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中国女性的社会地位总体而言比男性要低下,但在不同的历史朝代女性的社会地位又有所变化,本文试图依据历史时代的变迁,分析各个时代女性社会地位的变化及原因。  相似文献   

理想化的观念看来.对人的认知应该以"个体".而非"男"或"女"作为标准衡量。然而.现实生活中.我们在审视他人时.却很难脱离一些与性别相关的"标准"。所谓"女性的标准".往往是社会赋予女性身上一些仪表、言谈举止的特征。这些特征在中西方文化的差异中有怎样的反映呢?  相似文献   

中国古代女性文学可谓是历史悠久,从第一部诗歌总集,《诗经》中就可以发现许多女子的作品。然而受封建儒教思想的禁锢,更是有一句女子无才便是德的封杀,造成了中国古代女性文学远不及男性文学,无论是数量上,还是质量上。由于受士文化的影响,在史学,诗词曲,散文小说等多方面男性的地位登峰造极。所以,历来研究文学多从男性入手,所以对于女性文学的研究,还有很长一段路要走。本文试图从茫茫历史烟海中继续发掘出女性文学的魅力,对中国古代女性文学的批判性提出一些粗劣的看法。  相似文献   

语言是一种社会现象,随着时代的发展而变化。称谓作为一种特殊的言语,也是随着时代的发展而变化的,称谓可以反映一个人在社会中的地位。对女性称谓的变化反映了女性地位的变化,女性的地位又是由其在社会生产中的作用决定的。  相似文献   

China is the largest country in the world,in terms of people, with about one-fifth—1.32 billion people—of the world's population 90.9% of China's population aged 15 and over can read and write.  相似文献   

通过对中国五千年的历史文化以及传统观念的学习,了解到历史上女性与男性社会地位的不协调,并以女性服饰的研究和对比,折射出中国与阿拉伯女性的社会地位问题。  相似文献   

每年的12月1日是世界艾滋病日,世界各地的人们佩带红丝带以象征对艾滋病防治问题的关注。而对于很多中国女性来说,关注艾滋病不仅仅是那一天的事情。2003年,中国实施了艾滋病"四免一关怀"政策,即自愿免费血液初筛检测,对农民和城镇经济困难人群中的艾滋病患者实行免费抗病毒治疗,对艾滋病患者遗孤实行免费就学,对孕妇实施免费艾滋病咨询、筛查和抗病毒药物治疗和将生活困难的艾滋病患者及其家庭纳入政府救助范围。此后,中国在艾滋病防治工作中取得了很大进步。本刊记者采访了四位战斗在艾滋病防治一线的中国女性,和她们分享工作中的经历与感受。  相似文献   

When Did Women Begin Competing in Modern Olympic Games?女性是从何时进入奥运会的? Are you aware that women were not allowed to compete in the first Olympic Games—in 1896—of the modern era? But that didn't stop one woman,who was an unofficial competitor in the marathon.The Greek woman was known as"Melpomene,"  相似文献   

The following are some unusual customs that you may find useful when traveling or hanging out with friends. Remember,while these customs are traditional,not everyone follows them: Japanese tend to bow, rather than shake hands,when they meet someone. Bulgarians shake their  相似文献   

Tian'anmen Square is the biggest square in the world.It can hold as many as one million people. (www.chinavista.com) China produces  相似文献   

(上接[8]《历代民族与帝王史》) §11,第4卷,第167页(伊历22年条下): 当时正在小木鹿(木鹿鲁兹,Marw al-Rudh)[1]的叶兹戴杰尔德(Yazdajird)[2]修书给(突厥)可汗求援,也修书给粟特国王求援.于是他的两个使者前往这两个王国.同时他还修书给中国国王,请求援助.  相似文献   

(上接[8]《历代民族与帝王史》) §11,第4卷,第167页(伊历22年条下): 当时正在小木鹿(木鹿鲁兹,Marw al-Rudh)[1]的叶兹戴杰尔德(Yazdajird)[2]修书给(突厥)可汗求援,也修书给粟特国王求援.于是他的两个使者前往这两个王国.同时他还修书给中国国王,请求援助.  相似文献   

Women of China     
Women of China English Monthly has been one of nay work homes in recent years, one of the lens through which I see and have begun to understand this incredible country. I haveworked here as Foreign Expert and columnist with joy and pride. In my columns I have been able to comment on many aspects of this rapidly evolving country, its social and economic translbrmation as well as partake in personal, philosophical meanderings.  相似文献   

In 1931, a Chinese women’s basketball team played amatch abroad for the first time. In that tournament against theJapanese, they achieved a stellar record of nine wins and onetie. The following story is based on the recollections of WangLan, who played guard for the team 67 years ago.  相似文献   

〖7〗<地名辞典> 编纂者雅古特(公元1179~1229年),全名希哈布丁·艾布·阿卜杜拉·雅古特·本·阿卜杜拉·哈马维·罗米·巴格达迪.中世纪阿拉伯最伟大的地理学家之一,著名辞书编纂家,同时也是历史学家和文学史家.祖籍东罗马帝国,卒于阿勒颇.著述颇丰,其中以<地名辞典>和<文学家辞典>最为著名.  相似文献   

Chen Zhili (right), Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), met Khalid Malik (left), then-United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Program's Resident Representative in China, in the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, on March 30, 2010.  相似文献   

[13]<充盈的海>(al-Bahr al-Zakhār) 作者艾哈迈德·本·阿穆尔·本·阿卜杜·哈利格·拜扎尔.圣训学家,巴士拉人,卒于伊历292年(约905年).此书也以<拜扎尔的穆斯奈德>著称于世.研究圣训传述世系,同时将穆罕默德的言论与其门弟子的话严格加以区别,称为"穆斯奈德".著名圣训学家伊本·凯西尔曾这样评价此书:"在拜扎尔的穆斯奈德中有同类著作中所没有的分析和见解."全书约合中文400万字.  相似文献   

[18]<文牍撰修指南>(Subhu al-'A'shā Fī Sinā'ah al-'Inshā ) 作者艾哈迈德·本·阿里·盖勒盖珊迪(公元1355~1418),埃及著名历史学家和文学家.生于埃及的盖勒盖珊戴地区.  相似文献   

[27]<安达卢西亚柔枝的芬芳>(Nafh al-Tīb Fi Ghusn al-'Andalus al-Ratīb )  相似文献   

On March 8, 1995, Wu Qi and Pu Yuyan headed out from Guangzhou with a plan to travel all across China. During the 1,277 days from March 8, 1995 to August 8, 1998, they left their footprints in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of the mainland as well as Hong Kong and Macao, with Taiwan the only exclusion From Mohe, Heilongjiang in the far north to Sanya, Hainan in the far south. From Fuyuan, Heilongjiang in the east to Xinjiang's Tuergate Port in the extreme west. The whole route was approximately 150,000 km (including 4,732 km on foot and 8,410 by bike). They took more than 30,000 pictures, finished 100 sketches and wrote a travelogue of 1.2 million characters;A collection of their works: The Fragrance of the Rain from Heaven was published and their book We Walk BetweenHeaven and Earth will be out soon.  相似文献   

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