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In this paper, five alternative advertising policies that belong to the advertising pulsation class are compared analytically for linear and concave response functions using a modified version of the Vidale-Wolfe model. The results of the research show that (1) For both linear and concave response functions, advertising pulsing/maintenance policy dominates advertising pulsing policy but is dominated by the Uniform Advertising Policy. For convex response functions, the order of dominance is reversed. (2) For linear response functions, uniform advertising policy dominates the impulse advertising policy but is dominated by the chattering advertising policy. (3) For concave response functions, uniform advertising policy dominates both the impulse advertising policy and the chattering advertising policy. (4) For convex response functions, chattering advertising policy dominates both the advertising pulsing policy and the impulse advertising policy. The Vidale-Wolfe model is estimated using the well-known Lydia Pinkham data. Optimality analysis shows that the company was overadvertising about half of the time studied. Overadvertising seems to have produced appreciable gain in sales and created significant barriers to competitive entry at a little cost in terms of foregone profits.  相似文献   

This study falls in the class of models in which advertising wearout and the differences between the learning and forgetting of advertisements are explicitly included. A discrete time Markov decision modeling approach is used to obtain optimal control limit policies, and an algorithm is provided to identify these policies. A control limit policy specifies whether or not to advertise in a specific time period on the basis of the level of awareness in that time period. Thus, the duration for which advertising is not done is determined endogenously, and the algorithm helps determine this duration for a given set of parameters. This is a particularly desirable feature, since advertising practitioners are interested in determining the optimal duration of advertising pulses. Computational experience suggests that the algorithm is very fast and easy to implement. Also, conditions on model parameters indicating the relative efficacy of pulsing versus uniform advertising are provided.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a crisp two-objective logarithmic programming model to help companies decide their advertising campaigns on TV networks for mature products. Both objectives are: (a) to achieve the highest audience impact and (b) to reduce advertising costs as much as possible. Information input is fuzzily elaborated from statistical data, the fuzzy variables being defuzzified to introduce them into the crisp model. This fuzzy information is elicited by TV experts (often independent consultants). Although these experts know statistical information on audience in the past, they do not fully trust its predictive ability. The approach leads to the strategic advertisement (ad) placement among different broadcasts. Users (often managers of big companies) should inform the analyst about their advertising campaign budget. From Weber and Fechner-based psychological research, the ad impact during the advertising campaign is measured depending on the logarithm of ad repetitions. The crisp two-objective problem is solved by a tradeoff method subject to TV technical constraints. A case study with real world data is developed.  相似文献   

This study describes and empirically evaluates an approach to modeling purchase behavior that integrates a Logit-Markov-based multivariate brand-choice model structure with stochastic components. Using actual market data for a frequently purchased consumer product obtained from a consumer purchase panel survey, the paper highlights some marketing applications of the model. Given its general structure, the model can aid marketing managers in defining and evaluating target market segments and in assessing the impact of alternative marketing strategies.  相似文献   

广告决策问题很长时间以来都是营销经理和学者们关注的热点。随着社会经济发展,越来越多的企业面对多个市场。如何在多个市场、广告总预算固定的状况下,合理分配各个市场广告预算以收到最优广告效果,是一个企业关心的较为重要的问题。经过比较,选择Vidale-Wolfe模型作为广告反应模型,在此基础上建立了多市场广告预算分配决策模型。考虑到一些营销策略对某些市场有特殊销售速率要求,该模型分为无特殊销售速率维持要求的多市场广告预算分配决策模型和有特殊销售速率维持要求的多市场广告预算分配决策模型两类,后者探讨了销售速率变化与达到指定销售速率两种要求下的广告预算最优分配问题,构建了优化模型,提出了模型参数取值与模型求解方法,最后给出了一个算例。  相似文献   

The performance of a retail store depends on its ability to attract customer traffic, match labor with incoming traffic, and convert the incoming traffic into sales. Retailers make significant investments in marketing activities (such as advertising) to bring customers into their stores and in‐store labor to convert that traffic into sales. Thus, a common trade‐off that retail store managers face concerns the allocation of a store's limited budget between advertising and labor to enhance store‐level sales. To explore that trade‐off, we develop a centralized model to allocate limited store budget between store labor and advertising with the objective of maximizing store sales. We find that a store's inherent potential to drive traffic plays an important role, among other factors, in the relative allocation between advertising and store labor. We also find that as advertising instruments become more effective in bringing traffic to stores, managers should not always capitalize this effectiveness by increasing their existing allocations to advertising. In addition, we discuss a decentralized setting where budget allocation decisions cannot be enforced by a store manager and present a simple mechanism that can achieve the centralized solution. In an extension, we address the budget allocation problem in the presence of marketing efforts to shift store traffic from peak to off peak hours and show that our initial findings are robust. Further, we illustrate how the solution from the budget allocation model can be used to facilitate store level sales force planning/scheduling decisions. Based on the results of our model, we present several insights that can help managers in budget allocation and sales force planning.  相似文献   

This study illustrates a methodology as a first step toward the development of a benefit/cost model for the evaluation of the Federal Trade Commission regulation of the unavailability of advertised specials in food stores. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate economic losses to shoppers from unavailable advertised specials. Product unavailability in the model occurred as a result of alternative managerial decisions about purchase-order quantities for advertised specials and shelf-stocking policies combined with probabilistic purchase decisions by customers. The model generated probabilistic individual customer and management behavioral responses to unavailability during a one-year time period. As a result, the derived economic losses to customers from unavailability were based on alternative assumptions about managerial behavior in conjunction with empirically derived shopper responses to advertised specials. This study thus provides some idea of the amount of damages being caused by the excessive unavailability of advertised specials. Aggregate customer losses were found to vary primarily with respect to management's purchase-order quantity of advertised specials.  相似文献   

Banerjee's [2] joint economic lot size (JELS) model, along with related works by Monahan [12] and Lal and Staelin [10], represents one approach to minimizing the total inventory carrying and ordering costs of a vendor and his purchaser(s). Noting that JELS philosophy requires a coordinated system and that its practical implementation is problematic, we present an alternative approach to the same problem: the individually responsible and rational decision (IRRD) approach. The IRRD approach is consistent with a free enterprise system and easy to implement. In order to show that the IRRD approach is also more economical than the JELS approach, we first build a more refined JELS model for the case of one vendor and many identical purchasers. Drawing on earlier criticisms of specific JELS models, our refinement relaxes the lot-for-lot assumption commonly used by JELS scholars. To be comparable with earlier works, we retain the assumption of deterministic conditions and demonstrate the economic advantages of IRRD over JELS through a numerical example. An algebraic proof of IRRD's superiority over JELS is offered in the more general and realistic case of a vendor dealing with K nonidentical purchasers with reasonably predictable annual demand but uncertain order quantities and timings.  相似文献   

市场定位战略的综合模型研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文构建了帮助企业界定有竞争力的定位战略的综合模型,即市场定位方法的钻石模型.本文认为,定位涉及三个关键任务:(1)准确识别目标顾客的需要并确定定位的外延或范围;(2)明确企业在定位主张中强调的顾客收益和价值;(3)制定相应的4P战略以支持定位主张.因此,市场定位需要沿着三个维度展开:(1)制定定位战略的程序;(2)在程序维度的每个具体步骤上需要完成的核心任务;(3)任务维度的每个具体举措所涉及的4P范畴.钻石模型就是整合了这三个维度的理论框架.本文对钻石模型的理论优势和对营销实务的指导作用进行了实证检验.  相似文献   

Based on empirical findings in the literature, sales response to advertising pulsing policy (APP) is modeled mathematically. The implications for APP are discussed. This policy is compared with an alternative policy of uniform expenditures (UAP), a commonly used strategy. The results of the research indicate that substantial savings in advertising budget or an increase in sales revenues may be achieved for a firm using APP.  相似文献   

以移动广告为研究背景,研究地理定向和消费者产品偏好定向相结合的混合定向方式下企业的定向广告投放策略,同时通过对比企业投放定向广告与大众广告,研究企业的广告策略选择问题。研究发现,企业运用定向广告策略应针对不同的消费者群体提供差异化较大的营销策略:对属于企业近距离范围且偏好企业产品的优势市场,企业应加大广告投放力度并实行高价;为了争取部分远端劣势市场的收益,企业应向其投放一定力度的广告并实行低价;对属于双方的竞争市场,企业应选择中等程度的广告和价格。同时,通过与企业投放大众广告相比较,发现竞争企业使用定向广告策略反而不如使用大众广告策略。  相似文献   

Multiple-predictor empirical and single-predictor judgment-based models represent the two basic types of sales-force decision models (SDMs). The important similarities and differences between the two modeling approaches are identified and discussed. The SDM literature is reviewed to determine how each model type has been applied and to evaluate previous attempts at model validation. A research study designed to compare the normative sales-call allocations generated from each modeling approach is presented. Study results indicate that empirical and judgment-based SDMs would produce similar normative guidelines. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of highly publicized, controversial lapses in social responsibility within global supply chains have forced managers and scholars to reexamine long‐held perspectives on supplier selection. Extending Carter and Jennings’ department‐level study of purchasing social responsibility, our research assesses the role of supply managers’ ethical intentions and three key antecedents that drive socially responsible supplier selection. Comparing evidence from firms operating in China, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates, we identify three key drivers of supply managers’ ethical intentions and examine both their direct and indirect impacts on socially responsible supplier selection. We find differential support for the predictor relationships on supply manager ethical intentions across national contexts and mediated versus nonmediated models. These observations bear important implications for firms conducting global supply management.  相似文献   

Money-back guarantees have become an increasingly popular tool for marketing managers??mainly because they are regarded as an effective means to signal product quality. However, from an academic perspective there is sparse empirical evidence on whether such a signaling effect really exists and, most importantly, whether it influences consumer decision making. Hence, the objective of the paper is to empirically analyze the consequences of money-back guarantees on consumer buying behavior in a holistic theoretical framework accounting for both cognitive and affective consumer responses. Our results reveal that the existence of the rather cognitively driven signaling effect of a money-back guarantee is contingent on several factors: Besides the type of the product (search versus experience good), it particularly depends on consumer knowledge as well as on whether a money-back guarantee is offered for a strong or for a rather weak brand. In addition, we show that a money-back guarantee also induces affective consumer responses which additionally contribute to consumer buying behavior. These responses are mainly due to the guarantee??s insurance function reducing consumer uncertainty about product features.  相似文献   

Learning about customers takes place through relevant dialogues with those customers, also known as customer relationship management (CRM). As relationships develop, information about the customer is gathered in the firm's customer information systems (CIS): the content, processes, and assets associated with gathering and moving customer information throughout the firm. This research develops a measure of CIS management capabilities based on learning organization theory and measured by the ability to get, store, move, and use information throughout the business unit. This measure is then used to analyze customer learning processes and associated performance in the context of marketing strategic decision making. This study of 209 business services firms finds that generic marketing strategy positioning (low‐cost and differentiation) and the marketing tactics of personalization and customization are related to CIS development. Customer information systems development in turn is associated with higher levels of customer‐based performance, which in turn is associated with increased business growth. Since the strongest association with customer‐based performance is strategy selection, the long‐term benefits of the knowledge gained from the CIS may be in the ability to assist in measuring customer‐based performance, rather than in the ability to immediately contribute to performance. Finally, for these firms, customization and personalization are not directly associated with performance and thus may not be necessary to support every firm's marketing strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the critical interface between manufacturing, purchasing, and quality assurance by exploring the impact of two alternative structures of buyer and vendor communication on attempts to improve the quality of purchased items. Those two structures of communication are the parallel structure and the serial structure. The research analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of these two specific communication structures; the results have implications for both researchers and managers. The analysis of data suggests that the parallel structure is associated with significantly higher levels of quality than the serial structure. From a managerial perspective, the results of the research suggest that manufacturers must consider the parallel communication structure as a viable alternative for improving the quality of purchased components. While this study has helped frame some key managerial issues, the need and opportunity for further research in related areas is delineated.  相似文献   

Software project escalation has been shown to be a widespread phenomenon. With few exceptions, prior research has portrayed escalation as an irrational decision‐making process whereby additional resources are plowed into a failing project. In this article, we examine the possibility that in some cases managers escalate their commitment not because they are acting irrationally, but rather as a rational response to real options that may be embedded in a project. A project embeds real options when managers have the opportunity but not the obligation to adjust the future direction of the project in response to external or internal events. Examples include deferring the project, switching the project to serve a different purpose, changing the scale of the project, implementing it in incremental stages, abandoning the project, or using the project as a platform for future growth opportunities. Although real options can represent a substantial portion of a project's value, they rarely enter into a project's formal justification process in the traditional quantitative discounted cash‐flow‐based project valuation techniques. Using experimental data collected from managers in 123 firms, we demonstrate that managers recognize and value the presence of real options. We also assess the relative importance that managers ascribe to each type of real option, showing that growth options are more highly valued than operational options. Finally, we demonstrate that the influence of the options on project continuation decisions is largely mediated by the perceived value that they add. Implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A common manufacturing environment in many industries (such as the glass, steel, paper, costume jewelry, and textile industries) is a hybrid flow shop. This system has continuous-process machinery in the fist state of manufacturing and repetitive-batch equipment in the second. Little research has investigated this type system. Scheduling managers of hybrid flow shops tend either to use existing job-shop rules or to devise their own rules. These approaches often are less than adequate for efficient scheduling. In this paper we extend the rule presented by Narasimhan and Panwalker [4] to include a general class of hybrid flow shops. This extenstion, called the generalized cumulative minimum-deviation (GCMD) rule, is compared under various operation conditions to three other sequencing rules: shortest processing time, longest processing time, and minimum deviation. The operating conditions are determined by the number of machines at both stages. The results of 7200 simulation runs demonstrate that the GCMD rule is better than the other rules in minimizing each of five chosen criteria. Thus, the GCMD rule can help managers to schedule hybrid flow shops efficiently to achieve various corporate objectives.  相似文献   

虽然企业社会责任与企业价值相关性的研究已有数十年,但至今仍未取得一致结论,更缺乏对影响两者关系的权变因素和中间变量的探讨。为了深入分析企业社会责任与企业价值的内在联系,研究以2013-2015年501家A股上市公司为样本,从企业竞争力视角出发,选择营销这一与企业价值密切相关的经营活动,首次将营销竞争力作为中介变量展开分析,同时检验了企业提高顾客意识对两者关系的调节作用,通过构建企业社会责任对企业价值作用机理的概念模型,并使用固定效应与随机效应模型来进行实证分析,研究结果证实:企业社会责任与企业价值正向相关,而营销竞争力在两者关系中发挥部分中介作用;顾客意识正向调节了CSR对企业价值的影响,但这种效应仅在广告强度代理顾客意识时体现。研究结论有助于企业积极履行社会责任,以实现顾客忠诚度与营销竞争力的提升,经济与社会共享价值的创造。  相似文献   

经营者报酬设计是一个非常复杂的系统性问题,复杂性表现为:委托人和经营者的需求是多方面的,各种需求与社会制度、文化环境、法律法规、政策、市场、价值观、道德、人格等因素之间存在非线性关系,而且有很多需求,尤其是心理情感方面的需求,是模糊不清的,任何一方要获得完全信息的成本非常高.因此,在现实生活中,委托人和经营者无一不是在人力资本价值无法估计、需求模糊、信息不对称的前提下,根据他们所掌握的有限信息进行协商或讨价还价的.本文从委托人、经营者都有模糊需求出发,利用模糊数刻画他们所有可能的需求,确定各自模糊需求的顺序,根据经营者、委托人模糊集的交集和需求顺序的比较,最终回答模糊环境下经营者激励设计中的解模糊思路和措施.  相似文献   

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