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高耀松  张娟 《科学发展》2010,(10):91-98
无水港(亦名干港),一种建在内陆地区但具有和沿海港口基本相似功能的现代物流中心应运而生。它不仅能够缓解国际贸易中心城市港口拥堵,推动内陆经济发展,并且能够作为国际贸易中心城市的腹地,为其贸易量的积累、贸易方式的多样化发挥重要作用。上海国际贸易中心建设过程中,服务贸易发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是,保持一定规模的货物贸易比重仍然是作为国际贸易中心的一个条件。伴随着全球经济一体化的发展和我国对外贸易量在世界的比重逐渐攀升,港口间的竞争愈演愈烈。如何争取到更广阔的经济腹地和货源将是上海国际贸易中心建设需要考虑的问题。  相似文献   

当前国际经济金融形势极为复杂。金融危机使全球的治理结构面临重大调整,各国转型发展的压力增大,对市场、资源、标准的竞争更加激烈。同时,我国逐步进入国际体系的核心部位,机遇增大,但挑战更大。2011年,中国经济可归纳为"五大目标实现"和"三大风险缓解"。2012年,中国宏观金融政策总体上稳中求进。同时,通过分析中国经济内外推动因素,对今后10年中国宏观经济发展作出趋势预判。  相似文献   

Has the past decade of sustained economic growth and political transformations reversed Latin America's historical failure to secure market and social incorporation? To address this question this article draws on the experiences of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Uruguay by distinguishing between short‐term outcomes – which may depend on benign international conditions – and policy changes, which are more important for long‐term performance. It highlights the overall success of both Brazil and Uruguay and shows that the other countries have made more progress in terms of social than market incorporation.  相似文献   

龙艳 《城市观察》2011,(5):128-133
随着经济全球化和信息地球村的迅猛发展,城市在国家和地区间的重要性日益增强,城市间的竞争也日趋激烈,城市国际竞争力成为国内外研究的热点问题。就《关中一天水经济区发展规划》来看,未来西安要建成世界领先的国际大都市,增强和提升西安国际竞争力已成为新西安发展战略的核心。2011西安世园会是一次提升西安国际竞争力的良好契机,本文以“世园”窗口效应的原理和方法为基础,对全面提升西安国际竞争力进行了系统研究。明确了西安国际竞争力的含义,建立了提升西安国际竞争力的路径模型;结合西安城市发展的实际,分别从基础设施、经济发展、科技信息、风俗文化、全球联系五个方面给出了提升措施。  相似文献   

We lay out alternative ways of melding measures of absolute and relative deprivation in an index of overall deprivation, exploring the choices the analyst faces in this enterprise. The indices derived are used to answer two important empirical questions. First, did overall deprivation fall in the BRICS–Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa– between the early 1990s and late 2000s, alongside the fall in absolute deprivation? Second, what is the relationship between reductions in overall deprivation and economic growth? We show that the standard portrayal of the BRICS as economic success stories as well as the emphasis placed on economic growth in the reduction of deprivation must be qualified to some extent.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the construction of the silver economy (or the longevity economy) strategy in Brazil and its contribution to the economic development. The first and second parts of the paper summarize the international debate on the concept, mainly in the countries of the European Union. The third part approaches the focus on the ageing population in Brazil, still dominated by a pessimistic view. In the next section of the paper, the action opportunities for the longevity saving strategy in Brazil are exposed with summaries of some key sectors, according to the international literature on the silver economy. The income of the older people and the purchasing power of families with older adults are analysed in the following sections. In the conclusion, some recommended actions for building the silver economy strategy in Brazil is discussed.  相似文献   

Gender differences in “competitiveness,” previously documented in laboratory experiments, are hypothesized to play a role in a wide array of economic outcomes. This paper provides evidence of competition aversion in a natural setting somewhere between the simplicity of a laboratory experiment and the full complexity and ambiguity of a labor market. The “State Street Mile” race offers both male and female participants a choice between two different levels of competition. Large, systematic age and gender differences are observed in the relationship between true ability and the decision to enter the more competitive race. Overall, qualified women and older runners are far less likely than qualified young men to enter a competitive race with prizes. However, the fastest young women unanimously enter the competitive race. Therefore, while we confirm age and gender differences in competitiveness in our field setting, the economic consequences to capable young women are rather small. (JEL J1, J7, M5)  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of special education in Brazil within a wider context of educational systems, societal changes, and the international scenario. Attention is focused mainly on the provision for pupils categorised as educable mentally deficient, as more than three-quarters of the special education clientele enrolled in the regular school system are classified as having educable mental deficiency. From the beginning of the institutionalisation of special educational services in Brazil, the public sector has placed more emphasis on special class type provision, therefore, the majority of these pupils are found in special classes within regular schools. However, although this type of provision might be regarded as mainstreamed provision, it is argued that if children are to be fully integrated into the 'normal' school life, reforms in the education system and more fundamental social changes are needed.  相似文献   

E. Kath 《Globalizations》2015,12(6):872-885

Carnaval and futebol (football) have both been central to the construction of Brazil in the imagination of global audiences. This includes contributing to stereotypes of Brazil as a country of peaceful, festive, and sensualized people, even though historically Brazilian Carnaval and football have always been sites of social contestation and popular participation in the construction of collective identity. In recent years, Brazil has burst onto the global stage as a key player due to its economic rise, its more proactive international diplomacy, and its venture as the host of major global sport events. Protest and political violence have erupted on the streets of Brazil in a manner quite at odds with the circulating reports on the ‘success story' of Brazil. A combination of the country's increasing global prominence and developments in media and communication technologies of the global era means that global and local audiences have access to more detailed, nuanced, and grounded information about Brazil than has ever been possible before. This moment of intensified visibility has brought Brazil's imagined identity (both within Brazil and within the global imaginary) to a turning point; one where national symbols such as Carnaval and football are declining in relevance. In this article we argue that due to this combination of forces, Carnaval and football, at least in their manufactured forms that are visible to global audiences, no longer have the popular potency within Brazil that they once did, but have rather become what Bakhtin would call ‘mere spectacles’. We consider Carnaval and football within historical and contemporary context drawing upon a variety of sources, including secondary literature and mainstream and alternative media reports.  相似文献   


Analysis of Brazil’s political and economic crisis tends to emphasize the economic ‘errors’ that President Dilma Rousseff’s Workers’ Party (PT) government inherited from her predecessor Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva. It is clear, however, that political regulation is too narrow a focus to understand the current crisis. Such an explanation is unable to reveal the changes in class structure that took place during the Lula era as well as the effects of the international economic crisis. This article identifies the limits of the Brazilian development model and the main features of Lula’s mode of regulation; analyses the conflicts produced by the neo-liberal regime of accumulation and the Lulista mode of regulation, emphasizing the role of precarious work in the current historical cycle of strikes and popular struggles in Brazil; and, finally, interprets the palace coup promoted by the social forces behind the impeachment of President Rousseff.  相似文献   

陈洪辉 《科学发展》2012,(2):99-104
对国际金融中心的争夺在世界范围内愈演愈烈。政府与金融中心的关系就如同政府与经济的关系,自由放任和国家干预。随着政府能量日益增强,政府对金融中心的推动作用越来越明显和突出,通过研究一些主要金融中心发展过程中的政府作用,以期对上海国际金融中心建设有所启示。  相似文献   

With globalization and increased international competition have come more flexible forms of employment and increased job insecurity. The authors address the impact of perceived job insecurity on employees' work attitudes and intentions. After reviewing relevant research on stress theory and the relationship between job insecurity and its consequences, they test two hypotheses on 942 employees in Spain, namely: first, that job insecurity relates negatively to job satisfaction and organizational commitment and positively to intention to leave; and, second, that job insecurity, economic need and employability interact in the prediction of these outcomes.  相似文献   

多维理论视域中的能源政治与安全观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于国际能源政治及其安全的各派理论观点虽视角各异,但其相互间实际上是互为交叉和影响,并日益呈现出共同特征.随着冷战后世界经济全球化进程的加速,各国在能源领域的相互依存日渐加强,既竞争又协调成为国际能源政治的主流.由此各方越来越重视能源领域的国际合作及其国际机制的建设,主张通过国际合作与协调来实现能源安全,将维护能源安全与实现经济和社会的可持续发展、与国家的对外政治和经济关系紧密联系起来.  相似文献   

Total quality management (TQM) has been thrust into the psyche of corporate America. TQM is not a new phenomena. Introduced in the early fifties to Japanese managers by an American management expert, it served to make Japan an international economic leader. U.S. companies have generally had little international competition. They now recognize he formidable challenge that quality based companies represent and are striving to replicate these successes. To do so will be to remain competitive. To discount the impact of TQM initiatives could spell economic disaster. Employee assistance program (EAP) management is modeled after American management principles. EAPs are also now having to compete for market share in ways for which they were never prepared. The TQM initiatives currently being implemented in many companies may be applied equally well to EAPs. This article presents an overview of the TQM principles formulated by W. Edwards Derning. The article also attempts to critically analyze some of the areas that have been problematic in EAP management. Further, it examines how TQM initiatives could serve to ameliorate some of these problems and lend additional impetus to the competitiveness of employee assistance programs with other behavioral health care service delivery and cost management programs.  相似文献   

Recent energy and climate policies, particularly in the developed world, have increased demand for bioenergy2 as an alternative, which has led to both direct and indirect land-use changes and an array of environmental and socio-economic concerns. A comprehensive understanding of the land-use dynamics of bioenergy crop production is essential for the development of sustainable bioenergy and land-use policies. In this paper, we review the patterns and dynamics of land-use change associated with bioenergy crops (hereafter referred to as ’bioenergy-driven land-use change’). The review focuses on four regions as the most prominent locations in which these patterns and changes occur: Brazil; Indonesia and Malaysia; the United States of America (U.S.A.); and the European Union (EU). The review confirms that bioenergy-driven land-use change has affected and will impact most severely on the ’land- and resource-abundant’ developing regions, such as Brazil, where economic development takes priority over sustainable land-use policies, and the enforcement capability is limited. Opportunities for more effective policy are available through the development of international climate change policy (e.g. REDD under the UNFCCC), and certification criteria for sustainable bioenergy products (e.g. EU RED). However, bioenergy produced from no and/or less land-using feedstocks (e.g. wastes and residues), and their associated technologies must be given higher priority to minimise bioenergy-driven land-use change and its negative impacts.  相似文献   

陈甬沪 《科学发展》2012,(11):71-78
上海小微企业行业多、分布广,在丰富行业门类、链接产业运转、呼应市场供给需求、形成市场合理价格、持续市场竞争活力和推动创业带动就业中功不可没。但受国内外复杂且不确定的经济运行环境的影响,不少小微型企业处于人才缺、融资难、利润薄、发展难的困境之中。优化上海小微企业生存环境,应进一步转变管理理念,完善政策及服务,创新发展模式,引导产业发展,拓展小微企业发展空间,形成支持扶持的合理体制与互动机制,真正发挥小微企业在"创新驱动、转型发展"中应有的作用。  相似文献   

上海改革顶层设计的关键是确立改革愿景的目标。上海顶层改革的愿景目标为:到2015年,基本建成与经济、社会文化与行政管理全面服务化相适应的体制与制度;到2020年,基本建成与“四个中心”和社会主义国际大都市相适应的体制与制度;到2050年,基本建成与有中国特色全球城市相适应的体制与制度。“十二五”期间,上海要推进经济体制改革,促进科学发展;推进社会文化体制改革,保障和改善民生;推进行政管理体制改革,建立服务型法治政府。重点在经济、社会文化与行政管理子系统的体制与制度上突破,突出制度创新,以加快经济结构调整、着力改善民生、加强社会建设、改进城市管理为关键环节,建立以市场竞争有序、资源配置合理、社会公平正义、政府高效廉洁、文化包容开放为特征的体制与制度。  相似文献   

Special tabulations of the 1970 census of Brazil are used to estimate fertility and mortality rates by level of household income. Projections to the year 2000 indicate that the poor population will grow substantially faster than the rich population. Projections that simulate upward social mobility and declines in fertility and mortality levels do not alter this conclusion. Differential rates of natural increase by income strata are shown to contribute to an increase in the proportion of the population in the lower income strata, by the end of the century. Although these differentials could be reduced by a more equitable distribution of income, the style of development in Brazil has yielded only a small increase in the real income of the poor. Analysis of the income elasticity of fertility and mortality at different levels of household earnings suggest that this pattern of economic growth will further widen differences in the rate of natural increase by socioeconomic strata. The analysis of the demographic behavior of population subgroups questions the assumption that a lower rate of aggregate population growth in developing countries necessarily contributes to a more equitable distribution of income.  相似文献   

The international community, in the form of the United Nations and, more recently, the G20, has committed itself to the Millennium Development Goals. The global financial crisis of 2008/9 served to increase the economic problems faced by low‐income countries, making it much less likely that the goals will be attained. At the same time, the decision has been made to reactivate the SDR scheme by making a new allocation of SDRs in order to create additional international liquidity. This article explores the idea of linking SDR creation with the provision of development assistance. Although the idea of a link is not original, contemporary global economic and political circumstances may generate an environment particularly conducive to the acceptance of the proposal.  相似文献   

This article examines the current nature of dependency in the context of global restructuring, where technological change in computers and telecommunications has made those sectors central for global economic competition. The Brazilian policy to promote computer manufacturing and software development, or informatics, is an example of a strategy to transform dependency in this context. This article examines the political and economic conditions that affected implementation of the Brazilian informatics policy after it became the object of a U.S. trade investigation in 1985. It identifies three sets of structural constraints on policy choices and outcomes: trade conflicts with the U.S. government, rapidly changing international product markets, and trade dependence. These constraints were found to persist, despite proficient and flexible political efforts to adapt to changing market conditions and manage ties with foreign capital.  相似文献   

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