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丁宁 《老人天地》2010,(7):33-33
我最近有些不快,希望听一下您的意见。我儿子从英国学成归来了,我高兴极了!儿子是我的骄傲,他从小就听话,功课好,现在又从牛津大学毕业了,我乐得嘴都合不拢了!  相似文献   

新冠肺炎初期,青年和中老年家庭成员间由于风险感知不对等而产生的沟通问题被凸显出来。对24个青年与家人关于疫情而起的冲突分析发现,关于疫情的家庭沟通所触碰到的不仅仅是健康传播的议题,更重要的是代际间已有的秩序和结构。不同代际对于疫情风险的认知重点不同,风险认知捷径也不同。青年要善于抓住不同代际风险认知途径的交集部分去设计劝服策略,提升在家庭中的风险话语权。  相似文献   

"代际特征"是拥有相同历史经历的一代人在认识和处置某些问题时表现出有别于其它时代人的显著特征。网络依赖是20世纪90年代出生的青少年的重要代际特征。先锋性、独立性和叛逆性是形成青少年网络依赖的重要心理原因,巨大的升学压力和严厉的家庭管束构成了青少年网络依赖的社会学原因。加大对青少年的理解和关照力度,增强青少年自我监督和管理能力,提高青少年网络素养是理性应对青少年网络依赖的主要举措。  相似文献   

"文化反哺"是人类社会文化变迁中的一种"晚辈文化"向"长辈文化"倒流的现象.本文认为,这种现象的出现与存在对弱化"代沟现象"、实现亲子间的"视阈融合",改善"亲子关系"、增强子代的自我价值感和社会适应能力,完善"长辈主流文化"、规范"青年亚文化"、促进社会的进步与发展,有着积极而重要的作用.  相似文献   

青年运动是青年人的事业,是青年全面、深入参与、干预、介入民族国家和社会事务,乃至国际事务、全球化事务的基本形式和途径,是青年的社会历史舞台。近现代以来青年的发展史即是一部生动而复杂的青年运动史,在这一历史过程中,青年展示出其无限的可能性。青年运动作为社会运动的一种特殊形式,在现代社会生活中仍具有旺盛的生命力、创造力和想象力。青年运动,既是青年群体的社会行动方式,也是研究青年的一种视角、理论和方法。国内近些年来的青年研究有将青年运动历史化的倾向,这种倾向无论对于研究本身还是对青年的社会实践,以至社会对于青年的认识和理解都是不利的。  相似文献   

当国际冲突影响本国关键利益时,作为冲突第三方的国家即使缺乏用于调停的资源和影响力且调停策略选择有限,也可能介入国际冲突并成为小国调停者。介入冲突后,小国调停者围绕实现本国利益这一根本目标,除提供调停外,还将依托其调停国身份,采取一系列务实的外交举措。小国调停者的介入在对消弭国际冲突起到一定积极作用的同时,也将对调停国本身产生复杂影响。俄乌冲突期间,由于以色列判断本国的国家安全、立国合法性、经济运行、社会稳定等国家利益受到冲突的实际或潜在影响,于是选择介入其中。一方面,以色列的调停增进了冲突双方的信息传递与沟通。其在调停过程中面向冲突双方的一系列务实外交举措,在相当程度上实现了所指涉的国家利益。另一方面,以色列的介入致使以俄、以乌、以美双边关系均面临不确定性,背后折射出以色列政局与社会的碎片化态势。  相似文献   

在2022年俄乌冲突中,土耳其等中等强国或地区性大国在大国博弈中积极寻求外交平衡,避免选边站队,在区域政治和全球政治中的影响力持续上升。作为北约成员国、欧盟候选国和黑海沿岸国家,土耳其之所以在俄乌、俄美(北约)以及俄欧之间采取平衡外交是基于维护国家利益、赢取民意支持、谋求战略自主、彰显多元身份等诸多原因。不过,土耳其的平衡外交也有其限度,如土俄关系的非对称性、土美之间的结构性矛盾以及土耳其的反西方主义情绪等。土耳其未来在大国之间仍将寻求外交平衡,这对于提升其地缘战略价值、缓和外交孤立、增强全球影响力均具有重要意义,也从根本上有利于其战略自主地位的形成。然而,随着反对党力量不断增强,西方国家希望土耳其反对党在2023年选举中上台,土耳其的平衡外交因此面临巨大威胁。  相似文献   

外语学习不仅是语言的习得过程,更应当学习目的语文化,加强对目的语国家文化的认同与接受,只有这样才能熟练运用该语言与具有目的语国家文化背景的人进行有效的交流。同时,交际的过程是一个双向的交流传输过程,因此既要做到对目的语文化的输入,也要求做到对母语文化的输出,只有这样才能保证跨文化交际的平衡发展。面对频现的"中国文化失语症",我们在教学中应培养学生的主体文化意识,尤其是加强学生用英语表达本土文化的能力。《当孙悟空遇到蜘蛛侠》这部影片不仅向我们展示了中西文化的冲突与融合,同时也细腻地向我们展示了中国的传统文化。我们应该利用英文电影帮助英语学习,使其成为英语学习者不可或缺的一本活的教科书。  相似文献   

周阳 《城市观察》2012,(1):132-142
综合考虑中心城市、国家城市等级体系和世界/全球城市网络等方面,论述了国家中心城市的一般定义、本质特征和核心功能。国家中心城市具有和重点城镇群互为依托,全球城市网络的重要功能节点,等级和格局随经济重心的转移而变化,共性和特色并存等特征,以及控制管理、协调辐射、城市服务和信息枢纽等功能。据此采用层次分析法对12个城市进行评价,以广州为参照得出了它们的国家中心城市指数得分。  相似文献   

Role Conflict and Role Overload: Different Concepts, Different Consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concepts of role conflict and role overload have been used, often interchangeably, to interpret sources of gender differences in role-related mental health among men and women who combine the roles of spouse, parent, and worker. However, these types of chronic role strains actually represent two distinct concepts. Definitions of the concepts suggest different contextual sources for these role difficulties as well as different mental health consequences of experiencing them. This paper analyzes some potential sources of feelings of role conflict and role overload, and estimates their effects in undermining psychological well-being among a sample of women who combine work and family roles. Results indicate that (a) different contextual factors influence individuals'feelings of role conflict and role overload, and (b) feelings of role conflict significantly undermine psychological well-being, while feelings of role overload do not.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in intergenerational connectivity through intergenerational programs. In this work, a review of intergenerational programs was performed, with focus on the program design and objectives as well as in their outcomes.

We used a systematic review method in which we screened 3,796 articles. After analyzing titles, abstracts, and full paper analysis, 16 articles were retained. Each study was reviewed, and data were extracted related to target population, study design, characteristics of intervention, outcomes, and effectiveness.

Intergenerational programs included educational programs and art, Information technology development, cultural heritage, health education, and therapeutic activities. Most of the programs collected both quantitative and/or qualitative data. Seven studies collected data in the beginning and at the end of the program. Significant diversity in sample size and intervention length was found. Measurement of outcomes was performed in both young and/or elderly group of participants. Programs impact evaluation varied between studies, including validated scales, interviews, observation, focus groups, and conversation analysis, narratives, videotaped sessions, and field notes.

Our study highlighted the diversity in the design of studies and in the program’s effectiveness evaluation. More randomized design studies are required to support researchers and practitioners in the development of future intergenerational programs.  相似文献   

This study examined mother–child acculturation gaps in relationship to youth distress and the possible mediating role of parent–child conflict and parenting style in a sample of 81 Chinese American families. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses provided partial support for a relationship between acculturation gaps and youth distress. No mediators of this relationship were found; however, post-hoc analyses indicated that intergenerational conflict and parenting style were associated with youth distress above and beyond acculturation gaps. These results suggest that interventions developed to reduce parent–child conflict and increase parental bonding (increase parental warmth and decrease parental overprotection) may be valuable for Chinese American adolescents, regardless of acculturation gap status.  相似文献   

Intergenerational relationships are increasingly recognized as an important field of practice and research. However, it has been argued that appropriate concepts and theories are still required to guide and consolidate the discipline. Although a number of concepts borrowed from the social sciences have been used with some success thus far, few attempts have been made to conceptualize intergenerational relationships from a psychological and developmental perspective. This article explores the usefulness of the Eriksonian concept of generativity as a framework for understanding intergenerational relationships. We describe the contribution of generativity to the intergenerational field and we explore the prospects, limitations, and potential of this contribution.  相似文献   


This study is concerned with the nature of parent-child conflict in the Korean immigrant home and how such conflict impacts on children's self-esteem, depressive symptoms, sense of marginality and subsequently their coping behavior. Acculturative stresses of immigrant families and potential cultural sources for intergenerational conflict are explored. To test the relationship between intergenerational conflict and its impact on children's psychological well-being, the study relies upon 312 cases of survey data that were collected by Shalom Christian Counseling Center in Los Angeles in 1999-2001. Using a series of bivariate relationships and multiple regression analyses, we evaluate the relative effects of intergenerational relations and perceived marginality along with several demographic factors on dependent variables: self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and coping behavior. Our findings clearly demonstrate that conflictual intergenerational relations impact negatively on the psychological adaptation process of Korean immigrant children. Korean immigrant children whose conflict is not dealt with or resolved well tend to exhibit high depressive symptoms and low self-esteem, which also are associated with their perception of marginality in larger society. Females are more associated with depressive symptoms, but less on unhealthy coping behavior. Children whose residency is relatively shorter are less likely to show depressive symptoms and subsequently to engage less in negative coping behavior than are those who have resided longer in the U.S. These children tend to experience more unhealthy coping behavior than do children having stable relations with their parents at home. The implication of this study is discussed, and possible intervention methods are suggested.  相似文献   

审视与超越--青年的时代特征与代际特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国建立后的五十多年间经历了三次重大的转折性的社会变迁,分别产生了为建设新中国而奋斗的一代青年人、经历"文革"和上山下乡运动的一代青年人、改革开放趋于现代化的一代青年人以及独生子女的一代人.这几代人所处的时代环境,以及由这种时代环境所决定的教育程度、价值理念、人生目标、审美情趣等都不一样.伴随着社会的进步和发展,代际之间的不同特征自然也就形成和突显了.所谓代际特征是代群的思想观念、价值取向、心理状态、行为习惯、生活方式的体现,这种特征必然是超越个体而显现的,必然是存在着一定程度的共同趋向,正是通过这种共同的趋向,使所谓"代际特征"得到了确证.  相似文献   

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