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Jürgen Meckl 《LABOUR》2001,15(4):579-602
This paper examines positive and normative implications of efficiency‐wage‐induced unemployment within a model of endogenous growth. Sector‐specific impacts of the wage rate on labour efficiency establish a correlation between the growth rate and the rate of unemployment. The sign of this correlation is determined by the intersectoral wage differential. Despite the existence of unemployment, decisive positive properties of the full‐employment model are preserved. However, welfare implications of the full‐employment model may be reversed. The optimal policy can be to reduce growth, while at the same time raising unemployment. 相似文献
We consider a competitive scheduling setting with arbitrary number of agents each having the option to utilize two parallel resources to satisfy its demand: (i) an in‐house resource dedicated to process only the tasks of each specific agent, and (ii) a flexible resource capable of processing all agents' workloads. In a noncooperative setting, each agent would determine how much of its demand it will subcontract to the flexible resource with the objective to deliver its entire demand as quickly as possible subject to the priority rules set by the owner of the flexible resource (i.e., third‐party). In this study, we also allow for agents to coalesce with other agents and update their initial subcontracting decisions to attain rescheduling savings. Evidently, a grand coalition of all agents can coordinate to achieve the maximum savings possible, but the resulting schedule may yield individual losses for a subset of agents (which we refer to as “losers”), thus necessitating a transfer payment scheme to distribute the rescheduling savings among the agents in an equitable way. We model the rescheduling interactions among the agents as a cooperative savings game, and propose savings distribution schemes that invoke the core allocation concept. 相似文献
This paper surveys research on the welfare cost of inflation. New estimates are provided, based on U.S. time series for 1900–94, interpreted in a variety of ways. It is estimated that the gain from reducing the annual inflation rate from 10 percent to zero is equivalent to an increase in real income of slightly less than one percent. Using aggregate evidence only, it may not be possible to estimate reliably the gains from reducing inflation further, to a rate consistent with zero nominal interest. 相似文献
We examine the effects of minimum wages on both the long‐run per worker GDP and welfare in the textbook Diamond style overlapping generations economy. In addition, we assume the existence of unemployment benefits financed at a balanced budget with consumption taxes. Under suitable conditions, it is shown that a regulated‐wage economy with unemployment performs better than a competitive‐wage economy with full employment in the long run. Moreover, a welfare‐maximizing minimum wage exists. Our findings may have interesting policy implications. 相似文献
经济时间序列的非线性组合建模与预测方法研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
基于模糊系统在紧立集中能够任意逼近非线性连续函数的特性,本文提出了一种基于Takagi-Sugeno模糊规则基的非线性组合预测新方法,以克服线性组合预测方法在解决非平稳时间序列组合建模问题所遇到的困难和存在的不足,并采用相应的遗传算法确定模糊系统的参数及模糊子集的划分。理论分析和大量的应用实例表明:该方法具有很强的学习与泛化能力,在处理诸如经济时间序列这种具有一定程度不确性的非线性系统的组合建模与预测方面有很好的应用价值。 相似文献
Jerry A. Hausman Whitney K. Newey 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2016,84(3):1225-1248
Individual heterogeneity is an important source of variation in demand. Allowing for general heterogeneity is needed for correct welfare comparisons. We consider general heterogeneous demand where preferences and linear budget sets are statistically independent. Only the marginal distribution of demand for each price and income is identified from cross‐section data where only one price and income is observed for each individual. Thus, objects that depend on varying price and/or income for an individual are not generally identified, including average exact consumer surplus. We use bounds on income effects to derive relatively simple bounds on the average surplus, including for discrete/continuous choice. We also sketch an approach to bounding surplus that does not use income effect bounds. We apply the results to gasoline demand. We find tight bounds for average surplus in this application, but wider bounds for average deadweight loss. 相似文献
Matthew A. Turner Andrew Haughwout Wilbert van der Klaauw 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2014,82(4):1341-1403
We evaluate the effect of land use regulation on the value of land and on welfare. Our estimates are based on a decomposition of the effects of regulation into three components: an own‐lot effect, which reflects the cost of regulatory constraints to the owner of a parcel; an external effect, which reflects the value of regulatory constraints on one's neighbors; a supply effect, which reflects the effect of regulated scarcity of developable land. Using this decomposition, we arrive at a novel strategy for estimating a plausibly causal effect of land use regulation on land value and welfare. This strategy exploits cross‐border changes in development, prices, and regulation in regions near municipal borders. Our estimates suggest large negative effects of regulation on the value of land and welfare in these regions. 相似文献
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to study the intra‐household allocation of time to different household production activities using Swedish cross‐sectional household data. The Tobit model is rejected in favor of the Cragg model, suggesting that an empirical model has to take into consideration that allocation of time within the household is determined by two separate processes. Moreover, the results indicate that valuable information concerning the intra‐household allocation of time may be missing when household production is defined as the sum of different household activities, but there is no indication that statistically significant effects are wiped out in an aggregated analysis. 相似文献
运用制度经济理论和分析方法,考察了不同费用分摊方式与不同选票分配规则组合情形下业主之间的财富转移问题,以及选用不同的投票决定规则水平对业主间财富转移问题的影响.结果显示,业主个人的经济利益(收益与费用分摊)和相应的选票数的差异越大,财富被侵蚀的机会就越大.为有效避免财富转移问题并使项目实施有效率,在具有不同面积分布的小区里,选用不同的选票分配规则和决定规则是必要的. 相似文献
Julia Bredtmann 《LABOUR》2014,28(1):1-39
Using the German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02, this paper analyses the interactions between the time‐use decisions of partners within one household. Thereby, an interdependent model of the partners' times allocated to paid and unpaid work that allows for simultaneity and endogeneity of the time allocation decisions of the spouses is applied. When including both weekdays and weekend days in the analysis, a complementary relationship between the partner's time allocations is found. When restricting the analysis to weekdays, however, men's time dedicated to paid and unpaid work is unaffected by their wives' time‐use decisions. 相似文献
This article examines the implications of the potential entry of a copycat who produces and sells a copycat (i.e., imitation) product that competes with the incumbent product. By analyzing a two‐period dynamic noncooperative game between these two firms, we identify conditions under which the copycat can gain successful market entry. More importantly, we find that the potential entry of a copycat creates (implicit) pressure for the incumbent to lower its selling price; hence, it improves consumer welfare. Finally, we identify conditions under which the potential entry of a copycat can increase social welfare (i.e., consumer welfare and the profit of both firms). 相似文献
Yoram Halevy 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2015,83(1):335-352
A sequence of experiments documents static and dynamic “preference reversals” between sooner‐smaller and later‐larger rewards, when the sooner reward could be immediate. The theoretically motivated design permits separate identification of time consistent, stationary, and time invariant choices. At least half of the subjects are time consistent, but only three‐quarters of them exhibit stationary choices. About half of subjects with time inconsistent choices have stationary preferences. These results challenge the view that present‐bias preferences are the main source of time inconsistent choices. 相似文献
Maria Bigoni Marco Casari Andrzej Skrzypacz Giancarlo Spagnolo 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2015,83(2):587-616
We study social dilemmas in (quasi‐) continuous‐time experiments, comparing games with different durations and termination rules. We discover a stark qualitative contrast in behavior in continuous time as compared to previously studied behavior in discrete‐time games: cooperation is easier to achieve and sustain with deterministic horizons than with stochastic ones, and end‐game effects emerge, but subjects postpone them with experience. Analysis of individual strategies provides a basis for a simple reinforcement learning model that proves to be consistent with this evidence. An additional treatment lends further support to this explanation. 相似文献
考虑货币测度社会福利函数的社会福利最大化与资源消耗最小化问题研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
本文通过引入货币测度的社会福利函数,在文[1]的基础上建立了增加效率约束条件的社会福利最大化的优化模型和资源消耗最小化的优化模型,然后讨论了两者之间的关系,最后给出了消费税率及政府对不同收入消费者实行的个人所得税率与补贴率,并指出了福利最大化点与帕累托效率之间的关系。 相似文献
文献Wei Quanling等[1]的最后一段提出了这样一类额外资源分配问题:假设有一些额外的投入资源将要分配给全部或者部分决策单元,如果我们希望分配结果对于整个系统(该系统由全部决策单元组成)来说是最有益的,那么应当如何分配这些额外的投入资源?他们同时还指出系统中哪些决策单元能够获得额外的投入资源,这不仅取决于决策单元的效率,还需要考虑规模报酬。针对此类问题,本文提出一种额外资源按需分配方法:首先,综合决策单元的技术效率与其投影点的规模弹性构建发展曲线,并由决策单元的发展曲线获知其投入变动与产出变动的对应关系;然后,把额外资源分成若干等份,依次分配每一个等份的额外资源,每次分配使系统的总产出增加实现最大,直至分配完全部的额外资源,或者分配某一份额外资源不再带来任何的产出增加,分配就会停止;最后,把决策单元在每一次分配过程中获得的额外资源进行累加,得到这个决策单元最终的分配结果。全文的最后分别在"一个投入一个产出"和"两个投入一个产出"情况下给出两个具体的分配算例。分配结果表明,这种按需分配方法不会缩减任意一个决策单元当前占有的投入资源数量,并且还可以有效地在辨识出某种额外资源在规模上和结构上存在的冗余,从而有效地避免不必要的分配。 相似文献
基于时间序列分析方法,以1981年~2004年贫困发生率、基尼系数和农村人均纯收入等相关指标,从时序雏度考察贫困人口的变动与经济增长和收入不平等的长期均衡关系和相互作用机制.Johansen协整检验结果表明,3个变量之间存在着一定的长期协整性:格兰杰因果检验发现,农村人均纯收入和基尼系数能够预测贫困发生率的变化,反之不能成立;误差修正模型显示,贫困发生率对农村人均纯收入的弹性系数为正,对基尼系数的弹性系数为负.且前者大于后者.由此认为,农村人均纯收入的提高是促进贫困减少的影响因素,收入不平等在一定程度上阻碍了贫困减少,经济增长对贫困减少的积极效应大于收入不平等对贫困减少的消极效应.因此,在目前中国经济增长时期,确保农民收入大幅度增加、努力缓解收入差距是贫困减少的有效途径. 相似文献