, the change in the face of the epidemic requires a reexamination of the EAP professional's approach to AIDS education and services. This article delineates HTV-related issues specific to women and their impact on the functions of the EAP. Suggestions are made for targeting AIDS workplace education and prevention to women. The implications of women's issues on early identification, counseling, and referral by EAP professionals are also explored. Consideration is given to the cultural and socioeconomic diversity of women affected by HIV.  相似文献   

Housing is conceptualized as a source of positive or negative status. Some environmentally related indicators of status are generated to open new lines of inquiry. The social class limits of new housing as a Source of accorded status are discussed.  相似文献   

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