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"Editorial Mailbox" is a small but indispensable column in our magazine—Women of China. It offers our readers a forum in which to contribute their own ideas and views and letters from readers connect us to our friends all over the world. But the success of this column depends on the participation of our readers!  相似文献   

IN the beautiful autumn of 1995, women from all over the world gathered at the NGO Forum of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to discuss the ugly topic of "women and violence." An American woman said angrily that domestic violence was "as common as giving birth to babies." She denounced the prevalence of the violent behavior that was hidden in families and called upon the participants to strive for women's dignity and safety. The participants all recognized that domestic violence had become a global  相似文献   

TWO and a half years after the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing once again embraced women from all over the world. This time, the mission was to exchange experiences on implementation of the "Beijing Declaration" and the "Platform for Action" formulated at the Conference; to see how the governments had put into action the commitments that they made then.  相似文献   

1996 To Readers     
AT the golden season of 1995, women and guests from all over the world gathered in Beijing. The UN Fourth World Conference on Women was a complete success. The Conference approved the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, both aiming at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women. This will definitely exert a positive and profound influence on the international women's course in the future. Reporters of Women of China magazine went to the  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping,on behalf of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee and the State Council,extended Spring Festival greetings to all Chinese at a reception in Beijing on January 30,2021.  相似文献   

AN artistic narrow bridge winds into a place of pavilions, terraces and open halls, all under the pleasant shade of green trees. This is Mist-Water Pavilion Park in Gantang Lake in the city of Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. When you stand here in the quiet and elegant historic garden and look out over the water on all four sides, you can't help but think of the ancient war that took place on this very spot 1,700 years ago. During the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), this was  相似文献   

The earth, with its diversity andvariety, is a total ecology that has givenlift to and sustains the lives of all ofhumanity. Protecting that ecology hasbecome a major concern for peoplearound the world. With an eye towardsenvironmental protection, the Chinesegovernment and tourism agencieslaunched Ecotour China '99. Thetheme of this year of environmentaltourism is "Walking Towards Natureand Protecting the Environment." To match this theme, we havepublished here a story introducing twonuture preservation zones for birdhabitats in China and with publishmore stories of this sort in the futurealso. We believe that these stories Willlend our readers majestic scrolls ofimagery as well as pass on a commonfeeling of humility towards nature.  相似文献   

Yang Zhiwan. 35. a native of Shantou. Guangdong. is a lecturer with the Fine Arts Department at the Shantou Pedagogical College. Though she lives in a small city. she has a keen sense of observation of the commonplace life. A short poem. a segment of music. a pool of clear water.a glistening dewdrop on a leaf—all bring a momentary shiver to her heart and  相似文献   

As always,this issue of Women of China features a bold mix of stories about Chinese women from all walks of life.The stories include women who fight against HIV/AIDS on a daily basis,women in uniform who are makinq a difference, women who invest in funds,middle-aged and senior Beijing women who practice winter swimming,and young urban women who  相似文献   

Adozen young women in white gauze dresses appear on stage one by one, each carrying six thin poles in their hands. Balanced on the tip of each pole is a spinning white china plate. The women kick their legs, bend their waists, and turn somersaults while rolling plates all the time. It is the "Rolling Plates" presented by the China Acrobatic Troupe with Zuo Mei, Lu Hong and Jiang Wei as core  相似文献   

After years of preparation and months of tense anticipation, China has realized the dream to hold an Olympic game! On the night of the announcement, Beijing exploded into a celebration of pride and joy—fireworks burst in the air, and people poured out of their apartments and into the plazas to share their happiness. The next day, work continued on the renewing of Beijing, because making the 2008 Olympic Games successful is not only important to the Beijingers but to all Chinese people. Representing all of China as  相似文献   

On The Sea     
THE beauty of tranquility and desolation surrounds all on this grey, still morning. I float alone in a small boat downriver. The rocks and the water are covered with a layer of white fog. The waves surge forward, then gently withdraw as they wash upon the rocks. My small boat gently rocks up and down in the water like a seagull. The sea, covered with thick fog, emerges in a boring air of depression. It seems as though this  相似文献   

I. Introduction 1. The children of today will run the families of the 21st century. Their survival, protection and development decide, for the most part, the quality of a people and lay the foundation of human progress as a whole. The 1990 World Summit for Children endorsed the "World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children" and the "Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s," (hereinafter referred to as "Declaration" and "Plan of Action" for short), In March 1991, Premier Li Peng signed the two documents on behalf of the Chinese Government, making a solemn commitment to this major undertaking. 2. The wholesome development of children has a bearing upon the future of China. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese Government have always paid close attention to the survival, protection  相似文献   

IN March, 1994, Liu Ji, Vice Minister of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission (SPCSC) announced the "National Fitness Program" on behalf of Chinese government at the World Sports-for-All Congress in Uruguay. Almost all the participants thought it important to carry out the program in a country with a population of 1.2 billion. It not only helps improve Chinese people's health but also the world's average standard of health. The "National Fitness Program" is an overall, century-spanning, systematic project, which is snowballing. In 1994, the SPCSC issued the One-Two-One Project of the  相似文献   

THE level of women's development is an important mark of overall social development, and a measure of the degree of social progress. In order to promote women's progress and development, the State Council promulgated "The Program for the Development of Chinese Women 1995- 2000" on July 27 of this year. On August 10 the State Council Work Committee on Women and Children held a seminar on  相似文献   

AS you know, in addition to the Han nationality, China is home to 55 minorities with their own cultures and traditions. Most of the minorities live in the border areas of China. What a splendid scene it would be if all the ethnic groups put on their colorful costumes and performed their traditional sports at the same tournament! In November, 1995, Kunming on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau offered a chance for such a grand gathering when the 5th National Games of Nationalities' Traditional Sports was held there. More than 3,300 athletes attended.  相似文献   

"BUTTERFLY Longs for Flowers" (Die Lian Hua)was the name of a melody famous in the TangDynasty (618-907). It was later used as the nameof tunes to which poems were composed. As thename suggests, butteffies and flowers attract anddepend on each other; a natural occurrence andyet full of worldly beauty. The Yu couple havebeen researching customs and dance for a longtime, over the course of which they have collectedcountless materials that have allowed theaficionados to appreciate and conclude on theiruse. Based on their findings they create folkdances and perform them on stage. Their love,pursuit and understanding of the art displays timeand again the beauty of a butterfly longing forflowers.  相似文献   

FOUR days after the adjournment of the 8th Chinese Women's National Congress, President Jiang Zemin received all the newly-elected members of the executive committee and several deputies at Zhongnanhai. Gu Xiulian, Vice President and the First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), briefed Jiang on the congress. She said deputies had reached consensus on certain issues: that women should capitalize on their abilities in the overall social participation; that the uplifting of women's quality should be seen as a long-term strategy; and that women's development requires a supportive social environment. Jiang Zemin listened attentively to the speeches delivered by seven deputies. Jiang Daguo, president of Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, from one of the  相似文献   

Confucianism Becomes Major Brand of China's Cultural Exports孔子成中国文化出口大品牌China has the reputation of being the world's factory, due to all of the goods that it produces and exports. Now, a new brand has emerged on the list of exports:  相似文献   

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