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It is an unfair truth that you must give up something if you want to obtain something else. Unfair, yes, but it is also a matter of balance. Like the proverb goes, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." If you want to be an official of government, you must give up your desire to become extremely wealthy. If you are a celebrity, you must accept the loss of your privacy. When we fail to balance our losses and gains, we face problelns.  相似文献   

Of all the interpersonal relationships a woman will have, the one with her best friend will be the most special friendship. The special friendship between two women who are best friends has oft been discussed and the center of attention in novels and films. In Chinese, a woman's closest friend is called guhni. Perhaps the writers and playwrights were inspired by their own or their friends' stories about guimi, and that prompted them to produce works that addressed the topic. Such works have reminded many people of their own friends. Guimi has become a popular term in recent years. If you search the term guimi on the lnternet, you will find countless entries, and you will notice that many websites and BBS (bulletin board system) include guimi in their names.  相似文献   

EAT Bananas Often—Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and many mineral substances like iron and phosphorus that help to balance the acidity and alkalinity of your body. It is one of the best health foods to refresh you and ease your mind. Drink Milk Everyday—Milk contains high levels of calcium and is very nutritious. Drinking a cup of milk helps you to absorb 3 grams more protein. The drink does good to  相似文献   

LHASA, the capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, is the political, economic and cultural center of Tibet. Degyi Dolkar, of Tibetan nationality, is a vice mayor there. Degyi was born and brought up on the Tibetan Plateau, the nearest place to the sun, with its pure blue sky and beautiful clouds. She deeply loves her hometown and takes pride in it. Degyi Dolkar is kind and happy. She was one of the first group of people to be selected by the Tibetan government to go inland to study after the Tibetan democratic reforms of 1959. Then she studied to be a medical practitioner at the Tibet Institute of  相似文献   

The Beijing silk figurine is a traditional Chinese handicraft. It originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and has been around for more than 1,000 years. It is called a silk figurine because all parts of the handicraft are made of highquality Chinese silk. The figurine comes in sizes ranging from 16-46 centimeters to suit many decorating tastes. If you look closely you will find that the head and hands are quite exquisite, and the clothes and ornaments are true to lire. The process of making a figurine includes dozens of steps, from sculpting to painting, sewing to doing inlay work. The subjects of Beijing silk figures are wide-ranging and come mostly from Chinese  相似文献   

DON'T forget to buy some local handicrafts when you travel the famous mountains and rivers of Sichuan Province. They'll keep you company for a long time and remind you of the joys of your journey. Sichuan brocade and embroidery are both traditional handicrafts. Made of silk, Sichuan brocade is known as one of the Four Brocades of China, and Sichuan embroidery is one of the Four Embroideries of China. They enjoy such fame thanks to Sichuan's long history of producing silk fabric. For the past 2,000  相似文献   

Your Chinese Horoscope 2006: What the Year of the Dog Holds in Store for You 《2006狗年运势》 Author. Neil Somerville Publisher: Harper Element The year 2006 is the Year of the Dog on the Chinese zodiac. What does this mean for you? The ancient art of Chinese Astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been used in the Orient for thousands of years. The depths of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and predictions have caught the imagination of the West in recent years, and have resulted in the rapid rise of its popularity. Your Chinese Horoscope 2006 is a popular and enlightening guide, which contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead-a year that offers great hope, advancement and opportunity. This complete astrological guide, now in its 19th year, includes an introduction to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac; an explanation of the Five Elements, including which one governs your sign; and what the Year of the Dog has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.  相似文献   

The Qiang nationqlity has a population of 198,2,52 (according to the 1991 census statistics), who mainly inhabit Maowen, Wenchuan, Lixian and Beichuan counties in Aba Tibet and Qiang Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. The Qiang is one of the oldest nationalities in China. It is said that the Qiang nationality was a main tribal race of the Xia Dynasty. The ancient Qiang nationality was an important part of the Huaxia nationality, the predecessor of the Han nationality. In a long historical process, they moved from areas in the northwest and the  相似文献   

RECENTLYI was lucky enough to be able to make a midsummer visit to Xinjiang, an autonomous region in western China It is often said that you should visit the south of Xinjiang if you go to Xinjiang, that you should visit Kashi if you go to the south of Xinjiang, and that you should visit the bazaar if you go to Kashi.  相似文献   

"During the World Cup, the wife must give up control of the television and sofa and do all the housework. Don't tell me that you want to watch a Korean TV series or the Happy Boys contest. There is only one program -- called football."  相似文献   

THERE is a Chinese saying the sentimentof which I am sure you all know: "Themore children you have, the greater your goodfortune and happiness." Here we see a mind-set that existed in China for generations, thebelief that having more children will not onlysafeguard your well-being and care in old agebut will help the healthy development of theclan. My parents belong to a generation whooft stated this philosophy. My mother married young (she was not yetsixteen) and managed to fit in nine children inall - eight boys and one girl, me. When mymother reflects on the past she says that shedid not experience much of the luck the  相似文献   

WITH the rise in the standard of living, the camera—like the television set, the video cassette recorder and the cassette player—has become another essential entertainment tool for families. If you ask young parents who is photographed most in the family, chances are they will readily tell you that the child is the focus.  相似文献   

If you happen to visit Kaili(a city in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture,in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province),you will no doubt be impressed by the Miaos,splendid costumes and adornments-throughout the ages-on exhibit in the museum established by Ou Donghua.Ou,a resident of the prefecture,is a Guizhou provincial master of arts and crafts,and an inheritor of the Miaos’embroidery.  相似文献   

1.The gift of life2.Recalling the past3.Yak,the sacred source of transportationthrough snow4.Goddess of Bayankala Mountainhen Yalian, 29, is a graduate of the Art Department of Shandong Qufu Normal University and the Beijing Academy of Painting. She has spent 10 years living in Tibet, where she has studied the Tibetan culture that has greatly inspired her art. "To better reveal the people, landscapes and life of Tibet, one must study Tibetan people's religion and culture, and become fam…  相似文献   

Opening Words     
Dear readers, From this issue on we are opening a new column "Living inChina." "Living in China" is a brand new column in which we try tooffer you entertainment, interesting information and informa-tion you can use. In our efforts to bring us closer to you. we willtry to reveal to you China both in its unique traditions and in itslife today. If you're living in another part of the world and wish to learn  相似文献   

It's night and the urge to boogie is welling up inside you. Where can you indulge yourself? A disco might be the best way to satisfy that urge. Here are some of the best discos Beijing has to offer.  相似文献   

WHEN looking at the figures of women of nearly a century ago, it is easy for people of today to think of the clothes of the past as hopelessly quaint and antiquated. But when you look closely at those old pictures, you can see that everyone in them looks so proud of their fashionable garb. Study the pictures carefully and think hard; you will finally  相似文献   

No one knows when the people ofMacheng City began to employthe marriage custom of racingfor the bed, once a custom unique to theTujia ethnic minority. It is said that at the end of awedding, bride and bridegroom enter thebridal chamber together and race for thebed. The one who is the first to sit on thebed will be the master of the new familyIt sounds unreasonable, but quite anumber of people believe in it.Therefore, on the wedding night, manybrides and bridegrooms try their best to  相似文献   

IN the past, Chinese food markets were frequented only by housewives. Today, however, it is not strange to see men buying food for the household. I am one of those men. Actually, I often eat ready-made food. My wife never asks me to buy the vegetables. I have only occasionally helped her with that. At the food market, you can observeall kinds of people within a short distance. The food market provides sights hard to come by in cities. When you first go into the market, it seems like you've entered another world Greenery is everywhere in the form of Chinese chives, lettuce and peas, mingled with violet eggplants, red  相似文献   

LOOK at the newly openedIKEA and you can't say that theconsumer market of Beijing is notbooming. Every Saturday and Sunday bothsides of the street in front of IKEAare packed to the hilt withcustomers' cars. Latecomers searchfor spaces, people carrying large and  相似文献   

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