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At the recent Financial Times Conference on Telecommunications and the European Business Market: the Perspectives for Change, two of the contributors examined the question of whether companies should “make” their own private telecommunications network, or “buy” a publicly-offered service.The topic is not only interesting as a case study of “make or buy”, but is especially timely in the specific field of telecommunications in Europe. In June 1987, the European Commission issued its Green Paper on telecommunications liberalisation and rationalisation of Europe's equipment manufacturers. Current difficulties include national regulatory powers, cross subsidies, lack of common standards, and lack of agreement on standards, frequencies and tariff principles. Not least, rapid changes in the technology itself has turned telecommunications into a Strategic competitive asset for companies.The two authors of these articles argue from slightly different perspectives; White as a major user developing into a provider, and Wilson as an adviser and provider. Both are convinced that the make or buy decision is an over-simplification; there are other, intermediate, options. Both agree that which ever decision is taken, it is likely to be the most important one in information technology that companies make in the next few years.  相似文献   

“Merger-mania” is an unquestioned piece of jargon in current vogue. In this study of international merger and take-over activity in the 1980's, the authors assess current trends in relation to the last 20 years.They detect several new features: the changing nature of the aggressor, the urge to merge in foreign markets, and the tendency for companies to integrate within existing industry boundaries rather than diversifying into new sectors.The cockpits are the major industrialised countries of Europe as well as the United States, but mergers in Japan although still somewhat rare, are on the increase.There are several conclusions of note. International takeovers appear to lead to industrial domination, the European “invasion” of the US remains as strong as ever, and company acquisition away from product diversification and geographical diversification looks like a winning formula.  相似文献   

Ownership transition is an increasingly relevant decision in small businesses because millions of owners in the largest world economies are reaching retirement age without a successor. As a result, entrepreneurship through acquisition—becoming an entrepreneur through the acquisition of an existing business and growing it much like a startup—is likely to accelerate in the coming years. In contrast to traditional entrepreneurship, where the entrepreneur comes up with an idea and then grows it into a company, the idea of entrepreneurship through acquisition is embedded in the acquired company. In this article, we share our findings from a research project that tracked first-time entrepreneurs looking to acquire businesses in four European countries. These entrepreneurs put in “sweat equity” and used the “search fund” model, whereby investors funded their search expenses and provided funds for an acquisition. However, implementing the search fund model, originally created in the United States, was not straightforward in Europe. Search funders faced novel challenges in investor-entrepreneur (i.e., principal-agent) relationships and the search process. Our study identifies these challenges, the responses from our search fund sample, the lessons learned, and a novel framework to conceptualize a search fund playbook specific to Europe. These experiences hold valuable lessons for those who pursue entrepreneurship through acquisition and help stimulate new research questions for scholars.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether and how outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) boosts or reduces domestic employment by multinational enterprises (MNEs). Based on analyses of a firm-level sample of 18,252 subsidiary-year cases of Japanese MNEs in 59 countries from 1996 to 2010, the findings indicate that outbound FDI motivated by (1) market seeking for scale and scope expansion, (2) natural resource seeking, or (3) strategic asset seeking tends to serve as a “strategic complement” that enhances domestic employment by MNEs. However, outbound FDI motivated by (4) market seeking associated with declines in domestic demand or (5) labor resource seeking tends to act as a “strategic substitute” that reduces domestic employment by MNEs. The implications for theory, practice, and policymaking are discussed.  相似文献   

针对中欧班列去回程商品双向流动的现实问题,构建了跨国双向供应链的物流合作模型。考虑境内外物流公司搭建合作平台,通过制定激励策略来缩小双向运量差和提升运载总量,对比物流非合作与物流合作下的双向供应链运作以及平台的激励作用,为中欧班列的市场化运营提供微观运作基础。研究发现:物流合作平台的建立在达到自身激励目标的同时还提高了供应链整体收益,有利于推动中欧班列市场化运营,但是,缩小运量差与提升运量总量这两个激励目标之间存在一定的“对冲效应”。  相似文献   

The cost‐benefit evaluation of passive fire protection adoption in the road transport of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was investigated. In a previous study, mathematical simulations of real scale fire scenarios proved the effectiveness of passive fire protections in preventing the “fired” boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE), thus providing a significant risk reduction. In the present study the economical aspects of the adoption of fire protections are analyzed and an approach to cost‐benefit analysis (CBA) is proposed. The CBA model is based on the comparison of the risk reduction due to fire protections (expressed in monetary terms by the value of a statistical life) and the cost of the application of fire protections to a fleet of tankers. Different types of fire protections were considered, as well as the possibility to apply protections to the entire fleet or only to a part of it. The application of the proposed model to a real‐life case study is presented and discussed. Results demonstrate that the adoption of passive fire protections on road tankers, though not compulsory in Europe, can be economically feasible, thus representing a concrete measure to achieve control of the “major hazard accidents” cited by the European legislation.  相似文献   

The author explores differing meanings of the term and concept of “positioning” in marketing. He concludes there are two different types of “positions” - market and product - and two different territories in which the positions are being observed or measured: the market place and the consumer's mind. These distinctions are helpful in the process of planning a marketing strategy.Michael Perry then applies this “position” idea in marketing to a real case of marketing oranges in four European countries. The results demonstrate how the concepts of “market position” can be measured and used in planning marketing programmes.  相似文献   

Billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of hours are invested every year in executive education. However, much of this investment dies in a familiar “Valley of Death” (VoD) wherein what is learned in the classroom is not applied when the strategist returns back to work. Based on 30 in-depth interviews and live observation, we investigate the architecture of an executive education program designed to avoid the VoD. In the observed program, senior partners of a strategy consulting firm, and their key strategist clients, are brought together to co-learn strategy associated with scenario planning, and, at the same time, improve their ongoing business relations. We find that adopting a “paired learning structure” and utilizing “live case content” results in “group-level co-learning” (or the co-production of knowledge) that, participants report, avoids the VoD. This research contributes to the scholarship on learning architecture in executive education by establishing linkages to the literature on client-partner relationships, modelling the student, and service co-production in knowledge-intensive organizations, and, in the end, provides a blueprint that professional service firms and business schools, seeking to produce more value for their participants, can jointly emulate.  相似文献   

In a new era of “open governance”, in which societal and corporate change is taking place, 15 predominantly European countries, including Spain, enacted board gender quotas to increase the share of women on boards. In this paper, we explore the effectiveness of the European Union’s first “soft” quota – the 2007 Spanish Gender Equality Act recommending all large public and private Spanish firms to appoint a target of 40 percent of each gender to serve as board directors by 2015. The Act provides an incentive in that quota compliant firms may receive a preference for the tendering of public contracts. We draw on institutional and resource dependency theories to motivate the first empirical test of a “soft” quota which is distinct from Norway’s “hard law” board gender quota, and more similar to the proposed EU-wide quota. Using a large novel panel of 767 Spanish firms and 2786 firm-year observations from 2005 to 2014, we exploit the Spanish Act as a natural experiment and employ a difference-in-differences model. We find that less than nine percent of targeted firms fully comply with the quota. Firms that depend on public contracts are significantly more likely to increase female representation, although quota compliant firms do not actually benefit from the Act’s potential incentive. The results highlight the Spanish government’s lack of commitment to the quota, and that the quota’s normative obligations did not trigger the adoption of gender-balanced boards.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors describe a research project involving qualitative data collection from large organizations in the US, Japan and Europe. Its main objective is to understand what “distributed” means when discussing the management of distributed projects, an issue largely glossed over by the relevant literature. The discussion presented here suggests dimensions to the concept of “distributedness” through a theory-based model. An understanding of the distributedness dimensions simplifies the practical application of how to manage such systems.  相似文献   

Europe finds itself in a challenging situation dominated by economic and political uncertainty, which has deep ramifications for businesses and society. The Brexit vote for the UK to leave the EU has caused a political crisis, which raises fundamental questions about the founding mission of the EU as a largescale nation-building experiment aiming at promoting democracy, peace and prosperity across Europe through an “ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”. This Reflection on Europe argues that Europe needs to establish a new democratic equilibrium and that businesses can play a fundamental constructive role to achieve this new equilibrium by actively designing core internal and external business activities to be conducive to key enabling conditions of democracy.  相似文献   

After the establishment of the Common Market in Europe, many companies from abroad opted for a single European headquarters and searched for European managers. That leads to the question whether one can really speak of a common European management style. The article at hand examines this issue. To do this, the legal framework and Corporate Governance background of individual European countries are assessed. Furthermore, cultural differences in Europe are considered. Referring to studies of cultural dimensions in European countries, the authors propose five different cultural areas in Europe. This leads to a concluding discussion of management styles in these regions.  相似文献   

David Marsden 《LABOUR》1992,6(1):3-36
Abstract. Will European economic and monetary union bring about a unification of European labour markets, and is there likely to be a convergence of patterns of labour market organisation among Community countries? The evidence discussed suggests that a major increase in unskilled mobility across the EC is unlikely, at least concerning EC citizens. Among skilled labour, a major increase in international mobility is also unlikely on account of differences in skill organisation among countries. In contrast, the integration of European capital is causing some integration of enterprise internal labour markets across national borders as firms seek to integrate their managerial and technical workforces. In the “high-tech” area, skills are in a state of flux, and the possibility that European labour markets will emerge is much stronger than for other categories.  相似文献   

Physical geometry is viewed in this essay as the prototype of a successful generalizing empirical science. Suppose that physical geometry had been studied in ancient Egypt by empirical methods similar to those commonly used today by many researchers seeking general propositions useful in explaining, predicting, or controlling phenomena of interest to practicing managers. Would these methods have produced valid and useful geometric generalizations? This intriguing question is explored in Part I by means of a parable which suggests a negative answer to the question. The reasons for this negative conclusion are developed in Part II. In the successful generalizing sciences, general propositions (or theory) have not been the result of an a posteriori“induction” from observational data, but rather the result of an a priori“construction” of a framework for the coordination of measurement operations. Such a framework, whether explicitly articulated or not, is a necessary condition for the collection of coherent and reproducible observational data and, therefore, for explanation, prediction, and control of phenomena. Yet, despite its a priori character, an acceptable framework or theory must be “empirical” in Popper's sense of being subject to refutation by observation. If the framework is logically prior to data, however, what is its source? In the successful generalizing sciences, it is argued in Part III, theories have been generalized not from data but from the skills—the coordination of operations—of practitioners. This genesis “explains” the success of the sciences, because an effective skill includes within itself tests of its range of applicability and adapts itself to changing conditions. A discussion of the implications of this argument for making management “scientific” concludes the essay.  相似文献   

“一带一路”战略指引了中欧班列开行数量爆发性增长,但规模化和平衡性的目标背后是政府补贴策略。本文刻画中欧班列的跨国双向供应的运作特征,研究了政府补贴策略的退出路径选择问题,对比分析了政府直接补贴、激励补贴与物流平台合作的策略差异性。研究发现,市场化的物流平台合作是政府补贴退出的可能路径选择,其本质是提升了跨国供应链的运作效率。同时,我们发现:追求运量规模化与平衡性的激励目标存在降低供应链效率的隐忧;跨国双向供应链合作成员之间的责任分配,也会影响供应链效率。  相似文献   

David Marsden 《LABOUR》1996,10(1):17-62
ABSTRACT: Technical change, economic internationalisation and generally increased competition have caused management in many firms to adopt new employee management systems such as “lean production”, TQM, and have placed a premium on “high performance” cooperative industrial relations systems. This article seeks to provide a first analysis of their likely effects upon the structure of employment, and whether they exacerbate the unemployment problems of many categories of workers. It is argued that these systems place a premium on employment stability of those workers for whom functional flexibility and high levels of cooperation are needed. It asks whether a mix of job stability and limited functional flexibility among incubent workers in many Western European countries has contributed to low hiring rates, and how far cooperative relations within the firm can be cultivated in isolation from conditions in other firms.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse “how” and “why” a company engages in CSR and sustainability. The “how” concerns the features of the firm’s CSR and sustainability approach, defined in terms of a firm’s strategy (implemented issues, initiatives and activities) and organization (organizational structures and roles and managerial systems adopted). The “why” refers to the key determinants, both internal and external, of CSR and sustainability. Finally, how the firm’s CSR and sustainability approach evolves over time and the relation between CSR determinants in various stages of the CSR evolutionary path are also investigated. The research method is based on the longitudinal analysis of a case study concerning a large multinational company operating in the telecommunications industry in Europe. The analysis of the case study shows that sub-cultural differences in the approach to CSR and sustainability may occur across hierarchical levels and functional units. Moreover, embedding CSR and sustainability principles doesn’t follow a linear and continuous process, made by sequential stages. Indeed, it can be characterized by an up and down evolutionary path, based on different stages with a changing emphasis given to CSR and sustainability issues. Finally, we find that the firm CSR and sustainability approach is not an autonomous choice, but it is a consequence of the contingent role played by both the external and the internal drivers and by their relative importance during the company’s CSR history.  相似文献   

In mid-2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced the Great Reset, an initiative launched to assert, describe, and shape the direction of an epochal transition brought about by the global coronavirus crisis. Rooted in a European tradition of social theory, this article aims to articulate the broader social context of this scenario and pinpoint its implications for management and organization theory. One of these implications is that our fields face a significant risk of co-performing rather than studying the looming “great transformation” from an economy-to a health-dominated society, thus merely replacing one reductionism with another. It follows that what is required are management and organization theories that analyze rather than ride the macro social trends that shape organizations and their environments. The article concludes that if crises are the golden moments of alternative mainstreams, then for those interested in alternatives to the emerging “new normality” the golden moment to develop the next alternative mainstream theories is now.  相似文献   

Many scientists, activists, regulators, and politicians have expressed urgent concern that using antibiotics in food animals selects for resistant strains of bacteria that harm human health and bring nearer a “postantibiotic era” of multidrug resistant “super‐bugs.” Proposed political solutions, such as the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA), would ban entire classes of subtherapeutic antibiotics (STAs) now used for disease prevention and growth promotion in food animals. The proposed bans are not driven by formal quantitative risk assessment (QRA), but by a perceived need for immediate action to prevent potential catastrophe. Similar fears led to STA phase‐outs in Europe a decade ago. However, QRA and empirical data indicate that continued use of STAs in the United States has not harmed human health, and bans in Europe have not helped human health. The fears motivating PAMTA contrast with QRA estimates of vanishingly small risks. As a case study, examining specific tetracycline uses and resistance patterns suggests that there is no significant human health hazard from continued use of tetracycline in food animals. Simple hypothetical calculations suggest an unobservably small risk (between 0 and 1.75E‐11 excess lifetime risk of a tetracycline‐resistant infection), based on the long history of tetracycline use in the United States without resistance‐related treatment failures. QRAs for other STA uses in food animals also find that human health risks are vanishingly small. Whether such QRA calculations will guide risk management policy for animal antibiotics in the United States remains to be seen.  相似文献   

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