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Gu Xiulian Attends Games of CentralGovernment DepartmentsThe Second Games of the Central GovernmentDepartments were held in Beijing recently.ChineseVice-Premier Huang Ju opened the Games and GuXiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the StandingCommittee of the National People's Congress,thecabinet of the central government,led ministersand vice-ministers on a walk,during which theystrode vigorously,around the stadium of theNational Olympic Sports Center.More than18,000employees,including9,700…  相似文献   

Chinese Government Bans Suggestive Sex Ads中国政府叫停性暗示广告To safeguard the media's credibility and protect public interest, the State Administration of Radio,Film and Television(SARFT) recently informed radio and TV stations across China that they  相似文献   

University for Elderly Women Established in Beijing中国第一所妇女老年大学在北京成立The China Women's Development Foundation established the country's first university for elderly women on February 21,2008.The university is in Beijing. The purpose of the university is to offer elderly women a favorable place in which they can enrich their lives,expand their knowledge,cultivate their interests and make friends, Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All...  相似文献   

Youngest ID Card Holder百日女婴申办身份证Song Mengjie,who was just 100 days old,was recently taken,by her family,to a police office in Qingdao, Shangdong Province,to apply for an ID (identification) card.Police officials in Qingdao say parents can apply for  相似文献   

ACWF Holds the'Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality' 全国妇联举办"生殖健康与性别平等倡导研讨班" "Seminar on Reproductive Health and Gender Equality," sponsored by the Project Team of Social Gender Equality of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),in cooperation with Shenzhen Women's Federation,was held in Shenzhen Women and Children's Center on January 24-25,2005 Tan Lin,Director of the Women's Studies Institute of the ACWE, presented at the seminar and delivered a speech.Liu Chaohui.  相似文献   

Parents and Children Build TheirEconomizing Families TogetherWith the theme"to be an economizingfamily,"a publicity and operation activityfor family moral education was held onSeptember24in the Niujie Neighborhoodof Beijing's Xuanwu District,thanks to the…  相似文献   

UNICEF's Aid联合国儿童基金会向甘肃儿童伸出援助之手UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund)recently sent a field team to Jingning County,one of the most underdeveloped regions in West China's Gansu Province,to visit local mothers and children,investigate the health and medical situation and help the needy.The one-week trip was co-organized by UNICEF and China's ministries of Commerce and Health.  相似文献   

Tulou Buildings Added to World Heritage List"福建土楼"成为世界文化遗产A group of buildings in the Tulou style,the unique residential architecture of Southeast China's Fujian Province,was included on UNESCO's (United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization) World  相似文献   

Lawyers' Network Formed中国妇女权益公益律师网络启动A network of lawyers,focusing on Chinese women's rights and interests and public interests,was formed in Beijing in June 2007.The network was launched by the Center for Women's Law and Legal Services of Peking University to promote the use of lawsuits to protect women's rights and interests,improve lawyers' awareness  相似文献   

Olympic Passion Becomes‘Exercise Fervor'奥运后全民健身升温The conclusion of the Olympic Games has not meant the end of people exercising in Beijing.Why?The Games,it would seem,has fostered Beijingers' enthusiasm to stay fit. In China,heading to the gym was not nearly as popular—not even in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai—as it was in developed countries Since Beijing hosted the Olympics,however,residents have  相似文献   

Program Enhances IT Capacity of Women in APEC Region 2008年亚太地区妇女信息技术能力建设培训在韩国首尔召开The IT Capacity Building Program for Women in the APEC Region 2008 was held in Seoul,Republic of Korea,from August 25 to September 5.  相似文献   

Mainland and Hong Kong Joint Events in Celebration of 'Beijing 10'On April 25, China Women's Activity Center witnessed the opening ceremonyof the Mainland and Hong Kong Joint Events in Celebration of "Beijing 10"(The year 2005 marks the 10th anniversary o…  相似文献   

Chinese Seniors Happy in Retirement中国人对退休生活态度积极乐观According to AXA Retirement Scope 2007,a recent survey conducted by AXA Group,which is an international financial- service company,a growing number of Chinese people are happy in their retirement. The survey involved 11,590 respondents from 16 industrialized countries and regions,and it covered people's plans,  相似文献   

Gender-determination Lab Established for Olympics北京奥运首设性别鉴定中心A gender-determination lab was established in Beijing, the first in Olympic history,to test male athletes suspected of competing as females during the Olympic Games. Suspected athletes were evaluated,based on their external appearances,by experts,and they were asked to complete blood tests so their hormones,genes and chromosomes could be used to determine their gender.Professor Tian Qinjie,at  相似文献   

Chinese and Foreign Women Celebrate Women's Day at theGreat Hall of the People Nearly 1,500 Chinese and foreigners gathered in the Great Hall of thePeople in Beijing on March 7, 2005 to celebrate this year's InternationalACWF Hotlines '12338' and '1683819…  相似文献   

Little Advisors' Offer Suggestions to Prevent Abductions,Trafficking of Children 60名儿童为反拐"出谋划策""You had better not go out by yourself,""Please remember the telephone numbers of your parents or teachers,"and"Do not speak freely to strangers or accept their food."Those suggestions were offered by children deputies,known as"little advisors,"to the Anti-children's Abduction and Trafficking Forum,held recently in South China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Women's Writing Competition Jointly Organized by Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits 海峡两岸联合举办女性征文竞赛A writing competition entitled "I am a new woman in China," jointly sponsored by the magazine "i" under Women of China (in Chinese) and the magazine "girl" under China Times (Taiwan), announced its results in Beijing on April 6. The grand award ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People. Three of the 10 gold-prize winners and six of the 20 silver-prize winners were from the country's treasured island-Taiwan. Before the ceremony, Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC Standing Committee and President of the All-China Women's Federation, warmly greeted the winners from both sides of the Taiwan Straits.  相似文献   

Nationwide Selection of Moral Models全国道德模范评选To foster healthy trends in society,a nationwide campaign to select moral models was launched,in July, by the Civilization Office of the CPC(Communist Party of China)Central Committee,the All-China Federation of Trade Unions,the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League,and the All-China Women's Federation.It is the largest activity of its kind since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.  相似文献   

China Sets Quota on Women Deputies to NPC中国首次对女性占全国人大代表比例做出明确规定"The proportion of women deputies to the 11th National People's Congress(NPC),which will be decided in January 2008,should be no less than 22 percent,"according to the draft decision on the quota and election of deputies to the NPC.The quota was adopted  相似文献   

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