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《Long Range Planning》2023,56(1):102269
We advance performance feedback theory by showing how decision makers respond to inconsistent performance feedback on multiple goals, and how status shapes these responses for introducing behavioral changes. We argue that inconsistent performance feedback on primary and secondary goals decrease decision makers' propensity to initiate changes, while their high status operates both as a critical asset that motivates solution search for fixing a performance shortfall on a primary goal and as a resource buffer against self-enhancement beliefs when addressing inconsistent feedback on multiple goals. We test our arguments using a dataset of 107,791 Airbnb properties and find support for our hypotheses. We discuss the contributions of our findings to the performance feedback theory.  相似文献   

The perceptual effects of varying levels of expert advice for potentially improving on strategic decisions were examined in conjunction with goals. The amounts of advice about decision alternatives, as well as assigned goals ranging from “nearly impossible” to “easy,” were manipulated. The task used was complex and functioned perceptually as an “ill-structured” problem. Mixed results indicated that more advice significantly affected satisfaction but advice in general had little influence on effort. On the other hand, as goal difficulty decreased, satisfaction and effort significantly increased. Easy goals were superior to more difficult ones within this perceptually ill-structured decision-making situation.  相似文献   

In 1968 the first cohesive theory on goal setting proposed that difficult goals produce higher levels of performance than easy goals and that specific goals produce a higher level of performance than “do your best” goals. While over 40 years of research supports this theory, there has been some discrepancy regarding the use of very difficult goals. This study was designed to examine the effects on performance of different levels of performance improvement goals and two different types of feedback, as feedback is often used in conjunction with goal setting. A group design was used with participants receiving one of two goal levels, and two different types of feedback. While no significant effects were found between the two types of feedback, goal level produced significant results in terms of performance and accuracy.  相似文献   

Building on previous results at the individual level, this study tested the differential effects of three forms of group incentives on aspects of group goal setting, and group performance. Relationships among group incentives, spontaneous goal setting, chosen group goal level, goal commitment, and group performance were examined. Results indicate that placing pay at risk increased the level of spontaneous group goal setting. Also, groups with the most pay at risk chose higher goals. For these groups, chosen group goal level mediated the group incentives-group performance relationship.  相似文献   

The decision-making in this study compares the performance of the dialectical inquiry (DI) and the devil's advocate (DA) techniques. In addition, the task was structured to include three levels of goal difficulty and three decision-making contexts. Over all contexts, there were no significant differences between the DI and DA methods. When the DI technique was employed, however, the context of the decision appeared to be an important factor. The goal-difficulty factor was associated with significant effects on decision quality only when individuals were divided according to their perceptions of goal relevancy and meaning. Finally, the order in which the contexts were considered was important.  相似文献   

As manufacturing firms push to achieve shorter lead times and higher levels of customer service, the basic capability of underlying manufacturing processes must be reexamined. The capacity and operational variability of a process dictate a certain set of realistic performance goals. In this paper, we examine this fundamental relationship from an economic perspective using two levels of analysis. At the aggregate level, we model the manufacturing process as a single server queue and compare the traditional roles of marketing and manufacturing in setting performance and process design parameters. Insights gained at this level are incorporated into the analysis of a realistic multiserver, multistation manufacturing line. We develop an interaction decision tool to guide the selection of process and performance parameters in this more complex environment.  相似文献   

Effective risk management requires balancing several, sometimes competing, goals, such as protecting public health and ensuring cost control. Research examining public trust of risk managers has largely focused on trust that is unspecified or for a single goal. Yet it can be reasonable to have a high level of trust in one aspect of a target's performance but not another. Two studies involving redevelopment of contaminated land (Study 1) and drinking water standards (Study 2) present preliminary evidence on the value of distinguishing between performance criteria for understanding of trust. Study 1 assessed perceptions of several trust targets (councilors, developers, scientists, residents) on their competence (capacity to achieve goals) and willingness to take action under uncertainty for four criteria. Study 2 assessed competence, willingness, and trust for five criteria regarding a single government agency. In both studies overall trust in each target was significantly better explained by considering perceptions of their performance on multiple criteria than on the single criterion of public health. In Study 1, the influence of criteria also varied plausibly across trust targets (e.g., willingness to act under uncertainty increased trust in developers on cost control and councilors on local economic improvement, but decreased it for both targets on environmental protection). Study 2 showed that explained variance in trust increased with both dimension‐ and trust‐based measures of criteria. Further conceptual and methodological development of the notion of multiple trust criteria could benefit our understanding of stated trust judgments.  相似文献   

董事责任保险作为上市公司治理的重要避险工具,在改善公司治理绩效的同时,也可能引发董事的道德风险,损害公司价值。董事责任保险参与公司治理能否产生积极的经济后果,显著提升企业价值,尚有待经验证据检验。为了深入探究董事责任保险对企业价值的影响机理,文章基于公司治理视角,以2007年-2015年我国沪深两市A股上市公司的数据为样本,采用倾向得分匹配方法,在控制样本自选择偏差后,研究董事责任保险购买决策对公司价值的影响。实证结果显示,不论以财务还是以会计绩效衡量,购买董事责任保险均能够显著提升公司价值。研究结论揭示了董事责任保险的综合治理效应,提供了转型经济下董事责任保险对公司价值整体影响的经验证据。  相似文献   

Some organizations have begun to target their goal-setting method more closely to the ability levels of their employees. In this article, we report the results of a laboratory study of 138 undergraduate students, which shows that these “ability-based” goals are more effective at improving performance than a “one goal for all” approach, where everyone is assigned the same performance target. Results from repeated measure tests and other analysis of variance tests show that lower-ability individuals in the ability-based goal condition outperform those in the one goal for all condition. Lower- and moderate-ability participants in the one goal for all condition also experienced larger decreases in performance in later rounds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the standard data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to include longer term top management goals. This extension is in recognition of the fact that benchmarking for decision making units (DMUs) is more than a purely monitoring process, and includes a component of future planning. The new model uses a goal programming structure to find points on the efficient frontier which are realistically achievable by DMUs, but at the same time achieving a closer approach to long term organizational goals (as distinct from the local performance of individual DMUs). Consideration is given to the possibility of adjusting constraints on the DMU by investment in extended inputs or new technologies, in which case minimization of associated investment costs becomes an additional management objective.  相似文献   

在由一个制造商和多个外部供应商构成的多产品、多阶段供应链中,将经济增加值(EVA)作为体现价值创造的绩效指标,并考虑决策者的经营风险偏好,采用已知概率的离散情景描述资本成本与需求的波动情况,利用鲁棒随机规划方法,建立了以价值创造为目标的供应链鲁棒优化模型。应用分析的结果表明,模型能够将供应链的绩效与风险管理结合起来,减少资本成本与需求不确定对目标值的影响,得到具有鲁棒性的最优解,而且越是风险厌恶型的决策者越会为了保持较低的经营风险而放弃较大的EVA值。同时,决策者可选择不同的权重系数侧重于解鲁棒或模型鲁棒,保证供应链运作的鲁棒性,实现价值创造的目标。  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(10):2087-2104
In the United Kingdom, dwelling fires are responsible for the majority of all fire‐related fatalities. The development of these incidents involves the interaction of a multitude of variables that combine in many different ways. Consequently, assessment of dwelling fire risk can be complex, which often results in ambiguity during fire safety planning and decision making. In this article, a three‐part Bayesian network model is proposed to study dwelling fires from ignition through to extinguishment in order to improve confidence in dwelling fire safety assessment. The model incorporates both hard and soft data, delivering posterior probabilities for selected outcomes. Case studies demonstrate how the model functions and provide evidence of its use for planning and accident investigation.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the key causal linkages in supply chain management. We propose a conceptual framework and test this framework on data from 215 North American manufacturing firms using structural equation modeling techniques. Three major research issues are addressed in this study: Do sourcing decisions affect the degree to which firms achieve manufacturing goals of cost, flexibility, dependability, and quality? Does the degree of manufacturing goal achievement lead to higher customer responsiveness? Does the degree of manufacturing goal achievement lead to higher internal manufacturing performance? The study examines the relationship among sourcing decisions, manufacturing goals, customer responsiveness, and manufacturing performance. The results support the notion that an integrated supply chain involves aligning sourcing decisions to achieve manufacturing goals that are set to respond favorably to the needs of customers.  相似文献   

Intensive risk assessment is required before the approval of food additives. During this process, based on the toxicological principle of “the dose makes the poison,? maximum usage doses are assessed. However, most consumers are not aware of these efforts to ensure the safety of food additives and are therefore sceptical, even though food additives bring certain benefits to consumers. This study investigated the effect of a short video, which explains the scientific risk assessment and regulation of food additives, on consumers’ perceptions and acceptance of food additives. The primary goal of this study was to inform consumers and enable them to construct their own risk‐benefit assessment and make informed decisions about food additives. The secondary goal was to investigate whether people have different perceptions of food additives of artificial (i.e., aspartame) or natural origin (i.e., steviolglycoside). To attain these research goals, an online experiment was conducted on 185 Swiss consumers. Participants were randomly assigned to either the experimental group, which was shown a video about the scientific risk assessment of food additives, or the control group, which was shown a video about a topic irrelevant to the study. After watching the video, the respondents knew significantly more, expressed more positive thoughts and feelings, had less risk perception, and more acceptance than prior to watching the video. Thus, it appears that informing consumers about complex food safety topics, such as the scientific risk assessment of food additives, is possible, and using a carefully developed information video is a successful strategy for informing consumers.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(5):929-946
Graphs show promise for improving communications about different types of risks, including health risks, financial risks, and climate risks. However, graph designs that are effective at meeting one important risk communication goal (promoting risk‐avoidant behaviors) can at the same time compromise another key goal (improving risk understanding). We developed and tested simple bar graphs aimed at accomplishing these two goals simultaneously. We manipulated two design features in graphs, namely, whether graphs depicted the number of people affected by a risk and those at risk of harm (“foreground+background”) versus only those affected (“foreground‐only”), and the presence versus absence of simple numerical labels above bars. Foreground‐only displays were associated with larger risk perceptions and risk‐avoidant behavior (i.e., willingness to take a drug for heart attack prevention) than foreground+background displays, regardless of the presence of labels. Foreground‐only graphs also hindered risk understanding when labels were not present. However, the presence of labels significantly improved understanding, eliminating the detrimental effect of foreground‐only displays. Labels also led to more positive user evaluations of the graphs, but did not affect risk‐avoidant behavior. Using process modeling we identified mediators (risk perceptions, understanding, user evaluations) that explained the effect of display type on risk‐avoidant behavior. Our findings contribute new evidence to the graph design literature: unlike what was previously feared, we demonstrate that it is possible to design foreground‐only graphs that promote intentions for behavior change without a detrimental effect on risk understanding. Implications for the design of graphical risk communications and decision support are discussed.  相似文献   

A new integrated approach to capacity management in complex manufacturing systems is developed and the resulting framework is applied to a case study in tyre production. A hierarchical multilayered decomposition of the planning process is proposed, in which lower layers provide an increased level of detail and accuracy in capacity representation and analysis. Thus, a large and comprehensive model describing the manufacturing system is subdivided into smaller sub-models via relaxation and decomposition techniques. The Lagrangean multipliers provide a bi-directional link among different layers, reducing the risk of sub-optimization and infeasibility of the aggregate plans. Each of the sub-models is easier to solve than the original one and involves a different set of decision variables. Moreover, they relate to different levels of the management hierarchy, so that there emerges a strict correspondence between the decomposition scheme and the decision process underlying capacity management.  相似文献   

陈建文  廖建桥 《管理学报》2007,4(5):610-613
以244名大学生为被试,设置风险决策的收益情境和损失情境,考察核心自我评价3个成分对风险倾向的影响。结果表明:①风险倾向的翻转现象基本上得到验证,但个体对外在参照点的敏感性程度受到个体内在核心自我评价成分,尤其是自我效能变量的制约。②在收益情境下,核心自我评价3个成分的水平特征对风险倾向变化有显著影响,而在损失情境下,核心自我评价特征成分对风险倾向的作用不明显。  相似文献   

This paper presents how fuzzy goal programming can be efficiently used for modelling and solving land-use planning problems in agricultural systems for optimal production of several seasonal crops in a planning year. In the model formulation of the problem, utilization of total cultivable land, supply of productive resources, aspiration levels of various production of crops as well as the total expected profit from the farm are fuzzily described. In the decision-making situation, minimization of the under-deviational variables of the membership goals with highest membership value (unity) as their achievement levels defined for the membership functions of the fuzzy goals of the problem on the basis of the priorities of importance of achieving the aspired levels of the fuzzy goals to the extent possible is considered. As a study region, the District Nadia, West Bengal, India is taken into account. To expound the potential use of the approach, the model solution is compared with the existing cropping plan of the District as well as a solution of the problem obtained by using the additive fuzzy goal programming model studied by Tiwari et al. (Fuzzy sets and systems 24(1987)27.) previously.  相似文献   

James R Freeland 《Omega》1975,3(6):673-688
A mathematical model of the resource allocation decision process in a two level decentralized organization is presented. The model and solution procedure are capable of representing a wide range of behavioral situations. Some important aspects of the model are: (1) It allows for informational autonomy at both levels of the organization. (2) The structure of the organization can affect the final decision. (3) The goal setting behavior of the superordinate and the subordinates explicitly accounts for the decision maker's “bounded rationality”. (4) The model explicitly allows for both the superordinate and the subordinates to have their own set of goals. (5) A final decision is reached through an iterative information exchange between the superordinate and the subordinates. (6) The solution procedure leads to a resource allocation plan which reflects both the superordinate's goals and the subordinates' goals.  相似文献   

In recent years, manufacturing firms have realized that a new, higher level of global competition causes them to compete simultaneously on multiple manufacturing goals, such as quality, delivery, cost, and flexibility. In response to this realization, considerable research now focuses on the relationship of manufacturing improvement programs to manufacturing goals. However, to date, this research has not investigated the specific underlying statistical relationships between manufacturing goals and the shop floor. This study investigates manufacturing lead time linkages with manufacturing programs and manufacturing goals. The basic purpose of this study is to understand and explain how programs affect the elements of manufacturing lead time and how manufacturing lead time affects manufacturing goal capabilities. By understanding these linkages, managers can logically trace the effects of specific programs to their eventual effects on manufacturing goal capabilities. This study's most important finding is that statistical variations in the elements of lead time cause a tendency for certain manufacturing goals to be more difficult to control and achieve than others because of canonical relationships of lead time variances. To control these lead time variances, successful firms concentrate their early program targets first on achieving “fitness for use” quality, followed by delivery reliability, short delivery lead time and cost, current product flexibility, and lastly, new product flexibility. This study mathematically illustrates which improvement programs most affect manufacturing goals through their relationship to manufacturing lead time variance reduction. It suggests that firms improve goal performance by initially targeting improvement through setup time reduction programs, defect reduction programs, and preventive maintenance programs, to facilitate quality improvements. By targeting specific programs and their related lead time variances, firms improve their manufacturing facility competitiveness with minimum obstacles.  相似文献   

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