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Building on theories of differentiated leadership and knowledge sharing, this study investigated the influence of dual-level transformational leadership on three group climates, leader–member exchange (LMX), and knowledge sharing. Using data from 275 employees of 71 work groups in five companies, we found that group-focused leadership and individual-focused leadership both facilitated knowledge sharing while the three group climates and LMX acted as mediators at the group level and individual level, respectively. In addition, our analysis showed an interesting finding in Chinese organizations: an innovativeness climate and a fairness climate contributed to an affiliation climate, which in turn promoted knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(2):172-189
To enhance the understanding of leadership influences on employee voice behavior, this study focused on traditional Chinese leadership (i.e., authoritarian leadership). We proposed that supervisor authoritarian leadership negatively affects employee voice behavior and manager authoritarian leadership has a cascading effect on such behavior through supervisor authoritarian leadership. Furthermore, these effects were either amplified or attenuated under different conditions (i.e., leader identification and power distance orientation). A cross-level investigation of voice behavior within 52 groups of employees from multiple Chinese companies in Beijing was conducted. The results showed that supervisor authoritarian leadership negatively affected employee voice behavior and mediated the negative relationship between manager authoritarian leadership and employee voice behavior. Leader identification moderated the indirect negative effect of manager authoritarian leadership on employee voice behavior via supervisor authoritarian leadership, while power distance orientation moderated the direct negative effect of supervisor authoritarian leadership on employee voice behavior.  相似文献   

陈国青  任明  卫强  郭迅华  易成 《管理世界》2022,38(1):180-195
在大数据和人工智能技术飞速进步及其与社会经济活动的融合持续深化的同时,数据治理,高阶智能以及数智赋能正在成为数字经济发展的关注焦点,进而引发信息系统研究的新跃迁。本文首先刻画了我国信息系统研究的阶段演化框架,讨论研究的“造”与“用”视角、主题跃迁、价值创造特点、方法论范式等。接着,通过凝练对于大数据的认识,揭示管理决策要素转变,探讨了现阶段信息系统研究的若干前沿方向,包括“大数据驱动”研究方法论范式、智能方法创新、人机融合行为等方面的研究进展,并概述了相应的建模思路和求解路径。最后,从数据、算法、赋能的层面,阐释数智化新跃迁的新特征、新挑战、新课题,以期为我国信息系统学界提供前沿探索和研究创新的启发。  相似文献   

Leadership is a key predictor of employee, team, and organizational creativity and innovation. Research in this area holds great promise for the development of intriguing theory and impactful policy implications, but only if empirical studies are conducted rigorously. In the current paper, we report a comprehensive review of a large number of empirical studies (N?=?195) exploring leadership and workplace creativity and innovation. Using this article cache, we conducted a number of systematic analyses and built narrative arguments documenting observed trends in five areas. First, we review and offer improved definitions of creativity and innovation. Second, we conduct a systematic review of the main effects of leadership upon creativity and innovation and the variables assumed to moderate these effects. Third, we conduct a systematic review of mediating variables. Fourth, we examine whether the study designs commonly employed are suitable to estimate the causal models central to the field. Fifth, we conduct a critical review of the creativity and innovation measures used, noting that most are sub-optimal. Within these sections, we present a number of taxonomies that organize extant research, highlight understudied areas, and serve as a guide for future variable selection. We conclude by highlighting key suggestions for future research that we hope will reorient the field and improve the rigour of future research such that we can build more reliable and useful theories and policy recommendations.  相似文献   

The opportunity to use one's skills at work is an important prerequisite for employee well-being. Drawing on self-determination and person-environment fit theory, this diary study aims to add to our understanding of this important phenomenon in two ways. Firstly, we examine the associations of within-subject daily variations in skill utilization with well-being. Secondly, we model work value orientation as a between-subject factor that moderates this within-subject relationship. Specifically, we advocate that daily skill utilization is more beneficial (in terms of more daily work engagement and less daily emotional exhaustion) for employees holding predominantly intrinsic (i.e. self-development, community contribution) as opposed to extrinsic (i.e. financial success, status) values. Results of multilevel modelling using diary data from 99 service workers over five working days, supported the assumption that daily skill utilization was positively related to daily work engagement, particularly among employees holding a predominantly intrinsic work value orientation. Contrary to our expectations, daily skill utilization was unrelated to daily exhaustion, both for employees holding high and low intrinsic values. The discussion highlights the importance of, and employees’ receptiveness to, variations in beneficial working conditions.  相似文献   

It is believed that workplace creativity and innovation are fostered by positive leader behaviors and positive workplace relationships and hindered by the opposite. However, some challenge this view and argue that creativity and innovation can also be fostered when employees experience what is increasingly referred to as “the dark side of leadership”. Research in this area is sparse, contradictory, and overly confusing. We provide a comprehensive systematic review of 106 empirical studies on this topic. We review research on a broad range of constructs, including abusive supervision, authoritarian leadership, narcissistic leadership, and close monitoring. As might be expected, a larger number of the articles reviewed found a negative relationship, but there are important discrepancies and details. Our review reports the main effects, summarizes the results of the mediating and moderating variables, and highlights methodological shortcomings of the previous literature. On this basis, several recommendations are made to advance this field of research.  相似文献   

The current study extends the literature on shared leadership by exploring the questions of whether, how, and when shared leadership makes an impact on team and individual learning behaviors. Specifically, the current research proposed that shared leadership has a positive impact on both team and individual learning and this impact was realized through the mediating role of team psychological safety. Furthermore, the study introduces job variety as a potential moderator in the relationships between shared leadership on team and individual learning behaviors through team psychological safety, such that the indirect effects are more positive when team members perceived high job variety. Using 263 members from 50 teams in China, the hypotheses were largely supported. Theoretical contributions, practical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the most fundamental decisions made in firms is about what functions or activities the firm should perform within its own hierarchy, and which of these it should rely on the market to perform. Outsourcing is ‘an agreement in which one company contracts out a part of their existing internal activity to another company’. However, this article contends that outsourcing has changed, and is changing in ways that make the application of neat, legal and technically correct definitions hard to use, and even harder to apply in strategy. Under the new outsourcing paradigm, technology is not a passive ‘substance’, rather it is an active ‘force’. We aim to look at the ways in which technologies are re-shaped and transmuted by consumers. Through this analysis, we add the consumer activity to the conventional definition of outsourcing. We focus on one of the most highly anticipated and influential new products of 2007 – the Apple iPhone.  相似文献   

领导—成员交换关系的差异化是近年来学术界的一个热点课题.尽管已有研究考察了它对一些个体和团队产出的影响,但领导—成员交换关系差异化对创造力的影响一直为研究者们所忽略.领导—成员交换关系差异化文献和社会比较理论表明领导与不同下属交换质量的差异对团队及个人创造力的发挥具有重要意义.基于此,本研究采用社会比较的理论视角,同时从个体和团队两个层面考察领导—成员交换关系差异化对团队和个体创造力的影响,并进一步分析团队层面的差异化对个体层面效应的调节作用.通过对中国大陆80个知识型团队的367名个体的问卷调查,结果发现:在个体层面,相对的领导—成员交换关系(RLMX)对个体创造力有显著正向影响,团队自主支持感在这两者关系中起着中介作用;在团队层面,领导—成员交换关系差异和团队创造力之间呈U型关系,领导—成员交换关系差异对个体创造力有消极影响,但团队层面的关系差异化对RLMX和个体创造力关系的调节效应不显著.总体来看,本研究发现LMX差异化对个体层面和团队层面的影响是不一致的.最后讨论了本研究的不足及未来潜在的研究方向.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(2):286-299
We examined follower relational identification with the leader as a mediator and follower perceptions of leader creativity expectations as a moderator in the relationship between transformational leadership and follower creativity. Using a sample of 420 leader–follower dyads from an energy company in mainland China, we found that follower relational identification with the leader mediates the transformational leadership–follower creativity relationship, and this mediating relationship is conditional on the moderator variable of follower perceptions of leader creativity expectations for the path from follower relational identification to follower creativity. These results contribute to the literature by clarifying why (through relational identification) and when (high creativity expectations set by the leader) transformational leadership is positively related to follower creativity.  相似文献   

本文对中国文化背景下团队心理授权维度结构与测量进行了探索性研究。研究首先对20个团队44名员工进行个别访谈,两个团队27名员工进行焦点小组访谈,以及17个团队96名员工进行开放式问卷调查,然后以18家企业的83个工作团队454名员工、32家企业的156个工作团队568名员工为被试,按照心理测量学程序,探讨了中国文化背景下团队心理授权的结构,并编制了相应的测量问卷。结果表明,中国文化背景下团队心理授权的维度结构包括工作导向授权体验与能力导向授权体验两个因素。  相似文献   

许多学者的研究结果都表明,优质服务是决定顾客满意度的最重要因素之一.但这些学者的研究往往将员工的服务质量与顾客的满意感当做单一层次变量处理.在深入文献研究的基础上,本文提出了一个包括顾客心理授权在内的员工服务质量与顾客满意感关系的新模型,并采用多层次模型分析方法,着重分析了控制欲对顾客心理授权与顾客满意感的调节效应.数据分析结果表明,员工的服务质量并不直接影响顾客满意度,而是通过顾客心理授权对顾客满意度产生间接作用,也就是说,顾客心理授权是服务质量对顾客满意感影响的中介.此外,顾客的控制欲正向调节心理授权对满意感的影响作用.即企业只有授权给控制欲强的顾客,才能显著提高顾客满意度.本文研究结果进一步深化了关于满意度的研究,丰富了营销学界对顾客授权理论的研究,对服务性企业采取针对顾客的授权措施,提高顾客满意程度有一定的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

Companies organize teams to enhance creativity and innovation. Creativity refers to the generation of new and novel ideas, whereas innovation encompasses both idea generation and the commercialization of these ideas to add value to the enterprises. Standard teams are those, wherein participants meet face-to-face to develop new ideas and/or to commercialize them. Asynchronous virtual teams are those which allow participants to interact via digital means without face-to-face meetings. Asynchronous virtual teams are especially convenient for participants at global locations.The objective of this paper is to outline a third kind of teams, the virtual teams with anonymity and structured interactions (VTASIs), in which participants remain anonymous, follow a modified Delphi brainstorming process, communicate with one another asynchronously via electronic means, apply a set of streamlined idea generation strategies (the Combinatorial Heuristic and Normatively Generic Method), and conduct multiple rounds of structured interactions under the guidance of a knowledgeable team leader. Individual team member works alone, yet interacts indirectly with all others in a group setting.After having briefly reviewed the factors that are known to constraint the performance of both the standard and asynchronous virtual teams, this paper describes a study conducted in Spring 2009 Semester at University at Buffalo, involving eight VTASI teams of a total of 72 graduate engineering students who worked on generating new ideas for improving four specific projects. Key results are discussed.For global operations, the asynchronous virtual teams represent an improvement over the standard teams in terms of reach, costs, and execution. The VTASI teams advocated in this paper represent yet a further improvement over the Asynchronous virtual teams, and hold promise to be the most effective among the three types of teams in promoting creativity.  相似文献   

Drawing on the upper-echelon perspective, we investigated the impact of top management team (TMT) characteristics on organizational creativity. An organizational creativity index was used as a dependent variable to examine creativity at the organizational level. The results of the statistical analysis generally supported our hypotheses. The size of the TMT had a significant and negative impact on organizational creativity. The average age of the TMT was also negatively associated with organizational creativity. However, functional diversity of the TMT had a significantly positive impact on organizational creativity. These findings have important conceptual and practical implications. This study increased our understanding of the relationship between TMT characteristics and organizational creativity by introducing TMT characteristics as antecedents of factors influencing organizational creativity. This study suggests fruitful avenues for further research of this important yet understudied topic and useful managerial tools for composition of an adequate board for enhancing organizational creativity.  相似文献   

Is cookbook medicine a major threat to patients and physicians alike? Should this management tool be condemned as yet another disdainful and questionable aspect of managed care? Presented here are arguments for and against cookbook medicine--with some surprising conclusions. Could it be that cookbook medicine actually fosters creativity, discipline, and freedom?  相似文献   

陈璐  高昂  杨百寅  井润田 《管理学报》2013,10(6):831-838
基于对57个高科技企业高层管理团队中的配对数据分析,对家长式领导行为、心理授权、权力距离和集体主义价值观影响高层管理团队成员创造力的方式进行探究。研究发现,CEO的家长式领导行为对团队成员创造力具有显著的正向影响,团队成员的心理授权在其中起完全中介作用。此外,家长式领导对不同价值取向的团队成员的心理授权产生了不同的影响,即团队成员的权力距离取向越高,或者集体主义取向越高,威权领导对其心理授权的负向影响越弱;团队成员的集体主义取向越高,仁慈领导对其心理授权的正向影响越弱。  相似文献   

There are many reasons that people, when warned of an impending extreme event, do not take proactive, self-defensive action. We focus on one possible reason, which is that, sometimes, people lack a sense of agency or even experience disempowerment, which can lead to passivity. This article takes up one situation where the possibility of disempowerment is salient, that of Rohingya refugees who were evicted from their homes in Myanmar and forced to cross the border into neighboring Bangladesh. In their plight, we see the twin elements of marginalization and displacement acting jointly to produce heightened vulnerability to the risks from extreme weather. Building on a relational model of risk communication, a consortium of researchers and practitioners designed a risk communication training workshop that featured elements of empowerment-based practice. The program was implemented in two refugee camps. Evaluation suggests that the workshop may have had an appreciable effect in increasing participants' sense of agency and hope, while decreasing their level of fatalism. The outcomes were considerably more positive for female than male participants, which has important implications. This work underscores the potential for participatory modes of risk communication to empower the more marginalized, and thus more vulnerable, members of society.  相似文献   

在分析社会-结构授权理论基础上,界定了团队心理授权的内涵,评介了现有团队心理授权模型(团队心理授权效能机制模型、团队心理授权形成机制模型以及多层次心理授权模型);然后,具体分析了这3种模型的结构特征、拓展应用以及存在的不足;最后,指出了团队心理授权未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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